zinc数据库使用教程_使用Zinc TV观看互联网电视,电影和本地内容

编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:20:28


There is certainly no shortage of video entertainment on the web, but it’s not always easy to find the selections you want. Today, we’ll take a look at how to combine your favorite Internet TV, Movies, and local content with Zinc TV.

网络上当然不乏视频娱乐,但是要找到想要的选择并不总是那么容易。 今天,我们将研究如何将您喜欢的Internet电视,电影和本地内容与Zinc TV结合在一起。

Zinc TV runs on both Windows and Mac and can even be easily launched through a Firefox extension. Unfortunately, it currently lacks Linux support and access to content may be limited by geographic location.

Zinc TV可在Windows和Mac上运行,甚至可以通过Firefox扩展程序轻松启动。 不幸的是,它目前缺乏Linux支持,并且对内容的访问可能受到地理位置的限制。

Getting Started


Before you get started, Zinc requires you to register and create a user account. (See link to Zinc TV website below)

在开始之前,Zinc需要您注册并创建用户帐户。 (请参见下面的Zinc TV网站链接)

You’ll need to validate your account following instructions sent to you via email.


Next you’ll need to download and install Zinc TV.

接下来,您需要下载并安装Zinc TV。

It’s a basic install and you can accept the defaults.


Main Menu and Navigation


From the Zinc TV main menu, you’ll find Featured content, Categories, Recently Added, and sites such as Fox, ABC, NBC, Hulu, Netflix, ESPN, etc. You can navigate through Zinc TV with a Media Center remote or a keyboard and mouse. You’ll find icons along the left side for Back, Home, Favorites, Queue, Help, Search, and Menu.

在Zinc TV主菜单中,您会找到特色内容,类别,最近添加的内容以及Fox,ABC,NBC,Hulu,Netflix,ESPN等网站。您可以使用Media Center遥控器或键盘和鼠标。 您会在左侧找到“返回”,“主页”,“收藏夹”,“队列”,“帮助”,“搜索”和“菜单”的图标。

You might also want to try it with a remote app for your phone like the GMote app for Android.


To watch a video or program, select a channel or website.


Select a show you’d like to watch.


You’ll then be presented with the currently available episodes.


Select Play, or add to your Favorites or the Queue.


Zinc TV opens the website and begins playback immediately. By default, video will be played in full screen mode if available.

Zinc TV打开网站并立即开始播放。 默认情况下,视频将以全屏模式播放(如果可用)。

Queue and Favorites


You can add shows to the Queue for later viewing…


… and save your favorites to watch again.


Add Local Media Folders


Adding your local media to Zinc is easy. Select the Menu button on the side and select Settings.

将本地媒体添加到Zinc很容易。 选择侧面的菜单按钮,然后选择设置。

Select Media Folders…


Select Add Folder and browse for your media directory. You can add multiple folders from local, network, or USB attached storage.

选择添加文件夹,然后浏览至您的媒体目录。 您可以从本地,网络或USB连接的存储中添加多个文件夹。

Select Start Scan Now to have Zinc TV scan your media folders immediately, or you can wait until the next time you start the application.

选择立即开始扫描以使Zinc TV立即扫描您的媒体文件夹,或者您可以等到下次启动该应用程序。

To play the local media files, select the Menu icon and then Local Content.


Then select your media file.


Playback controls will appear when you move your mouse cursor over the screen.


Launching other Applications


You can also launch other media applications like VLC, iTunes and Windows Media Center from Zinc TV. Select Applications from the Settings screen.

您还可以从Zinc TV启动其他媒体应用程序,例如VLC,iTunes和Windows Media Center。 从设置屏幕中选择应用程序。

Then select Add application and browse for the program.


To launch an application, select Applications from the Menu…


Choose the Application to launch…


…and then select Run. When you exit out of the application you’ll be returned to the Zinc TV interface.

…,然后选择运行。 当退出应用程序时,您将返回到Zinc TV界面。

Firefox Extension


If you are a Firefox user you can download and install the Firefox Zinc TV extension and quickly launch Zinc TV from your Firefox browser. Just select the icon at the top right.

如果您是Firefox用户,则可以下载并安装Firefox Zinc TV扩展,并从Firefox浏览器快速启动Zinc TV。 只需选择右上角的图标即可。

Then log in to get access to all your content.




We found Zinc TV to be a surprisingly slick application with an intuitive and easy to use interface. It’s ability to pull in content both locally and from the usual sources like Hulu, Netflix, YouTube, combined with it’s ability to aggregate content from sites like Amazon, ESPN, and Spike TV, make it a real competitive option to the likes of Boxee and Clicker.tv.

我们发现Zinc TV是一个具有直观且易于使用的界面的令人惊奇的应用程序。 它不仅可以从本地以及从Hulu,Netflix,YouTube等常规来源中提取内容的能力,还可以从Amazon,ESPN和Spike TV等网站聚合内容的能力,使其成为Boxee和Clicker.tv 。

Register and Download Zinc.tv [discontinued]

注册并下载Zinc.tv [已停产]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/22837/watch-internet-tv-movies-and-local-content-with-zinc-tv/



zinc数据库使用教程_使用Zinc TV观看互联网电视,电影和本地内容

本文发布于:2023-03-29 23:30:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
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