
编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-29 04:52:20


by Austin Belcak

奥斯汀·贝尔卡克(Austin Belcak)

这是您需要聘用的唯一简历客观建议 (This is the only résumé objective advice you need to get hired)

对您的简历的这一部分进行一些调整可以使您的面试率提高三倍,这就是实现这一目标的方法。 (A few tweaks to this section of your résumé can triple your interview rate — and this is how to make it happen.)

A good résumé objective is the difference between landing the interview and having your application tossed in the trash.


Here’s why:


You’ve probably heard that employers spend an average of six seconds scanning your résumé. But do you know where they spend the majority of that time?

您可能听说过,雇主平均花费6秒钟扫描您的简历。 但是您知道他们大部分时间都花在哪里吗?

Scanning the résumé objective.


It’s the easiest way for them to qualify (or disqualify) candidates, which is why it’s critical that you structure your objective in a way that’s easy to digest and hooks your potential employer from the first bullet.


This, my friend, is easier said than done. If you did a Google search for “résumé objective” you probably came across a bunch of conflicting advice that left you wondering:

我的朋友,这说起来容易做起来难。 如果您在Google搜索“简历目标”,您可能会遇到一堆相互矛盾的建议,这让您感到疑惑:

  • Should you use a résumé objective, summary, or profile?

  • Should this section be a written paragraph or short bullets?

  • What information should you include (and what should you leave out)?

  • How do you take that generic template and apply it to your specific situation and industry?


At least that’s how I felt when I was looking for help during my job search. This article aims to change that. It’s going to be your one stop shop for crafting a résumé objective that achieves a single goal: getting you the interview and the job offer.

至少这就是我在求职过程中寻求帮助时的感受。 本文旨在改变这一点。 这将是您制定简历目标并实现一个目标的一站式服务:为您提供面试和工作机会。

Here’s what we’re going to cover:


  • Why the résumé objective is absolutely critical for beating the competition and landing the interview

  • Three simple steps to crafting a résumé objective that gets you hired the first time

  • Four incredibly common mistakes people make in the objective that costs them the interview

  • Three sample résumé objectives for different industries and scenarios


Once you’re done with this article, go ahead and check out this guide on writing résumés that will actually get you hired (the first time).


简历的目标是什么(以及您为什么要关心)? (What is a résumé objective (& why should you care)?)

Your résumé objective is the first section that appears below your name and contact information on your résumé:


A highly effective objective includes 3–5 bullets of the most relevant experience and compelling results when compared to the job description.


Other career websites and “gurus” may advocate for different formats. Since founding Cultivated Culture, I’ve had thousands of résumés come across my desk which has given me the opportunity to test each style, collect data, and monitor success. The bullet-style that I’ll be walking you through in this article outperformed every other format.

其他职业网站和“专家”可能主张采用不同的格式。 自创建文化培养以来,我已经在办公桌上找到了数千份简历,这使我有机会测试每种风格,收集数据并监控成功。 在本文中,我将向您介绍的项目符号样式优于其他所有格式。

It’s specifically designed to hook the reader, highlight the information they are using to qualify candidates, and deliver it in a format that is easy to digest. Here’s a quick comparison of the bullet-style vs. a paragraph style résumé objective (in the context of an outbound sales role):

它是专门为吸引读者而设计的,突出显示他们用于限定候选人的信息,并以易于消化的格式提供信息。 这是项目符号样式与段落样式简历目标的快速比较(在外向销售角色的情况下):

Example of Bullet Style


  • Manage an outbound sales team of six that achieves an average attainment of 123% to quota and was responsible for 40% of net new sales last year

  • Restructured pitch process to incorporate “Challenger Sale” methodology, resulting in a 15% increase in sales and a 29% increase in average deal size

  • Creator of embRACE, an internal group focused on building diversity and inclusion into the core of our company culture


Example of Paragraph Style


At [Company], I am responsible for managing a team of six sales people that have a track record of consistently over-attaining against quota and drove ~40% of net new sales last year for the company.


Most recently, I restructured our sales pitch process to incorporate a “Challenger Sale” mindset from the initial point of contact through to the close. It helped us increase our sell through rate by 15%, and increased our average deal size by 29% versus the previous process.

最近,我对销售推销流程进行了重组,从最初的接触点一直到结束,都融入了“挑战销售”的心态。 与以前的流程相比,它帮助我们将销售率提高了15%,并将平均交易规模提高了29%。

Finally, diversity and inclusion is a huge passion of mine. I created a group called embRACE which aims to help make diversity and inclusions a core pillar of our company’s culture.

最后,多样性和包容性是我的巨大热情。 我创建了一个名为embRACE的小组,旨在帮助使多样性和包容性成为我们公司文化的核心Struts。

See how the bullet style hooks you in from the first bullet and is much easier to digest? That’s what we’re going for. In a world where the average open role gets 300+ applications, grabbing attention early and making the information dead easy to comprehend is what will set you apart from the competition.

看看项目符号样式如何将您吸引到第一个项目符号中,并且更容易消化? 那就是我们要的。 在一个平均每个公开职位拥有300多个应用程序的世界中,尽早吸引注意力并让信息容易被理解的原因将使您在竞争中脱颖而出。

That said, not all bullet-style objectives are created equal. If your bullets aren’t catchy and they don’t deliver the information your reader was looking for, your résumé is going to get tossed. Here’s an example of good and bad bullet style résumé objectives:

也就是说,并非所有子弹式目标都是一样的。 如果您的子弹不引人注目,并且它们不能提供您的读者所需要的信息,那么您的简历就会被弄乱。 这是子弹式简历目标好坏的一个示例:

“Bad” Example


  • Responsible for managing a team of six outbound sales associates

  • Restructured our pitch process to increase sales and drive more revenue

  • Helped start an internal group focused on raising awareness about diversity and inclusion


Those bullets are extremely vague and don’t offer any tangible value. Those bullets could apply to any sales manager at a progressive company in 2018 — this person has no hope of standing out in a sea of applicants. Let’s see how these can be re-phrased to make this person’s résumé objective pop:

这些子弹非常模糊,没有任何实际价值。 这些项目符号可能适用于2018年一家进步型公司的任何销售经理-这个人没有希望在求职者中脱颖而出。 让我们看看如何重新措辞以使此人的简历目标流行起来:

“Good” Example


  • Manage an outbound sales team of six that achieves an average attainment of 123% to quota and was responsible for 40% of net new sales last year

  • Restructured pitch process to incorporate “Challenger Sale” methodology, resulting in a 15% increase in sales and a 29% increase in average deal size

  • Creator of “embRACE,” an internal group focused on building diversity and inclusion into the core of our company culture

    内部团队“ embRACE”的创建者,致力于建立多样性并将其纳入我们公司文化的核心

If you were a hiring manager thumbing through your fifth stack of résumés, which one of these would catch your eye?


制定获得结果的简历目标的3个步骤 (3 steps to crafting a résumé objective that gets results)

Now I’ll show you a simple 3-step formula you can use to make sure you’re writing an objective that cuts through the BS and simply gets results:


1.阅读所需职位的职位描述 (1. Read the job description for the role you’re looking for)

In order to ensure that the information in our objective is relevant and compelling, we need to understand what the company is truly looking for.


There’s a specific reason that this role is open. At a high level, the company is looking for someone to come in and excel at specific actions and activities. Digging deeper, we might find that the company needs this person to help them solve a problem, overcome an obstacle, or simply perform activities to help drive revenue.

有一个特定的原因,这个角色是开放的。 在较高的层次上,该公司正在寻找可以介入并擅长于特定行动和活动的人。 深入研究,我们可能会发现公司需要这个人来帮助他们解决问题,克服障碍,或者只是进行活动来帮助增加收入。

To answer the high level question, the best place to start is the job description (JD). The JD will give us a sense of “hard” qualifications like:

要回答高层次的问题,最好的起点是职位描述(JD)。 JD将给我们一种“硬”资格的感觉,例如:

  • Years of experience

  • Proficiency with certain tools, platforms, or programming languages

  • Track record of success against key performance indicators


And so on.


When reading the JD, put yourself in the shoes of the hiring manager. What information would you immediately look for to determine if the person was qualified? In what order?

阅读JD时,请把自己放在招聘经理的面前。 您将立即寻找哪些信息来确定此人是否合格? 以什么顺序?

Let’s take a look at this Data Analyst role at Facebook. Here are a few bullets highlighting “hard” skills needed for the role:

让我们来看看Facebook的Data Analyst角色 。 以下是一些突出项目角色所需的“硬”技能的项目符号:

  • Responsible for ensuring the efficiency of Facebook’s People Data Team, identifying areas for improvement, and building both long term and ad-hoc solutions. The ideal candidate will have a strong technical, analytical, and operational background. SQL and Tableau proficiency is required.

    负责确保Facebook的人员数据团队的效率,确定需要改进的地方以及构建长期和临时解决方案。 理想的候选人将具有强大的技术,分析和运营背景。 需要具备SQL和Tableau能力。

  • Use tools and programming languages like Tableau, Hive, Oracle, R, Python, Excel, Workday, Visier and many other internal tools to work efficiently at scale


  • Maintain code-base (SQL) used to drive self-service tools, and recommend opportunities for improvement


  • 3+ years experience with SQL (or similar language aimed at querying relational databases)


  • 3+ years of experience working with data visualization tools


  • 2+ years of experience with R, Python, or a similar scripting language


Based on that, we know our bullets should mention having 3+ years of experience with SQL, Tableau, and Python as well as tangible results that were driven by our analysis using those tools.


This strategy will give you a starting point to determine exactly what you need to include in order to pass the “eye” test for qualification. However, that’s just the beginning. The JD can only tell us so much about the role, and everyone else out there has access to it.

该策略将为您提供一个起点,以便准确确定要通过资格认证的“眼图”测试所需要包括的内容。 但是,这仅仅是开始。 JD只能告诉我们很多有关该角色的信息,其他所有人都可以使用它。

If you really want to stand a head and shoulders above the competition, we have to go a bit deeper. The best way to truly understand why the company is hiring for this role is to speak with people on the actual team — the person who might manage you, or a potential peer who would sit across from you if you got hired.

如果您真的想在竞争中脱颖而出,我们必须更进一步。 真正了解公司为什么要聘用该职位的最佳方法是与实际团队中的人员进行交谈,这些人可能是管理您的人,或者是潜在的同事,如果您被录用,他们会坐在您对面。

These people will be able to to give you inside information like:


“The title says “Account Executive” but this role is going to have a different focus than the other AEs. We identified a huge revenue opportunity within our mid-tier clients, but all of our current AEs are completely maxed out servicing our top clients. This role is going to solely focus on taking mid-tier accounts and growing them 3–5x.”

“标题上写着“客户经理”,但这个角色将与其他AE有所不同。 我们在中层客户中发现了巨大的收入机会,但是我们目前所有的自动售货机都已完全为顶级客户提供服务。 该角色将仅专注于采用中级帐户并将其增长3到5倍。”



“Our Project Management team is struggling to bridge the gap between sales and engineering. Sales is out there selling stuff that doesn’t exist, and engineering wants to focus their resources on features that clients aren’t necessarily asking for. The boss hopes that this new hire will have some experience liaising between sales/engineering to help us re-prioritize and get everyone on the same page so we stop leaking productivity and revenue.”

“我们的项目管理团队正在努力弥合销售与工程之间的差距。 销售人员在那里销售不存在的东西,工程部门希望将其资源集中在客户不一定要求的功能上。 老板希望这名新员工在销售/工程之间有一定的联系经验,以帮助我们重新确定优先级并使每个人都在同一页面上,以免我们浪费生产力和收入。”

Those paragraphs contain some insanely valuable information for you as a job seeker. Stuff that you would never infer from an online job description. But it comes with a catch…

这些段落包含一些对于您作为求职者而言极为宝贵的信息。 您永远不会从在线职位描述中推断出的东西。 但是它带有一个陷阱……

In order to get that information, you need to learn how to get in touch and build relationships with virtual strangers. I won’t dive into the details in this post, but here is a massive guide on building connections complete with all the strategies, tools, and templates you need turn strangers into loyal advocates.

为了获得该信息,您需要学习如何联系并与虚拟陌生人建立关系。 我不会在本文中深入探讨细节,但是这里有大量的指南来指导您建立联系 ,其中包括您需要的所有策略,工具和模板,这些都会将陌生人变成忠实拥护者。

Getting in touch with highly influential contacts at the company hiring for the role you want will help you further refine your bullets so that they speak directly to the exact void the company is looking to fill.


2.比较职位描述和背景 (2. Compare the job description with your background)

After scanning the job description and working through a few informational interviews, you want to think about which pieces of experience match with what the company is looking for.


Choosing The Right Experience


Remember, our goals with the résumé objective are to hook the reader and pre-qualify ourselves. That means we’re going to be structuring the bullets in this section a bit differently than we would in the experience section. Ideally, you want experience that fits this format:

请记住,我们以简历为目标的目标是吸引读者并进行资格预审。 这意味着我们将在本节中构建项目符号的方式与在体验部分中有所不同。 理想情况下,您需要适合这种格式的体验:

Bullet 1: Summary of our background including language from the JD, tools/hard skills, and years of experience


Bullet 2: Highlight a specific project that showcases the use of hard/soft skills in the JD


Bullet 3: Highlight another project that showcases use of skills in the JD


Bullet 4: Highlight cultural fit and soft skills


This format immediately qualifies you in the first bullet, uses the next two to showcase specific case studies (proving your value), and wraps up with validation about your ability to fit in and collaborate. Our next step is to write these in a compelling fashion.

这种格式立即使您在第一个项目符号中有资格,在接下来的两个项目中使用它们来展示特定的案例研究(证明您的价值),并最后验证您的适应能力和协作能力。 我们的下一步就是以引人注目的方式编写这些内容。

How To Write Highly Compelling Bullets


Now I need you to channel your inner marketer. Copywriting is an incredibly deep topic, so instead of diving in completely, I’m going to give you two quick formulas you can use to write highly effective bullets every time.

现在,我需要您引导您的内部营销人员。 文案写作是一个难以置信的深层话题,因此,我不会给您两个全盘的公式,而是您可以每次写高效的项目符号,而不是一头扎进。

1) Problem, Action, Results


The best resume bullets follow a simple, three part structure:


  • Problem

    P roblem

  • Action


  • Results (Quantitative/Measurable)


The first part of your bullet highlights the problem, the middle speaks to the action you took, and the end includes the measurable/quantitative results you achieved. It’s important to note that, in some cases, there isn’t a problem to highlight, in which case you’ll just speak to the actions taken and the results produced.

项目符号的第一部分突出显示了问题,中间部分说明了您所采取的措施,最后一部分则说明了您所实现的可测量/定量的结果。 重要的是要注意,在某些情况下,没有要突出的问题,在这种情况下,您只需要说说所采取的行动和产生的结果即可。

Here are some examples of bullets leveraging the PAR technique:


General Resume Objective Example


  • Saved $100k/month account via funnel audit which allowed us to identify and fix two key issues. This resulted in a 17% increase in total sales for a 10% lower cost-per-sale. The client re-signed with us for 20% more two months later.

    通过渠道审核每月节省了10万美元的帐户,这使我们能够识别并解决两个关键问题。 这导致总销售额增加了17%,而每次销售费用降低了10%。 两个月后,客户与我们重新签约,获得了20%的收益。
  • Identified gaps in patient discharge process that inflated readmission rates. Led a team-wide training to illustrate the issue and detail the new process I created. Readmission rates dropped 7% the following month (saving an avg. of $1,257 per patient).

    发现出院过程中的差距导致再入院率上升。 主持了一次全团队培训,以说明问题并详细说明我创建的新过程。 第二个月的再入院率下降了7%(每位患者平均节省了1,257美元)。
  • Exceeded annual growth quota by 135% (#1 on my team), responsible for 80% of team-wide upselling in Q3 & Q4


2) Using The Right Language


Coschedule has taken copywriting and turned it into an absolute science. This post on word balance and choice is incredibly relevant to writing effective résumé bullets, and their headline analyzer tool is great for checking your word balance:

Coschedule采用了文案写作,并将其转变成一门绝对的科学。 这篇关于单词平衡和选择的文章与撰写有效的简历项目符号非常相关,它们的标题分析器工具非常适合检查您的单词平衡:

Here is what they recommend:


  • Common words should make up 20–30% of your bullet

  • Uncommon words should make up 10–20%

  • Emotional words should come in at 10–15%

  • You should include at least one power word in your bullet


Here are some examples for each word type:


If you combine the Problem, Action, Results formula with Coschedule’s recommended word balance, chances are pretty high that you have an awesome bullet for your résumé objective.

如果您将“ 问题,行动,结果”公式与Coschedule推荐的单词平衡结合使用,则对于履历目标而言,很有可能会有一个很棒的项目符号。

3)“破解”在线申请算法 (3) “Hacking” the online application algorithm)

In addition to convincing a hiring manager, the words you choose for your résumé objective are also critical to helping you beat the applicant tracking software used by most companies.


When you hit “Submit” on that online application, it usually doesn’t end up in the hands of a human. Instead, it’s scanned by a piece of software called an Applicant Tracking System that chooses qualified candidates based on specific key words, phrases, and experience. Here’s a great video that walks through the ATS and how it affects your application:

当您在该在线应用程序上单击“提交”时,它通常不会落在人类的手中。 取而代之的是,它被称为“申请人跟踪系统”的软件扫描,该软件根据特定的关键字,词组和经验选择合格的候选人。 这是一段很棒的视频,介绍了ATS以及它如何影响您的应用程序:

He’s not joking when he says that only a handful of résumés actually make it into the hands of a real human. A Workopolis survey showed that Applicant Tracking Systems delete 98% of résumés programmatically.

当他说只有少数几条简历实际上被真正的人掌握时,他并不是在开玩笑。 Workopolis的一项调查显示,申请人跟踪系统以编程方式删除了98%的简历。

If you want to make it into that 2%, you need to carefully choose the words and phrases you include in your résumé objective. Here’s a quick hack you can use to increase your chances of beating the system:

如果要使其达到2%,则需要仔细选择简历目标中包含的单词和短语。 您可以使用以下快速技巧来增加击败系统的机会:

1. Go to the online job description for the role that you want.


2. Highlight all of the text pertaining to the role and copy it


3. Go to WordClouds, paste the job description into the tool, and create a word cloud

3.转到WordClouds ,将职位描述粘贴到工具中,然后创建词云

The cloud will give you a visual representation of which words appear most frequently (and are more likely to be taken into account by the applicant tracking software) in the job description. Here is a word cloud for the Data Analyst role from Facebook that I mentioned earlier:

云将为您提供视觉描述,显示职位描述中出现频率最高的单词(申请人追踪软件更可能考虑到这些单词)。 这是我之前提到的来自Facebook的Data Analyst角色的词云:

The larger the word appears in the cloud, the more frequently it appears in the job description. If you’re more comfortable with an exact breakdown of the word count, you can click “Word List” in the tool, and Word Clouds will tell you exactly how many times each word appeared. For the cloud above, we have:

这个词在云中显示的越大,它在工作描述中出现的频率就越高。 如果您对字数的确切细分比较满意,可以单击该工具中的“字词列表”,字云会准确告诉您每个字词出现了多少次。 对于上面的云,我们有:

9 people


8 data


7 People


6 Experience


6 experience


4 solutions


4 working


4 teams


4 tools


3 Analytics


3 together


3 business


3 clients


3 world


3 years


3 build


3 Data




We want to incorporate as many of these words into our résumé objective bullets as we possibly can, because these are exactly what the Applicant Tracking Software is looking for.


导致人们面试的共同简历目标错误 (Common Resume Objective Mistakes That Cost People The Interview)

Despite following the advice above, I still see people making mistakes in their résumé objective that hurts their chances of edging out the competition and landing the interview. Here are the most common mistakes along with how you can avoid them:

尽管遵循了上述建议,但我仍然看到人们在简历目标中犯了错误,这损害了他们参与竞争并获得面试机会。 以下是最常见的错误以及如何避免这些错误:

错误一:写一堵文字墙 (Mistake #1: Writing a wall of text)

According to the data I’ve collected, paragraph-style résumé objectives simply don’t perform very well. Hiring managers are sorting through hundreds of resumes, the last thing they want to do is read a 500 word essay on your life story.

根据我收集到的数据,段落样式的简历目标表现不佳。 招聘经理正在整理数百份简历,他们要做的最后一件事是阅读有关您人生故事的500字文章。

What To Do Instead: The perfect length for your resume objective is 3–5 bullets that are no more than 50 words each. The easiest way to achieve this is by doing a brain dump (just write — don’t worry about length, word choice, etc.) to get your thoughts on paper. Then go back and rework each to achieve optimal length, word balance, and messaging.

怎么办:简历目标的理想长度是3–5个子弹,每个子弹不超过50个字。 实现此目的的最简单方法是进行脑力激荡(只需写作-不用担心长度,单词选择等),即可将您的想法记在纸上。 然后返回并重做每一个,以实现最佳长度,单词平衡和消息传递。

错误2:以第一人称写“负责任”的方式开始子弹 (Mistake #2: starting bullets with “Responsible For” writing in first person)

Avoid starting each bullet with “Responsible for…” and don’t use the first person — “I did,” “I managed,” “I partnered,” etc. It may seem ticky tacky, but both of these come across as unprofessional and take away from the clarity of the value you bring to the table.


What To Do Instead: Always start your bullets with a verb and replace any “I [blank]” with the verb itself. For example:

怎么办:始终以动词开头子弹,并用动词本身替换任何“ I [blank]”。 例如:

  • Instead of “Responsible for managing a team of 6 employees to grow existing business,” you should write, “Managed a team of 6 employees who exceeded annual quota by 27% (#2 in the company).”

  • Instead of “I created a new process that helped increase onboarding efficiency,” you should write, “Created a new onboarding process that decreased the time from handshake to payment by 47% (7 days).”


错误三:专注于自己和目标而不是公司。 (Mistake #3: Focusing on yourself and your goals instead of the company.)

I hate to break it to you, but employers don’t really care about what you want. They care about themselves and what they need to solve problems and drive revenue. If your résumé objective is centered on you and what you want, it’s probably going to get tossed.

我讨厌把它给你,但是老板们并不真正在乎你想要什么。 他们关心自己以及解决问题和增加收入所需的东西。 如果您的简历目标以您和您想要的为中心,则可能会遇到麻烦。

What To Do Instead: Leverage the information from the job description and the informational interviews you conducted to understand exactly why the company is hiring for this role. Then position your bullets to align directly with that need.

相反,怎么做:利用职位描述和您进行的信息面试中的信息来确切了解公司为何聘用该职位。 然后将子弹放置在与该需求直接一致的位置。

错误四:简历上没有使用简历目标。 (Mistake #4: Not using a résumé objective on your resume.)

What To Do Instead: It sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised by how many people’s résumés go straight from contact info to professional experience.


Regardless of the résumé format you’re using, the professional experience section tends to contain a lot of info. You don’t want the reader to have to search for the info they are looking for, you want to put it right under their nose.

无论您使用哪种简历格式,“专业经验”部分都倾向于包含许多信息。 您不想让读者搜索他们正在寻找的信息,而是想把它放在他们的鼻子下面。

The résumé objective is a huge opportunity to pre-qualify yourself and stand out from the competition. Don’t take it for granted.

简历目标是一个巨大的机会,可以让您预先获得资格并在竞争中脱颖而出。 不要认为这是理所当然的。

一般简历客观示例(针对3个不同行业和职位) (General résumé objective examples (for 3 different industries & job titles))

Now that you know how to craft a highly effective résumé objective from scratch, let’s take a look at a few examples of fantastic objectives from different industries and roles:


Example#1 —前端Web开发人员 (Example #1 — Front End Web Developer)

Dashlane, a password management and digital wallet startup, is looking to hire a Front End Developer. Here is their description:

密码管理和数字钱包初创公司Dashlane正在寻求雇用前端开发人员。 这是他们的描述:

You have a passion for implementing high-quality, data-driven UI/UX experiences on the web. You have a strong passion for client-side as well as server-side Javascript. You will be focused on creating beautiful user experiences for our payment checkout, lead generation forms, paid landing page campaigns, and much more while at the same time pro-actively extending and optimizing our proprietary website and email back-end technology, and our many continuous integration and deployment tools. Qualified candidates will:

您热衷于在Web上实现高质量的,数据驱动的UI / UX体验。 您对客户端和服务器端Javascript都有强烈的热情。 您将专注于为我们的付款结帐,潜在客户生成表格,付费的着陆页广告系列等创建漂亮的用户体验,同时积极扩展和优化我们专有的网站和电子邮件后端技术,以及许多持续集成和部署工具。 合格的候选人将:

  • Take ownership of not only the features you develop, but all aspects of the Dashlane website and other projects owned by the FED team (ie. Emails project, help center, blog, 3rd-party integrated tools)


  • Collaborate with Marketing, Design, QA, and other developers to ensure beautifully crafted UX/UI experiences and effective implementations that get results and are delivered quickly

    与市场营销,设计,质量检查和其他开发人员合作,以确保精心制作的UX / UI体验和有效的实现,从而获得成果并快速交付

  • 3 years or more of professional Front End Web Development experience


  • Advanced skills in HTML5 and CSS3 (ie. Flexbox, Templating engines, CSS preprocessing)


  • Advanced skills in Javascript (not jQuery, we write vanilla ES6)


  • Strong command of server-side programming and principles using Node.js or similar


  • Working knowledge of version control (ie. Git, Mercurial, etc)


  • Prior startup experience preferred


Here’s what a strong résumé objective might look like for this role:


Front End Development Summary


  • Front end developer with 4 years experience (at two startups) designing, building, and implementing web applications in HTML5, CSS3, Javascript ES6, and Node.js

    具有4年经验的前端开发人员(在两家初创公司中)以HTML5,CSS3,Javascript ES6和Node.js设计,构建和实现Web应用程序
  • Completely audited and overhauled sales funnel UX for [Current Company]. Redesigning email captures, thank you pages, and checkout flow led to 49% increase in subscribers and 34% increase in sales conversion rate (vs. previous design)

    对[ 当前公司 ]的销售渠道UX进行了完全审计和大修。 重新设计电子邮件捕获,感谢页面和结帐流程导致订户增加49%,销售转化率增加34%(与以前的设计相比)

  • Partnered with sales, marketing, and QA to rebuild email back end and integrate with CRM at [Previous Company]. Three major phases were all completed at least 2 weeks ahead of schedule.

    与销售,市场营销和质量检查部门合作,重建电子邮件后端,并与[ 以前的公司 ]的CRM集成。 三个主要阶段都提前至少两个星期完成。

  • Studying self-curated curriculum on the psychology of design with courses from MIT, Stanford, and Princeton


While “success” for software/web development is fairly objective, having proven results from other teams helps strengthen the case:


  • The first bullet hits the experience quota, the preference for experience at startups, and the “hard skills” of specific programming languages

  • The second bullet speaks to an experience that directly aligns to what Dashlane is looking for. They want someone to help improve their lead capture and checkout flow, this person cites an experience doing exactly that with outstanding results (that they got from marketing or sales)

    第二个项目符号说明了一种与Dashlane所寻找的内容直接一致的体验。 他们希望有人帮助改善他们的潜在顾客捕获和结帐流程,该人引用了一种在获得出色效果(从市场营销或销售中获得)的过程中获得的经验。
  • The third bullet shows that this person isn’t shy about being a team player and has experience understanding needs, managing expectations, and delivering ahead of schedule (a rare thing)

  • Finally, this person illustrates that they are hungry to learn and hone their skill set by taking relevant courses in their personal time


Now let’s take a look at another sample résumé objective for a very different type of role:


例子2 –市场总监 (Example #2 — Marketing Director)

Monaeo, a location intelligence startup, is looking to hire a Director of Growth Marketing. Here is their description:

位置情报初创公司Monaeo正在寻求聘请增长营销总监。 这是他们的描述:

As the Director of Lead Generation, you will define strategy and execute integrated lead generation programs. You will report to the founder and work closely with cross-functional teams across Sales, Marketing, Design and Engineering to grow our customers globally.

作为潜在客户生成总监,您将定义策略并执行集成的潜在客户生成程序。 您将向创始人报告,并与销售,市场营销,设计和工程部门的跨职能团队紧密合作,以在全球范围内发展我们的客户。

This would be an opportunity for you to have significant independence, work on challenging problems, define the design process, and have immediate & tangible impact. Qualified candidates will:

这将为您提供一个重要的机会,让您拥有显着的独立性,解决具有挑战性的问题,定义设计过程并产生直接而切实的影响。 合格的候选人将:

  • Drive all Lead Generation efforts, including setting strategy, developing forecasts, executing, and measuring results


  • Create, manage and monitor performance for all Lead Generation initiatives including email campaigns, content marketing, nurture programs, webinars, events, partner channels, SEO, SEM/paid channels, and other opportunities to drive revenue


  • Model and forecast results; conduct A/B tests and use a data-driven approach to refine and enhance outcomes in order to hit KPI targets like inquiries, MQL, and sales active pipeline

    模型和预测结果; 进行A / B测试,并使用数据驱动的方法来改进和增强结果,以实现KPI目标,例如查询,MQL和销售活跃管道

  • Have 5+ years of experience in B2B and B2B2C SaaS marketing with a proven track record of driving growth in a lead generation role

    在B2B和B2B2C SaaS营销方面拥有5年以上的经验,并在推动潜在客户增长方面具有良好的记录

  • Knowledge of B2B marketing methods (specifically lead generation), Martech tools (such as Hubspot, Marketo, Intercom, Yesware etc.) and strategies


Here’s what a good résumé objective might look like for this role:


Growth Marketing Summary


  • Growth marketer with 6+ years of experience designing innovative lead generation campaigns resulting in an average of 587% increase in monthly leads for previous three companies

  • At [Current Company], structured A/B lead form test in Hubspot led to 17% lift in daily subscribers, ConvertKit evergreen campaign warmed up leads over 14 day period and increased sell-through-rate by 23% (~156 additional sales per month).

    在[ 当前公司 ]中,在Hubspot进行的结构化A / B潜在客户测试导致每日订阅者增加17%,ConvertKit常绿广告系列在14天的时间内使潜在客户变暖,销售率提高了23%(每增加156个额外销售)月)。

  • At [Previous Company], systematic partner webinar outreach within shoulder industries increased daily qualified leads by 37% (345 incremental leads) and dropped overall cost-per-sale by 13%

    在[ 以前的公司 ],肩膀行业内的系统合作伙伴网络研讨会扩展使每日合格线索增加了37%(345个增量线索),而整体每次销售成本降低了13%

  • Adept at creating effective email campaigns, partner webinars, and search engine marketing/PPC to drive results. Highly proficient with martech tools like ConvertKit, Intercom, Hubspot, Yesware, Hootsuite, Google Analytics, & more

    擅长创建有效的电子邮件活动,合作伙伴网络研讨会和搜索引擎营销/ PPC,以提高结果。 高度熟练地使用Martech工具,例如ConvertKit,Intercom,Hubspot,Yesware,Hootsuite,Google Analytics(分析)等

Marketing roles are prime candidates for this style of résumé objective, because their metrics for success are easily measured. This objective is great because:

营销角色是这种简历目标风格的主要候选人,因为他们的成功指标很容易衡量。 这个目标很棒,因为:

  • The first bullet qualifies the experience criteria and immediately proves out a track record of value

  • Bullets two and three breakdown these results in more detail and showcase that this person isn’t a one trick pony. They are leveraging multiple channels and platforms to find creative ways to drive real results

    项目符号2和项目符号3更详细地细分了这些结果,并显示此人不是小把戏。 他们正在利用多个渠道和平台来寻找创造性的方法来推动实际结果
  • The final bullet is a keyword play that pre-qualifies this person on all of the platforms and channels the company had asked for in their job description


Finally, we’ll take a look at a role that doesn’t rely on concrete, objective criteria for success:


Example#3 —图形设计师 (Example #3 — Graphic Designer)

FreshDirect, a New York based grocery deliver service, is looking to hire a graphic designer. Here’s their job description:

纽约杂货店送货服务FreshDirect正在寻找一名平面设计师。 这是他们的职位描述:

You will contribute to the creative team’s production of strategic and innovative design to support consumer selling and engagement for internal clients and partners, including consumer marketing, merchandising, and the website and human resources teams. Candidates should be ready to roll up their sleeves and get involved in everything we do, from digital and print marketing material, to banner ads and website assets, with a particular focus on e-mail, website, and content marketing efforts in service of customer engagement, conversion and retention. Qualified candidates will:

您将为创意团队的战略和创新设计制作做出贡献,以支持消费者销售以及内部客户和合作伙伴的参与,其中包括消费者营销,商品推销以及网站和人力资源团队。 候选人应该做好准备,参与到我们所做的一切工作中,从数字和印刷营销材料到横幅广告和网站资产,尤其是电子邮件,网站和内容营销在为客户服务方面的工作参与度,转化率和保留率。 合格的候选人将:

  • Under the direction of a Senior Designer, conceive and design e-mail, print, other digital and mobile material, including banner ads, social media graphics, photo retouching and cropping, landing pages, as necessary to meet client needs


  • Scout and share design and digital marketing innovations from others in the industry and around the web


  • 4–6 years in digital and/or print design, art or related field. Experience in the direct marketing field a strong plus

    在数字和/或印刷设计,艺术或相关领域中的4-6年。 直销领域经验丰富

  • In-depth knowledge and experience with the Adobe Creative Suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign

    对Adobe Creative Suite的深入了解和经验,包括Photoshop,Illustrator和InDesign

A great résumé objective might look like this:


Graphic Design Summary


  • Designer with 6+ years of “conversion-focused” graphic design proven to increase engagement, conversion rates, and retention for multiple startups

  • Pitched “Find Your Place” campaign for apartment rental company — design led to 46% boost in sign ups, 57,000 shares on social media, and earned media placements in Business Insider, Forbes, etc.

    为公寓租赁公司发起的“寻找您的地方”广告系列-设计使注册人数增加了46%,在社交媒体上占有57,000股,并在Business Insider,《福布斯》等网站上获得了媒体排名。
  • Passionate about studying and testing conversion-focused design, specifically leveraging Reddit to experiment with new styles and track virality/exposure of different concepts


Some roles, like graphic design, are less focused on quantitative metrics. That said, you still need a way to prove out your value. This objective is effective because:

某些角色(例如图形设计)不太关注定量指标。 也就是说,您仍然需要一种方法来证明自己的价值。 该目标之所以有效是因为:

  • The first bullet meets the experience qualification but also introduces this concept of “conversion focused” design, which the company alluded to when they said “in service of customer engagement, conversion and retention.”

  • The second bullet proves out value. Just because graphic designers don’t have a quota doesn’t mean they can’t measure the impact of their work. All it takes is walking over the sales or marketing and getting a debrief from them after the campaign. It’s also easy to track things like social shares and mentions on BuzzSumo.

    第二点证明了价值。 仅仅因为平面设计师没有配额并不意味着他们无法衡量工作的影响。 它所要做的就是在销售或市场营销中走动,并在竞选后向他们汇报。 在BuzzSumo上跟踪社交分享和提及等内容也很容易。
  • The final bullet shows that this person is invested in their craft outside of the office, and they view graphic design as a science. They’re staying up to date with new trends in design and actually testing them in the real world to see what gets results. Talk about a go getter!

    最后的项目符号显示,这个人在办公室外投入了手Craft.io,他们将图形设计视为一门科学。 他们跟上了设计的新趋势,并在现实世界中进行了实际测试,以了解取得了什么成果。 谈论吸气剂!

全部放在一起 (Putting it all together)

Whew! That was a LOT of info — hopefully it lived up to the hype of being a one stop shop for your résumé objective. I wanted to make sure I covered every detail so you can start taking action that actually gets results.

ew! 那是很多信息-希望它能够实现您的简历目标成为一站式服务。 我想确保我涵盖了每个细节,以便您可以开始采取切实可行的措施以取得成果。

The objective is just one piece of your résumé, though. There is a lot more that goes into crafting a résumé that consistently edges out the competition. When you’re ready, I recommend checking out my guide on writing résumés that actually get you hired.

不过,目标只是简历的一小部分。 不断完善竞争者简历的准备工作还有很多。 当您准备就绪时,我建议您查阅有关撰写简历的指南,以帮助您真正受聘。

是否希望获得有关在没有联系,没有“经验”且没有在线申请的情况下找到理想工作的内部信息? (Want the inside info on landing a dream job without connections, without “experience,” & without applying online?)

Click here to get the 5 free strategies that my students have used to land jobs at Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and more without applying online.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/this-is-the-only-resume-objective-advice-you-need-to-get-hired-8b7b52d80b3a/




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