
编程知识 更新时间:2023-05-02 14:31:51

This year, How-To Geek’s own Justin was on-site at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where every gadget manufacturer shows off their latest creations, and he was able to sit down and get hands-on with most of them. Here’s the ones that just didn’t make the cut.

今年,How-To Geek自己的贾斯汀(Justin)出席了在拉斯维加斯举行的消费电子展,每个小工具制造商都在这里展示他们的最新作品,他得以坐下来并亲身实践其中的大多数作品。 这就是那些没有晋级的人。

Make sure you also read our Best of CES 2011 post, where we cover the greatest gadgets that we found.

确保您还阅读了我们的Best of CES 2011帖子 ,其中涵盖了我们发现的最棒的小工具。

Keep reading to take a look at the best of the worst products, that might have initially appeared good but showed their true colors after we spent some time with them.


摩托罗拉Cliq 2 (Motorola Cliq 2)

From the company bringing you the Atrix and Xoom, comes a device that we can’t help but think it will fail after the first two revisions were nothing but jokes among the serious Android user. The Cliq 2 is designed specifically for the business user who wants to take advantage of the Motoblur skin. The problem is, no privacy conscious company in the world would want to allow Motorola to mirror their closed Exchange account information in the name of social media. Not to mention a terrible reptile-like keyboard and a bad history of updates.

该公司为您带来了Atrix和Xoom,这是一款我们不禁要相信的设备,因为前两个版本的修改只是在认真的Android用户中开玩笑而已。 Cliq 2专为希望利用Motoblur皮肤的企业用户设计。 问题是,世界上没有一家注重隐私的公司希望允许摩托罗拉以社交媒体的名义镜像其关闭的Exchange帐户信息。 更不用说爬行动物般可怕的键盘和糟糕的更新历史了。

宏基ICONIA笔记本电脑 (Acer ICONIA Laptop)

How can a dual touch-screen laptop be one of the worst products at CES? The custom user interface tweaks were a nice touch (get it?) when they worked. After five seconds of typing on this laptop and we realized just how difficult touch typing is without any tactile feedback. On top of that, the notebook isn’t designed to rotate into portrait mode for oversize digital newspaper reading.

双触摸屏笔记本电脑如何成为CES上最差的产品之一? 自定义用户界面的调整在工作时非常不错(可以得到吗?)。 在这台笔记本电脑上打字五秒钟后,我们意识到没有任何触觉反馈,触摸打字是多么困难。 最重要的是,笔记本电脑并未设计为旋转肖像模式以进行超大数字报纸阅读。

伊古古 (iGUGU)

Make an easy way to get your computer screen on your TV. That’s the idea of this device, but when things like Google TV, WiDi, and Airplay exist, this product was just one annoyance after another when actually trying to accomplish anything except turn it off. Oh, and the buttons on the remote are from a time when tactile feedback was strictly science fiction and Dr. Scholls made television remotes.

一种简单的方法可以在电视上显示计算机屏幕。 这就是该设备的想法,但是当存在诸如Google TV,WiDi和Airplay之类的东西时,该产品实际上是一个烦人的烦人,而实际上它试图将其关闭以外的任何事情。 哦,遥控器上的按钮是从触觉反馈严格来说是科幻小说而Scholls博士制作了电视遥控器的时代开始的。

Orbotix Sphero (Orbotix Sphero)

Have you ever bounced a ball against a wall so long that the stucco started to peel? How about roll a ball on the ground for hours on end until you left tracks in the carpet. If you have done either of those two things you have had as much fun as you will ever have with the Orbotix Sphero and you saved yourself $99 in the process. Good for you, in honor of your thriftiness go buy yourself a gumball.

您是否曾经在墙壁上弹过一个球使灰泥开始脱落呢? 如何将球在地面上连续滚动数小时,直到您将足迹留在地毯上。 如果您完成了这两件事中的任何一项,您将获得与Orbotix Sphero一样的乐趣,并且在此过程中节省了99美元。 对您有好处,为了节省您的钱,请给自己买一个口香糖。

富尔顿感应功率 (Fulton Inductive Power)

Never in the history of man has something so diabolical been unleashed that the most evil of super villains wouldn’t dare be seen as part of this plan. A wirelessly charging Tesla Roadster seems innocent enough, but pull back the red curtain and see the true evil plans of the super villain known as Fulton. No really, can you imagine going grocery shopping with every box, bottle, and crate flashing advertising at you until you pick up the product in a desperate attempt to make it stop?

在人类历史上,从来没有人发布过如此邪恶的东西,以至于超级恶棍中最邪恶的人都不敢被视为这一计划的一部分。 无线充电的特斯拉敞篷跑车看上去足够纯真,但拉开红色帷幕,看看超级恶棍富尔顿的真正邪恶计划。 真的不行,您是否可以想象在杂货店大举购物以阻止其停止前,带着每个包装盒,瓶子和板条箱闪烁着广告的杂货店购物吗?

WOWee便携式音箱 (WOWee Portable Speaker)

A portable speaker that can turn any hard surface into a speaker sounds like a great idea until you either A) hear it in person, or B) realize that this thing retails for $80 which means you could have bought a much better portable speaker that wasn’t reliant on any hard surfaces for sound. Save yourself the money and get a decent set of speakers and not a crappy sounding gimmick.

便携式扬声器可以将任何坚硬的表面变成扬声器,这听起来像是个好主意,直​​到您要么A)亲自听到,要么B)意识到这东西的零售价为80美元,这意味着您可以买到一个更好的便携式扬声器,不要依靠任何坚硬的表面来获得声音。 为自己省钱,并得到一组像样的扬声器,而不是a脚的sound头。

眼镜免费3D (Glasses free 3D)

Any product that promotes doing anything under very specific conditions in very controlled environments just doesn’t hold water. Every glasses free 3D television we saw required no overhead lights, a dark room, you had to stand in 1 of 3 spots (2 of which rarely worked correctly). Even after these requirements, the edges of the TV looked like a flimsy holographic bookmark you got when you were in the book worm club in 4th grade. Glasses free 3D obviously isn’t ready for prime time.

任何促进在非常受控的环境中的特定条件下执行任何操作的产品都不会积水。 我们看到的每台无眼镜的3D电视都不需要高架灯,一个黑暗的房间,您必须站在3个位置中的1个位置(其中2个位置无法正常工作)。 即使满足了这些要求,当您在四年级的书虫俱乐部时,电视的边缘看起来仍然像是脆弱的全息书签。 免费的3D眼镜显然还没有准备就绪。

万事达 (MasterPad)

A Windows 7 slate can’t be that bad to be known as one of the worst products at CES right? What makes this product so much worse than any of the other Windows 7 slates? The fact that this company’s flier has misleading information about it’s competition, had a custom application launcher that crashed multiple times in our hands on, and the sales representative won our personal award for worst breath and BO at CES makes this product a trifecta of fail.

Windows 7平板可以说是CES上最差的产品之一,对吗? 是什么让该产品比其他Windows 7平板电脑差得多? 该公司的飞行人员对自己的竞争有误导性的信息,有一个定制的应用程序启动器在我们手上多次坠毁,而销售代表赢得了我们的个人最差口碑奖,而CES上的BO使得该产品失败了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/40110/the-worst-of-ces-consumer-electronics-show-in-2011/



本文发布于:2023-04-26 16:37:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
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