


歪歪漫画书之疯狂六级单词 01

更新日期:2011-10-18 17:30:39 浏览:59次 所属分类/专题:六级词汇

abolish v. 取消,革除;废除,废止

【真题再现】The Federal government drastically cut down its expenditures for

this purpose and later abolish them.

联邦政府为此大大削减支出,后来废除了它们。 【CET-6, 2007.06, 阅读】

【联想记单词】polish 擦亮,变光滑;磨光,使发亮


-Jesus, I had forgotten my contract!

-But that one is abolished.



accordance n. 一致,和谐

【真题再现】The tenant must be prepared to decorate the house in accordance

with the terms of the contract.

根据合同条款,承租人必须准备装修房间。 【CET-6, 2001.06, 词汇】

【联想记单词】accord (v. 符合,一致)→accordance (n. 一致,和谐)



-Enjoy peace, non-aggression.




歪歪漫画书之疯狂六级单词 02

更新日期:2011-10-19 17:16:31 浏览:18次 所属分类/专题:六级词汇

adverse a. 不利的,有害的;相反的;敌对的

【真题再现】According to some politicians and scholars, senior citizen discounts

will have adverse financial impact on business companies.

一些政治家和学者认为资深公民折扣将对商业公司产生不利的金融影响。 【CET-6,

2008.06, 选择】

【联想记单词】ad-(=to)+verse(=turn 逆,转)


-Smoking is adverse to health.

-I will stop it if you marry me.


arrogant a. 自大的,傲慢的

【真题再现】They are ambitious and arrogant.

他们雄心勃勃并且骄傲自大。 【CET-6, 2009.12, 听力】

【联想记单词】词根词缀:ar-(=ad 向)+rog(要求)+-ant(蚂蚁)→arrogant


-I am destined for big things!

-Don't be so arrogant as a new employee.

歪歪漫画书之疯狂六级单词 03

更新日期:2011-10-20 16:55:28 浏览:23次 所属分类/专题:六级词汇

authorize v. 授权,批准;委托

【真题再现】A membership card authorizes the holder to use the club's facility for

a period of twelve months.



【联想记单词】词根词缀:author(作者→创始者)+ -ize(v.)→authorize 授权,批准

【活学活用】-I gonna to authorize the project to you.

-I will try my best.



bias n.偏见;偏爱,偏心;斜纹

【真题再现】They found that implicit bias has fallen by as much as 90% compared

with the level found in a similar study in 2006.



【联想记单词】词根词缀:bia-(bid 出价,投标)+s→bias(偏见)

【活学活用】-You should treat me without bias!


歪歪漫画书之疯狂六级单词 04

更新日期:2011-10-22 10:26:21 浏览:37次 所属分类/专题:六级词汇

bleak a.阴冷的,凄凉的;没有希望的,暗淡的

【真题再现】The picture of the reading ability of the American people,drawn by

the author, is rather bleak.



【联想记单词】形近:blear 模糊的,朦胧的

【活学活用】It is bleak to make a fortune by selling these apples.


boycott v.联合抵制;拒绝参加 n.联合抵制

【真题再现】Women should boycott the products of the fashion industry.




【活学活用】Let's boycott any invasion!


歪歪漫画书之疯狂六级单词 05

更新日期:2011-10-24 11:32:29 浏览:6次 所属分类/专题:六级词汇

coincidence n.巧合,巧事;一致,相合

【真题再现】It is no coincidence that a large number of violent crimes are

committed under the influence of alcohol.



【联想记单词】词根词缀:co -(=together,一起)+incidence(n.发生的事)→ 一起(同时发生的事)→巧合

【活学活用】-God, we got the same.

-Wonderful coincidence,hah~

conceive v.构思;以为;怀孕

【真题再现】It is difficult to conceive of a plan to end poverty.



【联想记单词】词根词缀:con-(一起)+ceive (=get,take)→放在一起→构思;以为

【活学活用】-You and the baby need more.

-I want to conceive,too.



歪歪漫画书之疯狂六级单词 06

更新日期:2011-10-25 11:38:16 浏览:1次 所属分类/专题:六级词汇

consensus n.一致,一致同意

【真题再现】The executives believed that consensus rather than conflict

enhanced financial indicators.


【CET-6, 2001.01, 选择】

【联想记单词】词根词缀:con-(=together)+sens(e)+ -us→我们有同感→一致同意

【活学活用】-I will drive you for a weekend travel.

-Terrific,I can't agree more.

-Me too.




contrive v.谋划;设法做到;发明

【真题再现】We've contrived various justifications that turn out to be

half-truths,prejudices or myths.


【CET-6, 2008.06, 阅读】


【活学活用】-Thank you for contriving to accompany by me.


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