
编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:20:06


Unity is invested in Augmented Reality. More than 91% of Hololens applications and 64% of mobile AR apps are made with Unity. With all the hype around the medium, we wanted to share some of our takeaways from the Augmented World Expo last week.

Unity投资于增强现实。 超过91%的Hololens应用程序和64%的移动AR应用程序都是使用Unity制作的。 围绕媒体的所有炒作,我们想分享上周增强世界博览会的一些收获。

At the heart of Silicon Valley, AWE USA attracts thousands of industry leaders interested in leveraging immersive technologies across plenitude of affordances. The conference this year was a great place to glance into the future of consumer AR and get familiarized with the use of smart glasses for enterprise productivity.

在硅谷的心脏地带,AWE美国吸引了成千上万的行业领导者,他们有兴趣利用沉浸式技术来满足各种需求。 今年的会议是了解消费者AR的未来并熟悉使用智能眼镜提高企业生产力的好地方。

Tony Parisi, Head of AR / VR Strategy at Unity took the main stage to talk about how immersive hardware is bringing 3D graphics to the masses in ways “not even us 3D dreamers could have ever dreamt about a decade before.”

Unity AR / VR战略负责人Tony Parisi在主要舞台上谈论了沉浸式硬件如何以“甚至我们3D梦想家在十年前都无法梦想的”方式将3D图形带给大众。

With the adoption of immersive computing at scale, real time 3D graphics will become the way we interact with the world. It’s one reason why Unity developers are ahead of the curve in creating for this promising future!

随着大规模采用沉浸式计算,实时3D图形将成为我们与世界互动的方式。 这是Unity开发人员在为这个有希望的未来而创建方面处于领先地位的原因之一!

“Investments made now in immersive computing — in learning the tools of the trade like Unity, in understanding immersive design, in adding meaningful layers to the real world, in short, in building interfaces for people — will pay off many times over in the future. Because that future is 3D.”

“现在在沉浸式计算中进行的投资-学习像Unity这样的行业工具,理解沉浸式设计,在现实世界中添加有意义的层,简而言之,构建人机界面-将会在未来获得很多回报。 因为那个未来就是3D。”

Tony Parisi Head of VR/AR Strategy at Unity Technologies

Tony Parisi Unity Technologies VR / AR策略主管

AWE evidenced our commitment to immersive computing and reaffirmed the reasons why Unity will continue to invest heavily in XR Development. Here are some of our main takeaways:

AWE证明了我们对沉浸式计算的承诺,并重申了Unity继续在XR Development上进行大量投资的原因。 以下是一些我们的主要外卖:

  • Unity today is the foundational content creation engine for the enterprise. Everyone we met is excited for the Unity community to develop enterprise applications and experiences. As XR converge with other computing stacks like IoT and AI, demand for Unity developers will continue to increase exponentially. From service providers to hardware vendors, everyone is looking for qualified Unity talent.

    今天的Unity是企业的基础内容创建引擎。 我们遇到的每个人都为Unity社区开发企业应用程序和体验感到兴奋。 随着XR与IoT和AI等其他计算堆栈融合,对Unity开发人员的需求将继续呈指数级增长。 从服务提供商到硬件供应商,每个人都在寻找合格的Unity人才。

  • Consumer AR is about impact. As AR goes beyond enterprise applications and fuses with other technologies, it will fundamentally change the way we interact with the world, unlocking creativity and enhancing human capabilities beyond imagination.

    消费者AR是关于影响的 。 随着AR超越企业应用程序并与其他技术融合,它将从根本上改变我们与世界互动的方式,释放创造力并增强人们的能力,超出想象。

  • Developers are solving hardware limitations. No doubt there were a LOT of incremental gains to hardware capabilities announced at AWE but we have yet to reach an inflection point to enable mass adoption. While we wait for this to happen, developers today are tackling hardware limitations through  pragmatic product engineering. For example, how Vuforia and Tango have been pushing the boundaries with Vuforia’s new 3D Model Target recognition feature and Tango’s environmental lighting and early experiments with Occlusion.

    开发人员正在解决硬件限制 。 毫无疑问,AWE宣布了许多硬件功能的增量收益,但是我们还没有达到拐点以实现大规模采用。 在我们等待这种情况发生的同时,当今的开发人员正在通过务实的产品工程解决硬件限制。 例如,Vuforia和Tango如何利用Vuforia的新3D模型目标识别功能,Tango的环境照明和早期的遮挡实验来突破界限。

  • Mobile computing is a key enabling technology for Consumer AR. The next generation of handheld devices will be VERY exciting. With Tango ready devices flooding the market, Apple’s ARKit and Augmented Reality platforms like Vuforia, mass adoption of Consumer AR is almost here.

    移动计算是消费者AR的关键支持技术。 下一代手持设备将非常令人兴奋。 随着支持Tango的设备涌入市场,苹果公司的ARKit和增强现实平台(如Vuforia),消费者AR的大规模普及已成定局。

  • The killer AR App may revolve around kids or telepresence (social). Like Pokemon Go, Vuforia’s Project Chalk (which allows you to make spatial annotations in space without the use of markers), is a great example of AR consumer use cases. Also, ask a kid today and they will not understand how adults could live without Google – it’s the dark ages. The kids of tomorrow will feel the same way about telepresence and immersive computing.

    杀手级AR应用可能围绕儿童或网真(社交)而发展。 像Pokemon Go一样,Vuforia的Project Chalk (可让您在不使用标记的情况下在空间中进行空间注释)是AR消费者用例的一个很好的例子。 另外,今天问一个孩子,他们将不了解没有Google的成年人如何生活-这是黑暗时代。 明天的孩子们将对远程呈现和沉浸式计算产生相同的感觉。

AR will essentially change the way we interact with the world and Unity developers are an integral part of this future. There are so many interesting opportunities for our community that we can’t help but get excited about the future and doubling down on our commitment.

AR将从本质上改变我们与世界互动的方式,Unity开发人员将成为未来不可或缺的一部分。 我们社区有很多有趣的机会,我们不禁为未来感到兴奋,并加倍努力。

It’s time to start using the real world as your canvas! Here are a few things you can do today:

现在是时候开始将真实世界用作画布了! 您今天可以做以下几件事:

  1. Create a profile on Unity Connect, Unity’s dedicated professional network and talent marketplace. You can showcase your work with a free portfolio if you’re looking to get discovered. If you are looking to build your team or need help on your project, you can find and connect with experts who have the skills you need to bring your vision to life.

    在Unity Connect (Unity专用的专业网络和人才市场)上创建个人资料。 如果您想被发现,可以用免费的作品集展示您的作品。 如果您希望组建团队或在项目上需要帮助,则可以找到并与具备所需技能的专家联系,这些专家将您的愿景变为现实。

  2. Start testing in the real world. Unity supports augmented reality development for multiple platforms. You can also learn more about these platforms by following these links:

    开始在现实世界中进行测试。 Unity支持用于多个平台的增强现实开发。 您还可以通过以下链接了解有关这些平台的更多信息:

    • Tango


    • Microsoft Hololens


    • Microsoft Mixed Reality


    • Vuforia


    • Apple ARKit


  3. Download Vuforia’s AR Starter Kit which includes sample scenes and frameworks to help you get up to speed fast. Essentially Vuforia empowers Unity developers to place their projects in real-world environments on major handheld and headworn devices.

    下载Vuforia的AR入门套件 ,其中包括示例场景和框架,可帮助您快速入门 。 本质上,Vuforia使Unity开发人员能够将其项目放置在主要手持设备和头戴式设备上的真实环境中。

Finally, here is a snapshot and video links to some of our main sessions at AWE USA 2017::

最后,以下是我们在AWE USA 2017上的一些主要会议的快照和视频链接:

Climbing the Slope of Enlightenment


Tony Parisi joins AR pioneers Jay Wright, President of Vuforia and Brian Blau, VP of Research at Gartner to discuss what opportunities and challenges we face as AR continues to grow.

Tony Parisi加入了AR先驱者Vuforia总裁Jay Wright和Gartner研究副总裁Brian Blau,讨论了随着AR持续增长,我们面临的机遇和挑战。

Artificial Intelligence in AR


Nicolas Meleau, Director of AI Research at Unity also talked about how recent achievements in Machine Learning and Autonomous Robotics open the road to a bright future for interactive media and the efforts Unity is undertaking to democratize these technologies.

Unity AI研究总监Nicolas Meleau还谈到了机器学习和自主机器人技术方面的最新成就如何为互动媒体开辟了光明的未来之路,以及Unity为使这些技术民主化所做的努力。

Tools and Tech Shaping Immersive Content Creation


Diana Ford, Global Academia and Industrial Research Lead, joined thought leaders to discuss the challenges with the current development pipelines used for interactive media creation.

全球学术和工业研究负责人戴安娜·福特(Diana Ford)与思想领袖一起讨论了用于交互式媒体创作的当前开发管道所面临的挑战。

Face the Future: Computing in an Augmented World


Tony Parisi envisions the future of user interface driven by the power of realtime 3D graphics with the world as our canvas and people at the center. Check out his keynote talk transcript here.

Tony Parisi展望了由实时3D图形功能驱动的用户界面的未来,而世界以画布和人们为中心。 在这里查看他的主旨演讲记录。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d/2017/06/08/augmented-world-expo-how-unity-developers-will-be-part-of-the-future/




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