IGCSE English Language and Literature 真题解析

编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-03 19:52:52

Your local newspaper is publishing a series of articles entitled “We All Need Help Sometimes”.


Write an article for the newspaper describing a time when you have helped someone or when someone has helped you.   (10 marks)



I always used to think you should only rely on yourself: that to get help from others was a weakness reserved for only those that weren’t good enough to make it on their own. This individualistic world view came crashing down one day as a teenager travelling from London to visit my sister in Manchester, a day that would change my view on helping people.

Let me set the scene for you: I was a lonely 14-year-old boy and doing my first long-distance travel by train without my parents, and half way through my trip I realised I had misplaced my train ticket. How in the hell could I have done it? Icould hear my mother’s voice intoning through the carriage – I couldn’t betrusted to travel alone, I couldn’t be relied upon to take care of myself and I could kiss goodbye to my summer trip with my friends to South France. I know this may seem trivial now to adult readers but for a teenager that trip was an exciting prospect; my dreams were crumbling to the ground.

When I arrived at Manchester train station I sheepishly exited thetrain, having accepted my fate of a large fine to be sent home to my parents, a punishment for my costly carelessness.

“Young man, whatever is the matter? Such a glum face”. I turned around, stunned by an elderly gentleman.

“I have lost my ticket”, I sputtered out, trying to conceal my utter despair inside.

“Ah! Quite a pickle I see! Well then take mine young man – I shall take the penalty of the fine for you.”

I was shocked. Why would this old man engage in such an altruistic act?I gladly accepted and escaped the punishment as said – giving all the thanks I could to this generous stranger. From that day forward I have put the ideal of helping others – even strangers – as one of the greatest ideals humans could aspire to. Our economies, communities and societies could be so much greater if we all lived by the maxim “we all need help sometimes”. 


IGCSE English Language and Literature 真题解析

本文发布于:2023-04-03 19:52:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:真题   English   IGCSE   Literature   Language


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