Windows 95/98虚拟机OS安装说明书[仅限VirtualBox]

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Tutorial:Windows 95/98 guest OSes

Windows 95/98虚拟机OS安装说明书

byTechnologov» 23. Sep 2008, 13:30

lophyxp(QQ:8978368)翻译于 2014年10月28日

Since this is now became a common requestby many, I decided to write a tutorial about Windows 9x (95/98/98SE/Me) usageon VirtualBox.
随着需求越来越普遍,我于是写了这篇关于Windows 9x(95/98/98SE/Me)运行在VirtualBox上的使用说明书。

Forenote: Windows 9x is not officially supported by VirtualBox team, whichmeans, that it lacks Guest VM Additions, and it runs slowly, because VirtualBoxis not optimized to run Win 9x.
补充说明:Windows 9x不被VirtualBox团队官方支持,这也就是说,没有Guest VM Additions,而且9x VM运行缓慢,因为VirtualBox没有为9x优化运行。

1. Installation - I won't cover here in detail, except few points.

Most CD-ROMs available for Windows 95/98 are not bootable, which means, thatyou must boot from DOS floppy, install DOS first and only then install Windows95/98.
*It does require DOS skills*
Official bootable CD media is starting from 98SE. So if you're newbie, youshould use Windows 98 SE bootable CD.
不少Windows 95/98的CD-ROM(介质)不是可启动的,这也就是说,你需要从软盘启动DOS,先安装DOS然后再安装Windows 95/98。


(微软)官方的可启动CD介质是从98SE开始的。若你是新手,你可以用Windows 98 SE可启动CD。

Additionally I strongly suggest to limit system RAM to 512 MB for those OSes.Otherwise it will crash. (There are workarounds, that allow Win 9x run onmodern physical systems, but I won't go into detail here)
In some cases enabling or disabling AMD-V/VT-x can help you install the O.S.
而且我强烈建议对于以上OS,将系统RAM限制在512 MB以内。否则将崩溃。(让Win9x运行在当前流行硬件系统上,仍然需要做许多工作,但是我不打算在这里进行深入介绍)

在一些情况下,启动或禁用 AMD-V/VT-x能帮助你安装OS。[经实测,Win95需要在 系统->硬件加速->硬件虚拟化 中 禁用VT-x/AMD-V]

For this tutorial, I presume, that you are able to install the OS.

Installing with ACPI:
(contributed by Richard_S)

Contrary to what you may have read here in some of the other VirtualBox Win98threads, this is NOT because Win98se is a poorly written piece of antiquatedcrap that doesn't even know how to properly handle CPU IDLE.
和你曾经阅读过的论坛里的很多其他VirtualBox Win98跟帖的说法相反,并不是因为Win98se缺少一些传统的繁琐代码以至于不能恰当的操纵 CPU IDLE。

Back when a lot of todays young Linux geeks were still pooping their dipiys,Win98 was already supporting ACPI functions to create greener PCs and help keeplaptops from running down their batteries in 10 minutes (which is exactly whatDID happen to me the first time I installed Linux on a laptop that was workingFINE in Win98).
梦回无数年轻的Linux极客傻出翔的时代, Win98 早已支持用于创建绿色电脑和帮助笔记本电脑节能的ACPI功能(这个功能在我第一次在笔记本电脑上安装Linux的时候已经确切的*起作用*,也在Win98上工作的*很好*)。

So, long story short, there is NOTHING really wrong with Win98, the problem isthat VirtualBox's emulated BIOS doesn't fully match up with what Win98 expectsa real ACPI BIOS to look like, so by default Win98 will not install ACPIsupport (and unfortunately, the older APM support doesn't handle CPU IDLE, sowe get problems).
所以,长话短说,Win98没有任何实际的缺陷,问题是VirtualBox虚拟的BIOS不能完全匹配Win98期望的一个实在的ACPI BIOS的模样,所以Win98默认将不会安装ACPI支持功能(不幸的是,老旧的APM功能不能操纵CPU IDLE,这才是我们遇到的问题)。

The solution is to FORCE ACPI support to be installed, by using the

/p j

command line switch when running the setup program that installs Win98.
解决方法用在运行setup程序安装Win98时使用下列命令参数*强制*安装ACPI功能。/p j

This means that you can't just jam the virtual CD into the virtual CD drive andlet 'autorun' take care of everything.

The best way to handle this is to simply move the Win98 install folder from theWindows 98 SE CD onto your virtual C: drive in VirtualBox, then changedirectory to that folder in a DOS prompt and run the setup program manually:

setup /p j
最好的方式是在VirtualBox里面手工通过DOS命令行从你的虚拟C:盘进入Windows 98 SE 光盘的Win98安装目录,并手动运行setup程序:setup /p j

This will force ACPI power management (and the associated CPU IDLE functions)to be installed, and your Win98 virtual machine will consume no more systemresources when running than a similar XP or Linux virtual machine.
这将强制安装ACPI电源管理功能(以及附属的CPU IDLE功能),你的Win98虚拟机将像XP和Linux虚拟机那样,不再消耗很多的系统资源。

2. Sound /Audio Integration.

In VirtualBox, you must enable Sound, and use "Sound Blaster 16".
It is available since VBox 1.6.0.
在VirtualBox中,你需要启用声音,并使用“Sound Blaster 16”。

该功能从VBox 1.6.0版本开始可用。

The procedure for installation is rather simple:
NOTE: The procedure below is only needed if you switch from AC'97 to SB16.
It is not needed, if you create new VM with SB16, then install Win98 on it.


如果你新创建一个带SB16的Win98虚拟机,该过程不需要。[译者注:setup /p j后声卡应该自动安装了驱动。已测!]

2.1. Delete your sound card device and all unknown devices from "DeviceManager".
2.2 Add New Hardware (from Control Panel).

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2.3 Select "no, device is not listed in the list".

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2.4 Let Windows search for non-plug'n'play devices.

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2.5 It will manually detect non-plug-n-play devices. Click on"Details" to show them.

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2.6. It will find "Soundblaster 16 or AWE 32 or compatible".

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2.7. Restart the VM.

3. Video driver integration.


By default Windows 98 will run only in640x480 resolution, 16-colors.

Performance Note: VirtualBox is not optimized for 16-colors (4-bit)emulation. It works very slow this way.
Having 32-bit True Color driver makes Win98 VMs run on VirtualBox *much*faster.


If you want True color or high resolution, you need to download specialdrivers.
你需要真彩色和更高的分辨率,你需要下载安装下面的驱动。[译者科普:真彩色(True Color,麦金塔电脑用户则稱为百万色)图像是一种用三个或更多字节描述像素的计算机图像存储方式。一般来说,前三个通道都会各用一个字节表示,如红绿蓝(RGB)或者蓝绿红(BGR)。如果存在第四个字节,则表示该图像采用阿尔法通道。然而,实际系统往往用多于8位 (即1字节)表达一个通道,如一个48位元的扫描仪。这样的系统都统称为真彩色系统。色彩深度:1位:黑白、8位:灰階、8位:256色、15/16位:高彩、24位:真彩、30/36/48位:全彩]

3.1. bearwindows driver (unstable)


NOTE: You must install "Universal version", as"VirtualBox" version is known to have problems.
WARNING: This driver is buggy, and many Windows fonts do not rendercorrectly with it. Not recommended.

说明:你必须安装“Universal version”。不要安装有很多问题的“VirtualBox”version。


3.2. SciTech Display Doctor (recommended)

3.2、SciTech Display Doctor(推荐)[译者:好用!需要注册。下文简称其为SDD]
The second option is to get the SciTech Display Doctor version 7 beta driver(12 MB) -
第二个选择是弄到SciTech Display Doctor version 7 beta driver (12 MB) -

(contributed by Richard_S)

https://www.dropbox/s/226caou8x0jf8... ctor-7.iso
-or- UhnWGRycVE
[链接: 密码:hngs]


The driver is a high quality commercial grade video driver (even includes somesoftware emulated Open GL 3D support), and it does include an exe installerprogram.
这个驱动是高质量商业级别的视频驱动(甚至包含一些软件渲染OpenGL 3D支持),它由一个exe安装程序组成头部。

Despite having an installer, the SciTech Display Doctor is a little tricky toget going. After the program launches, you have to find the little round radiobutton link to click to 'enable' the new driver (otherwise you still have VGA).Even then, you can't select any higher resolution modes until you ditch the'default monitor' and select one of the 'Super VGA' types.
安装了驱动以后,SDD需要少量配置去做。启动程序以后,你需要找到标签为“enable”的单选按钮和链接启用新驱动(仅安装SDD,系统还是VGA)。再选择默认监视器为任意一个‘Super VGA类型‘后,你就可以上更高的分辨率模式了。

After fiddling around with the above changes and rebooting several times youshould be able to select 800x600 or 1024x768 (or higher) resolutions with 32bit color depth. (setting 32 bit color mode optimizes the interface withVirtualbox and really speeds things up)

4. Network

Easiest thing, is to setup VirtualBox to NAT, and AMD PCnet-II network chip. Itwill be auto-detected by Win 9x.
小菜!设置VirtualBox使用AMD PCnet-II网卡和NAT模式[译者:桥接模式也行]。网络将被Win9x自动侦测。

5. Mouse

(contributed by stefan.becker)

VirtualBox 4.1 provides for Windows-98-compatible USB tablet device.
Enable USB Tablet: VM->Settings->System->Enable Absolute pointingdevice

then do: (enable Windows-98 mode)
VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" "VBoxInternal/USB/HidMouse/0/Config/CoordShift"0

docs: "12.3.8 USB tablet coordinates ... in Windows 98 guests"

6. Shared Folders

Since VirtualBox shared folders won't work, there are other ways, such asSMB/Windows File Sharing. Recommended for Windows hosts.

(Tested with VBox 2.1.2.-- and was successful with "bridged" network.I had no success with NAT.)
WARNING: I admit that with VirtualBox the network is very unstable, presumablydue to very slow performance of Win 9x guests under VBox.

For Unix hosts, WinSCP is recommended.

Another way of read-only file sharing is to create a virtual CD-ROM *.iso fileon the host and insert it into the guest VM.
其他的方法是创建一个虚拟光盘镜像.iso文件在宿主然后插入进guest VM可以实现只读文件共享。

7. Clipboard Host<=>Guest

(contributed by stefan.becker)

Clipboard integrated in VirtualBox only works with the Guest Additions, so notfor Windows9x. But there is another solution: Clipboard over TCP/IP.
VirtualBox的剪贴板共享功能需要Guest Additions,但是对于9x,没有Guest Additions。但是有其他的解决方案:Clipboard over TCP/IP。

A Solution tested successfull with Linux Host is ShareClip: http://homepage.mac/bnej/shareclip/

Written on 2.9.2008, updated on 18.07.2011.

Please discuss this tutorial here
This topic is only for additions to this tutorial. Do not ask questions abouthow to get something working. Use a separate topic for that.

Last edited by Technologovon 23. Feb 2009, 00:15, edited 2 times in total.


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byfixedwheel» 23. Sep 2008, 13:58

avoid 100% CPU load

Win9x is using an idle loop instead of HLT: the loop lets the host CPU runningthe Win9x virtual machine consume 100% all the time.This only applies toDOS and DOS based Win (3.x, 95/98/ME) - NT based Windows and all otheroperating systems are not affected

Install rain, waterfall or cpuidle in the Win9x guest - mypreference israin as it only does what is needed -replace the idle loopwith HLT execution- and nothing more

here is a link explaining something about, related to real hardware

d/l rain from here: http://www.benchtest/downloads/index.html




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Re:Tutorial: Windows 95/98 guest OSes

bystefan.becker» 28. Nov 2010, 12:28

Some hints to the bearwindows svga-driver (http://bearwindows.boot-land/vbe9x.htm)

There is no automatic installation.

Unzip the driver in the guest. Start system control/display, chosse thesettings/advanced/vga-card, change the vga-card and choose option to showdrivers in a directory, there choose manually the directory where you unzippedthe driver.

Another hint: With the bearwindows drivers you cant start the comamnd linedirect on the desktop. So search all "*.PIF" Files in the guest andchange the settings to fullscreen (screen/appearence, Bildschirm/Darstellung).

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Re:Tutorial: Windows 95/98 guest OSes

bympack» 23. Mar 2011, 12:28

As you may know, Win98 did not have genericsupport for USB mass storage devices (thumb drives, external mechanical drives,digital cameras etc). You needed a specific driver for each device, and ofcourse those have become hard to find! However someone has just posted a linkto a site offering generic USB mass storage drivers.
如是我闻,Win98没有对USB 大容量存储设备的普遍支持(如thumb drives, external mechanical drives, 数码照相机等)。你需要为这些设备准备特定的驱动程序,但现在这些程序已经很难找到了。但是有人已经放出了一个网站链接提供通用USB大容量存储设备驱动。[译者:核弹袭击。使用简体中文版还有繁体中文版的Windows 98 Second Edition的你们是不是有点小激动。别想了,下面这个驱动是给英文版和其他欧洲语种版本准备的。如果你安装了下面链接的驱动,既是是英文版,你的中文9x VM将蓝屏,没有办法恢复,只能重新安装OS。所以,*中文9x不要用这个驱动*]

The site offers free generic USB mass storage drivers for both Win98 andWin98SE. Drivers for the former require you to install a big service packfirst. Drivers for the latter are quite small. I have not yet tried eithermyself, I just thought it would be good to preserve the links here.
上面网站免费为Win98和Win98SE提供通用USB大容量存储设备驱动。安装驱动以前首先要求你安装一个大大的Service pack。驱动本体相当小。本人还没有亲自验证,我仅仅把链接放在这里进行保存。[译者:核弹袭击再次提醒。简体繁体中文版95、98及98SE不要安装这个驱动]

[Edit] I have now tried the latter Win98SE driver, and it seemed to work wellfor me after I followed the instructions given in the linked page. SpecificallyI had to, before installing the new drivers, first make sure USB and USB 2.0was enabled in the VM settings, then boot the guest, go into Win98SE devicemanager and basically remove any USB device I could find, particularlyincluding old custom memory stick drivers (not a problem on a new Win98SEinstall inside a VM), plus the original Win98 USB controller and USB root hubdrivers, plus any unknown device in case that too was USB related. Then installthe new USB drivers, then reboot. After that I had no problem with reading froma modern USB flash drive - though of course the drive has to be FAT formattedsince Win98SE doesn't understand NTFS.

追加:现在,我已经试过了后者的Win98SE驱动程序,它似乎工作很适合我后,我紧跟在链接页面的指示。具体来说,我只好,在安装新的驱动程序,首先要确保USB和USB2.0的虚拟机的设置被启用,然后引导客人,进入在Win98SE设备管理器,从根本上消除任何USB设备,我可以找到,尤其是包括老自定义的内存杆驱动器(未在新的Win98SE一个问题内部的虚拟机上安装),加上原来的Win98的USB控制器和USB根集线器驱动程序以及任何未知的设备中的情况下也被USB相关。然后安装新的USB驱动程序,然后重新启动。从那以后,我没有任何问题,从现代的USB闪存驱动器读 - 虽然当然变频器必须FAT格式化,因为在Win98SE不明白NTFS。




Windows 95/98虚拟机OS安装说明书[仅限VirtualBox]

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