笔记本电脑 编程_如何选择笔记本电脑进行编程

编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-30 09:58:48

笔记本电脑 编程

by Ayo Isaiah

通过Ayo Isaiah

如何选择合适的笔记本电脑进行编程 (How to choose the right laptop for programming)

Choosing the right laptop for programming can be a tough process.


It’s easy to get confused while researching the various options. There are many different laptop models out there, each with a different set of trade-offs.

在研究各种选项时,很容易感到困惑。 那里有许多不同的笔记本电脑型号,每一个都有不同的权衡。

You can write code on most laptops. Yet, your productivity will improve if you use a machine suited to the type of tasks that you perform.

您可以在大多数笔记本电脑上编写代码。 但是,如果使用适合您所执行任务类型的机器,您的生产率将会提高。

There are different types of development, and various tools are required with each specialization. So, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to buying a development machine.

开发类型不同,每种专业化都需要各种工具。 因此,没有一种千篇一律的方法来购买开发机器。

I made the following assumptions in this article:


  • You are a web developer

  • Your laptop is your primary development machine


Here are some considerations before purchasing your next laptop.


流动性 (Mobility)

Laptops come in all shapes and sizes. You need to figure out how portable you want your laptop to be.

笔记本电脑有各种形状和尺寸。 您需要弄清楚笔记本电脑的便携性。

If you do not need to carry your laptop around often, you might want to consider a 15-inch laptop. These will usually have better specs and more screen estate for multitasking.

如果您不需要经常随身携带笔记本电脑,则可以考虑使用15英寸笔记本电脑。 这些通常具有更好的规格和更多的屏幕资源用于多任务处理。

If you work in different locations or travel a lot, a 13 or 14-inch laptop may be best for you. They are lighter and provide longer battery life.

如果您在不同的地方工作或经常旅行,那么13或14英寸的笔记本电脑可能是最适合您的。 它们重量更轻,并且电池寿命更长。

Unless you’re buying a 2-in-1 laptop, a touchscreen does not provide enough benefits to justify the extra cost. I’d suggest you avoid the touchscreen.

除非您要购买2合1笔记本电脑,否则触摸屏无法提供足够的好处来证明额外费用的合理性。 我建议您避免使用触摸屏。

显示 (Display)

A laptop’s screen one of its most important features, especially for programmers. Developing applications involves staring at the screen for long periods. You need to pay close attention to the details.

笔记本电脑的屏幕是其最重要的功能之一,特别是对于程序员而言。 开发应用程序需要长时间盯着屏幕。 您需要密切注意细节。

Most budget laptops ship with a 1366 x 768 display, which I consider to be mediocre at best. The display doesn’t have enough screen estate for multitasking. Also, the text isn’t sharp enough for you to have a comfortable reading experience.

大多数廉价笔记本电脑出厂时均配备1366 x 768显示屏,我认为这充其量只是中等水平。 显示器的屏幕空间不足以进行多任务处理。 另外,文字不够清晰,无法让您拥有舒适的阅读体验。

A 4k display is overkill for a laptop, especially when you consider the added costs and the battery drain that you will encounter.


Whatever you do, don’t buy a laptop with less than a Full HD 1920 x 1080 (1080p) display. If you have to pay a little extra to get 1080p, do it.

无论您做什么,都不要购买分辨率低于全高清1920 x 1080(1080p)的笔记本电脑。 如果您需要支付一点额外费用以获得1080p,请执行此操作。

Also make sure the display has good viewing angles; your laptop’s screen should not double as a mirror!

还要确保显示屏具有良好的视角。 您的笔记本电脑的屏幕不应用作镜子!

处理能力(CPU) (Processing Power (CPU))

Your laptop’s CPU has a huge influence on performance so you can’t afford to skimp on this one. There are many different types of processors with different specifications. Make sure to consider these specs. Some of the most important are cache size, number of cores, frequency, and thermal design power.

笔记本电脑的CPU对性能有很大的影响,因此您不必无视这一点。 有许多不同类型的处理器具有不同的规格。 确保考虑这些规格。 最重要的一些是高速缓存大小,内核数,频率和散热设计功率。

In general, a nice Intel core i5 or i7 processor with a frequency of 3GHz or more should suffice for most people.

通常,对于大多数人来说,频率为3GHz或更高的不错的Intel Core i5或i7处理器就足够了。

记忆体(RAM) (Memory (RAM))

I don’t think any serious programming can be done on a laptop with less than 4GB of RAM. My smallest RAM recommendation is 8GB. Even that is becoming barely enough with the advent of Electron apps, which love to consume large amounts of RAM. If you have extra cash lying around, invest in 16GB of RAM.

我认为在RAM小于4GB的笔记本电脑上无法进行任何认真的编程。 我最小的RAM建议是8GB。 随着电子应用程序的出现,即使这已经变得勉强够用了,电子应用程序喜欢消耗大量的RAM。 如果您有多余的现金,请投资16GB的RAM。

存储类型和容量 (Storage type and capacity)

Getting an SSD (Solid State Drive) should be near the top of your priorities. This will give you significant performance improvements over a standard hard drive. Every operation will be a lot faster with an SSD: including booting up the OS, compiling code, launching apps, and loading projects.

获取SSD(固态硬盘)应该是您的当务之急。 与标准硬盘驱动器相比,这将为您带来显着的性能改进。 使用SSD,每个操作都会更快:包括启动操作系统,编译代码,启动应用程序和加载项目。

A 256GB SSD should be the baseline. If you have more money, a 512GB or 1TB SSD is better. If cost is a factor, opt for a smaller SSD, where your Operating System will live alongside your apps and frequently accessed documents (such as project files). Your remaining stuff, such as music or videos, can rest in a larger external hard drive.

256GB SSD应该是基准。 如果您有更多钱,那么512GB或1TB SSD会更好。 如果成本是一个因素,请选择较小的SSD,在该SSD上,您的操作系统将与您的应用程序和经常访问的文档(例如项目文件)一起使用。 您剩余的东西(例如音乐或视频)可以放在更大的外部硬盘驱动器中。

键盘 (Keyboard)

You can’t afford to compromise on your laptop’s keyboard quality since it is what you’ll use to bang out code all day. I tend to go for laptops with a more compact keyboard layout.

您不能在笔记本电脑的键盘质量上做出妥协,因为它是整天用来敲出代码的工具。 我倾向于使用键盘布局更紧凑的笔记本电脑。

The most important thing is to try out a laptop’s keyboard thoroughly before you buy. Make sure the keys are comfortable and easy to reach with good travel. A back-lit keyboard is useful if you intend to work in low-light conditions often.

最重要的是,在购买之前,请彻底尝试笔记本电脑的键盘。 确保按键舒适且易于出入。 如果您打算经常在弱光条件下工作,则背光键盘很有用。

果汁 (Juice)

Good battery life may not be all that important to you if you spend most of your time near a power outlet. Nonetheless, shoot for at least 6 hours of battery life.

如果您将大部分时间都花在电源插座附近,那么良好的电池续航时间对您而言并不是那么重要。 但是,请拍摄至少6个小时的电池寿命。

Don’t rely on the expected battery life as stated by the manufacturer. Read third-party appraisals from reliable websites, and see what real users are saying about the product in forums and reviews.

不要依赖制造商规定的预期电池寿命。 阅读来自可靠网站的第三方评估,并在论坛和评论中查看真实用户对产品的评价。

操作系统 (Operating System)

Your choice of operating system will determine which laptop to buy to a large extent. Windows users have lots of options but if you prefer macOS, you’re limited to one of the Macbook offerings.

您选择的操作系统将在很大程度上决定购买哪种笔记本电脑。 Windows用户有很多选择,但是如果您喜欢macOS,则只能使用其中一种Macbook产品。

Linux will run on most hardware but it is better to buy laptops which have official Linux support. Some vendors, such as Dell and System 76, provide top quality machines with Linux pre-installed. You might want to look into those first.

Linux将在大多数硬件上运行,但是最好购买具有官方Linux支持的笔记本电脑。 一些供应商(例如Dell和System 76 )提供了预装Linux的高质量机器。 您可能需要先研究一下。

Otherwise, do your research to make sure the laptop you intend to buy plays well with your preferred Linux distributions.


专用或集成图形? (Dedicated or Integrated Graphics?)

A dedicated (also known as discrete) graphics card isn’t very important for coding purposes. Save money by going with an integrated graphics card. Invest the money you save in an SSD or a better processor which will provide more value for the money.

专用(也称为离散)图形卡对于编码目的不是很重要。 使用集成的图形卡可以节省金钱。 将节省下来的钱投资到SSD或更好的处理器上,这将提供更多的价值。

I’d love to know what factors you consider to be most important for a development machine and how it affects your work on a day to day basis.


If you enjoyed this article, please share with your developer friends and click the green “❤” heart below and so others can find it too. Thanks for reading

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请与您的开发者朋友分享并单击下面的绿色“❤”心,以便其他人也可以找到它。 谢谢阅读

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/how-to-choose-a-laptop-for-programming-a9e36f8b4cfe/

笔记本电脑 编程


笔记本电脑 编程_如何选择笔记本电脑进行编程

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