
编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-29 09:17:32


免责声明 (Disclaimer)

Some of my friends were saying, my mobile phone didn’t hack and I am doing a prank. Then before you read my hacking story, I want to give you a disclaimer that it’s not a prank or fake story, and everything you will read it’s based on my real-life experience. If you think it’s fake then you can happily close the window. But there are some tips mentioned in this story which you must read because that could prevent your device from this kind of hacking.

我的一些朋友说,我的手机没有被黑客入侵,我在做恶作剧。 然后,在您阅读我的黑客故事之前,我想给您一个否认,它不是恶作剧或虚假的故事,并且您阅读的所有内容都是基于我的真实经验。 如果您认为它是假的,则可以快乐地关闭窗口。 但是,您必须阅读此故事中提到的一些提示,因为它们可能会阻止您的设备受到这种黑客攻击。

第一次攻击 (First Attack)

If you think only celebrities get a hacking attack then change your mind because the victim can be anyone. So in February 2019, I started a blog with the name GeekDirector, surprisingly I consider it my first startup with no social media presence. But anyhow, I was the only one who was writing blogs on it, and unfortunately, I was able to write only four articles. After six months, I opened my blog and it was approved with Google Adsense. I was very happy because the earnings on it had been started.

如果您认为只有名人才能受到黑客攻击,请改变主意,因为受害者可以是任何人。 因此,在2019年2月,我开了一个名为GeekDirector的博客,令人惊讶的是,我认为这是我的第一家没有社交媒体参与的初创公司。 但是无论如何,我是唯一一个在上面写博客的人,不幸的是,我只能写四篇文章。 六个月后,我打开了自己的博客,并已通过Google Adsense批准。 我很高兴,因为它的收益已经开始。

After some days, my Google Account was hacked and the hacker deleted my blog and Adsense account. It was a very depressing situation for me. Fortunately, I downloaded the backup file of my blog in my system but my earnings were gone. I was not able to recover my Adsense account because Google has a policy that you can’t create more than one Adsense account. However, I was contacting Google for the recovery but all in vain. In the meantime, I started a new startup, a digital marketing agency, with some people. But It was not giving me pleasure.

几天后,我的Google帐户被黑客入侵,黑客删除了我的博客和Adsense帐户。 对我来说,这是非常令人沮丧的情况。 幸运的是,我在系统中下载了博客的备份文件,但收入却消失了。 我无法恢复我的Adsense帐户,因为Google制定了一项政策,即您不能创建多个Adsense帐户。 但是,我正在与Google联系以寻求恢复,但一切都是徒劳的。 同时,我和一些人一起创办了一家新的初创公司,一家数字营销代理。 但这并没有给我带来乐趣。

I was requesting Google to recover my Adsense Account and at the start of the year 2020, I received the good news that my Adsense Account has been restored. I was very happy but Google was not able to recover my blog because it was permanently deleted.

我要求Google恢复我的Adsense帐户,并在2020年初,我收到了一个好消息,我的Adsense帐户已恢复。 我非常高兴,但是Google无法恢复我的博客,因为它已被永久删除。

Anyhow, I created another blog with the same name and restored my previous blog content with a backup file. I started creating content again and made its social media presence on all platforms. Remember that this blog was not approved for Adsense because only the content was restored, not the views and analytics.

无论如何,我创建了另一个同名博客,并使用备份文件恢复了以前的博客内容。 我再次开始创建内容,并在所有平台上都拥有社交媒体的功能。 请记住,此博客未获准使用Adsense,因为仅还原了内容,而不还原了视图和分析。

第二次攻击 (Second Attack)

I protected my Google accounts with two-step verification to prevent them from hacking. But from the start of 2020 to the day when my mobile phone got hacked, someone was trying to access my Facebook account. Due to this activity, Facebook had disabled my Fb account many times and I have to change the password almost 30 times during this period.

我通过两步验证来保护我的Google帐户,以防止它们被黑客入侵。 但是从2020年初到我的手机被黑客攻击的那一天,有人试图访问我的Facebook帐户。 由于这项活动,Facebook多次禁用了我的Fb帐户,在此期间我不得不更改密码近30次

Before my mobile phone got hacked, my blog GeekDirector was approved for earnings but till now I didn’t connect it with my Google Adsense.

在手机遭到黑客入侵之前,我的博客GeekDirector已获准收入,但直到现在我仍未将其与Google Adsense关联。

抱怨骗局 (Complained About Scam)

One day before the hacking, I investigated about a job scam. There is no need to explain the scam but in short, I blackmailed the scammer that I will complain about his/her scam to FIA (Federal Investigation Agency) if he/she doesn’t apologize. But He/She refused and blocked me. Then I complained to FIA and still waiting for a response.

在被黑客入侵的前一天,我调查了一次工作骗局。 无需解释该骗局,但总之,我向骗子勒索,如果他/她没有道歉,我会向国际汽联(联邦调查局)投诉他/她的骗局。 但是他/她拒绝并阻止了我。 然后我向国际汽联投诉,仍在等待回应。

骇客日 (Hacking Day)

I also create content for the brand campaign for the purpose of affiliate marketing, and for this, I have a separate business email address. I received all the promotional emails on that address from a valid source. But on a hacking day, I received a promotional email on my other email address. It shocked me because it was not from my valid source. I was not able to take a screenshot at that time and the email deleted after hacking attempt.

我还为联盟营销创建了品牌活动的内容,为此,我有一个单独的企业电子邮件地址。 我从有效来源收到了该地址上的所有促销电子邮件。 但是在黑客入侵的一天,我在另一个电子邮件地址上收到了一封促销电子邮件。 这让我感到震惊,因为它不是来自我的有效来源。 当时我无法进行屏幕截图,并且在尝试黑客入侵后删除了该电子邮件。

But in short, according to this email, the brand was giving me iPhone 11 Pro Max along with $500 to promote it through my blog. I thought about how they knew about my blog and why they emailed me at this address. I also thought this email should be sent to Zaryab Khan from the XEETECHCARE and Bilal Munir from the VideoWaliSarkar.

但简而言之,根据这封电子邮件,该品牌给了我iPhone 11 Pro Max以及500美元,以通过我的博客进行推广。 我想到了他们对我的博客的了解,以及为什么他们通过此地址向我发送电子邮件。 我也想过这个电子邮件应该从VideoWaliSarkarXEETECHCARE比拉尔穆尼尔·发送到Zaryab汗

I ignored this offer and back to my work again. After some time, I received a message on my phone. I was not so much shocked because it was asking me to sign up for the iPhone 11 Pro Max Giveaway Competition. I clicked the link and fill-up the form. After submitting the form, a .jpg file was downloaded and I opened it. The picture was showing text with an unknown language.

我忽略了这个提议,再次回到我的工作。 一段时间后,我在手机上收到一条消息。 我并没有因此感到震惊,因为它要求我报名参加iPhone 11 Pro Max赠品竞赛。 我单击了链接并填写了表格。 提交表单后,下载了.jpg文件,然后我将其打开。 图片显示的是语言未知的文字。

Then suddenly I lost access to my phone and I didn’t know what was going on with it. Fortunately, there was no credit on my sim, so the hacker could not make a call or message. But my mobile phone was connected with an internet connection and the terrible things were happening. All the applications were opening automatically and performing actions on their own. Sending snaps and WhatsApp messages automatically made me frightened. I was watching a science fiction film in real life.

然后突然我无法使用手机,也不知道手机发生了什么。 幸运的是,我的模拟卡没有积分,因此黑客无法拨打电话或发短信。 但是我的手机连接了互联网,可怕的事情正在发生。 所有应用程序都自动打开并自行执行操作。 自动发送快照和WhatsApp消息使我感到恐惧。 我在现实生活中看过科幻电影。

I quickly opened my laptop, log in to Facebook, and told people about this situation through messenger and ask them to spread this to others. After some time, I lost access to my FB account. I tried to recover it but I couldn’t. Then I checked my other accounts like Google, Instagram, Snapchat, Online Bank Portal, Fiverr, etc. I already lost their access.

我Swift打开笔记本电脑,登录Facebook,并通过Messenger告诉人们这种情况,并要求他们将这种情况传播给其他人。 一段时间后,我无法访问我的FB帐户。 我试图恢复它,但无法恢复。 然后我检查了我的其他帐户,例如Google,Instagram,Snapchat,在线银行门户网站,Fiverr等。我已经失去了访问权限。

It was probably my fortune that due to illegal activity only Facebook and Instagram had disabled my account. But probably due to the high-score of depression, I didn’t recover my remaining accounts. I relaxed and after some time I was able to recover my two Google accounts. One of them I received a promotional email and the other one has all the contacts. But when I opened my Gmail, all the emails were deleted and my drive was empty, and that made me more frightened than ever. But thank God, all the contacts were saved. However, I put this phone in that place where the camera remains dark.

可能是我的运气,由于非法活动,只有Facebook和Instagram禁用了我的帐户。 但是可能由于抑郁症的高分,我没有收回余下的账目。 我放松了一下,过了一段时间,我得以恢复了两个Google帐户。 其中一个我收到了一封促销电子邮件,而另一个收到了所有联系人。 但是,当我打开Gmail时,所有电子邮件都被删除,而且驱动器空了,这使我比以往任何时候都更害怕。 但是感谢上帝,所有的联系都得以保存。 但是,我将这款手机放在相机保持黑暗的地方。

I got another phone, log in to google account and insert another sim. I used WhatsApp and ask people what’s going on. Then I came to know that the hacker was a Russian and posting and sending messages in the Russian Language. That’s how I realized that the text on the picture was also in the Russian Language. Somehow, people were sending his/her messages by translating it into English. I don’t want to discuss hacker’s messages because the story will go long. Due to this hacking, some people had blocked me from many platforms.

我又得到了一部手机,登录到Google帐户并插入了另一张SIM卡。 我使用WhatsApp并询问人们发生了什么事。 然后我才知道黑客是俄罗斯人 ,并且以俄语发布和发送消息。 这就是我意识到图片上的文字也是俄语的方式。 人们以某种​​方式通过将他/她的信息翻译成英语来发送信息。 我不想讨论黑客的消息,因为这个故事会持续很长时间。 由于这种黑客攻击,一些人阻止了我进入许多平台。

In short, the hacker wanted money, he/she was not able to withdraw money from my Fiverr and Bank Account. Then he/she posted the status that I had no money. And that’s true!! hahaha.

简而言之,黑客想要钱,他/她无法从我的Fiverr和银行帐户中提取钱。 然后他/她发布了我没有钱的状态。 没错! 哈哈哈

I was contacting PTA (Pakistan Telecom Authority) and FIA (Federal Investigation Agency) Cyber Crime Wing but didn’t get any response because it was Independence Day of Pakistan. I didn’t try to access my phone but I tried to access my other accounts. It was about midnight and fortunately, I successfully recovered my Instagram account and quickly update my friends about this situation. Somehow the recovery of WhatsApp was very easy but due to the panic situation, I didn’t understand what to do now. Then a friend called me and ask me to do so. And my other friends are also suggesting and helping me with this situation.

我当时正在联系PTA(巴基斯坦电信管理局)FIA(联邦调查局)网络犯罪部,但没有得到任何回应,因为那是巴基斯坦独立日。 我没有尝试访问我的电话,但尝试访问其他帐户。 快到午夜了,幸运的是,我成功恢复了我的Instagram帐户,并Swift向我的朋友们介绍了这种情况。 不知何故,恢复WhatsApp非常容易,但是由于紧急情况,我不知道现在该怎么办。 然后有个朋友打电话给我,要求我这样做。 我的其他朋友也在建议并帮助我解决这种情况。

By making this story short, at 4:00 AM, I successfully recovered all of my accounts. But I was not able to recover my Facebook Ad Account and I was not doing any kind of dance that I have recovered my accounts. Because my Facebook Ad account was connected with my Bank Account and the hacker was able to run ads on Facebook. I picked up my hacked phone and turned it on. I couldn’t access it because the password was already changed by the hacker.

通过简短地讲这个故事,在4:00 AM ,我成功恢复了所有帐户。 但是我无法恢复我的Facebook广告帐户,也没有做任何恢复自己帐户的舞蹈。 因为我的Facebook广告帐户已与我的银行帐户关联,并且黑客能够在Facebook上投放广告。 我拿起被黑的手机并将其打开。 我无法访问它,因为黑客已经更改了密码。

I was losing access to my FB account again and again. I didn’t sleep the whole night due to this stressful nightmare. I was trying again and again to gain access but all in vain. In the morning, I informed my bank about this situation and asked them to deactivate online purchasing. However, I could take a relaxed breath after this whole scenario.

我一次又一次失去访问我的FB帐户的权限。 由于这个恶梦,我整夜没睡。 我一次又一次地试图获得访问权限,但徒劳无功。 早上,我将这种情况告知了我的银行,并要求他们停用在线购买功能。 但是,在整个场景之后,我可以放松呼吸。

The Ad account was already gone and after contacting Facebook for two days I regained its access. Still, I was not able to access my phone because the password was changed. Hence, I reinstalled its firmware because that was the only solution I got. Somehow, it cleans the device and reset it to it’s starting position.

该广告帐户已经消失,在与Facebook联系两天后,我重新获得了访问权限。 但是,由于密码已更改,我仍然无法访问手机。 因此,我重新安装了其固件,因为这是我获得的唯一解决方案。 它会以某种方式清洁设备并将其重置为初始位置。

Now I have access to my mobile phone and all the accounts. I only lost my important emails and files which were stored on Google Drive. But whatever the depressing situation would be, you have to face it with patience.

现在,我可以使用手机和所有帐户了。 我只丢失了重要的电子邮件和存储在Google云端硬盘中的文件。 但是无论情况如何令人沮丧,您都必须耐心面对。

避免黑客入侵的提示 (Tips to Avoid Hacking)

From the above the story, you would be able to find out the tips to prevent your device from the hacking. But following are my observations from this experience:

从上面的故事中,您将能够找到防止设备被黑客入侵的提示。 但是,以下是我根据此经验得出的观察结果:

1- Don’t install any useless app on your mobile.


2- Don’t install your bank and freelancing app.


3- When you received an email or message, must verify its source by searching it on Google. For example, in that case, you also receive an iPhone giveaway message, you have to must verify is there any such kind of competition is happening or not.

3-当您收到电子邮件或消息时,必须通过在Google上搜索来验证其来源。 例如,在这种情况下,您还会收到一条iPhone赠品消息,您必须确认是否存在任何这种竞争。

4- Always make your account login in only one device. If it is login to other devices then logout from them.

4-始终仅在一台设备上登录您的帐户。 如果是登录到其他设备,则从它们注销。

5- Don’t click any link or download the file sent by a stranger or your friend. Must verify before downloading or clicking.

5-不要单击任何链接或下载陌生人或您的朋友发送的文件。 在下载或单击之前必须进行验证。

6- If you become a hacking victim, reset your WiFi router and change its password.


Here is my story and I have given you some tips after my observation, but you would suggest other tips according to your knowledge and experience.May God keep you safe.


翻译自: https://medium/swlh/my-mobile-phone-got-hacked-and-here-is-how-you-can-protect-yourself-c6dea908ac5e




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