


Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica,33(4):657—659(Oct.,2008) IsSN l000—0739 动物分类学报 A NEW SPECⅢS oF唧GE SPAR ASSⅡ 姆ofLif ̄ ) FU Yah—Na,ZI-1U Ming-Sheng ,Hebei University,BaMbgHebei W102,∞ Abstract One new spedes ofthe genus Pseudopoda is described from Tibet,China,under the name PseMo/ ̄da姆Keywords Sparassidae,Pseudop0da,new species,China,Tibet. sp.nov nteriaor mar ns of 1ateral lobes in combination with the The genus B JSger,2000 was erected by 15get(2000)for nhae spedes,and most of them were ori ̄nally described and placed in Hetero ̄da Latreille, 1804.Recently,the genus尼 n Yunnan ishape of epigy ̄pockets and internal duct system. Description.Male.Holotype total length 6.94: prosoma 3.37 long,3.17 wide;opisthosoma 3.57 long, 3.42 wide.Dorsal sielhd of prosoma li出t yellow. Cervica1 ove and radia1furrow obvious Fovea ong. 1 . gro.Province.China v Ls revised describing 1 5 new species ( r&Vedel,2007).ulp to now,89 spedes have been reported all over the world,of which 31 species longitudinal dark brown Eyes surrounded by drcular ,.black patches.Eye rows slihtg recurved.Eye diameters nd ianterdistances:伽PI正O.15;栅PlⅣ匝0.33,胍一伽occur n Chiina(Plamick,2008). Examining spider specimens collected from Tibet, 0.10.ALE 0.175,M0.23,舢 0.10, 。ALE 0.13,P 匮一 China,a new spedes of he stpider genus R僦 recognized and is described elbow. .PI正0.38.MIOA 0.58 long,anterior width 0.40,posterior width 0.50.Clypeus height 0.25. Cheliercae yellow wih t3 teeth on promar ̄.n,4 teeth on retromargin,and some dentides between them.Labim,u endites yellow.Sternum yellow with dark brown setae. Le yellow and spinose.Femora with dark spots.Leg Specimens were studied under a Tech XIL一Ⅱ (e ̄ijing,China)stereomicroscope equipped wih an tAbbe drawing devie (Nanicnig, China). AⅡ measurements are n in milimeters(inin). Type spedmens of the new spedes are deposited in measurements:l 14.10(3.88,1.30,3.82,3.72, 1.38),Ⅱ14.83(4.28,1.12,3.72,4.28,1.43),Ⅲ 12.5l(3.32,1.33,3.32,3.37,1.17),1V 14.75 (4.08,1.13,4.08,4.18,1.28).Legformular:2413. he tMuseum of Hebei University(M BU),Baoding. Leg measurements are shown aS:total length(fmur e+patella+tibia十metatarsus+tarsus).1 e chaetotaxy is Leg spinafion:p却131,101,211l;fmure I一Ⅲ3230, IV 3310;patella I一1V 0000;tibia I.1V 2026; given in the following formula:femur I 3230(3 pro 1ateral,2 dorsal,3 retro—lateral and no ventral spines). Abbreviations used:ALE,anterior lateral eye: 舳, anterior medin eaye; 栅一ALE,distance etbween AM匮and ALE:AM匮.AM匮,distance between 伍s;MOA,mediaI1 eye area;PLE,posterior lateral eye;舳etbween PJ皿s;I metatarsus I.II 2024,Ⅲ3024,1V 3036.Opisthosoma ova1 dorsm luihtg brown. some brown spots. ]ter lihtg brown wiht Male palp(Fis.g4—5).Embolus arisng in i9一o’dock— osipiton from tegulum, sickle—shaped,lauened and broadened,dD narrow;conductor in 12一o’dock.posiiton trom tegnlm;u sperm—duct runmng mar弩I1aUy at ,posterior median eye:PME—PLE,distance nd PLE:觚a Pl ̄匝.distance betla,een .tibial apophysis. retrolateral margin oftegutm;RTA uarising basally rfom dbia,dorsal part finger—like,short and painted. Female.Total lenm-h paratype 3 Taxonomy (China, bet,Mddog Xian,Beibeng Townsip,8 hPseudopoda蜘sp.nov.(Figs.1-5) Aug.2003,collected by ZHANG Feng)total l锄gth 9.44:prosoma 4.74 long,4.18 wide:opisthosoma 4.69 Diagnosis.The male of this new species si similar to gogonaJSger,2001 ger,2001),but can e bdisitnguished by the te ̄um narrower and dp of the embolus longer.The female of this new spedeS is similr al0I ,3.62 wide.Dorsal shield of prosoma yellowish brown.Opishosoma toval,brown,with one white path cat the rear.Ere diameters and interdistances:AM匝 to Pseudopoda ger&Vedel,2007 r&Vedel, 0.20,ALE 0.30,PA皿0.23,PLE 0.30: 0.18,姗一ALE 0.08,P m—Pl ̄Ⅲ0.20.腿. 伍 一H正 2007),but can be distinguished by the strongly curved *Gorresponding author.E-mail:ming ̄hengzhu@263net .Received 2June 2008.accepted 2 s印.2008. 

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