



Private Sub Command1_Click()

lor = vbBlack

dth = 2

(0, 4000)-(9000, 4000)

(4500, 0)-(4500, 8000)

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

lor = vbBlue

dth = 2

If Val() * Val() + Val() * Val() <> Val() * Val() + Val()

* Val() Then

ans = MsgBox("出错了,该象限所绘圆弧不以原点为圆心", 48, "提示信息")

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""


If = True Then

If Val(Text1) >= 0 And Val(Text2) >= 0 And Val(Text3) >= 0 And Val(Text4) >= 0 And Val(Text1) >= Val(Text3) Then

If Int(Text2) = 0 Then

If Int(Text3) = 0 Then

(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), , 0, 3.14159

/ 2

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))


(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), ,

Atn(Val(Text2) / Val(Text1)), 3.14159 / 2

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))

End If

ElseIf Int(Text4) = 0 Then

(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), , 0,

Atn(Val(Text2) / Val(Text1))


(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), ,

Atn(Val(Text2) / Val(Text1)), Atn(Val(Text4) / Val(Text3))

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))

End If


ans = MsgBox("坐标象限错误或预定圆弧将为顺时针", 48, "提示信息")

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

End If

ElseIf = True Then

If Val(Text1) >= 0 And Val(Text2) <= 0 And Val(Text3) >= 0 And Val(Text4) <= 0 And Val(Text1) <= Val(Text3) Then

If Int(Text2) = 0 Then

If Val(Text3) = 0 Then

(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), , 3 * 3.14159

/ 2, 0

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))


(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), ,

Atn(Val(Text4) / Val(Text3)) + 3.14159 * 2, 0 = Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))

End If

ElseIf Val(Text3) <> 0 Then

(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), ,

Atn(Val(Text2) / Val(Text1)) + 3.14159 * 2, Atn(Val(Text4) / Val(Text3)) + 3.14159 * 2

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))


(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), , 3 * 3.14159

/ 2, Atn(Val(Text2) / Val(Text1)) + 3.14159 * 2

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))

End If


ans = MsgBox("坐标象限错误或预定圆弧将为顺时针", 48, "提示信息")

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

End If

ElseIf = True Then

If Val(Text1) <= 0 And Val(Text2) >= 0 And Val(Text3) <= 0 And Val(Text4) >= 0 And Val(Text1) >= Val(Text3) Then

If Int(Text2) = 0 Then

If Val(Text3) = 0 Then

(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), , 3.14159

/ 2, 3.14159

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))


(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), ,

Atn(Val(Text4) / Val(Text3)) + 3.14159, 3.14159

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))

End If

ElseIf Val(Text3) = 0 Then

(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), , 3.14159 /

2, Atn(Val(Text4) / Val(Text3)) + 3.14159

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))


(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), , Atn(Val(Text2)

/ Val(Text1)) + 3.14159, Atn(Val(Text4) / Val(Text3)) + 3.14159

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))

End If


ans = MsgBox("坐标象限错误或预定圆弧将为顺时针", 48, "提示信息")

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

End If

ElseIf = True Then

If Val(Text1) <= 0 And Val(Text2) <= 0 And Val(Text3) <= 0 And Val(Text4) <= 0 And Val(Text1) <= Val(Text3) Then

If Int(Text1) = 0 Then

If Int(Text4) = 0 Then

(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), ,

3.14159, 3 * 3.14159 / 2

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))

Else (4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), ,

Atn(Int(Text4) / Int(Text3)) + 3.14159, 3 * 3.14159 / 2

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))

End If

ElseIf Int(Text4) = 0 Then

(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), , 3.14159,

Atn(Int(Text2) / Int(Text1)) + 3.14159

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))


(4500, 4000), Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2)) * Int(Text6), , Atn(Int(Text2)

/ Int(Text1)) + 3.14159, Atn(Int(Text4) / Int(Text3)) + 3.14159

= Sqr(Val(Text1) * Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) * Val(Text2))

End If


ans = MsgBox("坐标象限错误或预定圆弧将为顺时针", 48, "提示信息")

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

End If

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

If Val() * Val() + Val() * Val() <> Val() * Val() + Val()

* Val() Then

ans = MsgBox("出错了", 48, "提示信息")

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""


Dim k, m, j, l, n, F(20) As Integer

Dim a, b, c, d, e As Integer

m = 0

l = 0

k = 0

F(m) = 0

a = Int(Text1)

b = Int(Text2)

c = Int(Text3)

d = Int(Text4)

e = Int(Text6)

lor = vbGreen

dth = 3

j = Abs(c - a) + Abs(d - b)

tX = 15000

tY = 200

If = True Then

If Val(Text1) >= 0 And Val(Text2) >= 0 And Val(Text3) >= 0 And Val(Text4) >= 0 And = True Then

Print "初始:进给方向 " & "F(m)=0" & " X0=" & Int(Text1) & " Y0=" & Int(Text2) & " ∑ = " & j

For n = 1 To j

If F(m) >= 0 Then

m = m + 1

k = k + 1

F(m) = F(m - 1) - 2 * a + 1 (4500 + Int(Text1) * e - e * (k - 1), 4000 - Int(Text2) * e - l * e)-(4500 + Int(Text1) * e - e * k, 4000

- Int(Text2) * e - l * e)

a = a - 1

tX = 15000

tY = 200 + n * 300

Print "第" & m & "步" & " -△x F(" & m & ")= " & F(m) & " " & "x=" & a & " " & "y="; b & " ∑=" & j

- n


l = l + 1

m = m + 1

(4500 + Int(Text1) * e - e * k, 4000 - Int(Text2) * e - (l - 1) * e)-(4500 + Int(Text1) * e - e * k, 4000

- Int(Text2) * e - l * e)

F(m) = F(m - 1) + 2 * b + 1

b = b + 1

tX = 15000

tY = 200 + n * 300

Print "第" & m & "步" & " +△y F(" & m & ")= " & F(m) & " " & "x=" & a & " " & "y="; b & " ∑=" & j

- n

End If

Next n


ans = MsgBox("出错", 48, "提示信息")

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

End If

ElseIf = True Then

If Val(Text1) >= 0 And Val(Text2) <= 0 And Val(Text3) >= 0 And Val(Text4) <= 0 And = True Then

Print "初始:进给方向 " & "F(m)=0" & " X0=" & Int(Text1) & " Y0=" & Int(Text2) & " ∑ = " & j

For n = 1 To j

If F(m) >= 0 Then

m = m + 1

l = l + 1

F(m) = F(m - 1) - 2 * Abs(b) + 1

(4500 + Int(Text1) * e + e * k, 4000 - Int(Text2) * e - (l - 1) * e)-(4500 + Int(Text1) * e + e * k, 4000

- Int(Text2) * e - l * e)

b = b + 1

tX = 15000

tY = 200 + n * 300

Print "第" & m & "步" & " +△y F(" & m & ")= " & F(m) & " " & "x=" & a & " " & "y="; b & " ∑=" & j

- n


k = k + 1

m = m + 1

(4500 + Int(Text1) * e + e * (k - 1), 4000 - Int(Text2) * e - l * e)-(4500 + Int(Text1) * e + e * k, 4000

- Int(Text2) * e - l * e)

F(m) = F(m - 1) + 2 * Abs(a) + 1

a = a + 1

tX = 15000

tY = 200 + n * 300

Print "第" & m & "步" & " +△x F(" & m & ")= " & F(m) & " " & "x=" & a & " " & "y="; b & " ∑=" & j

- n

End If

Next n


ans = MsgBox("出错", 48, "提示信息")

= ""

= ""

= "" = ""

= ""

= ""

End If

ElseIf = True Then

If Val(Text1) <= 0 And Val(Text2) >= 0 And Val(Text3) <= 0 And Val(Text4) >= 0 And = True Then

Print "初始:进给方向 " & "F(m)=0" & " X0=" & Int(Text1) & " Y0=" & Int(Text2) & " ∑ = " & j

For n = 1 To j

If F(m) >= 0 Then

m = m + 1

l = l + 1

F(m) = F(m - 1) - 2 * Abs(b) + 1

(4500 + Int(Text1) * e - e * k, 4000 - Int(Text2) * e + (l - 1) * e)-(4500 + Int(Text1) * e - e * k, 4000

- Int(Text2) * e + l * e)

b = b - 1

tX = 15000

tY = 200 + n * 300

Print "第" & m & "步" & " -△y F(" & m & ")= " & F(m) & " " & "x=" & a & " " & "y="; b & " ∑=" & j

- n


k = k + 1

m = m + 1

(4500 + Int(Text1) * e - e * (k - 1), 4000 - Int(Text2) * e + l * e)-(4500 + Int(Text1) * e - e * k, 4000

- Int(Text2) * e + l * e)

F(m) = F(m - 1) + 2 * Abs(a) + 1

a = a - 1

tX = 15000

tY = 200 + n * 300

Print "第" & m & "步" & " -△x F(" & m & ")= " & F(m) & " " & "x=" & a & " " & "y="; b & " ∑=" & j

- n

End If

Next n


ans = MsgBox("出错", 48, "提示信息")

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

End If

ElseIf = True Then

If Val(Text1) <= 0 And Val(Text2) <= 0 And Val(Text3) <= 0 And Val(Text4) <= 0 And = True Then

Print "初始:进给方向 " & "F(m)=0" & " X0=" & Int(Text1) & " Y0=" & Int(Text2) & " ∑ = " & j

For n = 1 To j

If F(m) >= 0 Then

m = m + 1

k = k + 1

F(m) = F(m - 1) - 2 * Abs(a) + 1

(4500 + Int(Text1) * e + e * (k - 1), 4000 - Int(Text2) * e + l * e)-(4500 + Int(Text1) * e + e * k, 4000

- Int(Text2) * e + l * e)

a = a + 1

tX = 15000

tY = 200 + n * 300

Print "第" & m & "步" & " +△x F(" & m & ")= " & F(m) & " " & "x=" & a & " " & "y="; b & " ∑=" & j - n


l = l + 1

m = m + 1

F(m) = F(m - 1) + 2 * Abs(b) + 1 (4500 + Int(Text1) * e + e * k, 4000 - Int(Text2) * e + (l - 1) * e)-(4500 + Int(Text1) * e + e * k, 4000

- Int(Text2) * e + l * e)

b = b - 1

tX = 15000

tY = 200 + n * 300

Print "第" & m & "步" & " -△y F(" & m & ")= " & F(m) & " " & "x=" & a & " " & "y="; b & " ∑=" & j

- n

End If

Next n


ans = MsgBox("出错", 48, "提示信息")

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

End If

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

lor = vbBlack

dth = 2

(0, 4000)-(9000, 4000)

(4500, 0)-(4500, 8000)

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

= ""

End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

End Sub

本文标签: 圆弧象限预定错误插补