




is around the looking calm, I am literally

having butterflies in my mes, my heart will fly into my

mouth at the thought of heless, I can study with efficiency most

of the time and I have a sound sleep at night.


the corner/approaching即将来临

lly: actually实际上

/ with butterflies in one’s stomach/ one’s stomach be full

of butterflies 心里发慌

’s heart flies into one’s mouth 心提到嗓子眼儿

heless: however然而


a sound sleep=sleep like a log睡得很香、睡得很沉

my brother was preparing for the marathon, he came down with

a rare type of disease.I tended to him carefully, accompanying him to

special training with great to my relief, he soon

participated in the race as the sight of all

the competitors, I felt my palms sweating and my heart tely,

my brother got the title of the best runner of the I saw my

brother’s eyes shone with excitement, tears of joy streamed down my

cheeks.“I take pride in you, dear brother.” I grinned from

ear to ear with delight. 当我哥哥准备参加马拉松比赛时,他得了一种罕见的疾病。我细心地照顾他,耐心地陪他参加特殊训练。令我宽慰的是,他很快就康复了。他如期参加了比赛。一看到所有的参赛者,我就感到手心冒汗,心跳加速。最终,我哥哥获得了年度最佳跑步者的称号。当我看到哥哥的眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒时,喜悦的泪水顺着我的脸颊流了下来。“我为你感到骄傲,亲爱的兄弟。”我惊叹。他笑得合不拢嘴。

down with 得了(病)

to 照看

great patience: very patiently非常耐心地

to my relief令我非常宽慰的是

scheduled: as planned按计划

the sight of一看到

7.I feel my palms sweating手掌心冒汗

’s heart pounds/beats/races/ thumps/ hammers wildly/ violently

/ loudly/ hard/心怦怦直跳得厉害


’s eyes shone/twinkled with joy/ delight/ excitement/ thrill双眼因开心而闪闪发光

1 of joy streamed/trickled/flowed down my cheeks=I shed tears

of joy. 流下开心的泪水

She was overwhelmed with happiness/joy/pleasure/delight.(幸福洋溢)

d from ear to ear咧开嘴开心地笑/The smile on his face shone

like a sparkling diamond. 他脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪耀。

13.I smiled broadly at Dad, exclaiming, “Recovering my cat is really

a miracle at Christmas Eve.” (2023南通三模)

二、伤心、难过、 绝望、无助

home, I learned how hard it was going to be to get around in

a wheelchair.I withdrew from my friends and my basketball.(南京三模)回到家里,我明白了坐在轮椅上是多么的艰难。我退出了我的朋友和我的篮球。

year, having failed to be admitted to my ideal university, I

felt like I was floating in an ocean of beliefs in looking

forward and seeing the positive in everything deserted me having

no appetite for anything, my mother sighed deeply with

struggled to fight back her tears and tried hard to comfort me.去年,我没能考上理想中的大学,感觉自己漂浮在悲伤的海洋中。我那种向前看、看到一切事物积极一面的信念抛弃了我。


1) floating in an ocean of sadness漂浮在悲伤的海洋里

2) I was blanketed with a heavy cloud of gloom.被忧郁笼罩

3) Upon hearing the bad news, I felt seized by a wave of sadness and

couldn’t help crying bitterly.


Upon hearing the bad news, I was suddenly thrown into a world of

darkness and sank into hopelessness.听到这个坏消息,我突然被投入黑暗世界,陷入绝望。

4) sigh deeply with disappointment失望地重重叹了口气。

5) fight back/hold back/contain her tears控制住自己的泪水


One of them, a young lady, held out her gloved hand, with my lost keys

hanging from her finger and a giant smile on her face! So moved/touched

and overjoyed was I that I wanted to give her a big hug, to express my

deepest gratitude.(202305苏州三模)其中一位是一位年轻的女士,她伸出戴着手套的手,手指上挂着我丢失的钥匙,脸上挂着灿烂的笑容!我非常感动和高兴,我想给她一个大大的拥抱,表达我最深切的感激之情。

1.a giant smile/a brilliant smile灿烂的笑容

deeply moved/ touched/ affected to tears:某人感动到落泪

I caught sight of my lost keys, a mix of gratitude and relief

flooded me in waves/a rush of thankfulness/ gratefulness took hold of me.


4.“The payment,” beamed and thanked the girls for their

delivery service.(苏锡常镇一模)

2 “付款,”戈麦斯夫人微笑着感谢女孩们的快递服务。


Andthen, suddenly, the string knot on my shirt came untied.I was

rooted on the spot while the audience exploded I quickly

bent down, trying to tie the knot I was too nervous and

embarrassed to tie it properly.I felt like sitting on pins and needles.(2021南通二模下水作文)然后,突然,我衬衫上的蝴蝶结解松开了。我呆若木鸡,观众们爆发出阵阵笑声。。。我很快弯下腰,试图自己打结。但我太紧张、太尴尬,无法打好结。我感到如坐针毡。

rooted on the spot (因为惧怕或吃惊而)钉在原地,呆若木鸡

e with laughter 哄然大笑

increasingly embarrassed/ 感到越来越尴尬

’s face burned/ blushed/flushed with embarrassment/ shame一个人的脸因尴尬/羞愧而通红

blood rush/ rushing to one’s face感到脸阵阵发烫

like sitting on pins and needles/ act as a rat on the hot brick如坐针毡/如热锅上的蚂蚁

ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush/rushing to

her face.


in my life had I felt so embarrassed and and

hot as it was outside, Mom and I were frozen as ice, our faces burning

with shame.(2023苏锡常镇二模)

was shocked when seeing his parents arrive at the ceremony

hall.A surge of awkwardness swept across his body as he saw her ugly mom

who was smiling at him.(202212徐州期中卷 Chen Xihan) 当他看到她丑陋的妈妈对他微笑时,一阵尴尬席卷了他的全身。


this very moment, Mom rushed to the store owner, eyes narrowed

and fists clenched.“When did you steal our dog? We didn’t agree to sell

his fur.” “What a bad man!” I thought, a blaze of anger overwhelming



was shocked when seeing his parents arrive at the ceremony

y afterwards, the shock that covered his face turned into

dramatic es of his classmates teasing at his mothers ugly

scars gnawed at his heart.(202212徐州期中卷Han Ziyang) 当看到父母来到仪式大厅时,拉朱非常震惊。不久之后,笼罩在他脸上的震惊变成了剧烈的痛苦。同学们取笑他母亲的照片丑陋的伤疤折磨着他的心。

obvious scar as well as the sorrowful tears on his mother’s

face met Reju’s startled , in a blink of an eye, a surge of regret

flashed across his body.“I’m sorry for any sufferings I’ve put you through,

mom!” 他母亲脸上那明显的伤疤和悲伤的泪水让Reju非常吃惊。然后,眨眼之3 间,一股后悔的情绪席卷全身,他感到嘴里很紧。“妈妈,我为我给你带来的痛苦感到抱歉!


本文标签: 看到感到泪水绝望表达