




In hot Africa, a group of zebras want to cross the river to look

for grassland on the other side. After all, there is no pie in the sky.

Staying where they are will only starve to death. Zebras are social

animals. They like to forage together and even comb their hair.

However, this magnificent action has attracted another uninvited

guest, that is, the crocodile. They are hiding in the middle of the river,

staring at the zebra, trying to take this opportunity to have a good

meal. Crocodiles are very cunning animals. Although they always

stay in the river, giving people a sense of being rough and

insensitive, they can be skilled behind their backs. They know how

to ambush quietly and attack suddenly. For zebras, how to cross the

river safely to the opposite bank is a very difficult task. Can they

finish it?



The zebras went down the river one by one in an orderly manner.

The group was led by several strong and healthy guys. Facing the

zebras who were walking slowly towards them, the crocodiles could

bite their prey for a meal in a moment, but the group did not act

rashly. After all, they were too impatient to eat hot tofu. They are

not in a hurry. Instead, they choose to hide under the water again

to conserve energy. After all, it takes a lot of physical strength to

hunt for food for a while. Faced with the covetous eyes of the

crocodiles, the adult zebra has long been found, and has crossed

the river very carefully and quickly. However, the little zebras in the

group are not so lucky. This is their first crossing the river, and they

have little experience. Crocodile thought: no experience good,

today's lunch is you! They quickly attacked and bit several small

zebras crossing the river without mercy. They used their usual

hunting skills, that is, they grabbed the prey tightly, rolled over and

dragged him under the river, so that they could drown the prey.

Even if the little zebra struggles hard and cries desperately, how can

it be the opponent of the fierce crocodile? Zebras who have

successfully reached the opposite bank turn around one after

another, but they can only watch the little zebras being torn apart

and have nothing to do. It's really pathetic. Everyone gives me a

strong praise. I'm going to save the little zebra now. Of course,

crocodiles sometimes challenge themselves to choose adult zebras.

No, the crocodile chose the adult zebra, but he underestimated the

strength of the zebra and let it break away several times. The

crocodile brother next to him looked at it and thought to himself:

it's no good going on like this. The main reason is that he ran away

and humiliated US crocodiles. They came to help. The two of them

bit the zebra tightly and rolled over. After a while, the adult zebra

was exhausted. They bullied the more and bullied the less. It's true

that young people don't talk about martial virtue. After this battle,

the crocodiles harvested a lot of food and retired with satisfaction.

本文标签: 斑马鳄鱼咬住没有过河