如何从手机或PC将游戏下载到PlayStation 4

编程知识 更新时间:2023-05-02 07:35:20

PlayStation 4 games can be huge, and take hours to download. Thankfully, you can start downloading games even when you’re away from home. All you need is Sony’s official smartphone app, or a web browser on any PC.

PlayStation 4游戏可能非常庞大,并且需要数小时才能下载。 值得庆幸的是,即使您不在家中,也可以开始下载游戏。 您需要的只是Sony的官方智能手机应用程序,或任何PC上的网络浏览器。

This will only work with digital games. If you have a physical copy of game, you have to put it in your PlayStation 4’s disc drive before the console will start installing it and downloading any updates (obviously). However, you can buy digital games away from home and they’ll be autoamtically downloaded to your PS4.

这仅适用于数字游戏。 如果您拥有游戏的物理副本,则必须将其放入PlayStation 4的光盘驱动器中,然后控制台才能开始安装它并下载所有更新(显然)。 但是,您可以在家外购买数字游戏,并且会自动将其下载到您的PS4。

检查您的休息模式设置 (Check Your Rest Mode Settings)

This requires you use the correct power saving settings on your PlayStation 4. In normal Rest Mode operation, the PlayStation 4 will stay in touch with Sony’s servers and will automatically wake up to download updates and games you queue for download.

这要求您在PlayStation 4上使用正确的省电设置。在正常的“休息模式”操作中,PlayStation 4会与Sony的服务器保持联系,并会自动唤醒以下载更新和排队等待下载的游戏。

If you’re away from your console right now, you can skip this step and just try downloading the game you want to download. Assuming your PS4 is on its default Rest Mode settings, it will just work. However, if you’ve previously disabled this feature on your console, the game won’t start downloading immediately. It will automatically download when you get home and turn on your PS4.

如果您现在不在控制台上,则可以跳过此步骤,然后尝试下载要下载的游戏。 假设您的PS4处于默认的“休息模式”设置,它将正常工作。 但是,如果您以前在控制台上禁用了此功能,则游戏将不会立即开始下载。 到家并打开PS4时,它将自动下载。

To check this setting on your PS4, head to Settings > Power Save Settings > Set Features Available in Rest Mode. Ensure the “Stay Connected to the Internet” option is enabled. This will allow your PS4 to wake up and download games and updates.

要在PS4上检查此设置,请转到“设置”>“省电设置”>“设置在休息模式下可用的功能”。 确保启用了“保持连接到Internet”选项。 这将使您的PS4唤醒并下载游戏和更新。

You should also ensure you’re signed into the PlayStation Network with the same user account you’ll use on your phone. Head to Settings > Account Settings and select “Sign In” if you’re prompted to do so. If you see a “Sign Out” option here instead, you’re already fully signed in.

您还应确保使用将在手机上使用的相同用户帐户登录到PlayStation网络。 转到设置>帐户设置,然后在系统提示时选择“登录”。 如果您在此处看到“退出”选项,则说明您已经完全登录。

如何从手机下载游戏 (How to Download Games From Your Phone)

You can download games from your phone using Sony’s PlayStation App, available on Google Play for Android or the App Store for iPhone.

您可以使用索尼的PlayStation应用程序从手机上下载游戏,该游戏可在Android的Google Play或iPhone的App Store上找到。

Launch the app after installing it and sign in with the same PlayStation Network account you use on your PlayStation 4. Tap the PlayStation Store icon at the top left corner of the app.

安装应用程序后启动应用程序,并使用您在PlayStation 4上使用的同一PlayStation网络帐户登录。点击应用程序左上角的PlayStation Store图标。

To download a game you haven’t yet purchased (or previously downloaded, if the game is free), find the game in the PlayStation Store here. Tap the “Add to Cart” button and purchase the game or tap “Try Free Demo” if it’s a free demo.

要下载尚未购买(或免费下载,如果尚未下载)的游戏,请在此处的PlayStation商店中找到该游戏。 点击“添加到购物车”按钮购买游戏,或者如果是免费的演示,则点击“尝试免费演示”。

Once you’ve confirmed your purchase, tap the “Download to Your PS4” button to immediately begin downloading the game to the PlayStation 4 associated with your account.

确认购买后,点击“下载到PS4”按钮立即开始将游戏下载到与您的帐户关联的PlayStation 4。

To download a game you’ve already purchased or previously downloaded for free, tap the account icon at the top right corner of the screen. Tap “Purchase History” in the menu that appears.

要下载已经购买或以前免费下载的游戏,请点按屏幕右上角的帐户图标。 在出现的菜单中点击“购买历史”。

Scroll through the games you have access to and tap the “Download to your PS4” button for any you want to download. Your PS4 will automatically download them.

滚动浏览您有权访问的游戏,然后点击要下载的任何游戏的“下载到PS4”按钮。 您的PS4将自动下载它们。

You can tap your account icon and select “Download Queue” to view the queue of games you’re downloading and their status. You can even tap the “X” button on this screen to remotely stop a download.

您可以点击您的帐户图标,然后选择“下载队列”以查看您正在下载的游戏队列及其状态。 您甚至可以点击此屏幕上的“ X”按钮来远程停止下载。

如何从Web浏览器下载游戏 (How to Download Games From a Web Browser)

You can download games from any web browser using Sony’s PlayStation Store website. Head to the website, click “Sign In”, and sign in with the account associated with your PS4.

您可以使用Sony的PlayStation Store网站从任何网络浏览器下载游戏。 前往该网站,单击“登录”,然后使用与您的PS4关联的帐户登录。

This process works the same on the website as it does on the PlayStation app. Locate a paid or free game you want to install and either purchase it or download it for free.

此过程在网站上的运作方式与在PlayStation应用程序上的运作方式相同。 找到您要安装的付费或免费游戏,然后购买或免费下载。

Once you’ve confirmed the purchase or free download, you can click the “Download to your PS4” button to immediately begin downloading the game on the PlayStation 4 associated with your account.

确认购买或免费下载后,您可以单击“下载到PS4”按钮立即开始在与您的帐户相关联的PlayStation 4上下载游戏。

To begin downloading a game you’ve previously purchased or downloaded for free, click your account name at the top right corner of the page and select “Purchase History”.


Locate the game you want to download and click the “Download to Your PS4” button.


To view your download queue, click your account name at the top right corner of the page and select ‘Download Queue”.


You can view your active downloads from this screen and even cancel them from here, if you like.


如果下载没有自动开始 (If the Download Doesn’t Start Automatically)

The game may take a few minutes to begin downloading after you click the “Download to your PS4” button. If it never starts, your PlayStation 4 either has the wrong Rest Mode setting or it isn’t connected to the Internet. The download will immediately begin when someone turns on your PS4 and it’s connected to the Internet.

单击“下载到PS4”按钮后,游戏可能需要几分钟才能开始下载。 如果它从未启动,则说明您的PlayStation 4的“休息模式”设置错误或未连接到Internet。 当有人打开您的PS4并将其连接到Internet时,下载将立即开始。

To ensure this will work in the future, enable the “Stay Connected to the Internet” option on your PS4’s Set Features Available in Rest Mode screen.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/328674/how-to-download-games-to-your-playstation-4-from-your-phone-or-pc/


如何从手机或PC将游戏下载到PlayStation 4

本文发布于:2023-04-26 08:28:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:游戏下载   手机   PC   PlayStation


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