
编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:20:07


After going through a number of articles, discussion boards and professional channels over the social media, I realised a strange fact (or people assume it to be a fact) where SaaS is conveniently used synonymous to Cloud. After digging into the depths of how these individuals developed this idea that made a place in their minds, I came to certain conclusions. Following in this article, you’d get to read all such misconceptions and the facts that surround these technologies.

在社交媒体上浏览了许多文章,讨论区和专业渠道之后,我意识到一个奇怪的事实(或者人们认为这是事实),在这里SaaS可以方便地用作Cloud的同义词。 在深入研究了这些人如何发展这一想法之后,我得出了某些结论。 在本文后面,您将阅读所有这些误解以及围绕这些技术的事实。

To my surprise, it was more of a marketing gimmick that most providers had used to get an exposure to their products. Though from a technical perspective a SaaS solution can be offered from within the Cloud, but it isn’t necessarily be so.

令我惊讶的是,大多数供应商习惯于使用营销手段来接触他们的产品。 尽管从技术角度来看,可以从云内部提供SaaS解决方案,但不一定如此。

For a moment if we stop relating a SaaS to a Cloud, and look at them differently, we’d realise that a Cloud is something where computing is delivered as a utility while SaaS offers application(s) as an utility. During my conversation I realised that a few people still believed Cloud and Grid computing to be the same, whereas the fact is Cloud computing despite having based on the concept of grid computing, is entirely different in functionality and architecture. Though its an altogether different topic which we’d discuss sometime in the later articles.

有一会儿,如果我们停止将SaaS与云相关联,并以不同的方式看待它们,我们会意识到, 是将计算作为实用程序交付SaaS将 应用 作为实用程序提供的东西 。 在我的交谈中,我意识到仍然有人相信云计算和网格计算是相同的,而事实是尽管云计算基于网格计算的概念,但功能和体系结构却完全不同。 尽管这是一个完全不同的主题,但我们将在以后的文章中进行讨论。

There may be various ways depending on the priorities of its provider how a SaaS application model would be delivered. It may be from a providers datacenter or offered by a cloud hosting company or as a sole cloud computing solution, where varied technologies might be brought to use inorder to best achieve the resource utilization.

取决于提供者的优先级,可能有多种方式可以如何交付SaaS应用程序模型。 它可以来自提供商数据中心,也可以由云托管公司提供,也可以作为唯一的云计算解决方案,在此可以使用各种技术以最佳地实现资源利用。

However, as the name SaaS or Software as a Service suggests, an application or software is delivered in this model. This is pretty dissimilar to a cloud computing model. Despite this clarity, people still tend to create an understanding for the two to be synonymous. I believe the marketing carried out by the vendors are to be held responsible for creating such a confusion. Since the term Cloud has earned enough reputation in the Industry, it seems promoting a product using this term might be used as a strategy to earn a better exposure. If it doesn’t happen within a premise, it is made to believe that it’s happening in the cloud, no matter if its an application or a computing process.

但是,正如名称“ SaaS或软件即服务”所暗示的那样,该模型中提供了应用程序或软件。 这与云计算模型完全不同。 尽管有这样的明确性,人们仍然倾向于将两者理解为同义词。 我认为,由卖方进行的营销应引起这种混乱。 由于术语“云”已在业界赢得了足够的声誉,因此似乎可以将使用该术语推广产品视为获得更好曝光率的策略。 如果它不是在某个前提下发生的,那么就可以相信它是在云中发生的,而不管它是应用程序还是计算过程。

It is important to understand that only because an application is hosted in a cloud doesn’t necessarily mean it is SaaS. From a customer’s perspective it is necessary to get to know all these facts. If an application doesn’t satisfy the needs of multitenancy despite it being built using a virtualization technology, it isn’t SaaS. Though most users would only care about the performance and wouldn’t be interested in the backend architecture. But at the same time there are enterprises for whom these factors are important for consideration and works as key decision making points. Based on the inferences a thorough business strategy is decided, something that supports their very motive of best achieving their projected goals.

重要的是要理解,仅因为将应用程序托管在云中并不一定意味着它就是SaaS。 从客户的角度出发,有必要了解所有这些事实。 如果尽管应用程序是使用虚拟化技术构建的,但仍不能满足多租户的需求,则它不是SaaS。 尽管大多数用户只关心性能,而对后端体系结构不感兴趣。 但同时,对于某些企业而言,这些因素对于这些因素而言很重要,需要考虑并作为关键决策点。 根据这些推论,可以确定一个彻底的业务策略,这可以支持他们最大程度地实现其预期目标的动机。

Scalability being one of the major factors in a Cloud hosting solution, a SaaS solution expects more of a multitenancy model. Such a model should comprise of key essentials such as fast deployment, optimum scalability and ease of management. All these efforts revolve around a single fact ie. to decrease the IT cost. Enterprises that take a leading edge towards implementing the right models usually takes an advantage compared to their competitors.

可伸缩性是云托管解决方案的主要因素之一,SaaS解决方案期望更多的多租户模型。 这样的模型应该包含关键要素,例如快速部署,最佳可伸缩性和易于管理。 所有这些努力都围绕一个事实,即。 降低IT成本。 与竞争对手相比,在实施正确模型方面具有领先优势的企业通常会获得优势。

So if you are onto choosing such a solution, it is usually recommended to test the technologies before migrating your business over to the platform. Most providers would either offer a test period or a 30 days money back guarantee, consumers may make use of this opportunity by carrying out an extensive testing of their applications. You must not only check for scalability and uptime but whether your application performance lives upto your expectations. Get to know the most about the technologies and hardware that is used by the provider for building up platform, this should offer you an upper-hand with finding the best solution for your requirements.

因此,如果要选择这样的解决方案,通常建议在将业务迁移到平台之前先测试技术。 大多数提供商会提供测试期或30天的退款保证,消费者可以通过对其应用程序进行广泛的测试来利用此机会。 您不仅必须检查可伸缩性和正常运行时间,还必须检查应用程序性能是否符合您的期望。 最全面地了解提供商用于构建平台的技术和硬件,这将为您提供优势,找到满足您要求的最佳解决方案。

Cloud indeed is something that we can expect to be the future of computing, but unless the right kind of cloud solution is chosen for your business operations, your  ideas about achieving the best from them might remain incomplete. So inorder to bridge the gap, it is essential to understand different technologies and choose the one that is most appropriate for you.

云计算确实是我们可以期望的未来计算技术,但是除非为您的业务运营选择正确的云解决方案,否则您关于从中获得最大收益的想法可能仍然不完整。 因此,为了弥合差距,了解不同的技术并选择最适合您的技术至关重要。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost/blog/webhosting/saas-neednt-always-be-in-a-cloud-no-more-confusion/




本文发布于:2023-03-29 11:26:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:云中   混乱   saas   _SaaS


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