
编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:18:39

You bought a new car. You took it out for a ride. a tree falls before you. You brake, but the car proceeded to hit the tree anyway.

You call the car company and talk to their engineers. One of them ask. 'Did this happen on a Friday evening, when it was raining?' You say 'Yes, how do you know?'

The engineer replies.

"Our brakes does not work on rainy Friday evenings. If you REALLY want to brake on a rainy Friday evening, you should also pull the lever under the dash board that is normally used to open the hood. It is very clearly printed on our manual. Didn't you read it? Our car is not the problem. You are the problem"

You were enlightened. You came back home. You never took the car out on rainy Friday evenings. When Somebody asks about the car, You said. "Yea, it is a great car. But you got to know how to use it".

You took great pride in knowing how to drive this car, which can easily kill someone who hasn't read the manual. When you hear that someone got killed while driving this car, you simply said. 'That car is Ok. but you should really know how to drive it, sadly this guy didn't. He was the problem, the car ain't...



本文发布于:2023-03-27 00:54:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:程序员   情况下   真累   PHP


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