photoshop 百度_Photoshop值得花钱吗?

编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-09 09:48:37

photoshop 百度

For years, the only way to get Photoshop was to pay hundreds of dollars up front for a license, or take to the dingier corners of the internet and pirate a cracked version. Now, through the Adobe Creative Cloud, you can get Photoshop for $9.99 a month. Feel free to insert your own cups of coffee, pints of beer, fistfuls of baguettes, or other price comparison here.

多年来,获得Photoshop的唯一方法是预先支付数百美元的许可证费用,或者进入互联网的小角落并盗版破解版。 现在,通过Adobe Creative Cloud,您可以以每月9.99美元的价格购买Photoshop 。 您可以在此处随意插入自己的咖啡,一品脱啤酒,几块法式长棍面包或其他价格比较。

Despite the slightly more reasonable price, there are enough good, cheaper alternatives to Photoshop out there that it raises the question: is Photoshop really worth a hundred or so dollars per year?

尽管价格稍微合理一些,但还有足够的,便宜的替代品可以替代Photoshop ,这引发了一个问题:Photoshop真的每年价值一百美元左右吗?

Photoshop是第一 (Photoshop Is Number One)

Photoshop is the best, most powerful, and every other superlative you feel like throwing in, image editing program. It’s the gold standard, the professionals’ choice, and so ingrained in popular culture it’s name is now a verb. There’s a reason all this is true.

Photoshop是最好,最强大的工具,它具有其他最高级的图像编辑程序。 它是黄金标准,是专业人员的选择,因此根深蒂固于流行文化中,它的名称现在是一个动词。 所有这些都是真的是有原因的。

Photoshop’s feature set is huge. It obviously has all the tools you need to edit photos (it’s kind of in the name), but Photoshop can also be used for graphic design, 3D modelling, creating vector graphics, designing webpages, preparing files for print and so much more. If an image or graphic can be manipulated in some way, the odds are there’s a tool or technique that will do it in Photoshop.

Photoshop的功能非常丰富。 显然,它具有编辑照片所需的所有工具(在名称中有点),但是Photoshop也可以用于图形设计,3D建模,创建矢量图形,设计网页,准备打印文件等。 如果可以通过某种方式来处理图像或图形,则很有可能在Photoshop中可以使用该工具或技术。

Yes, Affinity Photo, Pixelmator and even GIMP are decent alternatives for some things, but not for everything. Affinity Photo lacks Photoshop’s design or 3D chops, Pixelmator isn’t as good with photos, and GIMP is about as user friendly as an angry dog and can’t handle RAW images. To paraphrase Annie Oakley, anything they can do, Photoshop can do better. If you want to get Photoshop’s full feature set, you’d need to double or triple up on alternative apps.

是的, Affinity Photo , Pixelmator甚至GIMP是某些事物的不错替代品,但并不是所有事物都可以。 Affinity Photo缺乏Photoshop的设计或3D印章,Pixelmator的照片效果不佳,GIMP与生气的狗一样用户友好,无法处理RAW图像。 用安妮·奥克利(Annie Oakley)的话来说,他们可以做的任何事情,Photoshop都可以做得更好。 如果要获得Photoshop的完整功能集,则需要在其他应用程序上加倍或增加两倍。

Not only is it the industry standard (which provides interoperability with all of Adobe’s other popular apps), but developers have built on Photoshop as a platform. If you want a plug-in that makes skin retouching easier or makes your images look like they were shot on classic films, you can easily find one. Apps like Google’s Nik Collection work straight out of the box with Photoshop, but often need workarounds with other apps.

它不仅是行业标准(它提供了与Adobe其他所有流行应用程序的互操作性),而且开发人员已经在Photoshop上建立了平台。 如果您想要一个使皮肤修饰更容易或使图像看起来像在经典胶片上拍摄的插件,则可以轻松找到一个。 像Google的Nik Collection之类的应用程序可以直接在Photoshop中使用,但通常需要与其他应用程序一起解决。

It’s not just developers who can expand on Photoshop’s features. There’s some seriously powerful automation build in that anyone can make use of. I’ve got a Photoshop action that automatically resizes and adds a border to all my images for How-To Geek. In my few months here, I’ve uploaded a couple of hundred images. Conservatively, that action has saved me two or three hours of work. As long as I don’t get fired, that action is going to keep saving me time every day.

不仅仅是开发人员可以扩展Photoshop的功能。 有一些非常强大的自动化构建,任何人都可以使用。 我有一个Photoshop动作,该动作会自动调整大小并为我的所有图像添加边框,以实现How-To Geek。 在这里的几个月中,我上传了几百张图片。 保守地讲,该操作为我节省了两三个小时的工作。 只要我不被解雇,那举动就会每天为我节省时间。

I’m not the only one making actions. You can find actions for sale that can automate things like creating double exposures or the tilt shift effect. You can also just make your own. All the tools you need are built into Photoshop.

我不是唯一一个采取行动的人。 您可以找到可以自动执行诸如创建两次曝光或倾斜移位效果之类的出售动作。 您也可以自己制作。 您需要的所有工具都内置在Photoshop中。

That may seem like a collection of niche tools for super advanced users, but once you start using them, it’s impossible to go back to more basic image editors.


If you need (or want) the best, then at ten bucks a month, Photoshop is most certainly worth it. While it’s used by a lot of amateurs, it’s undoubtedly a professional program. Most other apps that are similarly dominant in other fields, say AutoCAD for architects and engineers, cost hundreds of dollars a month. While other imaging apps have some of Photoshop’s features, none of them are the complete package.

如果您需要(或想要)最好的软件,那么每月只需10美元,Photoshop绝对值得。 尽管许多业余爱好者都在使用它,但它无疑是一个专业程序。 AutoCAD在架构师和工程师看来,在其他领域同样占主导地位的大多数其他应用程序每月花费数百美元。 虽然其他图像处理应用程序具有Photoshop的某些功能,但它们都不是完整的软件包。

你可能会负担得起 (You Can Probably Afford It)

I’ve spent a lot of time arguing with my coworkers about whether or not Photoshop is “cheap”. But at ten dollars a month, if you’re serious about photography and photo editing, you can probably scrounge together enough cash for it.

我花了很多时间与我的同事争论Photoshop是否“便宜”。 但是,只要每月支付10美元,如果您对摄影和照片编辑很认真,就可以凑够足够的现金。

A lot of people seen to struggle with paying for intangible goods like software. It’s a big reason that the App Store and Google Play Store are filled with free, freemium and super cheap apps. If you can’t hold it in your hand or hit someone over the head with it, how could it be worth much money?

许多人都在为购买软件等无形商品而苦苦挣扎。 这是App Store和Google Play Store充斥着免费,免费增值和超级便宜的应用程序的重要原因。 如果您不能将其握在手中或用它砸头,那它怎么会值钱呢?

Here’s the thing, though: if you’ve invested hundreds of dollars in a high quality camera and hundreds more on a computer, then ten dollars a month for professional grade software that will markedly improve the quality of your images probably isn’t too much of a stretch financially.


Photography is an expensive hobby, and Photoshop is just another piece of gear that you use. Sure, you could go for a more budget-friendly option, but just like your physical gear, you get what you pay for.

摄影是一项昂贵的业余爱好,而Photoshop只是您使用的另一项工具。 当然,您可以选择预算更友好的选择,但是就像您的身体装备一样,您可以得到所需要的。

每月10美元可为您带来的不仅仅是Photoshop ($10 a Month Gets You More than Just Photoshop)

That $10 a month doesn’t just get you Photoshop, either. That price is for Adobe’s Creative Cloud Photography Plan, which includes Lightroom, and the Photoshop and Lightroom smartphone apps.

每月10美元也不仅可以让您使用Photoshop。 该价格适用于Adobe的Creative Cloud摄影计划,该计划包括Lightroom以及Photoshop和Lightroom智能手机应用程序。

If you’re serious about photography, Lightroom is awesome in its own right. It’s a catalog for all your images, a RAW development app, and a powerful image editor.

如果您对摄影很认真, Lightroom本身就很棒。 它是所有图像的目录,RAW开发应用程序和功能强大的图像编辑器。

When you take Photoshop and Lightroom together, you’ve got a package that is far more powerful and useful to photographers than any of the other apps on their own. Even if you want to use Affinity Photo to edit your images, you still need to get some catalog app to keep track of everything. There’s nothing worse than having to dig through your file system looking for an awesome image you know you saved somewhere.

当您将Photoshop和Lightroom一起使用时,您所拥有的软件包比摄影师自己使用的任何其他应用程序对摄影师的功能和功能要强大得多。 即使您想使用Affinity Photo编辑图像,也仍然需要获取一些目录应用程序来跟踪所有内容。 没有比浏览文件系统寻找您知道保存在某处的出色图像更糟糕的了。

And just as Photoshop is the best image editor, Lightroom is the best photo cataloging app. You’re not getting one world class app for ten dollars a month, you’re getting two.

就像Photoshop是最好的图像编辑器一样,Lightroom是最好的照片分类应用程序。 您不会以每月十美元的价格获得一个世界级的应用程序,而却得到了两个。

最后,由您决定 (In the End, It’s Up To You)

Personally, I think Photoshop is absolutely worth the price. I’m very serious about my photography. I want to use the best software in the world, and after trying all the options, Photoshop makes my job easier. For something so crucial to that portion of my career, I decided I can afford it.

我个人认为Photoshop绝对物有所值。 我对摄影很认真。 我想使用世界上最好的软件,在尝试了所有选项之后,Photoshop使我的工作更加轻松。 对于某些对我的职业生涯至关重要的事情,我决定负担得起。

But that’s just my thought process. You need to reach your own decision. With the Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Plan, you get two first-in-class professional apps for ten dollars a month but there are cheaper alternatives you can use too. Whether Photoshop and Lightroom’s extra power justifies the increased price is up to you.

但这只是我的思考过程。 您需要做出自己的决定。 借助Adobe Creative Cloud摄影计划,您可以以每月10美元的价格获得两个一流的专业应用程序,但也可以使用更便宜的替代方案。 Photoshop和Lightroom的强大功能是否足以证明价格上涨取决于您。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/289101/is-photoshop-worth-the-money/

photoshop 百度


photoshop 百度_Photoshop值得花钱吗?

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