Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际_摘要

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  • Lec2 Intercultural Competence
    • What is Intercultural Competence
    • Cultural Symbol
    • What is Culture
  • Lec3 Interpersonal&intercultural communication skills
    • What is interpersonal communication
    • 6 elements of interpersonal communication
    • inertpersonal skills
  • Lec4 intercultural communication skills
    • how employers evaluate? 4 elements
    • why?economic globalization
    • the 7 ritual(礼仪) of conversation across cultures
  • ⭐Lec5 High-context and low-context cultures
    • Definition of h-con and l-con
    • comparison &characteristics
    • examples of high-con and low-con
  • Lec6 Linguistic differences via translation
  • ⭐Lec7&8 Nonverbal communication
    • comparision
    • Definition& types
    • 6 ways
  • ⭐Lec9 Culture SHock
    • Definition of cultural conflict
    • Definition of Acculturation
    • Definition of culture shock
    • 4 stages of culture shock
  • Lec10 Barriers to Intercultural Communication
    • 4 aspects
    • Overcome: model of ICC
  • Lec11 Principles and strategies of intercultural communication
    • Definition
    • cooperative principle--Grice's Maxims of communication

Lec2 Intercultural Competence

What is Intercultural Competence

  • a complex of abilities needed to perform effectively and appropriately when interacting with others who are linguistically and culturally different from oneself


​ – Fantini (2006)

Cultural Symbol

  • A physical manifestation that signifies the ideology of a particular culture or that merely has meaning within a culture


What is Culture

  • ​ Culture is an accumulation of the beliefs, traditions, language and values of a particular group of people.

    (文化是一个特定群体的信仰、传统、语言和价值观的积累 )

Lec3 Interpersonal&intercultural communication skills

What is interpersonal communication

  • Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages: it is face-to-face communication.

6 elements of interpersonal communication

  • context

    • situational context
    • social context
    • the emotional climate
    • paticipants’ expectations of the interaction
  • the communicators/participants

    • two people
    • sender and receiver
    • encoding and decoding
    • one-way process
    • two-way process
  • the message

    • verbal
    • non-verbal
  • channel/method

    (the physical means by which the message is transferred fron one person to another)

    • speech
    • vision
  • feedback

    (message the receiver returns)

    • direct verbal statements
    • subtle(微小的) facial expressions
    • changes inposture
  • noise(factors affecting communication)

    • physical ‘noise’
    • complicated jargon
    • inappropriate body language
    • inattenion
    • disinterest
    • cultural differences

inertpersonal skills

  • communication skills(沟通技巧)
  • emoional intelligence(情商)
  • conflict resolution and mediation skills(冲突解决和调解技巧)
  • team-working, groups and meetings(团队协作,小组,会议)
  • decision-making and problem-solving(制定决策与问题解决)
  • negotiation and persuasion skills(谈判与说服技巧)

Lec4 intercultural communication skills

how employers evaluate? 4 elements

  • perception(洞察力)

  • verbal processes

    ( the ways in which cultures employ symbols to portray things and experiences)

  • non-verbal processes

    (shared thoughts and feelings of bodily behavior, time and space)

  • contextual elements(语境要素)

    business,education,health care,tourism

why?economic globalization

the 7 ritual(礼仪) of conversation across cultures

  • absent presence

    • try to avoid!
    • mentally absence while physically present
    • “走神”
  • conversational initiation

  • the first stage of conversation

  • be open to interaction(互动)

  • nonverbal signals

  • a light conversation about the weekend(浅谈)

  • an in-depth conversation about how the financial markets are preforming this morning(深入交谈)

  • phatic communion(寒暄)

    • =small talk
  • conversational preview

    (an indication,verbal or nonverbal,of what the conversation is about,both in terms of content and in terms of relationship)

  • conversational talking points

    • getting down to the goal of the conversation
    • high-context&low-context
  • conversational feedback

    (allow the conversational partners to clarify,restate,or diacuss the points of the conversaton to arrive a sense of mutual understanding)

  • conversational closing

⭐Lec5 High-context and low-context cultures

Definition of h-con and l-con

  • ​ High-context culture and low-context culture are terms used to describe cultures based on how explicit the messages exchanged are and how much the context means in certain situations.


    ​ – “Beyond Culture” (Edward T Hall,1976)

comparison &characteristics

  • comparison

  • characteristics
how is more important than whatexplicit
restricted codeselaborated codes
low diversityhigh diversity
more stable and efficientless…
eyes, direction of gazingeyebrows, mouth

examples of high-con and low-con

  • high-con: Japanese, Chinese, Frence, Canadian, Russian, Indian, Korean, Thai, Latin Americans
  • low-con: Australian, English, Finish, Dutch, German, Switzerland, United states

Lec6 Linguistic differences via translation

  • nothing

⭐Lec7&8 Nonverbal communication


Definition& types

it includes

  • body language | kinesics| 举止神态学

    (the study of body movements,includes eye contact, gesture, posture, body movements)

  • distance| proxemics| 人际距离学

    (the study of cultural, behavioral, and sociological aspects of spatial distances between individuals)

  • physical environments/appearance

  • voice| paralanguage|副语言

  • touch|haptics|触觉论/空间关系学

    the study of touching, refers to how people and other animals communicative via touching

    • high-touch: Italian, French, Arabs, Jews, Hispanics
    • low-touch: Germans, English, Americans
  • the use of time|chronemics|时间学

    (the study of the role of time)

    • comparision

    • examples:

      • polychronic: Iataly, Spain
      • monochronic: America
  • eye contact|oculesics|目光

6 ways

​ nonverbal messages can interact with verbal messages in six ways: repeating, conflicting, complementing, substituting, regulating and accenting/moderating.

​ the difference between repeating & complementing:

​ repeating can exist independently(独立存在),while complementing is suplements of verbal message(补充说明).

⭐Lec9 Culture SHock

Definition of cultural conflict

  1. a type of conflict that occurs when differnet cultural values and beliefs clash

  2. one that occurs when people’s expectations of a certain behavior coming from their cultual backgrounds are not met, as others have different cultural backgrounds and different expectations

    ​ – Alexander Grewe

  3. a confilct caused by"differences in cultural values and beliefs" that place at odds with one another – Jonathan H. Turner

Definition of Acculturation

  1. a process through which a person or group from one culture comes to adopt practices and values of another culture, while still retaining their own distinct culture.( 一个人或一个文化群体在保持自己独特文化的同时,接受另一文化的实践和价值观的过程 )

  2. acculturation refers to “the social and psychological integration of the learner with the target language group

  3. acculturation is the process of modificating one’s attitudes, knowledge and behavior.

  • ==intercultural adapation

Definition of culture shock

  • anxiety resulting from the disorientation encountered upon entering a new culture(融入一种新文化时迷失方向引起的焦虑)
  • estrangement(疏远,不和),hostility(敌意), frustration, fear, anger even physical illness

4 stages of culture shock

  • honeymoon
  • depression/frustration/hostility
  • adjustment
  • acceptance

Lec10 Barriers to Intercultural Communication

4 aspects

  • Ethnocentrism

    • 民族优越感

    • the belief that one’s own cultural group is superior to other cultural group

  • Stereotyping

    • 刻板印象
    • a form of generalization
    • a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like
    • often unfair & untrue
  • prejudice

    • 偏见
    • a negative attitude toward a cultural group based on little or no experience
    • example “after 9/11,anyone who looked Middle Eastern was looked at suspiciously and was often the victim of prejudice”
  • discrimination

    • 歧视
    • the behavior that result from stereotyping or prejudice
    • overt action to exclude, avoid or distance oneself from certain groups, based on any kind of “-isms”: racism, sexism, elitism, ageism…
    • forms:
    • examples of employment discrimination:

Overcome: model of ICC

Lec11 Principles and strategies of intercultural communication


  • cooperative principle describes how effective communication is conversation is achieved in common social situations, that is, how listeners and speakers must act cooperatively and mutually accept one another to be understood in a particular way(在一般的社会科学和语言学中,合作原则具体地描述了在共同的社会情境中如何实现有效的会话交流,即听者和说话者必须相互合作,相互接受,才能以特定的方式被理解 )

cooperative principle–Grice’s Maxims of communication

linguistic principlecriterion(标准)violations(违反)


Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际_摘要

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