
编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-03 18:57:45



第一句可以用倒装,如In the picture above is/are XXX.


最后一句可以承接下下一段,比如He exemplifies the virtue of self-discipline, persistence and so on.


  1. Something has become commonplace in modern society. Something is part and parcel of people's daily life. The significance of something has permeated the public consciousness. Something is becoming increasingly prevalent among XXX(the whole society)。 这些适合放在第二段首句,社会层面的就写社会,个人层面的就写个人。个人层面一般都是正面主题词,可能不太好写,用下面这句。
  2. Never before in history has the issue of XXX been more evident than now. 适合负面话题
  3. He exemplifies the virtue of XXX. 如果漫画有展现个人的正面品质,放在第二段首句引出主题词。如果展现的是负面的就用,上面的句,说这样不好的行为很普遍了。或者可以简单地写To do something is a virtue.
  4. 如果是个中性或负面的现象,可以这么引出反面的话题:Scholars and critics was lavish in their praise on XXX(好处), but few have looked at the side effect: (这里要接个完整的句子). 这句很妙,今年应该不会考个人了,尽量用上它。注意这里的时态
  5. 上面那句可以紧跟:This in turn undermines our efforts to build a harmonious society.个人的话就写to become a not only knowledgeable but also cultured man. 写作文还是要长短结合的,这个in turn适合写个短句。
  6. The ability to XXX is the quality people most admire in others. 还是强调重要性,人们很钦佩。如果前面的都用不上,这句可以放在第一句引出主题词。但这句有点假大空,实在写不出来再用吧。
  7. I cannot conceive of anybody triumphing over difficulties by/without something. 这句从反面来写,说想另一方面的都不行,动词可以自由发挥。
  8. Should someone clings to the erroneous view that self-discipline doesn't figure in daily life at all/of no account, he would be exposed to public contempt and scorn/ridicule. 这句也从反面来写,说想另一方面的都不行,这句的形式比较固定,只要改下什么不重要就好。
  9. 虚拟语气还可以这么用:Should someone be obsessed with/indulge in something / be addicted to doing something, there would be a looming threat of XXX for him. 这样可以更充实,不太像套路,看情况吧。后半句可以改写成:he would be confronted with many profound difficulties.
  10. Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the XXX这句也挺合适 Something bring us something, counteract the damaging effects of something, promote long-term physical and emotional health. 这句就具体写作用,可随机应变多写几句,总之就那些好处。凑不够就再写反面的,说没有它会咋样。This in turn XXX. 长短结合,可穿插入这句。这里写多一点比较好,上面几句别全用,不然模板痕迹太重了,全是空话。
  11. When it comes to XXX, the importance of something cannot be overemphasized. 这句适合收尾第二段,着重强调某事的重要性。


  1. Something take priority over what adolescents face. 提纲挈领,就说对孩子来说这十分重要,然后写措施。这句如果不太合适的话就写:The problem of XXX is essentially the absence of family education.
  2. Parents are supposed to assume responsibility to help them cope with something properly and develop a good habit from the outset. 这句写父母应该怎么做,就是要承担XXX责任之类的,去帮助孩子这样那样。
  3. Meanwhile, adolescents themselves should make unswerving efforts /endeavor constantly to XXX.
  4. They will reap the benefits of being/doing XXX in the foreseeable future.
  5. Though it may take years to have any impact, you will reap the full benefits of doing XXX.


  • withstand temptation to do something
  • persevere with something 不及物。名词是perseverance
  • grow into a person particularly liable to depression, stifle enterprise and initiative适合写负面的
  • tackle the problem solve problems and resolve conflicts in a polite manner
  • arouse the awareness of something
  • harness/utilize the raw power of
  • in the hope that/for the sake of/so as to
  • strike a balance between A and B, A and B blend in harmony
  • at expense of something, at the mercy of something, dictated by something
  • undermine our efforts to be a not only knowledgeable but also cultured person / unleash our potential
  • turn a blind eye tp
  • drift into a job
  • embrace lofty ideals
  • facilitate someone doing something
  • discarding the dross and selecting the essence
  • come to terms with the harsh reality, rise to the challenge
  • stem from 别用because了
  • in the face of adversity, be at a low ebb
  • frustration tolerance, resilience
  • impair the ability to something
  • ignite my interest in, unleash potential/ingenuity
  • polar opposite of something, in stark contrast to
  • be confronted with many profound difficulties
  • We can derive true pleasure not from something, but from something(这句今年我用了它的被动语态)
  • adopt a positive outlook on lives
  • Furthermore, in addition, besides


  • contamination pollution污染,live in harmony with nature与自然和谐共生,conserve energy/water/resource节约资源
  • perseverance坚持不懈 persistence毅力
  • optimism乐观
  • The Internet网络
  • self-discipline自律 self-control克己 restraint克制
  • loan贷款 pay something in instalments分期付款 greed贪婪 acquisitive贪婪的 vice恶习
  • patience耐心
  • thrift节俭
  • self-reliance自力更生,自立

B. 英语小作文



信或邮件的开头基本上是Dear XXX. 如果没有明显的,同龄人就Dear friends, 长辈就Dear Sir or Madam,校长也这么写(默认Sir也问题不大)。如果是公开发的,可以写Dear all也可以加题目比如Notice

结尾别整花里胡哨了,都用:Yours, (换行)Li Ming。如果是公开写的,落款可以有The Student Union等等,写日期的话按“月日,年”的顺序。


  • 第一句:As/On behalf of XXX, I am writing to XXX in the hope that XXX.或者用for sake of something/for the benefit of接名词,或者用so as to接encourage/promote等动词,看哪个适合引出主题了。第一段一定要写明所有来意,这是给分点,别整高难度动作。
  • 字数凑不够可以多写自己的身份,比如as a senior student in this university, as a student majoring in science/humanities
  • 如果是回信,要先写I am glad to hear from you as it has been a long time since we met last time.其实都可以加这句,反正是不是回信题里也没说,如果凑字困难就加上。
  • 提建议share some of my suggestions或者express my humble opinions
  • 邀请extend to someone an invitation to do/to something
  • 欢迎extend the warmest welcome to someone
  • 道歉make an apology to someone for something
  • 比较中性用这个express my concern over
  • 第一段一句话就行,可以加从句写长点。


  • The contest will be held from 18:00 to 20:00 at the auditorium on December 26th.表明日期地点时间可以照这句的格式来。室内地点就用auditorium,室外就用main square。
  • 对长辈要用尊敬的语气:we will be greatly honored if you could XXX
  • 约时间。Can I arrange an appointment for Monday with you? 结尾可以说Please inform me of your available time at your earliest convenience.


  • 表达期望。I will appreciate it if you could reply to XXX at your earliest convenience. 或者It will be much appreciated if you could XXX
  • 希望得到采纳。I hope you find the above suggestions helpful.
  • 表达希望尽快得到告知。Please notify/inform us if XXX as soon as possible.对长辈和尊者最好别用这句,对朋友可以。
  • 希望获得原谅:I hope you will accept my apology and consider my suggestion.
  • 最后可以说look forward to XXX


  • polish up my English(今年提建议时我用了)
  • 宿舍dormitory
  • reply slip回执,如:Please fill up the reply slip if you want to XXX
  • A and B are in clash,动词就是clash with



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