



1. accompany v. ①陪伴, 陪同 e.g. He was accompanied by his wife on the trip. 他那次旅行由妻子陪伴的。

②带有, 配有 e.g. A series of color photographs accompanies the text.

③为…伴奏 accompany sb. at/on sth. 为某人伴唱或伴奏

2. accountant n. 会计员(师)

=A person whose job is to control and examine the money accounts of businesses or


3. address n. ①地址 ②电脑上的位置, 地址 ③演说, 讲话

v. ①在信封, 包裹上写姓名, 地址 e.g. There is a letter addressed to you.

②向…讲话e.g. He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech. 他向听众发表了雄辩的演说。

③称呼… e.g. The president should be addressed as “Mr. President”.

【联想】 addressee n. 收信人, 收件人

4. attach v. 系,绑,固定,连接,附着

①attach sb. to sth. 使参加, 使属于

e.g. I got lost so I attached myself to another party of tourists.

②attach importance/significance to重视, 认为…有重要性

e.g. She attaches great importance to regular exercise.

③attach to sth. 属于, 与…有关连

e.g. No blame attaches to him for the accident.

④be attached to喜欢, 依恋

e.g. I am deeply attached to this old car.

【联想】attachment n. 附属物, 依恋

5. authentic adj.

①真迹的, 原作的, 真的 e.g. Is that an authentic Roman statue, or a modern copy?

②可靠的 e.g. an authentic testimony(证词)

【联想】artificial adj. 人造的,假的

e.g. This product is all natural; it contains no artificial ingredient. 这种产品是天然的,不含任何人造成分

6. available adj. 可获得的;可用的;可看见的

e.g. I am sorry, sir, those shoes are not available in your size.

Every available ambulance was rushed to the scene of the accident.

We want to make our product available to a wider market.

反义词: unavailable

7. awesome adj. 令人惊叹的, 很好的, 给力的 = brilliant

e.g. Hey, I have just bought this awesome new CD. 嘿,我刚买了这张极好玩的新唱片。

8. awful adj. ①糟糕的, 可怕的e.g. The pain was awful.

②非常的, 很大的 e.g. I’ve got an awful lot of work to do.

【联想】awfully adv. 非常 awfully cold awfully nice

9. bargain v. 讨价还价 e.g. She bargained with fishmonger over the price. 他与鱼贩讲讲价钱。

【用法】bargain with sb. for sth. 与某人关于某物讨价还价

n. 廉价商品 e.g. These toys are a real bargain at such low price. 这些玩具的价格这么便宜,真划得来。

10. bid v.

①bid for 出价, 投标 e.g. He bid $10 for an old book at the auction.

②向某人致问候, 告别语

e.g. He bade me good morning as he passed.

③bid sb. do sth. 命令某人做某事

e.g. She bade him enter.

④bid to 邀请 e.g. guests bidden to a wedding

11. biochemistry n. 生物化学

=the scientific study of the chemistry of living things

e.g. My brother is majoring in biochemistry at this university. 我弟弟在大学攻读生物化学.

12. blame v. 责备, 把…归咎于

e.g. Don’t blame me if it doesn’t work---it’s not my fault.

①blame something on somebody=blame somebody for something

e.g. They blamed the failure of the talks on the Russians.

=They blamed the Russians for the failure of the talks.

②be to blame for应为…承担责任;该为…受责备

e.g. The children were not to blame for the accident.

13. bound

adj. ①有可能的, 肯定的 e.g. It’s bound to rain soon.

②有义务的, 受… 约束的

e.g. She thinks it is a crazy idea, and I’m bound to say I agree with her.

③be bound up with 有赖于, 与… 有关系

e.g. His future is closely bound up with that of the company.

④I will be bound 我确定,我敢肯定

n. 跳跃 in leaps and bounds 突飞猛进

e.g. With one bound, he was over the wall.

Jill’s making excellent progress; she’s coming along in leaps and bounds.

v. 跳跃 e.g. The dog bounded down the hill.

adj. bound for 正在前往… 途中的

e.g. We boarded a plane bound for New York.

14. brick n. 砖块,砖头

e.g. It is not enough to have only bricks for building a house 建房仅有砖块还很不够。

【用法】be up against a brick wall 遇到难以逾越的障碍

make bricks without straw 做无米之炊

15. buddhism n. 佛教

e.g. One of the major schools of Buddhism, active in Japan, Korea, Nepal, Mongolia,

and China, which teaches social concern and universal salvation.

大乘佛教佛教的主要流派之一, 流传于日本、朝鲜、尼泊尔、蒙古和中国, 教导人们关心社会和普渡众生。

16. cafeteria n. (常设在商店,工厂,学校中的)自助餐厅(食堂)

17. calculate v. 计算,估算,估计

e.g. They use a computer to calculate the cost of wages as a percentage of the

company’s income.

①be calculated to do sth.旨在, 打算,适于做…

e.g. The new system is hardly calculated to make life easier.

②calculate on 指望

e.g We calculated on an early start.

18. cast v. ①掷,扔,抛e.g. The fishermen cast their nets into the sea.

②投射e.g. The evening sun cast long shadows.

③分派扮演角色e.g. The director cast me as a made scientist.

④投票e.g. The TV news showed the vice-president casting his vote.

cast light on 使人们明白

cast doubt on使产生怀疑

cast one’s net wide 想尽方法寻找, 千方百计搜罗

e.g. If we want the best person for the job, we must cast our net as wide as possible by

advertising in all the papers.

cast sb. away (一般用被动语态)因船失事而使漂流

e.g. We were cast away on an island without food or water.

n. (一部戏或影片中的)演员,演员阵容 e.g. The cast is/are waiting on the stage.

19. Christian n. 基督徒

adj. 基督教的,基督徒的 e.g. Christmas and Easter are Christian festivals.

He is an earnest Christian.

20. commit v. 犯(错误,罪行);干(坏事等)

to commit a suicide/murder/sin(罪) 使承担义务, 作出保证

e.g. The government has committed itself to improving health education.

【联想】commitment n. 承诺;忠诚

e.g. Come and look round our shop without commitment to buy anything.

The company’s success would not have been possible without the commitment

and dedication of the staff.

committed adj. 献身的, 忠诚的; 作出明确许诺的

e.g. She’s very committed to her job.

The government is firmly committed to its nuclear energy programme, and it’s very

unlikely to change its policy.

21. competence=competency=capability n. 能力

e.g. I’m worried about his attitude to the job: his competence (as a designer) is not in


我只担心他对那项工作的态度, 他(作为设计者)的能力是不成问题的。

反义词: incompetence

【联想】competent adj.有能力的,胜任的,称职的

e.g. My secretary is perfectly competent, but she doesn’t have much initiative(主动性).

22. confucius n. 孔子

e.g. In China Confucius influenced how we think today. 在如今的中国,孔子影响我们的思想.

【联想】Confucius Temple 夫子庙, 孔子庙 Confucius institute 孔子学院

23. dilemma n. 进退两难, 窘境 in a dilemma 左右为难

e.g. His offer has put me in a bit of dilemma.

【联想】difficulty n. 困境 I had the greatest difficulty in learning English well.

24. diploma n 毕业文凭,毕业证书

e.g. You will get a high school diploma when you have completed the course of study

here .

【联想】diplomatic adj. 外交的

e.g. This dispute should be settled through diplomatic means 这个争端应该通过外交手段加以解决.

25. directory n. 目录,工商名录,指南

e.g. The telephone directory gives people’s names, addresses, and telephone numbers.


26. ecology n. 生态学,生态

e.g. Concern about ecology is a recent development.

27. equality n. 均等,平等,相等

e.g. Do you believe the principle of equality before the law?

【联想】equal adj. 平等的, 同等的

unequal adj. 不相等的, 不平等的,不胜任的

e.g. Women demand equal pay for equal work 妇女要求同工同酬。

n. 相等的人或事物, 对手

e.g. we should all be equals in the eyes of the law. 在法律面前我们都应该是平等的。

28. fireworks n. 烟火

e.g. Do be careful with those fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off.


The boys were letting off fireworks. 男孩子在放烟火。

29. flexible adj. 灵活的,有弹性的

e.g. Our plan are very flexible.

【联想】flexibility n. 易弯曲性,柔韧性

e.g. You should do exercises to improve your flexibility. 你应该做操增进身体柔韧性.

10. grocer n. 食物杂货商

e.g. His father is a grocer 他的父亲是个食物杂货商。

【联想】grocery n. 食品杂货店

e.g. I was told to turn right at the grocery. 有人告诉我在杂货店那个地方向右拐。

31. helmet n. 头盔,安全帽

e.g. A motor-driver must have his helmet on his driving.

【联想】helmeted adj.戴头盔的

32. hook v. 钩住, 挂住

e.g. He hooked his hat on that nail in the wall. 他把礼帽挂在墙上的钉子上。

hook sth. up (常用被动态)给… 接通电源

e.g. The BBC is hooked up by satellite to the American network in order to broadcast the

President’s speech.

n. 钩,挂钩 e.g. Hang your coat on the hook. 把你的上衣挂到挂钩去。

【用法】by hook or by crook 不择手段地,用种种方法

get the hook 被解雇

【联想】hooked adj. 上瘾的 be hooked on e.g. John was hooked on heroin.

33. hydrogen n. 氢

e.g. Hydrogen and oxygen combine/Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.


34. Moslem=Muslim n. 穆斯林,穆罕默德信徒

adj. 穆斯林的 e.g. Friday is a holiday in Muslim countries.


Sultan is sovereign ruler of certain Muslim countries.


35. motivation n. ①积极性, 兴趣

e.g. They lack the motivation to study.

②动机, 原因 e.g. I though high pay was his main motivation for working.


【联想】motivate v. 激励, 激发

e.g. There is a little to motivate these children to work hard at school.


(用法:motivate sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事)

36. overweight adj. 超重的

e.g. This parcel is overweight by two kilos . He is two kilos overweight.

【联想】underweight adj.重量不足的

37. paperwork n. 文书工作

e.g. The job involves a lot of paperwork. 这项工作包含了大量的文书工作。

【联想】document n 文件,文档

e.g. Save the document before closing. 关闭文档存盘。

38. premier n. 总理,首相

e.g. Premier Zhou is an honorable man. 周总理是一位值得尊重的总理。

adj 最好的,最重要的

e.g. He is one of the Britain’s premier chef. 他是英国最好的厨师之一。

【联想】chairman n 主席 president n. 总统

s n.变化过程; 步骤, 程序

e.g. Coal was formed out of dead forests by a long slow process of chemical change.

the process of learning to read

in the process 正在进行中

v. 加工(物质,尤指食品); 计算机处理数据等;列队行进(n. procession)

40. pulse n. 脉搏, 脉率; (音乐的)拍子, 节奏

【用法】take/feel one’s pulse 为某人号脉

e.g. The doctor took her pulse.医生给她她号了脉。

41. reference n. 提及,谈到 ; 参阅, 查阅

e.g. There is no direct reference to her own childhood in the novel.

Use this dictionary for easy reference.

reference book

【联想】refer to提到, 说起;参考, 查阅

e.g. Complete the exercise without referring to the dictionary.


【用法】have/bear some /no reference to sth 与某事情有关(无关)

make reference to 说到,提到

ous adj. 宗教的, 虔诚的, 严谨的

n. 信教者, 僧侣

e.g. Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian



People think she's a freak just because she's religious.


【联想】religion n. 宗教,信仰

e.g. As students, socialism was our religion.作为学生,社会主义是我们的信仰。

43. sideways adv. 向傍边,斜着地,向侧面地

adj. 傍边的,斜着,向侧面的

e.g. He was thrown sideways when he heard that he had failed his



“You dirty bastard,” his friend said, and tried to kick me in the groin. More by good luck

than good management I turned sideways.

“你这个杂种”, 他的朋友一边骂一边用脚踢我的下身。我事先并未料到,但却很幸运地躲开了。

44. sob v. ①啜泣, 呜咽 e.g. I could hear her sobbing.

②哭泣, 呜咽地说:e.g. She sobbed out the whole story. 她呜咽着诉说那个悲惨的遭遇。

【联想】sober adj. 未喝醉的,清醒的

e.g. He was still sober when he left. 他离开时并未喝醉。

45. souvenir n. 纪念品,纪念物

e.g. I bought a model of Eiffel Tower as a souvenir of Paris.我买了个埃菲尔铁塔的模型作为去过巴黎的纪念品。

【联想】anniversary n. 纪念日 e.g. Today is our wedding anniversary.

46. sponsor v. ①资助,赞助

e.g. The pingpang game was sponsored by a software company.

②发起,举办 e.g. The six-party talks on the Korean nuclear issue were

sponsored by China.

n. 赞助者,赞助公司

e.g. The US has always been a key sponsor of the peace process.

47. strengthen v. 加强,变坚固

e.g. He has been brought in to strengthen the defence.

【联想】strength n. 力气;优点

e.g. Union is strength. [谚]团结就是力量。

I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet. 我连移动双脚的力气都几乎没有了。

48. throughout prep. 遍及,贯穿

adv. 自始至终,到处

It snowed throughout the night. 雪整整下了一夜。

The disease spread throughout the country. 这种疾病蔓延全国。

49. trial n. 审讯,审判

e.g. He has come back to stand trial murder charge. 他因谋杀罪而接受审判。

实验, 考验e.g. The ship performed well during her trial 这艘船在试航的时候情况良好。

【用法】on trial 在试验中,在测试中 put/be on trial 使某人被控告并受审。

50. vacant adj.


e.g. This position has been vacant for several months .这个职位已经空缺好几个月了

②茫然的,失神的 e.g. He looked at me with vacant eyes 他看着我两眼失神。

【联想】vacancy n. 空职, 空缺; 失神, 空虚

e.g. The vacancy of his expression made me doubt if he was listening.



1. absolute adj. 完全的,绝对的

No one dare challenge her absolute authority. 没人敢挑战她的绝对权威。

I look upon this as an absolute necessity. 我认为这是绝对必要的。

2. accommodation n.住处;住宿(有时包括膳食)

They were living in temporary accommodation.他们住在临时住所。

The building is used exclusively for the accommodation of guests.


3. aggressive adj.攻击性的,好斗的;有闯劲的,积极进取的

The dogs are trained to be aggressive.这些狗被训练得具有攻击性。

Watching violence on TV makes some children more aggressive.


highly aggressive marketing techniques 极富进取精神的营销技巧

4. album n.相册, 邮票簿, 照片簿 ; 唱片集

family album

I keep the photographs in an album. 我把照片放在相册里。

5. alongside adv.在...的侧面; 傍; 沿靠; 与...并排

The two ships lay alongside of each other.这两艘船并排靠着。

6. appendix (pl. appendices/appendixes) (书或文件的)附录;

This book has two appendices.这本书有两个附录。

7. appetite n.胃口, 食欲;对…的渴望(或爱好)

The baby has a good appetite.这个婴儿食欲很好。

Reading the first story increased my appetite for more.


8. appropriate adj.适当的,合适的

It is appropriate that he should get the post.由他担任这一职务是恰当的。

9. authority n.权威, 权力;官方, 当局

He has the authority for handling this matter.他有权力处理这件事。

The local authorities decided to build a suspension bridge over the river.


A good dictionary is an authority on the meanings of words.一本好词典是词义的权威。

10. awesome adj.令人敬畏的; 使人畏惧的; 可怕的; (非正式)绝妙的;极佳的

the awesome power of the atomic bomb.原子弹的威慑力

The band is truly awesome! 乐队真是棒极了!

11. bakery n.面包房

The baker bakes his bread in the bakery.面包师在面包房内烤面包。

12. bacterium n. (pl. bacteria)细菌

Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye.细菌是肉眼看不见的。

Bacterial reproduction is accelerated in weightless space.在失重的空间,细菌繁殖加快了。

13. bishop n. (基督教)主教

He was appointed Bishop of Ely.

14. bleed (bled , bled) v.出血,流血

The cut was bleeding steadily.伤口不断流血。

If you cut your finger, it will bleed.如果你割破手指, 它会流血。

15. boom n./v.繁荣,昌盛

Business is booming.商业蓬勃发展。

He is booming as a teacher.作为一位教师, 他日趋成功。

16. booth n.公用电话亭;摊位;饭馆中的小隔间

Where can I find a telephone booth? 我在哪儿可以找到电话亭?

There‘re many booths at the exhibition.展览会上有许多摊位。

17. buffet n. (火车站的)饮食柜台, (火车的)餐车, 自助餐

Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding?


18. champion n.冠军,

The final game decides who is the champion.最后的一局比赛决定谁是冠军。

19. choir n.合唱团;(教堂)唱诗班

The church choir is singing tonight.今晚教堂歌唱队要唱诗。

20. circumstance n.情况

We wanted to marry but circumstances didn‘t permit.我们想结婚,但是条件不允许。

The artists are living in reduced circumstances.艺术家们生活拮据。

21. comedy n.喜剧;喜剧性事件 喜剧作品

Do you prefer comedy or tragedy? 你喜欢喜剧还是悲剧?

At last he saw the comedy of the situation and laughed.

他最后看出这一场面的喜剧性, 于是笑了。

22. commitment n.献身;投入;承诺;保证

I could not fault my players for commitment.


I cannot make such a commitment at the moment.此刻我不能作出这样的承诺。

23. component

n. (尤指机械或车辆的)部件,零件;(构成整体的)组成部分,成分

A chemist can separate a medicine into its components.


24. constitution n.宪法;构成;体质

According to the American Constitution, presidential elections are held every four

years.根据美国宪法, 总统选举每四年举行一次。

The constitution of a primitive society is not necessarily simple.原始社会的结构未必简单。

The child had a weak constitution and was always ill. 这孩子体质很弱,总是生病。

25. convey v.输送;表达;传达;

Pipes were laid to convey water to the house.铺了水管,将水输送到住宅。

Mr Harvey and his daughter have asked me to convey their very kind regards.


I can‘t convey my feelings in words.我无法用言语来表达我的情感。

26. correspond v.相符;一致; (通信)联系

Margaret corresponded with him until his death.


The doctor and I corresponded for more than two decades.我和医生通信达20多年。

The carved heads described in the poem correspond to a drawing of Edgcote House.诗中描述的雕刻头像和埃杰科特别墅的绘画完全一致。

27. corrupt adj.腐败的;堕落的

The play can do no harm since its audience is already corrupt.


28. departure n.离开; 离去

His departure was quite unexpected. 他这一走很出人意料。

29. dignity n.高尚的品质; 尊严

Only a truly free person has human dignity. 只有真正自由的人才具有人的尊严。

She doesn‘t stand on her dignity and treat the rest of us as servants.


30. dioxide n.二氧化物

Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.


31. elegant adj.(相貌或仪态)优雅的, 文雅的, 高雅的

She will look elegant in black. 她穿黑色会显得很优雅。

an elegant woman/coat/style of writing

文雅的女人、 高雅的外衣、 优美的写作风格

elegant manners 优雅的仪态

32. entry n.进入(权);(写进清单、 日记、 帐本等的)项目;参加比赛的人或物

The children were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher.


We can‘t go along that road because the sign says ‘No Entry’.

我们不能走那条路, 因为牌子上 写著‘禁止入内’。

33. eventually adj.最后; 终于

He fell ill and eventually died. 他患病而终于不治。

Eventually he was tired of trying so hard. 他最后厌倦了这种艰苦的尝试。

34. evolution n.进化; 进化论;演化; 演进; 演变

The forms of written languages undergo constant evolution.


35. fantasy n.想像, 幻想;幻想出来的东西; 荒诞的或不现实的念头

Stop looking for the perfect job. It‘s just a fantasy. 别想找十全十美的工作了--那简直是幻想。

Most of what they told us was pure fantasy.


36. ferry n.渡船;渡口

The last ferry sails at

最后一班渡船下午4 点开船。

37. forecast (forecast, forecast) v.预报; 预测

Rain is forecast for Scotland. 预报苏格兰有雨。

38. fountain n.喷泉;源泉

The government always quotes this report as the fountain of truth.


39. hunter n.狩猎者; 猎人

40. hurricane n.飓风; (尤指西印度群岛的)旋风

A hurricane hit the city yesterday at

昨天下午5 时一场飓风袭击了本市。

41. liberation n.解放;解放运动

The break-up of their marriage was an enormous liberation for her.


42. lie (lay, lain) v.躺;位于;展现; 伸展;(指抽象事物)存在, 在于

Don‘t lie in bed all morning! 别一上午都躺在床上!

The town lies on the coast. 该城位于海边。

The cure for stress lies in learning to relax. 消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。

43. lounge n.休息室;等候室

44. memorial n./adj.纪念性的;纪念碑;纪念馆

The memorial stands on the village green. 纪念碑矗立在村子的公共绿地上。

This statue is a memorial to a great statesman. 这尊雕像是纪念一位伟大的政治家的。

45. merchant n.商人

46. microscope n.显微镜

47. microwave n.微波;微波炉

The microwave is used to heat daily food.用微波炉给日常食物加热。

48. minister n.部长; 大臣;牧师

A new minister of defence had been appointed.


49. navy n.海军;舰队

The young man decided to join the navy after graduation.那个年轻人决定毕业后参加海军。

50. pregnant adj.怀孕的

She was six months pregnant. 她已怀孕六个月。

T51. preserve v.保护, 维护;保存(食物)

The calm courage of the pilot preserved the lives of the passengers.


In the summer, large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.


52. psychology n.心理学;心理

The answers we give will reflect our own psychology.


Psychology is a science that deals with mental processes and behavior.


53. quake n./v.震动, 颤动

The buildings quaked when the bomb went off. 炸弹爆炸时,房屋都震动了。

54. radiation n.放射; 放射现象;放射物

Patients receive high doses of radiation during cancer treatment.


55. spit (spat, spat/spit, spit)吐出;吐唾沫; 吐痰

The baby spat its food (out) onto the table. 婴儿把吃进去的东西吐在桌子上了。

In many countries it is considered rude to spit in public.

在许多国家, 当众吐痰属不雅行为。

56. statesman/stateswoman (pl. statesmen/stateswomen ) n.政治家

57. temple n.庙; 寺; 神殿

They went to pray in the temple. 他们去寺庙祈福。

58. terror n.恐怖; 惊骇

People fled in terror. 人们惊恐地逃走。

A fierce dog became the terror of the neighborhood.


59. tube n.管, 管子,伦敦的地下铁道

He gave the lamb its food through a tube. 他通过一根管子给小羊羔餵送食物。

It wasn't far from where he lived, just a stop further on the tube.


60. vice n.邪恶;不道德行为 adj. 副的 vice-president 副总统

The district was a breeding ground for vice.




Many smokers who are chemically addicted to nicotine cannot cut

down easily.许多有尼古丁瘾的抽烟人不容易把烟戒掉。

He was passionately addicted to pop music. 他酷爱流行音乐。



We must expose this shameful activity to the newspapers. 我们一定要向报社揭露这一无耻行径

Don't expose undeveloped film to light. 不要把未冲洗的胶卷暴露在光照下。

This ca r runs 5 miles on a gallon of gasoline.这汽车一加仑汽油可以行五英里



At the end of the film the bad guy gets shot. 这坏蛋在影片结尾时被击毙。

He's a real meat-and-potatoes guy. 他是个十分崇尚简朴的人。


This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company.


We must exploit every opportunity to learn new things. 我们必须利用一切机会学习新事物。

Cars cause pollution, both smog and acid rain. 汽车造成的污染既有烟雾也有酸 雨。

The sky over the city was overspread with a heavy smog. 城市上空罩上了一层烟雾。



If the symptoms persist, it is important to go to your doctor.


The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles.


本文标签: 孩子喜剧作为食物地址