ns.giit.us index.php,freeswitch: https://github.com/signalwire/freeswitch.git 的国内镜像

编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:19:38


FreeSWITCH is a Software Defined Telecom Stack enabling the digital transformation from proprietary telecom switches to a versatile software implementation that runs on any commodity hardware. From a Raspberry PI to a multi-core server, FreeSWITCH can unlock the telecommunications potential of any device. Combined with our hosted cloud platform, SignalWire, FreeSWITCH can interconnect with the outside world and scale to any size.

Getting Started

FreeSWITCH is available on Github in source code format. You can checkout the development branch and build for many poplular platforms including Linux, Windows, MacOSX and BSD. There is an issue tracker and pull request system available as part of the repo online.

Additional Help

If you need assistance or have an interest in using a commercially supported build, you can contact coreteam@freeswitch to learn about professional services to support your project.

Voice-over-IP services - SIP / SMS - App Integrations

SignalWire is the primary sponsor of the FreeSWITCH project and was founded by the original developers of FreeSWITCH. SignalWire provides scalable services to enhance and scale your project such as SMS, SIP, Serverless Application hosting as well as programmable telecom. mod_signalwire which is distributed in this code base allows you to instantly pair with SignalWire and extend your FreeSWITCH.


The main index for documentation is available at:

Release notes:


Step by step tutorials to install FreeSWITCH from packages or source code are available at:



GitHub pull requests are the recommended way to contribute to the FreeSWITCH source code:


Slack is our chat system where the developers, the FreeSWITCH team, and the most active users are present.

This is the place to get answers faster and chat with other users in real time. All you need to do is enter your email and verify it on the Slack signup page and you are ready to join in the discussion!

Slack Community:

Mailing list:

Thank you for using FreeSWITCH!


ns.giit.us index.php,freeswitch: https://github.com/signalwire/freeswitch.git 的国

本文发布于:2023-03-28 16:11:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:镜像   国内   index   php   ns


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