


The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year 1 _______24 solar terms.

The 24 solar terms are determined by changes in the sun's position in the zodiac during the year.

They were first used in China and now 2 ____________(follow) in many other parts of the world.

In China, the 24 solar terms 3__________(create) thousands of years ago to guide agricultural

production. They also reflect China's rich history through the seasonal festivals, special foods,

cultural ceremonies, family gatherings and even healthy living tips 4________correspond with

each solar term.

Rain Water (Chinese: 雨水) this year starts on Feb 19 and ends on Mar 5.

Rain Water 5_________(signal) the increase in rainfall and rise in temperature. Although spring

has come, it is still very cold before Yushui, as a poem describes, "6_____ is normal to see

snowflakes, but hard to hear the sound of rainfall." With its 7______(arrive), snow tends

8_________(stop), the river water defreezes, and more rain begins to fall. Gentle breeze, wet air,

warm sunshine, drizzling and flowers blossoming 9___________(symbol) the true coming of


Yushui is the time for spring plowing and tree planting. However, the weather is unpredictable,

and the temperature changes frequently. It is still possible 10_______strong cold air may suddenly

visit, 11____________(make) the temperature drop to around 0℃ (32 oF), and may also bring


Here are six things you may not know about Rain Water.

Spring bamboo shoots

Rain Water is the best time of the year 1 ___________(consume) fresh bamboo shoots. It 2

_________(say) that one can only know the taste of spring after 3__________(enjoy) the bamboo

shoots. The cooking of bamboo shoots in China 4________(date) back to over 2,000 years ago,

according to the Book of Songs.

Water as precious as oil

According to an old Chinese 5_______(say) ,the rainfall in spring is as precious 6_____oil. In

northern China, the spring 7________(dry) is common and the precipitation of this season

accounts 8____only 10 to 15 percent of annual average rainfall.

Therefore, Rain Water 9___________(consider ) as a key period for irrigation (灌溉)when the day

gets warmer and rainfall increases.

Return of cold spell

Extra care is needed 10_________(cope) with a returning cold spell in the late spring

11______often happen during Rain Water period. The fast increase in air humidity due to rainfall

can result 12_____lower temperature and wet weather. It is 13__________(strong) advised not to

take off the thick coats too early and to keep warm, especially elderly and children.

Finding godfather

Another old custom is 14 _________(find) a godfather for little kids. Rainfall brings vitality(活力)

to the earth; therefore people in the past 15 __________(believe) that this practice would give

their kids healthy and safe 16 _________(grow) .

The custom can 17 ___________(trace) back to the health services of the past when many

children's diseases could not be cured at all. Therefore, parents wanted a godfather 18

_________(shower) their blessings and good luck on their children. This old practice was popular

in Sichuan area.

Nutritious porridge The wet and damp weather during Rain Water period is considered 19

_________(harm) for people's spleen and stomach according to Chinese medical practice.

Therefore, a bowl of 20 ____________(nutrition) porridge is the best choice to nourish the body.

People in Beijing often eat porridge 21 ________(cook) with rehmannia glutinosa libosch, a kind

of Chinese herb medicine, 22 _________(resist) cold and wet weather and eliminate heat from the

blood. It is also good for people with constipation(便秘), arthritis (关节炎)and headaches.


Jinan protects and utilizes its water supply as gushing resource attracts admirers.

Thanks 1 ______abundant rainfall and the unremitting endeavor of the local government,

Jinan, the provincial capital of Shandong that 2 _________(call) the "city of springs", has seen a

year of remarkable achievement.

The Baotu Spring, a renowned scenic spot in the city's Lixia district, saw 3 _______water table(水位)exceed 30 meters on Oct 11 to reach the highest level for that time of year since it started

gushing again in 2003, according to the city's water affairs bureau.

Since early this year, the spring's water table 4 ________(be) on the rise, the bureau says.

Springs have long been cherished by Jinan 5 __________(reside) . Over a century ago, author Liu

E described Jinan in his novel, The Travels of Lao Can, as a place 6 ___________"springs bubble

in every yard, and weeping willows surround every household".

There are 1,209 artesian (自流的)springs in Jinan, according to a list 7 _________(publish) in

September last year.

The artesian wells bubble from the 8 ___________(press) caused by the sharp geographical

decline of the location on 9 ________the city is built, with Taishan Mountain to its south and the

lower part of the Yellow River to its north.

The southern hilly area, which also collects and generates the spring water, is higher 10 ______the

river plain to the north. The groundwater flows downward and gushes out at the foot of the hills.

参考答案:1 into 2 are followed 3 were created 4 that 5 signals 6 It 7 to stop 8

arrival 9 symbolize 10 that 11 making

参考答案:1 to consume 2 is said 3 enjoying 4 dates 5saying 6 as 7 drought 8 for 9 is



to cope 11 that 12 in 13 strongly

14 to find 15 believed 16 growth 17 be traced 18 to shower


harmful 20 nutritious 21 cooked 22 to resist

参考答案:1 to 2 is called 3 its 4 has been 5 residents 6 where 7 published 8

pressure 9 which 10 than

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