


英语中的限定词 限定词

限定词(DETERMINER〕是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指(SPECIFIC REFERENCE〕、类指(GENERIC REFERENCE〕以及表示确定数量(DEFINITE QUANTITY〕和非确定数量(INDEFINITE QUANTITY〕等限定作用的词类.名词词组除有词汇意义外,还有其所指意义(REFERENTIAL MEANING〕,是特指(即指特写的对象〕,还是类指(即泛指一类人或物〕;是有确定的数量,还是没有确定的数量.能在名词词组中表示这种所指意义的词类就是限定词.英语的限定词包括:



DETERMINER〕,my, your, his, her, our,

your, their, one's, its.

名词属格(GENITIVE NOUN〕,John's, my



DETERMINER〕,this, that, these, those,



DETERRMINER〕,whose, which.


DETERMINER〕,what, which, whose.


DETERMINER〕,no, some, any, each,

every, enough, either, neither, all, both, half, several, many, much, (a) few, (a)

little, other, another.



量词(QUANTIFIER〕a lot of, lots of, plenty

of, a great of, a good deal of, a large of, a

small amount of, a quantity of, a great of,

a good number of等.


1 限定词与三类名词的搭配关系 限定词的选择决定于随后的名词的类别,是单数名词、复数名词,还是不可数名词.


有些限定词如the, some, any, no, other,

whose以及my, your等物主限定词和名词属格(John's, my friend's〕等能与三类名词搭配.例如:

the book, my book, my friend's book,

John's book, any book, some book, no

book, the other book, whose book, the


my books, my friend's book, John's books,

any books, some books, no books, the

other books, whose books, the money, my

money, my friend's money, John's money, any money,

some money, no money, the other money,

whose money.


有些限定词如a(n), one, another, each,

every, either, neither, many a, such a 等只能与单数名词搭配.例如:

each worker, either book, an apple,

another book, such a book, every student,

neither sentence, one copy, many a


3) 只能与复数名词搭配的限定词

有些限定词如both, two, three, another

two / three, many, (a) few, several, these,

those, a (great) number of等只能与复数名 词搭配.例如:

both workers, several students, a number

of essays, many students, (a) few words,

these / those books, two / three visitors,

another two / three students.

4) 只能与不可数名词搭配的限定词

有些限定词如a (little) bit of, a great

amount of, a great deal of, (a) little,


a bit of water, a great amount of labour,

a great deal of work, (a) little space,

much noise.


有些限定词如the first, the second, the last,

the next等既可与单数名词搭配,也可与复数名 词搭配.例如:

the first rose, the last man, the next

meeting, the first roses, the last men, the

next meetings.


有些限定词如this, that, (the) least等能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配.例如:

(the) least sign (of prejudice), this / that

job, (the) least knowledge, this / that



还有些限定词如a lot of, lots of, enough,

more, most, such, other等可与复数名词和不可数名词搭配.例如:

a lot of books, a lot of money, lots of chickens, lots of food, plenty of chairs,

plenty of water, enough copies, enough

coal, more articles, more time, most

people, most work, such men, such bread,

other men, other bread.


less money, less mistakes.

2 限定词与限定词的搭配关系

以上讲的是限定词与三类名词的搭配关系.除上述搭配关系外,限定词与限定词之间还存在着一定的搭配关系.在名词词组中心词之前如果有两个或两个以上限定词出现时,就会产生限定词的先后顺序问题.按其不同的搭配位置,限定词可分 为:




a) 中位限定词包括a(n), the, zero; this,

that, these, those; my, your, etc; Merry's,

my friend's; some, any, no, every, each,

either, neither, enough; what(ever),

which(ever), whose等

b) 前位限定词包括all, both, half; double,

twice, three times, etc; one-third,

two-fifths, etc; what, such, (a / an)等 c) 后位限定词包括one, two, three, etc;

first, second, third, etc; next, last, other,

another, etc; many, much, (a) few, (a)

little, fewer, (the) fewest, less, (the) least,

more, most; several, plenty of, a lot of,

lots of, a great / large / good number of,

a great / good deal of, a large / small

amount of; such等

2) 三类限定词的搭配关系




all前these中last后few后days. 如果只有上述两类限定词,其搭配关系仍按上述顺序.例如:







由上述诸例可以看出,中位限定词之间和前位限定词之间是互相排拆的,即一个名词中心词之前不可并用两个中位限定词或两个前位限定词.所以,"我的那本书"不是* my that book而是that book of mine,因为my和that同是中位限定词,不可同时并列.但后位限定词的使用却不受此限.除上述those last few months, several hundred guests之外, this last two

books, the first two chapters, three other

girls, two more sheets, the next few

weeks, many more copies, a few more

samples, another twenty tons等都是后位限定词重叠使用的实例.


<和这样的搭配中属于前位限定词,而在与其他限定词(some, any, no, all, few,

another, other, many, one, two, etc)搭配时,such则是后位限定词,一律放在上述这些限定词的后面,如some such, any such, nosuch,

few such, one such等。

3 若干限定词用法比较 前两节介绍了限定词与三类名词以及限定词与限定词之间的搭配关系.下面介绍一些限定词(包括相应的不定代词〕的某些习惯用法问题.( 本节所讲的"不定代词"多属于"名词性替代词"(NOMINAL SUBSTITUTE〕,参见37.1)

1〕many, much, a lot of, lots of, plenty of

表示"多"的意思,可用many, much, a lot of,

lots of, plenty of等.但是many, much常用于否定句和疑问句,而a lot of等则常用于肯定句.例如:

I haven't seen many English films. 多数英文电影我没看过. many修饰可数名词

Have you seen many English films? 多数的英文电影你都看过吗? many修饰可数名词

I haven't done much work today. 我还没 有做多少活呢. much修饰不可数名词

Have you done much work today? 今天你已经做了很多活吗? much修饰不可数名词

I have seen a lot of / lots of / plenty of /

a great number of English films. 我已经看了多部英文电影. number修饰可数名词

I have done a lot of / lots of / plenty of /

a great amount of work today. 今天我已经做了很多活.amount修饰不可数名词

many / much 既可作限定词,也可作不定代词(INDEFINITE PRONOUN〕,a lot 也可单独用作名词词组:

Have you done all these exercises?

----No, I haven't done very many.

Have you done much work today? ----Yes, I've done a lot.

当然,以上所讲many / much常用于否定句和疑问句并不是绝对的,尤其是在下列场合many

/ much也常用于肯定句:

a) 用于whether / if引导的宾语分句中.例如:

I doubt whether / if there'll be many

people at the show on this rainy day. 我怀疑在这个雨天里会有很多人看表演.

I wonder whether / if he has much

information on this subject. 我想知道在这个题目上他是否知道很多消息.

b) 用于由"how / too / so / as+ many /

much (+中心词)" 构成的名词词组中.例如:

He took so many boxes with him that he had to call a taxi. 他身边带着太多的箱子,不得不叫计程车.

It's really surprising that the child has so

much strength at his age. 真是很惊奇,在这个年龄的孩子居然这么有力气.

You can take as many copies as you need.


You can use as much oil as you need. 根据你的需要想用多少油就用多少.

I have (far) too many books on the shelf.

We've had too much rain this spring. 这个春天我们已经有太多的雨.

I'd like to know how many copies are

needed for the class. 我想要知道在这班需要多少张考贝. I want to know how much money will be

spent on the project. 我想知道将在这个计划花费多少钱.MUCH修饰不可数名词MONEY.

c) 用于在句首作主语以及在"存在句"中作实义主语的名词词组中.例如:

Many people would like to take holidays

abroad. 许多人喜欢去国外渡假.

Much coal has been saved through the use

of the new device. 通过用新的装置,很多煤被节省下来.

There are many girl students in my class.


There is much coal left in the mine. 在煤矿有很多的煤剩下. 同样地,a good / great many也可用于肯定句.例如:

I have read a great many English novels.


2) (a) few, (a)little

表示"少"的意思,可用(a) few, (a) little, 既可用作限定词,也可用作不定代词.a few, a little表示"少量",带有肯定意义.例如:

Let's invite a few friends to come with us.


Here are a few more books on this subject.


There are only a very few left. 只有一点点剩下.

I'm keeping the few that remain for tomorrow. 我保住剩下的一点点为明天.

I had a little difficulty in solving the

problem. 在解决这个问题上我有一点困难.

Give me a little of that wine. 给我一点那种酒.

I'm trying to use the little French I have

just learnt. 我正在试用我刚学的一点法语.

few / little 若不与a 连用则表示-否-定-意义,相当于not many / much, not enough.例如:

I have very few (chocolates) left. 我剩下不多的巧克力.

Few (children) were tired. 很少的学生累了.

I have very little (money) left. 我有为数不 多的钱剩下.

I understood little of his speech. 他的演讲我懂一点点.

要注意,quite a few, a good few. not a few不表示"少",而表示"相当多"的含义,相当于, a

fair number (of).例如:

Quite a few of us are getting worried. 我们相当多的人正在担心.

You'll have to wait a good few weeks. 你将不得不等上相当多个星期.

little 的比较级和最高级是less 和least, 通常只能用与不可数名词搭配,但在当代英语中也有用less与复数搭配的.例如:

If only there were less holes in the roof.

如果房顶仅是少量洞. 但这只见于非正式主体;在正式主体中仍用fewer较少,为好.

3) some, any

要表示"一些"的意思,可用some, any. some



There are some letters for me.

There aren't any letters for me.

Are there any letters for me?

I seldom get any sleep these days.


If you have any trouble, please let me

know. 如果你有任何麻烦,请让我知道. I forgot to ask for any change. 我忘了要一些零钱.

当说话人期待肯定回答时,some也可用于疑问句, 比如当说话人期待来信时,他可以问道:

Are there some letters for me?


Could I have some of these apples?

Would you like some chocolate cake?

当some与单数可数名词搭配时, some相当于a certain("某一"〕的含义;而any与单数可数名词搭配,则相当于 every("任何一个"〕的含义.例如:

Some boy has broken a window. 有个男孩打破了窗户. Any child could answer that question. 任何一个孩子都可以回答这个问题.

4) all, both, every, each, either, neither,



all (of) the boys.

both (of) the boys,

every boy / every one of the boys,

each boy / each (one) of the boys,

either boy / either (one) of the (two)


neither boy / neither (one) of the (two)


any boy / any (one) of the (three or more) boys,


a) 表示"全体",可用all 和both, 但all表示三个或三个以上人或物的"全体",而both则表示两个人或物的"全体".例如:

All the four applicants are below the

average. 所有这四位申请者都在平均数以下.

All these last few days the farmers have

been busy fighting drought. 在最后这几天里,农民曾经忙于抗旱.

Both his parents are against his going

there alone. 他的父母两个人都反对他单独去那儿.

The man was blind in both eyes. 这人的两 眼都瞎了.


None of the students failed the

examination. 没有一个学生考试失败.

I'll have none of your stupid ideas. 我不能接受你的那些糊涂观念.

在上述第一例中,既可用none, 也可用no


No one failed the examination.

但no one只能指人,不能指物.


Neither student / Neither (one) of the

(two) cars was made in Japan. 两辆车没 有一辆产自日本.

b) 表示全体中的"每个",如果这个"全体"包含三个或更多的人或物,通常用every.例如:

Every student in the class took part in

the performance. 这个班的每个学生都是这个表演的一部分.

His every action shows that he is a very

determined young man. 他的每个行动都显示了他是一个坚决的年轻人.


Each side of the street was crowded with

people. 街道的两边都挤满了人.

在这里,不可以用every.如果说"广场的每一边都挤满了人",那就既可用each, 也可用every: Each / Every side of the square was

crowded with people. 广场的边上挤满了人.

every 与each 的区别还在于every 指许多人或物中的"每个",侧重在全体,近乎all的含义.例如:

Every student failed the examination. =

All the students failed the examination.


We want every child to succeed. = We

want all the children to succeed. 我们相让每个孩子都成功.


Each child will find his own personal road to success. 每个孩子都发现自已的方法成功.

The Queen shook hands with each player

in turn after the game. 女王在比赛后与参赛手们轮流握手.

c) 表示全体中的"任何一个",也要看这个"全体"是包含三个或更多,还是只包含两个.当"全体"包含三个或三个以上,要表示其中任何一个须用any.例如:

Any (= Every) child would know that. 每个孩子都知道这个.

Ask any man you meet. 你可以问任何一个人.

His gift was unknown to any (of them)

except himself. 除了他自已没有一个人知道他的礼物是什么. These are all free,take any (of them) you

like. 所有都是免费的,拿其中你最喜欢的.


There are two flights for Beijing in the

morning. You can take either (one). 只有两班早晨的飞机去北京,你可选其中一个.

We have two copies left. Keep either

(copy) for the file. 我们有两份考贝剩下,为文件保持其中的一份.

但在on either side, on either end等固定词组中有时可以兼指两个.例如:

There are warehouses on either side of

the river (= on both sides of the river). 在河的两边都有大货仓. He got off the train with a bundle on

either arm. 他带着两大包下火车.

There are stairways at either end of the

corridor. 走廊的两头都有楼梯.

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