做一个完美的拖延症_完美主义还是拖延症? 重新设计最小可行产品。

编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-03 19:52:21


Since the launch of my book I’ve got to talk to a lot of designers and developers about their side projects and products they hope to launch. A recurring theme is a belief that perfectionism prevents them from getting to launch; they can’t release a small version of their product because it wouldn’t meet their high standards. I believe that this is often just another way of procrastinating, of pushing back launch, because putting your product out there is actually quite scary.

自从我的书发行以来,我已经与很多设计师和开发人员讨论了他们希望发行的副项目和产品。 反复出现的主题是一种信念,即完美主义会阻止他们上任。 他们不能发布产品的小版本,因为它不符合他们的高标准。 我认为,这通常只是拖延发布或推迟发布的另一种方式,因为将您的产品投放市场实际上是非常可怕的。

I’ve also heard people pushing back against the idea of a Minimum Viable Product, because they believe that it means releasing something that isn’t well built or designed. They believe it means pushing some flaky thing out into the world and seeing if anyone wants it, then rebuilding it “properly”. That doesn’t need to be the case. For many products it can’t be the case perhaps due to the need to meet certain legal requirements or perhaps just – as with my product Perch – the product is going to be installed in places where you can’t control updates.

我还听到人们反对最低可行产品的想法,因为他们认为这意味着发布的产品并非精心打造或设计得很好。 他们认为,这意味着将一些易碎的东西推向世界,看看是否有人愿意,然后“适当地”重建它。 不必是这种情况。 对于许多产品而言, 可能并非如此,可能是由于需要满足某些法律要求,或者仅仅是(与我的产品Perch一样 )该产品将安装在您无法控制更新的地方。

Reframe the minimum viable product for your own situation. Your minimum viable product doesn’t have to be thrown together, it doesn’t have to be a prototype, but it does need to be launched. The great thing about launching small is that you can make that small version of your product really good. You can meet your high standards far more easily than if you try and complete the all-singing, all-dancing version before you show anyone. Try to do everything before launch and you’ll either fail to launch or you’ll end up compromising your high ideals as you scramble to do all of the things.

根据您自己的情况重新构造最低限度的可行产品。 您不必将最低限度可行的产品组合在一起,也不必将其作为原型,但是必须将其发布。 小型发行的伟大之处在于,您可以使产品的小型版本真正变得不错。 与尝试在向任何人展示之前完成所有演唱,所有舞蹈版本相比,您可以轻松满足高标准。 尝试在发射前做所有事情,否则您将无法发射,或者在争分夺秒地完成所有工作时最终会损害自己的崇高理想。

Your product needs to solve a real problem people have, in a way that they will be happy to pay for. Do that well and you will have time to add the extra features and ideas you have after launch, and be able to delight existing customers at the same time by giving them new things, or adding the things they request.

您的产品需要解决人们遇到的实际问题,他们会乐于为此付出代价。 做到这一点,您将有时间添加启动后拥有的其他功能和想法,并能够通过给现有客户一些新事物或增加他们所要求的事物来使他们满意。

阅读更多 (Read more )

In the free sample chapter of my book, I describe how we fell into our own feature trap with the product we developed before Perch.

在我的书的免费示例章节中 ,我描述了我们如何使用Perch之前开发的产品陷入自己的功能陷阱。

In Building a Successful Product: Start Small and Listen I write about launching a small product and then using customer feedback to improve it.


翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2014/03/20/perfectionism-or-procrastination-reframing-the-minimum-viable-product/



做一个完美的拖延症_完美主义还是拖延症? 重新设计最小可行产品。

本文发布于:2023-04-03 19:52:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:完美   做一个   最小   主义   产品


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