评论:Monster的诺基亚Purity Pro无线耳机

编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-29 07:42:25

I like gadgets, but my tolerance for price is low. But a friend of mine showed me his Nokia Purity Pro headphones (made by Monster) and I tried them...and bought a pair.

我喜欢小工具,但我对价格的承受能力很低。 但是我的一个朋友给我看了他的诺基亚Purity Pro耳机(由Monster制造),我尝试了一下……并买了一副。

I've been using the same Beats by Dre Tour In-Ear Headphones for over a year. I've taken them all over the world and they've worked great. However, on planes they hurt the insides of my ear, and once I got them stuck in my ear real good so I started re-thinking my aversion to over-the-ear headphones.

我使用相同的Beats by Dre Tour入耳式耳机已有一年多了。 我把它们带到了全世界,他们的表现很棒。 但是,在飞机上,它们会伤害我的耳朵内部,一旦我将它们卡在我的耳朵里,感觉就很好了,所以我开始重新考虑对戴入耳式耳机的厌恶。

I used to have a pair of the original Bose noise-cancelling from years ago. Noise-cancelling technology has apparently improved a lot since then. When my friend showed me his Purity Pro's we were standing in a parking lot after lunch. I put them on and the street noise just stopped. Any low-level or repeated noise just disappeared. They work at least as well as my Bose did and are a joy to use on a plane.

我以前有一对几年前的原始Bose消除噪音功能。 从那时起,降噪技术已明显改善。 当我的朋友给我看他的Purity Pro时,我们午饭后站在一个停车场。 我穿上它们,街上的噪音刚刚停止。 任何低水平或反复出现的噪音都消失了。 它们的工作至少和我的Bose一样好,并且在飞机上使用时感到很高兴。

The model I bought was the "Nokia 02734L7 BH-940 Purity Pro Wireless Stereo Headset by Monster" which is a mouthful, and I paid $300 for them, which was about $150 more than I wanted to pay. Sadly, I'm looking at Amazon today and seeing these headphones as low as $235. There's also wired versions for $79, although they lack the noise-cancelling and Bluetooth (of course) features.

我买的型号是“ Monster的Nokia 02734L7 BH-940 Purity Pro无线立体声耳机”,我花了300美元买了它们,比我想付的价格多了150美元。 可悲的是,我今天正在看亚马逊,看到这些耳机的价格低至235美元。 还有有线版本,售价为79美元,尽管它们没有降噪和蓝牙(当然)功能。

I consider myself a power user and I don't put up with a lot of trouble from my devices. If it sucks or doesn't work in some way, it's going back.

我认为自己是高级用户,因此我不会为设备带来很多麻烦。 如果它糟透了或无法正常工作,那就回去了。

The "oh gee" feature of the Purity Pro's is that it has NFC (Near Field Communication) to aid the initial paring process. The resulting pair is still Bluetooth. If your phone has NFC, more power to you, but after it's paired you'll never use this again.

Purity Pro的“ oh gee”功能是它具有NFC(近场通信)功能,可以辅助初始配对过程。 结果对仍然是蓝牙。 如果您的手机具有NFC功能,则可以为您提供更多电力,但配对后,您将永远不会再使用它。

The Bluetooth feature that I really appreciate is the ability to pair with multiple devices - up to 8. You can also be simultaneously connected to two devices which is REALLY convenient.


Note: Read the manual (PDF) and turn on "Bluetooth Multipoint" to use this feature.

注意:阅读手册( PDF )并打开“ Bluetooth Multipoint”以使用此功能。

For example, right now as I type this I'm connected to my laptop's audio (for Skype and Lync) and to my phone for music (Spotify and phone calls). I could certainly go along with connecting to just one, but when you're sitting in a café working, it's really nice to have "all electronic audio" from your devices routed into your headphones. I can listen to music, take Skype calls AND answer phone calls using the headphones.

例如,现在当我键入此内容时,我已连接到笔记本电脑的音频(适用于Skype和Lync),并已连接至手机以获取音乐(Spotify和电话)。 我当然可以只连接一个,但是当您坐在咖啡馆里工作时,将设备中的“所有电子音频”路由到耳机中真的很棒。 我可以听音乐,拨打Skype电话并使用耳机接听电话。

I also have them paired with my tablet (so phone, laptop, tablet) and I must say, having no wires to worry about really IS a nice touch. I feel like just NOW, today, in 2013 the promise of Bluetooth is happening.

我也将它们与我的平板电脑(例如手机,笔记本电脑,平板电脑)配对使用,我必须说,没有电线可担心确实是一个不错的选择。 我觉得现在,就在今天,2013年蓝牙技术的承诺正在实现。

It's also a microphone (the mic is near the left ear) so I can take calls OR use it as a mic for Skype/Lync.

它也是一个麦克风(麦克风位于左耳附近),因此我可以接听电话或将其用作Skype / Lync的麦克风。

Of course, if I have a better mic or a laptop with an Array Mic I can tell the computer to NOT use the headphone's mic and use another. (You'd be surprised how often folks forget that they have full control over what mics are used for regular apps or communications apps.)

当然,如果我有更好的麦克风或带有Array麦克风的笔记本电脑,我可以告诉计算机不要使用耳机的麦克风,而要使用其他麦克风。 (您会惊讶地发现,人们经常忘记他们完全控制了常规应用程序或通信应用程序所使用的麦克风。)

The headphones turn off when you close them up and reconnect when you open them. They have an internal battery and recharge using a mini-USB connector. They say they last for almost 24 hours of use, and if the battery runs out you can just switch to a standard 1/8" headphone plug. I have used them for a few months and have never needed to move to wired but it's nice to know they will keep working even with a dead battery. That said, they top off fast using mini-USB cables I have in my bag already. I did a 6 hour flight from New York watching movies last week and didn't give headphone battery life a thought.

合上耳机时,它们会关闭;打开时,它们会重新连接。 它们具有内置电池,并使用mini-USB连接器进行充电。 他们说,它们可以使用将近24小时,如果电池没电了,您可以切换到标准的1/8“耳机插头。我已经使用了几个月了,并且从不使用有线连接,但是很好知道即使电池没电了,他们也能继续工作。也就是说,他们已经用装在袋子里的迷你USB电缆快速充电了。上周我从纽约乘飞机飞行了6个小时,看电影却没有给耳机戴耳机电池寿命的思考。

One other cool feature is that the headphones talk to you. When you're pairing with Bluetooth or the battery is doing something it talks in your ear and says stuff like "Connected."

另一个很酷的功能是耳机与您通话。 当您与蓝牙配对或电池正在做某事时,它会在您的耳朵中说话,并显示诸如“已连接”之类的信息。

There's switches behind each ear for answering calls, changing volume, and going previous and next track. There's also some more subtle gestures, so RTFM. For example, double-press the Call button to decline a call, or hold the Call button to switch to phone from the headphones. Press and hold the call button when not in a call to use Siri or Voice Dial. You can even pair with more than one phone and use the < button to manage calls from both phones while on one call.

每个耳朵后面都有开关,用于接听电话,更改音量以及前进和后退。 还有其他一些微妙的手势,例如RTFM 。 例如,双击“呼叫”按钮以拒绝呼叫,或按住“呼叫”按钮以从耳机切换为电话。 不在通话中时按住通话按钮以使用Siri或语音拨号。 您甚至可以与多个电话配对,并使用<按钮管理一个电话中两个电话的通话。

I got the black ones because I'm fly, but not that fly. There is also white, yellow, and red. I've seen those as cheap as $230 on Amazon, so search around.

我得到黑色的是因为我飞,但不是那只苍蝇。 还有白色,黄色和红色。 我在亚马逊上看到过这些东西便宜到230美元,所以请在附近搜索。

They were somewhat expensive but I'm using them every day and I'm happy with the purchase. They are comfortable, light, fold up into my backpack easily and don't beg to be charged all day. Recommended if you're looking for a great pair of tech-savvy wireless Bluetooth headphones with noise-cancellation.

它们有些贵,但我每天都在使用它们,我对购买感到满意。 它们舒适,轻便,可轻松折叠到我的背包中,不必乞求一整天。 如果您正在寻找一对出色的具有降噪功能的精通无线蓝牙耳机,则推荐使用。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman/blog/review-nokia-purity-pro-wireless-headphones-by-monster


评论:Monster的诺基亚Purity Pro无线耳机

本文发布于:2023-04-21 20:17:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:诺基亚   无线耳机   Monster   Pro   Purity


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