echo 连接 命令_如何修复无法连接到WiFi的Echo或Google Home

编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-21 00:40:51

echo 连接 命令

Congratulations, you have a new Google Home or Amazon Echo device! But for some reason, even though you’re confident you have the password correct, it won’t connect to Wi-Fi. The good news is, there are easy solutions to try.

恭喜,您有了新的Google Home或Amazon Echo设备! 但是由于某些原因,即使您确信密码正确无误,也无法连接到Wi-Fi。 好消息是,有简单的解决方案可以尝试。

Whether you have a new Google Home or new Amazon Echo device, setup should be easy. As long as you have the correct accounts created, the apps walk you through all the steps in a straightforward manner. But occasionally you might get hung up on connecting to Wi-Fi, even when you’re sure you have the password correct. Often, the problem isn’t your password but the network you’ve chosen or that your smartphone is trying to maintain a working internet connection.

无论您有新的Google Home还是新的Amazon Echo设备,设置都应该很容易。 只要您创建了正确的帐户,应用程序就会以直接的方式引导您完成所有步骤。 但是有时候,即使您确定密码正确,也可能会挂断连接Wi-Fi。 通常,问题不是您的密码,而是您选择的网络,或者您的智能手机试图维持正常的互联网连接。

启用飞行模式并开启Wi-Fi (Enable Airplane Mode and Turn On Wi-Fi)

Echo and Google Home devices learn your Wi-Fi details through a handoff. Your smartphone directly connects to the device (creating a temporary Wi-Fi network specific to them), and then the Google or Amazon app passes on the information about your SSID (the name of your Wi-Fi network) and password. Unfortunately, smartphones are aggressive about maintaining a good network connection. When you connect to the new network, your device might realize it can’t find the internet and fall back to using your cellular data instead. When that happens, your phone disconnects from the Google Home or Echo and the setup process can’t complete.

Echo和Google Home设备通过切换了解您的Wi-Fi详细信息。 您的智能手机直接连接到设备(为其创建临时的Wi-Fi网络),然后Google或Amazon应用传递有关SSID(Wi-Fi网络的名称)和密码的信息。 不幸的是,智能手机积极维护良好的网络连接。 当您连接到新网络时,您的设备可能会意识到它找不到互联网,而是转而使用蜂窝数据。 发生这种情况时,您的手机将与Google Home或Echo断开连接,并且无法完成设置过程。

To avoid this, before you begin the setup process turn on airplane mode in your phone’s settings. Then turn on Wi-Fi (which airplane mode just turned off). Once you have reconnected to your network launch the Google Home or Alexa app and try the setup process again.

为避免这种情况,在开始设置过程之前,请在手机的设置中打开飞行模式 。 然后打开Wi-Fi(刚刚关闭的飞行模式)。 重新连接到网络后,启动Google Home或Alexa应用,然后再次尝试设置过程。

Falling back to cellular is a common enough problem that Wink makes this same suggestion when setting up its hub.


尝试使用其他Wi-Fi频段 (Try a Different Wi-Fi Band)

Google Home and Amazon Echo can connect to either the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band. It can be tempting to use the 5 GHz band since it tends to run into fewer congestion issues and provide faster speeds, and for those reasons, it probably should be your first choice. But consider how far your new voice assistant is from the router. If that distance is far (you’re at the edges of your house), then your connection may not be reliable. In that scenario, try the 2.4 GHz band. If you already are trying to use the 2.4 GHz band, then try the 5 GHz band, as interference may be the issue. If you have a mesh system, it will take care of choosing the best band for you.

Google Home和Amazon Echo可以连接到2.4 GHz或5 GHz频段 。 使用5 GHz频段可能会很诱人,因为它会遇到较少的拥塞问题并提供更快的速度,由于这些原因,它可能应该是您的首选。 但是,请考虑您的新语音助手与路由器之间的距离。 如果该距离很远(您在房子的边缘),则连接可能不可靠。 在这种情况下,请尝试使用2.4 GHz频段。 如果您已经在尝试使用2.4 GHz频段,请尝试使用5 GHz频段,因为可能会引起干扰。 如果您有网状系统 ,它将为您选择最佳的频段。

临时网络可能不受支持 (Ad-Hoc Networks May Be Unsupported)

Amazon notes that ad-hoc networks are unsupported, so if you’re using one, you will need to switch to a more traditional infrastructure mode for your Echo devices to connect to Wi-Fi. Google doesn’t state if you can use an ad-hoc network with their Home devices, but if you’re having trouble, it may be worth testing on infrastructure mode to see if that helps.

亚马逊指出, 临时网络不受支持,因此,如果您使用的是临时网络 ,则需要切换到更传统的基础架构模式,以使Echo设备连接到Wi-Fi。 Google并未声明您是否可以在其Home设备上使用临时网络,但是如果遇到问题,可能需要在基础架构模式下进行测试以查看是否有帮助。

重新启动路由器 (Reboot Your Router)

It may seem silly, but even to this day rebooting your router is a reliable troubleshooting step. Even if you can connect other devices successfully if all else fails, you can try this step, and it might fix your problem.  Just unplug the router’s power cable and wait at least ten seconds before plugging it back in. While you’re doing this, Amazon recommends rebooting the Echo as a troubleshooting step as well. The process is the same, unplug then wait ten seconds before plugging back in. If you have a Google Home, the same process may be helpful as well.

看来这很愚蠢,但是直到今天, 重启路由器还是一个可靠的故障排除步骤。 即使所有其他设备都失败了,即使您可以成功连接其他设备,也可以尝试此步骤,这可能会解决您的问题。 只需拔下路由器的电源线,至少等待十秒钟,然后再插回去。在执行此操作时,Amazon建议也重新启动Echo,作为故障排除步骤。 该过程相同,请拔出电源,然后等待十秒钟再插入。如果您有Google Home,则相同的过程也可能会有所帮助。

Some routers may require some extra steps to work well with Voice Assistant devices as well.  Google notes that some Netgear Nighthawk models need Access Controlled disabled and the “Allow guests to see each other and access my local network” option enabled to work with Google home devices.

某些路由器可能还需要一些额外的步骤才能与Voice Assistant设备一起正常工作。 Google指出,某些Netgear Nighthawk型号需要禁用“访问控制”,并且启用“允许来宾见面并访问我的本地网络”选项才能与Google家用设备一起使用。

If all goes well, you should be up and running in no time. Just remember to turn off airplane mode when you’re done!

如果一切顺利,那么您应该立即启动并运行。 只要记得完成后关闭飞行模式即可!

If you’re still having trouble, you should consult the Google and Amazon support pages directly for further troubleshooting. We’ve had good experiences with both of their chat help options, and they’ve been able to sort the few problems we’ve encountered that we couldn’t troubleshoot on our own. They may have you try troubleshooting steps, so it can be helpful to use a laptop or plug in your voice assistant device near your desktop. Just be patient and let them know what steps you’ve already taken to avoid repeating too much work.

如果您仍然遇到问题,则应直接查询Google和Amazon支持页面以进行进一步的故障排除。 我们在他们的两个聊天帮助选项上都有很好的经验,并且他们能够解决一些我们自己无法解决的问题。 他们可能会让您尝试故障排除步骤,因此使用笔记本电脑或在台式机附近插入语音助手设备会有所帮助。 请耐心等待,让他们知道您已采取了哪些步骤以避免重复过多的工作。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/403031/how-to-fix-an-echo-or-google-home-that-wont-connect-to-wifi/

echo 连接 命令


echo 连接 命令_如何修复无法连接到WiFi的Echo或Google Home

本文发布于:2023-04-16 06:05:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:连接到   命令   echo   WiFi   Home


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