
编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-09 09:52:44


Looking for free photo editors like Photoshop to make photos and designs more professional? Adobe Photoshop is the dream of any designer and retoucher since it offers a professional toolset for creative process.

寻找像Photoshop这样的免费照片编辑器来使照片和设计更专业吗? Adobe Photoshop是任何设计者和修饰者的梦想,因为它提供了用于创作过程的专业工具集。

However, the biggest difficulty everyone faces is its quite high monthly price, which often becomes a deal-breaker and leads to many people searching for Photoshop torrents to avoid paying such a huge sum for Adobe products.

但是,每个人面临的最大困难是其相当高的月度价格,这经常成为一笔交易,使许多人在搜索Photoshop torrent时避免为Adobe产品支付这么大的一笔费用。

Luckily, it’s possible to find a photo editor like Photoshop that is either completely free or cheaper and is capable of doing almost everything that Photoshop can, and sometimes even more.


7个像Photoshop一样的照片编辑器 (7 Photo Editors Like Photoshop)

Even though Adobe Photoshop is often viewed as the best option among graphics editors, its capabilities are frequently superfluous. Other than that, Adobe is transferring more and more users to the “Cloud” system, which isn’t to everyone’s taste.

尽管Adobe Photoshop通常被视为图形编辑器中的最佳选择,但其功能通常是多余的。 除此之外,Adobe正在将越来越多的用户转移到“云”系统,这并不是每个人都喜欢的。

Finally, during the last few years, people have been complaining more and more about performance drops when using Adobe software due to the heavy load it puts on the processor. It’s often enough to open a couple of projects in Photoshop even on a powerful PC and you won’t even be able to use your browser comfortably.

最后,在过去的几年中,由于使用Adobe软件会给处理器带来沉重的负担,因此人们越来越抱怨使用Adobe软件的性能下降。 即使在功能强大的PC上,通常也可以在Photoshop中打开几个项目,而您甚至无法舒适地使用浏览器。

Currently, Photoshop remains the leading choice among professionals, but more and more users are searching for decent free photo editors like Photoshop.

目前,Photoshop仍然是专业人士中的首选,但是越来越多的用户正在寻找像Photoshop这样的体面的免费照片编辑器 。

Here we have compiled list of some best photoshop alternatives.


1.亲和照片 (1. Affinity Photo)

Affinity Photo started to create a stir in the creative community almost from the moment it was released. It’s probably the most credible photo editor similar to Photoshop that we’ve seen to this day.

自发布之日起,Affinity Photo就开始在创意界引起轰动。 它可能是迄今为止我们所见过的与Photoshop类似的最可信的照片编辑器。

The program supports Photoshop’s signature file standards and is aimed at photographers and designers while costing significantly less.


Being completely compatible with Photoshop and other file formats, it targets specifically professional photographers and designers. While Affinity Photo is much cheaper than Photoshop (without a subscription), its creators state that their software is actually better, promising superior performance and fewer errors.

与Photoshop和其他文件格式完全兼容,它专门针对专业摄影师和设计师。 尽管Affinity Photo的价格比Photoshop便宜(无订阅),但其创建者声称他们的软件实际上更好,承诺了卓越的性能和更少的错误。

Frankly speaking, the performance boost you receive will probably highly depend on what hardware you’re using (the program was developed for using the latest quadcore technology).




  • Works with RAW and PSD files

  • RGB, CMYK, LAB and Greyscale support

  • Layer-focused image editing




  • Doesn’t have premade lens-specific corrections

  • Users can’t customize the workspace

  • Not very beginner-friendly


2. GIMP (2. GIMP)

If you want to get a free photoshop alternative that is just as powerful and multifunctional, then GIMP is one of the best alternatives. It is free, open-source, which allows a huge number of volunteers to continuously improve it.

如果您想获得功能强大且多功能的免费photoshop替代品,那么GIMP是最好的替代品之一。 它是免费的开放源代码,允许大量志愿者不断对其进行改进。

Thanks to that fact, GIMP has loads of plugins and scripts written for it and it can also work with plugins for Adobe Photoshop. Another benefit of GIMP is that it appeared all the way back in the mid-90s so you can find a huge number of free courses and guides on the web.

由于这个事实,GIMP为其编写了许多插件和脚本,它还可以与Adobe Photoshop的插件一起使用。 GIMP的另一个好处是,它早在90年代中期就出现了,因此您可以在网上找到大量的免费课程和指南。

GIMP offers a wide selection of tools and it’s a fantastic option if you’re looking for a free photo editor similar to Photoshop. The UI is slightly different from Photoshop’s but you can modify it to your liking.

GIMP提供了多种工具,如果您正在寻找类似于Photoshop的免费照片编辑器,那么它是一个绝佳的选择。 用户界面与Photoshop的界面略有不同,但您可以根据自己的喜好对其进行修改。

If you find a “monstrous” program with huge system requirements and a scary price tag unappealing – GIMP is the option for you.




  • Constant maintenance and updates that solve relevant issues and add new functions

  • Smooth performance on all platforms

  • Extremely versatile and easily customizable with plugins and scripts




  • I didn’t experience any problems but heard some people suffer from a couple of bugs

  • Doesn’t support 16bit color channels

  • Some functions are in development for way too long


3. Photo Pos Pro (3. Photo Pos Pro)

Photo Pos Pro is another decent photo editor like Photoshop that strives to be as user-friendly as possible. It has separate modes for beginners and advanced users. In beginner-mode, you can apply filters in a single click and perform basic photo corrections.

Photo Pos Pro是另一种像Photoshop这样的体面的照片编辑器,它努力做到用户友好。 它为初学者和高级用户提供了单独的模式。 在初学者模式下,您可以单击应用滤镜并执行基本的照片校正。

The professional mode has a UI similar to Photoshop. Most find its interface to be more intuitive and comprehensible than GIMP.

专业模式具有类似于Photoshop的UI。 大多数人发现它的界面比GIMP更直观,更易于理解。

Alas, this free photo editor like Photoshop has a very serious flaw. The maximum size of saved files is limited to 1024×2014 pixels.

las,像Photoshop这样的免费照片编辑器有一个非常严重的缺陷。 已保存文件的最大大小限制为1024×2014像素。

If you need to work with larger files, the photo editor will offer you to purchase the paid version for $20. That’s a bit unpleasant, but still several times cheaper than Photoshop.

如果您需要处理较大的文件,则照片编辑器将为您提供20美元的付费版本。 这有点令人不愉快,但仍然比Photoshop便宜几倍。



  • Capability to work with layers

  • All kinds of brushes, templates, textures and gradients

  • Tools for batch, manual and automatic color correction




  • No way to create your own brushes

  • Rather poor printing preparation functionality


4. Pixlr编辑器 (4. Pixlr Editor)

Pixlr Editor is a rather unusual photo editor similar to Photoshop. It’s available in several versions, including PC, mobile and as an online editor. The web version is the sole reasonable Photoshop replacement since it’s the only one with layer support.

Pixlr Editor是与Photoshop类似的非常不寻常的照片编辑器。 它有多个版本,包括PC,移动版和在线编辑器。 网络版本是Photoshop的唯一合理替代品,因为它是唯一具有图层支持的版本。

Sadly, the web version of this program can’t be set to full-screen since there will still be unused space on the right. However, that’s the only serious drawback of Pixlr Editor.

遗憾的是,该程序的网络版本无法设置为全屏显示,因为右侧仍然有未使用的空间。 但是,这是Pixlr Editor的唯一严重缺陷。

All tools found in Ps are available and work great. Overall, this is the perfect photo editor app like Photoshop for situations when you need to edit an image but you don’t have the right to install a downloadable editor.

在Ps中找到的所有工具均可用,并且运行良好。 总体而言,对于需要编辑图像但无权安装可下载编辑器的情况,这是Photoshop之类的完美照片编辑器应用程序。



  • Available for free

  • Has its own smartphone app

  • Plenty of tools to work with




  • Can be slightly overwhelming for beginners

  • Requires Internet connection


5. Pixelmator (5. Pixelmator)

Pixelmator is a universal graphics editor build on the principles of simplicity and accessibility for everyone. The program is available only on iOS and MacOS, which explains such an approach.

Pixelmator是一种通用图形编辑器,它基于每个人的简单性和可访问性原则。 该程序仅在iOS和MacOS上可用,这说明了这种方法。

Pixelmator positions itself as a photo editor like Photoshop that is simpler and more intuitive.


Instead of a single workspace, here we have the main window and movable panels that you can open in the View menu or by using shortcuts. The number of picture editing tools isn’t large but won’t leave you complaining either.

这里有一个主窗口和可移动面板,而不是单个工作区,您可以在“视图”菜单中或使用快捷方式打开它们。 图片编辑工具的数量不多,但也不会让您抱怨。

I also want to mention the smart selection function that was added with the latest update. My subjective experience suggests that this option works better than in Photoshop and is slightly better visible.

我还想提到在最新更新中添加的智能选择功能。 我的主观经验表明,此选项比Photoshop更好,可见性也更好。

There’s no need to impose this editor on professionals, but it’s a perfect fit for regular users. One of the most “magical” capabilities of Pixelmator is object removal. You pick the diameter of the selection, add a couple of brush strokes, and the photo will be cleared of any excess objects.

无需将此编辑器强加于专业人士,但它非常适合常规用户。 Pixelmator最“神奇”的功能之一是对象移除。 您选择选区的直径,添加几个画笔笔触,照片中的所有多余物体都将被清除。



  • Clean user-friendly UI

  • Large choice of effects other than photo adjustments

  • Drawing tools are efficient and error-free




  • Doesn’t offer non-destructive editing or a history panel

  • No CMYK and RAW support


6. PaintNet (6. PaintNet)

Paintnet represents a Windows-based free photo editor like Photoshop supplied by Microsoft. However, don’t let that fact scare you: despite being a default program, it’s a surprisingly multifunctional and useful tool.

Paintnet表示基于Windows的免费照片编辑器,例如Microsoft提供的Photoshop。 但是,不要让这个事实吓到您:尽管它是默认程序,但它是一个令人惊讶的多功能实用工具。

This option focuses on ease of use and is better suited for photo editing than artistic creations. Nonetheless, it includes a variety of special effects that allow you to easily create an artificial perspective, mix and move pixels on the canvas, select and copy areas, etc.

此选项着重于易用性,比艺术创作更适合照片编辑。 但是,它包含各种特殊效果,使您可以轻松创建人造透视图,混合和移动画布上的像素,选择和复制区域等。

A solid selection toolset, layer support and such settings as curves and brightness/contrast mean that PaintNet is a wonderful free photo editor similar to Photoshop, especially if you don’t need the latest additions to Ps’ toolset.




  • Allows working with image layers

  • Updates come out almost every month

  • Contains a satisfying number of effects




  • Lack of functions for professional graphics design


7. Adob​​e Photoshop Express (7. Adobe Photoshop Express)

Adobe Photoshop Express can be considered a lighter, more limited version of Photoshop. This editor can be found online or as an app for Windows, iOS and Android. This is the simplest solution described in the article.

Adobe Photoshop Express可以被认为是Photoshop的一个更轻巧,更受限制的版本。 该编辑器可以在线找到,也可以作为Windows,iOS和Android的应用程序找到。 这是本文中描述的最简单的解决方案。

It doesn’t have layer support, plugins or brushes and works only with JPEG, JPG and JPE images below 16MB. You can’t even crop photos.

它没有图层支持,插件或画笔,仅适用于16MB以下的JPEG,JPG和JPE图像。 您甚至无法裁剪照片。

The only things you can find in this photo editor app like Photoshop are some basic settings and a collection of beautiful filters that you can use to enhance a photo before posting it on social media.


As you can see, it isn’t suited for deep photo editing so you might as well go with a trustworthy professional photo editing service online instead for a couple of backs.




  • Incredibly easy to use

  • Availability of basic tools

  • Stable performance




  • Lack of most professional tools

  • No RAW support

  • Max file size of 16MB


结论 (Conclusion)

If you ever start thinking about replacing Photoshop, I hope you’ll take note of some of the offered programs. If you need to perform complex image editing that requires using many different tools, then Affinity Photo, GIMP or Pixelmator are perfectly suited for such a task. If all you need is to make a couple of simple adjustments (size change, rotation, basic color correction), then you should take a closer look at PaintNet or Photo Pos Pro.

如果您开始考虑更换Photoshop,希望您能注意其中的一些程序。 如果您需要执行复杂的图像编辑工作,而这需要使用许多不同的工具,那么Affinity Photo,GIMP或Pixelmator便非常适合此类任务。 如果您只需要进行几个简单的调整(大小更改,旋转,基本色彩校正),那么您应该仔细看一下PaintNet或Photo Pos Pro。

If you need a photo editor like Photoshop that you can use online, straight from your browser – Pixlr and Adobe Photoshop Express are there for you. Interested in other Adobe products, read more about a legal way to download Lightroom free.

如果需要像Photoshop这样的照片编辑器,可以直接在浏览器中在线使用-Pixlr和Adobe Photoshop Express可为您提供帮助。 对其他Adobe产品感兴趣,请阅读有关免费下载Lightroom的合法方法的更多信息。

I hope you will love these photoshop alternatives. If you know about any other good editor then please mention in comments, I will love to add it to the list.

我希望您会喜欢这些Photoshop替代品。 如果您知道其他任何优秀的编辑器,请在评论中提及,我很乐意将其添加到列表中。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer/2019/10/photo-editors-like-photoshop.html




本文发布于:2023-04-08 22:14:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:编辑器   照片   Photoshop


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