
编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:18:52


How and Where Should I Learn Programming?


Software development is a challenging and lucrative career option. Our daily utility items — light bulbs, televisions, cars, banking, shopping — everything is driven by intelligent pieces of codes.

软件开发是具有挑战性和利润丰厚的职业选择。 我们的日常实用项目-灯泡,电视,汽车,银行,购物-一切都由智能代码驱动。

If you want to learn programming but do not know where to start, you have come to the right blog. I have compiled a step-by-step guide that will get you started on your software development journey and eliminate your apprehensions.

如果您想学习编程但不知道从哪里开始,那么您来对地方了。 我已编写了分步指南,可帮助您开始进行软件开发,并消除您的忧虑。

如何选择编程语言? (How to Choose a Programming Language?)

As you would have noted, there are many popular programming languages nowadays. It is easy to be tempted and try to learn everything at one go. However, it will only lead to frustration and disappointment.

如您所知,当今有许多流行的编程语言。 容易被诱惑并尝试一次学习所有内容。 但是,这只会导致沮丧和失望。

I strongly recommend picking one language (of course, only on the first steps, later you should aim to get knowledge in several languages) and sticking to it rather than sailing in too many boats together. Here are some of the things to consider before choosing a language:

我强烈建议您选择一种语言(当然,仅在第一步中,以后您应该以获取多种语言为目标)并坚持使用,而不是在太多船上一起航行。 选择语言之前,请注意以下几点:

Difficulty level — Your prior experience with programming languages (if any) is a vital determiner of success. If you are entirely new to programming, Java and C# would be a good starting point. But I would strongly recommend Java for those willing to devote more time and looking for more rewarding options. It has a wide application, is highly-paid, and a large developer community to seek support from, making it worth the extra effort.

难度级别-您先前对编程语言(如果有)的经验是成功的关键。 如果您不熟悉编程,那么Java和C#将是一个不错的起点。 但是我强烈建议Java用于那些愿意花更多时间并寻找更多有价值的选择的人。 它具有广泛的应用程序,收费很高,并且有大量的开发人员社区可以寻求支持,因此值得付出额外的努力。

Here is an infographic highlighting the easiest programming languages to learn:


This picture nicely sums it all up. Java sits nicely in the middle as it offers the perfect balance of effort and rewards. There are many other options to explore — from the evergreen HTML to the emerging data science/artificial intelligence favorites (R, Python).

这张照片很好地总结了所有这些。 Java处于中间位置,因为它提供了努力与回报之间的完美平衡。 还有许多其他可供选择的选项-从常绿HTML到新兴的数据科学/人工智能收藏夹(R,Python)。

Popularity — This is another important parameter to consider while picking your language. Spending hundreds of hours learning something that does not have many applications would not be rewarding. According to the TIOBE July 2020 index, the top five popular languages are:

流行度-这是选择语言时要考虑的另一个重要参数。 花数百小时​​学习没有很多应用程序的东西将不会有回报。 根据TIOBE 2020年7月指数,排名前五位的流行语言是:

  • C

  • Java

  • Python

  • C++

    C ++
  • C#


Java and C are always competing in terms of popularity, as reported by many articles like this one from Infoworld. Please keep in mind that this is just an indicator and your choice should not be solely guided by how popular a language is.

正如Infoworld上许多此类文章所报道的那样,Java和C总是在流行方面竞争。 请记住,这仅是一个指标,您的选择不应该仅取决于语言的流行程度。

Also, JavaScript is leading in many ratings, and this is not surprising. JavaScript is the main language for frontend development, and it is also often used to write short scripts for all occasions. So almost all developers know this language at least at a basic level.

而且,JavaScript在许多评级中处于领先地位,这并不奇怪。 JavaScript是前端开发的主要语言,并且在所有场合都经常用于编写简短的脚本。 因此,几乎所有开发人员至少在基本水平上都知道这种语言。

Resource availability — Learning programming by yourself, you would repeatedly be referring to available resources for getting your doubts cleared. Choosing a language that has been around for years means there is plenty of educational and reference material to help you along the learning curve. Whether you like to get a solid theoretical knowledge or you want to get started with coding straightaway, you just have to find the right course for your style. Additionally, there are active online forums where queries are posted and answered — there is a fair chance that your next query has already been answered by someone!

资源可用性-自己学习编程,您将反复引用可用资源来消除疑虑。 选择一种已经存在多年的语言,意味着有大量的教育和参考资料可以帮助您适应学习过程。 无论您是想获得扎实的理论知识,还是想立即开始编写代码,都只需要找到适合自己风格的正确课程即可。 此外,在活跃的在线论坛中,您可以发布并回答查询-很有可能您的下一个查询已经被某人回答!

Long-term prospects — Career growth is likely an important factor in your decision to learn programming. Technologies used by top companies is usually a handy reference, as you know the in-demand skills.

长期前景-职业发展可能是您决定学习编程的重要因素。 众所周知,顶级公司使用的技术通常是一个方便的参考。

This infographic shows that more than 15 of the top 25 companies use Python, Java, Javascript and C/C++. While C have been around for decades and still widely used, Python, Javascript and Java a little are the same age and somewhat younger. Java gained popularity very quickly while for Python it took some time.

该信息图显示,排名前25位的公司中有超过15家使用Python,Java,Javascript和C / C ++。 尽管C已有数十年的历史并且仍被广泛使用,但Python,Javascript和Java的年龄却相同,并且年龄稍小。 Java很快流行起来,而Python则花了一些时间。

Scope of the programming language


Programming is different. This word is used for creating a feature rich website or web application. Moreover, in the case of web programming, there is a frontend (creation of functional interfaces, everything that the browser can read, display or launch) and a backend (everything that runs on the server). Programming is also the creation of mobile applications and desktop programs. For each of these areas there is a pool of working tools, including programming languages.

编程是不同的。 该词用于创建功能丰富的网站或Web应用程序。 此外,对于Web编程,有一个前端(创建功能接口,浏览器可以读取,显示或启动的所有内容)和一个后端(在服务器上运行的所有内容)。 编程也是移动应用程序和桌面程序的创建。 对于这些领域中的每一个领域,都有一组工作工具,包括编程语言。

Scientific programming, video games, big data, trading, finance — different languages ​​can also be used for different industries.


Some languages ​​are more suitable for writing small scripts, others — for heavy enterprise applications.


Below I will give a short list of where and what is most often used:


  • Enterprise-heavy server side applications — mostly Java, could be C #, sometimes C ++

    企业级服务器端应用程序(主要是Java)可能是C#,有时是C ++
  • Scientific programming — Python, Java, C#, R

  • Big Data — Java, Python, R

  • Machine Learning — Python, R

    机器学习— Python,R
  • “Big” video games — mostly C ++ (with different engines, especially Unreal), C # (with Unity Engine)

    “大型”视频游戏-主要是C ++(具有不同的引擎,尤其是虚幻引擎),C#(具有Unity引擎)
  • Mobile applications (including video games) — Java, Kotlin, Swift

  • Operating systems, drivers, high performance desktop applications — C, C++

    操作系统,驱动程序,高性能桌面应用程序-C,C ++
  • Front-end (creation of interactive effects inside web browsers) — JavaScript, Typescript

    前端(在网络浏览器内创建交互效果)— JavaScript,打字稿

In fact, most languages ​​are relatively universal. Let’s say Java can be applied in any of the above areas. There are two main reasons why a particular language is used in a particular area:

实际上,大多数语言是相对通用的。 假设Java可以应用于上述任何领域。 在特定区域使用特定语言的主要原因有两个:

  1. The architectural features of the language. C and C ++ they are a little more low-level than the same Java or C #, they are closer to the hardware and work much faster. Therefore, where high performance is needed, these languages ​​are used. And if security is more important, then it is much easier to build it in Java than in C and C ++.

    语言的体系结构特征。 C和C ++比同一个Java或C#的底层略高一些,它们更接近硬件并且工作更快。 因此,在需要高性能的地方,使用这些语言。 而且,如果安全性更为重要,那么在Java中构建安全性要比在C和C ++中容易得多。
  2. History and availability of tools. Let’s say Java and C # are architecturally and syntactically very similar. But Java entered Enterprise earlier, so there are a lot of applications for that that have been supported for years in the Enterprise.

    工具的历史和可用性。 假设Java和C#在架构和语法上非常相似。 但是Java较早进入企业版,因此​​企业中已经支持了许多应用程序多年。

If you already have any plans for an area of ​​future work, take a closer look at the corresponding languages. For example, if you are determined to be a front-end developer, JavaScript is your choice. However for all other cases, my advice to you — choose one of the universal and popular languages, relatively easy for beginners. It could be Java, Python or C. After learning the basics, you can later either deepen your knowledge of the chosen language, or switch to the other one, such as C ++.

如果您已经对未来工作领域有任何计划,请仔细查看相应的语言。 例如,如果您确定要成为前端开发人员,则可以选择JavaScript。 但是,对于所有其他情况,我的建议是-选择一种通用语言和流行语言,对于初学者来说相对容易。 可以是Java,Python或C。在学习了基础知识之后,您以后可以加深对所选语言的了解,或切换到另一种语言,例如C ++。

步骤1:选择要学习的最佳编程语言 (Step 1: Select the Best Programming Languages to Learn)

Now that you know about the important parameters to guide your decision, it is time to take the leap. Based on the criteria listed above, these are the programming languages that I would recommend to beginners:

既然您已经知道了指导决策的重要参数,那么现在该该大踏步了。 根据上面列出的条件,以下是我建议初学者使用的编程语言:

Java (Java)

It offers the best rewards-effort ratio. It is beginners-friendly. It is ideal for learning object-oriented programming that lies at the foundation of complex applications. It is an open-source language. One of the most serious advantages of Java is JVM (Java Virtual Machine), a virtual machine that enables a computer to run Java applications. That means you may write your code once and it will work on any platform, from servers to mobile phones (of course, with some reservations).

它提供了最佳的奖励努力率。 这是初学者友好的。 它是学习位于复杂应用程序基础上的面向对象编程的理想选择。 它是一种开源语言。 Java的最大优势之一是JVM(Java虚拟机),JVM是使计算机能够运行Java应用程序的虚拟机。 这意味着您只需编写一次代码,它就可以在从服务器到手机的任何平台上运行(当然,要保留一些内容)。

Organizations of all scales use Java, translating into a lucrative career option. Java programmers have a dynamic job market where quality programmers are always welcome.

各种规模的组织都使用Java,这是一种有利可图的职业选择。 Java程序员有一个动态的工作市场,始终欢迎优质程序员。

Java is used for huge enterprise-level server-side applications. It is also extensively used in Android programming. Technology-driven industries such as banking, finance, insurance, e-commerce, travel, transportation, social networking, etc. all deploy Java codes for building engaging user experience. Java-driven web applications are popular in Big Data technologies, software tools, and embedded space.

Java用于大型企业级服务器端应用程序。 它也广泛用于Android编程中。 银行,金融,保险,电子商务,旅行,运输,社交网络等以技术为主导的行业都部署了Java代码以建立引人入胜的用户体验。 Java驱动的Web应用程序在大数据技术,软件工具和嵌入式空间中很流行。

C语言 (C language)

It is another solid language to start your programming journey with. C can be called a “middle level” language. This means that unlike high-level Java or Python, it is kind of closer to the hardware. So it can help you understand computing fundamentals at a deeper level. It has fewer standard libraries, which means you will be writing a lot of code from scratch, which is good for a beginner to get into the programming groove.

它是开始编程之旅的另一种可靠语言。 C可以称为“中级”语言。 这意味着与高级Java或Python不同,它更接近硬件。 因此,它可以帮助您更深入地了解计算基础。 它的标准库较少,这意味着您将要从头开始编写大量代码,这对于初学者来说很容易进入编程领域。

C is amongst the oldest yet versatile languages when it comes to real-world applications. For decades, it has been the language for creating drivers, operating systems, and scripting. Linux, Unix, Windows — they all were written in C. It remains a safe bet for the future, considering its applications in Internet of Things (IoT) and databases.

在实际应用中,C是最古老但用途广泛的语言之一。 数十年来,它一直是用于创建驱动程序,操作系统和脚本的语言。 Linux,Unix,Windows —它们全都是用C编写的。考虑到其在物联网(IoT)和数据库中的应用,这仍然是未来的安全选择。

Python (Python)

Python has long been on the periphery of the programming world. It has become mainstream in the last few years, thanks to a sudden spike in data science applications. Python’s uniqueness lies in building prototypes rapidly. It has a host of complementary tools such as NumPy, SciPy, etc. that are simple to learn but have the ability to build sophisticated systems in the domains of data science and scientific computations.

Python长期以来一直处于编程世界的边缘。 由于数据科学应用的突然激增,它已成为最近几年的主流。 Python的独特之处在于可以快速构建原型。 它具有许多补充工具,例如NumPy,SciPy等,这些工具简单易学,但能够在数据科学和科学计算领域构建复杂的系统。

Python has a large resource pool available online and the developer community is growing by the day, adding more knowledge to the vast pool. As it has built-in testing frameworks, it is preferred for conducting cross-platform testing.

Python拥有可在线使用的庞大资源池,并且开发人员社区每天都在增长,从而为庞大的池添加了更多知识。 由于它具有内置的测试框架,因此它是进行跨平台测试的首选。

Python has heavy demand in futuristic technologies such as Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. It can be used to develop web applications or software.

Python对诸如数据科学,机器学习和人工智能等未来技术的需求很高。 它可以用于开发Web应用程序或软件。

步骤2.创建学习计划 (Step 2. Create a Learning Plan)

Learning a programming language should be viewed as a journey rather than a destination. You cannot become and master all aspects of a programming language in a few weeks. Be realistic in your expectations. List down what you want to achieve at the end of the course and go for the course that aligns with your objective, learning speed, and learning mode.

学习编程语言应被视为一个旅程,而不是目的地。 您不能在几周内成为并掌握编程语言的所有方面。 符合您的期望。 列出您希望在课程结束时实现的目标,并选择与您的目标,学习速度和学习方式相匹配的课程。

Different languages have different learning approaches that you must follow systematically, keeping an eye on the bigger picture. Break down your overall objective into daily goals and include it in your schedule.

不同的语言具有不同的学习方法,您必须系统地遵循这些方法,并关注更大的前景。 将您的总体目标分解为每日目标,并将其纳入计划中。

步骤3:选择学习资源 (Step 3: Choose Learning Resources)

Now that you know what you want to do, the next step is to research and shortlist your resources. There are different types of them.

既然您知道要做什么,那么下一步就是研究资源并将其入围。 它们有不同的类型。

Practice-oriented online courses


There are online resources offering hands-on tutorials. These adopt a practical approach to teaching and get you in the habit of coding early. The best way to learn is through practice.

有在线资源提供动手教程。 这些采用实用的方法进行教学,并使您养成早期编码的习惯。 最好的学习方法是通过练习。

Here are some content-rich websites you could refer to grasp programming concepts through the ideal mix of theory and hands-on.




Codegym is an online course and web portal to learn Java. It’s practical and applies 80:20 principle to teaching, with 80% of its content focused on practice. After covering the basics, the course gradually moves to complex concepts such as multi-threading, collections, etc. The fun part is you get over 1200 coding tasks to complete in order to hone your skills and derive confidence for the next level.

Codegym是学习Java的在线课程和门户网站。 它是实用的,将80:20原理应用于教学,其80%的内容集中在实践上。 在介绍了基础知识之后,本课程逐渐转向复杂的概念,例如多线程,集合等。有趣的部分是您要完成1200多个编码任务,以磨练自己的技能并为下一个水平树立信心。



It offers a large array of programming languages to choose from. The site lists a rich collection of learning resources that are categorized according to courses. You can learn programming, databases, GUIs, and much more.

它提供了多种编程语言供您选择。 该网站列出了丰富的学习资源集合,这些资源根据课程进行了分类。 您可以学习编程,数据库,GUI等。



Codingame adds a much-needed fun element to learning programming, which can otherwise get monotonous and frustrating. You are up against enemies that you must shoot down by using your programming skills in order to survive. Not only does it make programming fun, you also get to practice it while playing the game.

Codingame为学习编程添加了急需的有趣元素,否则可能会变得单调而令人沮丧。 您面对的敌人是必须生存的敌人,必须使用编程技巧击落敌人。 它不仅使编程变得有趣,还可以在玩游戏时进行练习。

基于理论的基础课程 (Theory-based foundational courses)

A solid theoretical foundation is crucial for programmers, especially at the beginner level. Whether you are designing an application or preparing for an interview, a sound theoretical knowledge would give you a head start. Udacity is a very good website where you can find some courses for grasping the theoretical aspects of programming.

扎实的理论基础对程序员至关重要,尤其是对于初学者。 无论您是设计应用程序还是准备面试,扎实的理论知识都会带给您领先的机会。 Udacity 是一个非常好的网站,您可以在其中找到一些课程来掌握编程的理论方面。

官方编程语言文档 (Official programming language documentation)

It is the most comprehensive resource you can get your hands on. It might not be the easiest to read but nothing explains a language better than its official documentation. For Java programmers, official java documentation continues to be The Bible of Java programming, irrespective of their experience levels.

它是您可以动手使用的最全面的资源。 它可能不是最容易阅读,但没有什么比官方文档更能说明一种语言了。 对于Java程序员,无论经验水平如何,官方Java文档仍然是Java编程的圣经。

步骤4.与在线论坛中的用户互动 (Step 4. Engage with Users in Online Forums)

Programmers from around the world get together on special platforms and discuss ideas, solve each other’s problems and share their experiences. This saves you from reinventing the wheel, as there is a good chance someone else has already faced and solved the problem you are about to run into.

来自世界各地的程序员在特殊的平台上聚在一起,讨论想法,解决彼此的问题并分享他们的经验。 这样可以避免重新发明轮子,因为其他人很有可能已经面临并解决了您将要遇到的问题。

Evergreen languages like Java, Python or C have active communities, thanks to a large number of users with decades of experience behind them. They are a good place to learn from each other’s mistakes and speed up your learning process.

像Java,Python或C这样的常绿语言拥有活跃的社区,这要归功于拥有数十年经验的大量用户。 他们是一个学习彼此的错误并加快学习过程的好地方。

Stackoverflow, GitHub, Reddit (r/WebDev, r/AskProgramming or r/LearnProgramming) and Slack (Hashtag Developers, European Dev Explorer and Slash Rocket) are some of the popular platforms that have some of the best-managed developer communities.

StackoverflowGitHubReddit (r / WebDev,r / AskProgramming或r / LearnProgramming)和Slack (Hashtag开发人员,European Dev Explorer和Slash Rocket)是拥有一些管理最完善的开发人员社区的流行平台。

所有后续步骤。 继续! (All next steps. Keep Going!)

If you asked me for just one advice about learning programming, this would be it. If programming were easy, everyone would be doing it. Learning anything new takes time and patience. You need to make an honest effort and keep progressing towards the end result you planned for. There will be hiccups along the way that need to be taken in the stride.

如果您只问我一个有关学习编程的建议,就是这样。 如果编程很容易,那么每个人都会这样做。 学习新事物需要时间和耐心。 您需要诚实地努力,并朝着计划的最终结果不断前进。 在此过程中需要大步走走。

Even the experienced programmers write bad code but they continue to refine it until it shines through. Learn from your (but better from others’) mistakes and try not to repeat them — there are plenty of new ones waiting to be made!

即使是经验丰富的程序员,也会编写错误的代码,但他们会继续对其进行完善,直到它通过为止。 从您的错误中学习(但从他人的错误中学习更好),并尽力避免重蹈覆辙-有很多新的错误待发!

结论 (Conclusion)

Learning a programming language takes time, patience, effort and persistence. The resources you choose go a long way in determining the quality of programmer you would end up writing. Thanks to the online learning revolution, plenty of reputed universities and programmers have posted their material online. All you need to do is find the right ones and uncover the immense potential within you.

学习编程语言需要时间,耐心,努力和持久。 您选择的资源对于确定最终编写的程序员的质量有很大帮助。 由于在线学习革命,许多知名的大学和程序员都在网上发布了他们的资料。 您需要做的就是找到合适的人,并发掘您内在的巨大潜力。

翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected/i-want-to-learn-programming-but-i-dont-know-where-to-start-a8f82c333146




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