
编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-03 19:14:41

While Ghost of Tsushima is recieving rave reviews for its action-packed gameplay and stunning visual representation of ancient Japan, I’ve been surprised to see so few people talking about its storyline. While on the surface Ghost of Tsushima’s story can be dismissed as a somewhat typical revenge-by-numbers tale, and its protagonist Jin Sakai hand-waved as a relatively one-note action hero, I don’t think that’s all there is in the tale Tsushima tells.

马岛的鬼魂(Ghost of Tsushima)因其动感十足的游戏玩法和古代日本的惊人视觉表现而获得好评如潮,而令我惊讶的是,很少有人谈论其故事情节。 虽然从表面上看,对马岛的《鬼魂》可以算作是一个典型的数字复仇故事,而其主人公金酒井却挥舞着一个相对单调的动作英雄,但我认为这并不是全部。对讲的故事。

The reason, I think, that people are missing the depth that Tsushima has to offer is because it doesn’t tell its most important stories during the main plot. Jin’s hunt for Kotun Khan is the bombastic, action set-piece that sits atop a narrative that is driven through it’s accompanying characters. Likewise, while Jin is likeable enough and has a relatively strong character arc, even his own story is more told in his relationships and how he is reflected in those around him.

我认为人们之所以错过对提供的深度,是因为它没有在主要情节中讲述其最重要的故事。 Jin追捕Kotun Khan的故事是一个轰动性的动作片,它位于伴随其角色而来的叙事中。 同样,尽管金恩足够讨人喜欢并且具有相对较强的性格,但即使是他自己的故事,在他的人际关系中以及在他周围的人中如何体现他的故事中,也更具说服力。

The reason, I think, that people are missing the depth that Tsushima has to offer is because it doesn’t tell its most important stories during the main plot.


I think Ghost of Tsushima’s story deserves a lot of credit for the subtle and interesting approach Sucker Punch has taken to telling their story. It’s a story delivered primarily through an outstanding supporting cast.

我认为,对马岛的故事《 鬼魂》应归功于Sucker Punch讲故事的巧妙而有趣的方法。 这是一个故事,主要是通过出色的演员表来传达的。

Please note, the rest of the article contains heavy spoilers for Act I and Act II of Ghost of Tsushima. I’m not joking, it will spoil the entire plot for you. There are also minor references to Act III, but I’ve tried to keep those vague enough as to not affect your experience.

请注意,本文的其余部分包含《对马鬼魂》第I法案和第II法案的重型扰流板。 我不是在开玩笑,它会为您破坏整个情节。 也有对第三号法案的次要提及,但我已尽力使它们含糊不清,以免影响您的经历。

Do not read ahead unless you have completed Act II.


尤娜&塔卡 (Yuna & Taka)

Yuna is perhaps the most important character in Jin’s story, both in a literal and figurative sense. She saves Jin after his battle with the Khan in the opening sequence, and nurses him back to health. More importantly, however, she is the first character to question his dogmatic adherence to his Samurai code of honor.

从字面意义和象征意义上来说,尤娜也许是金的故事中最重要的角色。 在开场与汗战斗之后,她救了金,并护理他恢复健康。 然而,更重要的是,她是第一个质疑他教条式遵守武士荣誉守则的角色。

While in Act I she finds herself at Jin’s mercy, hoping he’ll help save her brother Taka, in Act II her story becomes far more complex. Jin learns about her past in Yarikawa, and how Japan’s caste system (of which Jin profits from) — which has given Jin a life of comfort and opportunity — created an oppressive regime from which Yuna and Taka were never able to escape.

在《第一幕》中,她发现自己受到金的摆布,希望他能救出她的兄弟塔卡。在《第二幕》中,她的故事变得更加复杂。 金恩了解了她在矢川县的过去,以及日本的种姓制度(金恩从中获利)如何给金恩提供了舒适和机会的生活,从而建立了压迫性政权,尤娜和塔卡从此无法逃脱。

Moreover, much of Yuna’s suffering comes inadvertently from the Yarikawa rebellion, a war which led Jin’s own uncle to subjugate Yarikawa. From Yuna’s tales, Jin begins to see the other side of his uncle’s actions, and of the Samurai’s dominance of Tsushima.

此外,尤娜的大部分苦难是由于雅川叛乱而引起的,这场战争使金自己的叔叔屈服了雅川。 从尤娜的故事中,金开始看到他叔叔的行为的另一面,以及武士在对马的统治。

Both Yuna and Taka also serve as the only prominent characters from the peasantry. They are often used to inform Jin (and in doing so, the player) of how his actions will be perceived by the population of Tsushima.

Yuna和Taka都是农民中唯一的杰出人物。 它们通常用于告知Jin(对玩家是这样),Tusshima的居民将如何看待他的行为。

While Taka’s part in the story is much smaller, Yuna’s single-minded mission of keeping her brother safe is a stark contrast to Jin in Acts I and II — he has no family, nor any real friends, for whom to fight for. His conviction comes from a place of revenge, rather than protection. Yuna and Taka help to show how misguided Jin’s motivations are in the early parts of the game.

尽管塔卡在故事中所扮演的角色要小得多,但尤娜的一心一意的使命是确保哥哥的安全,这与使徒行传第二和第二章中的Jin形成了鲜明的对比-他没有家人,也没有真正的朋友为之奋斗。 他的信念来自报仇而不是保护。 尤娜(Yuna)和塔卡(Taka)帮助证明金在游戏初期的动机是如何被误导的。

Ghost of Tsushima concept art. Source: Sony.
对马概念艺术的幽灵。 资料来源:索尼。

石川老师 (Sensei Ishikawa)

If Yuna is the opposite of Jin, Sensei Ishikawa is often used as a parallel. Much like Jin wants to avenge the Samurai that died in Masako Bay, Sensei Ishikawa wants revenge on the student that betrayed him.

如果Yuna是Jin的反面,则常使用Sensei Ishikawa作为平行线。 就像Jin想要报复在Masako湾去世的武士一样,Ishikawa Sensei想要对出卖他的学生进行报复。

Ishikawa’s story is in-fact foreshadowing of Jin’s relationship with Lord Shimura, his uncle. In both stories, the master trains the student, only for the student to take that training and use it for what the master considers unsavory purposes. Right after the master offers the student adoption, the student abandons the master in favor of their own objectives.

石川的故事实际上预示了金与叔叔志村勋爵的关系。 在这两个故事中,师父都训练学生,只是让学生接受该培训并将其用于师父认为不愉快的目的。 在主人为学生收养之后,学生会出于自己的目标而放弃主人。

Of course, Tomoe’s defection to the Mongol’s is far more devious tthan Jin’s escape from Shimura at the end of Act II, but the point of the story is more about Ishikawa’s reaction than Tomoe’s reasoning. As Jin helps the Sensei track his student, Ishikawa expresses his pain at Tomoe’s betrayal, and begins to make foolhardy and rash decisions as he becomes more and more desperate to track her down.

当然,与第二幕结束时金从志村逃脱相比,智惠对蒙古人的叛逃要更加曲折,但是故事的重点更多是关于石川的React,而不是智惠的推理。 当Jin帮助Sensei追踪他的学生时,Ishikawa对Tomoe的背叛表达了自己的痛苦,并且随着他越来越迫切地追踪她,开始做出愚蠢而轻率的决定。

When we first meet Sensei Ishikawa, Jin is very deferrant, playing the role of a dutiful student. As his tale progresses, this changes dramatically. Jin begins to question Ishikawa’s wisdom and decisionmaking, and the relationship becomes more and more hostile as Jin learns more about his Sensei’s past.

当我们第一次见石川老师时,Jin非常敬重,扮演了一个尽职的学生的角色。 随着他故事的发展,这种情况发生了巨大变化。 金开始质疑石川的智慧和决策能力,随着金进一步了解他的老师的过去,这种关系变得越来越敌对。

Ishikawa esentially serves as a dry-run for Jin to start questioning authority, and his early doubts about Ishikawa are the building blocks of his eventual conflict with Lord Shimura.


雅子夫人 (Lady Masako)

Much like Ishikawa, Jin’s early interactions with Lady Masako are centered on revenge, as she hunts her family’s killers at any cost.


If Ishikawa represents Shimura, then surely Masako represents Jin himself. Headstrong and rattled with survivor guilt, the two are at first in perfect unison as they begin the search for those who slaughtered house Adachi.

如果石川代表志村,那么Masako当然可以代表Jin。 头疼,幸存者感到内rat,两人开始寻找屠宰家足立的人时是完全一致的。

As Masako’s story unfolds, her ravenous need for revenge eventually overtakes Jin’s own. Jin begins to see her as losing her objectivity, and at risk of losing herself. Jin becomes her concience, trying to help her regain her center, and eventually lecturing her on how revenge will not bring her family back.

随着Masako故事的展开,她对复仇的狂热需求最终超过了Jin的命运。 金开始认为她失去了客观性,并有失去自我的风险。 Jin变得宽容,试图帮助她重新获得自己的中心,并最终向她讲解如何报仇不会使她的家人重返家园。

Looking at Jin at the beginning of Act I, and again at the end of Act II, it’s clear that Masako is actually a vehicle for Jin’s own change of heart. Much like Masako, he begins the game as a revenge-driven warrior but finishes Act II focused solely on protecting the innocent. This change is never actually spoken about with Jin, but is instead demonstrated through his conversations with Masako.

在第一幕开始时和第二幕结束时再看金,很明显,雅子实际上是金改变自己心意的工具。 与Masako一样,他以复仇为驱动的战士开始游戏,但完成了仅着眼于保护无辜者的《第二幕》。 实际上,这种变化从未与Jin谈论过,而是通过他与Masako的对话得以证明。

Masako’s story also includes a number of storylines focusing on the brutality of the Samurai, and a number of her tales involve Clan Adachi’s mistreated servants coming back for revenge. Masako often recounts how she had given lighter punishments to misbehaving peasants, as though she was lenient. In meeting these characters, we see how her lighter punishments are still devestating to those who receive them.

Masako的故事还包括许多故事情节,重点关注武士的残酷性,她的许多故事都涉及足立氏族受虐待的仆人回来报仇。 Masako经常叙述她如何对行为不端的农民处以较轻的惩罚,好像她宽容。 在遇到这些角色时,我们看到了她的轻度惩罚仍然对那些受到惩罚的人造成破坏。

Although barely touched upon, Lady Masako’s Act II story featuring Maki, a servant with whom she had a brief romantic affair, is one of the few examples of a Samurai lord or lady committing a taboo act. Jin’s complete acceptance of this does serve to show how far he has drifted from Samurai ideals.

尽管几乎没有涉及到,但雅子雅子(Masako)在《第二幕》中的故事讲述了牧师真希(Maki),与她有短暂的恋情,这是武士贵族或某位女士实施禁忌行为的少数例子之一。 金对这一点的完全接受确实表明了他与武士理想之间的距离。

Masako’s brief heel-turn in Act II is easily the weakest part of her arc, serving only really to show Jin’s forgiving, altruistic nature. It shows that he understands her pain, guilt, and anger, but has come to see a different path forward that is no longer centered around revenge.

Masako在第二幕中短暂的脚跟转弯很容易成为她弧线中最弱的部分,仅真正显示了Jin的宽容,无私的本性。 这表明他了解她的痛苦,内gui和愤怒,但是已经看到了一条不再以报仇为中心的前进道路。

Ghost of Tsushima concept art. Source: Sony.
对马概念艺术的幽灵。 资料来源:索尼。

龙三和草帽罗宁 (Ryuzo and the Straw Hat Ronin)

When we’re first introduced to Ryuzo, Jin identifies him as a close friend. This is immediately contrasted, as Ryuzo is cautious of Jin and shows clear resentment from the moment they meet. We learn quickly that Jin’s defeat of Ryuzo in a duel many years prior dramatically derailed Ryuzo’s life, while it had virtually no effect on Jin.

当我们第一次介绍Ryuzo时,Jin认为他是密友。 与此形成鲜明对比的是,龙三对金保持谨慎态度,从他们见到那一刻起就表现出明显的怨恨。 我们很快了解到,金在许多年前的决斗中击败了琉球,这极大地破坏了琉球的生活,而实际上对琉球没有任何影响。

This is another reminder to the player that Jin is part of the ruling class — a Samurai from a famous family. This is compounded by Ryuzo’s early tales that involve helping him find food for his starving band of mercenaries. In these tales, it’s also quite impactful that Ryuzo often refers to them as ‘My friends’, while Jin refers to them as ‘Your men’.

这再次提醒玩家金牌是统治阶级的一部分-一位著名家族的武士。 Ryuzo的早期故事尤其复杂,涉及帮助他为饥饿的雇佣军团伙寻找食物。 在这些故事中,Ryuzo经常将它们称为“我的朋友”,而Jin则将它们称为“您的男人”,也颇具影响力。

Despite this adversarial relationship, I was truly surprised at Ryuzo’s betrayal at the end of Act I. To this point, Jin’s allies were flawed but stalwart, so having his childhood ‘friend’ betray him not only served as a compelling twist, but it also put into doubt the loyalty of other companions — especially Yuna, who now reunited with her brother, had little reason to continue to help Jin.


This also made the Straw Hat Ronin particularly villanous, and each time one of them showed up during a tale, that quest became all the more personal. The Ronin will often remark during combat that the Samurai have failed, and are no more, driving your hatred of them further. Witnessing Ryuzo being pressed into service for the mongols made him a sympathetic villain, something lacking in Kotun Khal.

这也使草帽浪人特别恶毒,每当其中一个出现在故事​​中时,这个追求就变得更加个性化。 罗宁经常在战斗中说,武士失败了,而且已经不复存在,进一步加剧了您对它们的仇恨。 目睹龙佐被迫为蒙古人服务,使他成为了一个富有同情心的恶棍,这在Kotun Khal中是缺乏的。

Ryuzo’s ultimate defeat at the end of Act II should be a victorious moment, however it comes soon after both Taka and Yuriko’s deaths, and immediately before Lord Shimura’s abandonment of Jin, which the player surely knows is coming. This makes the scene perfectly placed, as rather than watching the death of a pantomime villain, we’re instead witnessing Jin losing yet another piece of his past, albeit at his own hand.

龙之二在第二幕结束时的最终失败应该是一个胜利的时刻,但是这是在塔卡和尤里科去世之后不久,并且在志村勋爵放弃金之前不久,这位球员肯定知道即将来临。 这使场景处于完美的位置,而不是看着金枪手小人的死亡,而是目睹金正日失去了他过去的另一部分,尽管这是他自己的手。

典夫 (Norio)

Norio joins the cast at the start of Act II, where Jin’s motivations have started to steer heavily away from his revenge quest, and more into protecting Tsushima. Norio is the perfect foil for this — a warrior monk, highly prizing his religious beliefs and principles.

诺里奥(Norio)在第二幕开始时就加入了演员阵容,在那部电影中,金(Jin)的动机已开始大大地远离他的复仇任务,而更多地转向保护对马(Tusshima)。 诺里奥(Norio)是完美的衬托-战士和尚,高度赞扬他的宗教信仰和原则。

At this point in the story, Jin is struggling with maintaining his Samurai ethics and has just had his confidence shaken with Ryuzo’s betrayal. Norio serves to solidify his commitment to protecting people, and mechanically Norio’s missions are all centered around the struggle of protecting people while staying true to your principles.

在故事的这一点上,金正努力维护他的武士道德,并且刚因琉球的背叛而动摇了信心。 Norio巩固了他保护人民的承诺,从机械上讲,Norio的任务都围绕着保护人民,同时忠于自己的原则的斗争。

While Yuna, Ishikawa, and Masako continue to be driven by revenge throughout the story, Norio shows a completely different motivation — one that is far closer to Jin’s than any of the other castmembers.


百合子 (Yuriko)

Other than a very brief appearance in a flashback during Act I, Yuriko first appears when you return to Omi Village — Jin’s home — in Act II.


Jin’s family is very rarely mentioned in the game beyond the death of his father and his relationship with his Uncle. We never hear of siblings, and until meeting Yuriko, know nothing about Jin’s mother.

除了父亲的去世和与叔叔的关系外,金在游戏中很少提及他的家人。 我们从来没有听说过兄弟姐妹,直到见到百合子之前,对金的母亲一无所知。

Returning to the Sakai estate would hold very little emotional weight if it were not for the reunion with Yuriko and the stories she tells of Jin’s upbringing. These stories focus on Jin as a child, his father, and touch on his mothers’ death. They explain Jin’s stalwart commitment to responsibility, and his willingness to bend himself to his Uncle’s will.

如果不是为了和百合子的团圆以及她讲述金正恩成长的故事,重返kai酒庄将没有什么情感上的负担。 这些故事集中在金的小时候,他的父亲,以及他母亲的去世。 他们解释了金刚对责任的坚定承诺,以及他愿意屈服于叔叔的意愿。

Yuriko brings a personal touch to Jin that he was missing. Her stories of Jin and Ryuzo playing as children makes their final fight even more tragic. Her revelations of his fathers’ softness and kindness personify a figure that Jin had idolized throughout the game. Most importantly, Yuriko speaks of Lord Shimura’s inflexibility and rigid code of honor, in contrast to Jin’s fathers’ more open-minded nature — a conversation that is imminently foreshadowing Shimura’s rejection of Jin at the end of Act II.

Yuriko给Jin带来了失踪的个人感觉。 她关于金和龙三小时候玩的故事使他们的最后一战更加悲惨。 她对父亲的柔和和友善的启示体现了金在整个游戏中都崇拜的形象。 最重要的是,百合子谈到了志村勋爵的不灵活和刻板的举止,与金的父亲们更为开明的性格形成了鲜明的对比。这种对话迫在眉睫地预示了志村在第二幕结束时对金的拒绝。

Yuriko is the first character to act in a truly warm and familiar way with Jin, and her love for him starkly contrasts the strictly formal relationships he has with most other characters.


Ghost of Tsushima concept art. Source: Sony.
对马概念艺术的幽灵。 资料来源:索尼。

志村勋爵 (Lord Shimura)

Although you’d be forgiven to think that Ghost of Tsushima is a tale about the Mongol invasion of Japan, Jin’s relationship with his uncle is really what the game is actually about.


Shimura’s storyline follows the same 3 act structure the game does. In Act I, Jin works to rescue his father figure. During that time, Shimura learns from Kotun Khan that Jin has began resorting to tactics that go against his Samurai code, but his faith in Jin remains unwavering.

志村的故事情节遵循游戏中相同的三幕式结构。 在第一幕中,Jin努力营救他的父亲形象。 在此期间,志村从Kotun Khan获悉,金已经开始采取与他的武士法则背道而驰的战术,但是他对金的信念仍然坚定不移。

Once Jin and Lord Shimura are reunited in Act II, Shimura begins to question Jin’s tactics more and more, despite the fact that he makes some concessions when it’s militarily advisable. Shimura accepts the help of pirates, and on Jin’s suggestion, even forms an alliance with Yarikawa — the same clan he had subjugated years earlier after they rebelled against him.

一旦金和志村勋爵在《第二幕》中团聚,志村就开始对金的策略提出越来越多的质疑,尽管他在军事上可取时做出了一些让步。 志村接受海盗的帮助,并在金的建议下,甚至与八川结成联盟。八川是他早在叛乱之后就屈服于他的家族。

However, while Act I was all about acceptance and belonging, Act II makes it clear that Jin has begun to forge his own path — one that does not situate itself neatly in Lord Shimura’s shadow. Jin has created his own legend, and become a leader of the people in his own right. Act II makes it clear that while Jin and Shimura need each others’ resources, they are no longer looking for each others’ acceptance.

但是,尽管第一幕只是关于接受和归属,但第二幕却清楚地表明,金正已经开始走自己的路-一条路并不整洁地摆在志村勋爵的阴影下。 金立创造了自己的传奇,并以自己的权利成为人民的领袖。 第二幕清楚表明,尽管金和志村需要彼此的资源,但他们不再寻求彼此的接纳。

The culmination of Act II shows Jin and Shimura letting go of each other, both figuratively and literally. Jin betrays his uncles’ principles and defies his orders to save the lives of their army, and in turn, Shimura abandons any hopes of adopting Jin into his family, instead deciding to place him under arrest.

第二幕的高潮表明,金和志村在形象和字面上都放开了彼此。 Jin背叛了他叔叔的原则,无视他拯救军队生命的命令,而Shimura放弃了收养Jin入家人的希望,而是决定将他逮捕。

This next section will spoil Act III, and the ending of Ghost of Tsushima. Please don’t read it until you’ve completed the game.

下一节将破坏第三号法案以及对马鬼魂的终结。 在您完成游戏之前,请不要阅读它。

第三幕和大结局 (Act III and the Finale)

Act III pays off each of the storylines of the cast, mostly in unexpected ways: Masako gets her revenge for the death of her family, but finds no closure in having done so. Ishikawa eventually learns to let Tomoe go, and abandon his revenge. Norio learns that although he does not wish to lead, he must.

第三幕付清演员的每个故事情节,主要是通过意想不到的方式:Masako为家人的死而报仇,但这样做并没有因此而闭口。 石川最终学会了让Tomoe离开,并放弃了他的报仇。 诺里奥了解到,尽管他不希望领导,但他必须。

Yuna’s story plays a little differently — although Jin and Yuna part ways, it’s clear Yuna has abandoned her wish to start a new life in the mainland, as it is an empty dream without Taka.


It’s fitting that the showdown with Kotun Khan is almost a footnote in the final chapter, as the real culmination of the story is Jin’s final meeting with his uncle. The two discuss what they wished would have been, and mourn the relationship they’ve lost.

与Kotun Khan的对决几乎是最后一章的注脚,因为这个故事的真正高潮是Jin与叔叔的最后一次会面。 两人讨论了他们原本希望的样子,并对他们失去的关系表示哀悼。

Thus, Jin’s story — his conflict with his Samurai upbringing, his relationship with his father and uncle, and his relationship with Tsushima itself, is all told through the characters he meets along the way. The way these tales dovetail throughout the journey forms the true narrative heart of Ghost of Tsushima.

因此,金的故事-他与武士成长的冲突,他与父亲和叔叔的关系以及与对马的关系都通过他一路上遇到的人物来讲述。 这些故事贯穿整个旅程的方式构成了对马鬼魂的真实叙事中心。

翻译自: https://medium/super-jump/ghost-of-tsushima-is-about-people-821f8851213d



本文发布于:2023-04-03 19:14:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:于人   幽灵


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