Dialogue System for Unity文档中英对照版(简雨原创翻译)第六篇(音序器相关,语音同步)

编程知识 更新时间:2023-05-02 21:16:00

AddingVoiceovers to Alert Messages

To addextra handling, such as a voiceover (VO), to Alerts, add a Lua observer toVariable["Alert"]:



If youuse the value of Variable['Alert'], you'll only be notified if the value haschanged between the end of one conversation and the end of another. If thevalue doesn't change – for example, if you set Alert to the same value again –you won't get another notification.


Thefirst parameter passed to your observer is a LuaWatchItem:


如果你使用变量[ 'alert ]的价值,你只会如果价值具有一个会话的结束和另一个端之间变化通知。如果该值不改变–例如,如果设置为相同的值–再次提醒你不会得到另一个通知。



Youcould also run the message as a bark instead of an alert by usingBarkOnDialogueEvent set to trigger OnConversationEnd. In the bark dialogueentry's sequence, you can use the Audio() sequencer command.


AdditionalQTE Features

•To trigger a QTE "outside aconversation," run an empty conversation with a QTE. This conversationshould do nothing except present the QTE option.

•You can also implement your own additional QTEoptions. Depending on your needs, you can:

◦Createa simple subclass of the dialogue UI class that overrides theShowQTEIndicator() method, or

◦Createa custom QTE sequencer command.










AdditionalConversation Checks

If youwant to perform additional checks on dialogue entries as a conversationprogresses, you can use an IsDialogueEntryValid Delegate.


Forexample, conversations can involve other NPCs in addition to the main actor andconversant. You may want to verify that the other NPCs are close enough to thePC before allowing the line to be spoken.


If youhaven't stored this information in the Dialogue System's Lua environment, itwon't be available to the dialogue entry's Condition script. In this case, seta delegate that checks the proximity of the entry's speaker to the player.








GetElement from String in Lua

TheDialogue System registers a function RandomElement(string) with Lua. Thisreturns a random element in a string of elements separated by horizontal barcharacters (|).


You canadd the LuaGetElement.cs script below to the Dialogue Manager to register a newfunction GetElement(index, string). This function returns the element at thespecified index, which starts at 1.






Forexample, the Dialogue Text below will display "Such a lovelytoddler!"

•Dialogue Text: Such a lovely[lua(GetElement(2, "baby|toddler|teenager"))]!


?对话的文字:这样一个可爱的[ lua(getelement(2,“婴儿|蹒跚学步的|少年”))]!

WatchLua Value

Thescript below (WatchLuaValue.cs) logs a message to the console whenever aspecified Lua expression changes. You can use it to watch the values ofvariables, quest states, etc. To use it, add it to the Dialogue Manager objectand set Lua Expression. The default frequency is EveryUpdate, which may cause asome overhead depending on the complexity of your Lua expression. If you onlyneed to check the value every dialogue entry or at the end of conversations,change the frequency.



Questsand HUD Tracking

TheDialogue System provides several options for integrating HUD systems with theQuest Log System. In addition to the methods described in the Quest Log System,you can use these techniques to run external code when quests change:





Playersusually accept quests in conversations. This is described in Working withQuests in Conversations and, in this case, you either use the User Script fieldor the Sequence field.

TheUser Script field runs Lua statements. To use it, you need to register your C#or UnityScript function with the Lua environment. You can examineScripts/Supplemental/Aurora/TemplateNWScript.cs for an example that registers afunction named "NWScript()" with the Lua environment.

TheSequence field runs sequencer commands. It's very easy to add your own CustomSequencer Commands. You can add a Sequencer command that runs your externalfunction.

If theplayer can accept quests outside of conversations, you can add a Quest StateObserver that will call a function if the quest state changes. See: SettingQuest State Observers



用户脚本运行Lua语句。使用它,你需要用Lua环境注册您的C #或UnityScript功能。你可以检查脚本/补充/极光/templatenwscript.cs为例,注册一个函数名为“Lua环境nwscript()”。




Ifyou're using the built-in quest log window system, the player can use the questlog window to abandon quests (if the quest is marked as Abandonable). When aquest is abandoned, it sends an OnQuestTrackingDisabled() message to theDialogue Manager GameObject. To see an example of how this message is used,examine Scripts/Supplemental/QuestTracker.cs. If the player has other ways toabandon a quest, add a Quest State Observer.

Ifyou're using KGFMapSystem, it already includes HUD integration in the form ofKGFMapIcon().


如果你使用内置的任务日志窗口系统,玩家可以使用日志窗口放弃任务(如果任务标记为放弃)。当一个任务是被遗弃的,它发送一个消息给onquesttrackingdisabled()对话管理对象。看一个例子,这个信息是如何使用的,检查脚本/补充/ questtracker.cs。如果玩家有其他方式放弃追求,添加一个任务的状态观测器。


ScaleFont Size in Unity GUI

UnityGUI doesn't provide an easy way to scale fonts to the current resolution. Youcan attach this script to your GUIRoot to handle scaling. Add each style whosefont you want to scale to the Styles list.



UnityUI with Response Button Template in Scrolling Response Panel


DF-GUIUI with Intro & Outro Tweens

Thefollowing subclass of DiakonForgeDialogueUI allows you to add a list ofdfTweens to your NPC subtitle and response menu panels. For example, you couldadd tweens that grow the panel when showing it (the intro), and shrink thepanel away when hiding it (the outro).




SavingCustom Data (Inventory Table)

Thisrecipe shows how to add a custom table to the Lua environment and include it insaved game data.


Sayyour player has an inventory, and you want to keep track of which item is ineach slot. You can define a Lua table named Inventory[] in your dialoguedatabase's Global User Script field, available on the Dialogue Editor'sDatabase tab:


•Global User Script: Inventory = {}

For thesake of this example, say it has three fields: Slot1, Slot2, and Slot3. Eachfield will point to an element in the Item[] table. For example, you couldassign a sword item to Slot1:





说你的球员有一个清单,你要跟踪哪个项目是在每个插槽。你可以定义一个Lua表你在对话中数据库的全局用户脚本领域命名库存[ ],可在对话编辑的数据库表:


?全球用户脚本:库存= { }


在这个例子中,说它有三个领域:有,slot2,和slot3。每一场都会指向项目[ ]表元素。例如,您可以指定一个剑的项目有:

This might,for example, return a string such as:


Now,whenever the PersistentDataManager gathers data to save a game, it will alsoappend the string returned by GetInventorySaveData().


How doI do <X>?

1.Searchfor the topic using the search bar in the upper right area of this manual.

2.Checkthe questions on this FAQ page.

3.Checkthe Recipes page for prewritten solutions.

4.Postyour question on the forum thread:http://forum.unity3d/threads/204752-Dialogue-System-for-Unity

5.Contactus any time for support: http://www.pixelcrushers/support-form/














How doI make text change dynamically during gameplay?

In yourmenu text and dialogue text, use the [var=varName] or [lua(code)] tag. Duringconversations, the [var=varName] tag will be replaced with the value of thenamed variable. The [lua(code)] tag will be replaced by the return value of thelua code. For example, to reference the player's age, you could use thisDialogue Text:


You're[lua(Actor["Player"].Age)]? You don't look a day over[lua(Actor["Player"].Age - 1)]!





在你的菜单和对话的文字,使用【var = varname ]或[ lua(代码)】标签。在谈话中,var= varname ]的[标签将与指定变量的值替换。Lua的[(代码)】标签将由Lua代码返回值代替。例如,参考该球员的年龄,你可以使用这个对话文本:


你[ lua(演员[“玩家”]。年龄)]?你看起来不超过[ lua(演员[“玩家”]。年龄1)]!

Whathappened to the Video File field?

Version1.0.5 and earlier repurposed Chat Mapper's built-in Video File field forcutscene sequences. Chat Mapper 1.6 introduced validation, which fails on theVideo File field unless it's an actual video file, so the Dialogue System nowuses a custom field called "Sequence".




Is itpossible to make the player have a conversation with himself/herself?

Yes.Tick Show PCSubtitles During Line in the Dialogue Manager's Display Settings.If only one dialogue entry is valid each turn and it has no force tag ([f]),then the Dialogue System will go through them without displaying the menu.




Whathappens if a dialogue entry links to NPC entries and PC response entries?

In thiscase, the Dialogue System automatically selects the first valid NPC entry anddoes not display a PC response menu.




Can Iplace emphasis tags on a subset of text?

Bydefault, the Unity GUI implementation of IDialogueUI applies the first emphasistag to the entire line. If you want to use multiple tags in a single line, orhave tags affect only a subset of the line, you can tell the Dialogue Managerto convert emphasis tags to rich text codes. To do this, tick Rich TextEmphases in the Dialogue Manager's Display Settings. Your dialogue UI mustsupport rich text. (The provided Unity GUI prefabs all support rich text.)




默认情况下,统一的idialogueui GUI实现应用第一次强调标签对全行。如果你想在一个单一的线使用多个标签,或标签只影响线的一个子集,你可以告诉对话经理将重点标记到富文本代码。为此,剔丰富文本的重点在对话管理器的显示设置。你的对话界面必须支持丰富的文本。(提供统一的GUI预设都支持丰富的文本。)

Doesthe Dialogue System support voice-acted lines?

Yes.See How do I add voice acting?.


How doI update the response menu while it's being shown?

CallDialogueManager.UpdateResponses() or use the equivalent PlayMaker or plyGameaction. This updates the responses for the current state of the activeconversation. If the response menu entries' conditions have changed while theresponse menu is being shown, you can call this method to update the responsemenu.








AreChat Mapper or articy:draft required?

No. Youcan use the Dialogue System's Dialogue Editor inside Unity. This built-ineditor can create the exact same dialogue databases that you can with ChatMapper, and in fact is easier for editing quest data. However, Chat Mapper is aprofessional grade tool and very good for serious dialogue authoring. Itprovides a simulator, a powerful validation tool, and much more to makeauthoring very easy.




Whydoes the Chat Mapper Converter fail?

You maybe using Chat Mapper 1.6.0 -, which contains a bug in its XML exporter.Please upgrade Chat Mapper: http://www.chat-mapper/download



你可以使用聊天制图1.6.0 -,其中包含在XML输出错误。请升级聊天映射:http://www.chat-mapper/download

CanNPCs bark during conversations?

How canI make multiple NPCs bark at each other?

See theexamples in Examples/Bark Example/Three NPCs Bark. In brief: In each NPC's barkentry, set the Sequence field to SendMessage(OnUse,,NPC), where "NPC"is the name of the next NPC to bark. (Note the two commas; the second parameteris empty.) You can also set a Lua variable in the Sequence so the next NPCknows what line to bark.


CanNPCs bark during conversations?

Yes. Onthe Bark Trigger, tick Allow During Conversations.









Can Iuse the same GUI control for NPC subtitle and NPC subtitle reminder?

Yes.When switching from subtitles to response menu, the Dialogue System willdeactivate the control and reactivate it in case you've attached any specialeffects that trigger when the game object is activated (e.g., fade in,typewriter animation, etc.).






How doI slow down or speed up how long the NPC's subtitles stay on screen?

You canchoose from a few ways:


1.Inthe Dialogue Manager's Display Settings, set "Subtitle Chars Per Second"to a lower number. It defaults to 30 characters per second. If you set it to10, subtitles will display three times longer. (See Display Settings)

2.InDisplay Settings, change the Default Sequence to something that runs longer. Bydefault it does an immediate closeup on the speaker, then after"{{end}}" seconds it does a closeup on the listener. The string"{{end}}" is an alias for the duration of the subtitle based onSubtitle Chars Per Second. You could replace this with, say, 10 seconds, toalways make all subtitles display for 10 seconds.

3.Definea custom sequence for any dialogue entry that you want to last longer. Thesubtitle won't go away until the sequence is done.







2。在显示设置,更改默认的顺序运行更长的东西。默认情况下它在扬声器立即特写,然后在“{ } { }结束“秒它对听者的特写。字符串“{ } { }结束”是一个别名为期限的字幕基于字幕的字符/秒。你可以代替这,说,10秒,10秒,使总的字幕。



How doI set up keyboard/gamepad navigation?

Ifyou're using Unity GUI, inspect the Response Panel in your UI object/prefab. Inthe Navigation section, tick Enabled. This will let you navigate with keys andgamepads. You can customize the behavior using the other options available inthe Navigation section. If you're using NGUI, DFGUI, or TK2D, you can just usethe functionality provided in those systems. The DFGUI integration package alsocontains a script DaikonForgeButtonKeyTrigger.cs and example scenedemonstrating key and button binding.



如果你使用Unity GUI,检查你的UI对象/预置面板的响应。在导航部分,勾选启用。这会让你有按键和游戏板导航。你可以利用在导航部分其他可用选项自定义行为。如果你使用NGUI,dfgui,或tk2d,你可以使用这些系统提供的功能。该dfgui集成软件包还包含一个脚本daikonforgebuttonkeytrigger.cs和例子场景展示的关键和按键绑定。

Whydoes my conversation skip the player response menu / exit immediately?

TheDialogue System uses the behavior established in Chat Mapper: if there's onlyone player line, it automatically plays that line instead of presenting aresponse menu. You can force the response menu by ticking the DialogueManager's Always Force Response Menu checkbox or by adding [f] to the text(e.g., "[f]Goodbye, friend.").


Inaddition, the Show PC Subtitles During Line checkbox is unticked by default.This means the Dialogue System doesn't display the PC's line onscreen. Itimmediately goes to the next line in the conversation. If there are no morelines along the current path of the conversation tree, the conversation willend immediately.


Alsomake sure that "Is Player" is true for the player actor.








How doI control what name is shown in the NPC/PC Portrait Name?

If theNPC or PC has an Override Actor Name component (accessible through Window >Dialogue System > Component > Supplemental), the override name is used.Otherwise, if the NPC or PC is associated with a GameObject (the default unlessyou manually call DialogueManager.StartConversation() from code withoutproviding GameObjects), it will use the GameObject's name. If no GameObject isassociated, it will use the name defined in the dialogue database.

我怎能控制我的名字是什么在NPC / PC肖像的名字?



Whyisn't the continue button showing?

Ifyou've set Dialogue Manager > Continue Button to anything but Never, thedialogue UI will look for a continue button control. Most of the provided UIprefabs do not define a continue button; you'll need to add one yourself. Youcan examine any of the prefabs that end in "With Continue Button" tosee how they're set up.




How canI make the continue button fast forward the typewriter effect?

Ifyou're using Unity GUI Controls with a typewriter effect and a continue button,use the Continue Button Fast Forward component to change the behaviour. Pleaseread the Continue Button Fast Forward documentation to configure it properly.



如果你使用Unity GUI控件用打字机效果、继续按钮,使用继续按钮快进成分改变的行为。请继续按钮快进文件并正确配置。

(2DToolkit) Why is my subtitle and/or response text cut off?

2DToolkit uses tk2dTextMeshes to display text. You must specify a maximum numberof characters for each one. If your text is getting cut off, increase the valueon your tk2dTextMesh.




(2DToolkit) Why are my UI controls too big/small?

If youbased your UI design off the included TK2D UI prefab, check the dimensions ofthe ButtonGraphics' tk2dSlicedSprite components. These are set to values thatprobably aren't the same as your UI images.



如果你通过你的UI设计了包括tk2d UI预制,检查的buttongraphics”tk2dslicedsprite组件尺寸。这些设置的值可能不一样,你的用户界面的图像。

How canI add additional functionality to dialogue UIs?

TheUnity, DFGUI, and TK2D dialogue UIs all derive from AbstractDialogueUI. You cancreate a subclass of the dialogue UI (e.g., public classExtendedDaikonForgeDialogueUI : DaikonForgeDialogueUI {}) and override methodssuch as ShowSubtitle() and ShowResponses() to do extra things. See SubclassingAn Existing Dialogue UI System for more details.


Ifthat's not enough, you can always write your own UI that implementsIDialogueUI. In the Dialogue System, UIs are decoupled from data and logic;you're not tied to any specific UI implementation. See Creating Your OwnDialogue UI for more details.



团结,dfgui,和tk2d对话界面都源自abstractdialogueui。您可以创建对话UI类(例如,公共课extendeddaikonforgedialogueui:daikonforgedialogueui{ })和覆盖方法,如showsubtitle()和showresponses()做额外的事情。看子类化现有的对话界面系统的更多细节。



Whydoes my UI only show up in the left camera of my Oculus VR headset?

UnityGUI renders to screen space, not world space. If you use a different GUI systemsuch as NGUI, DF-GUI, or TK2D that renders to world space, the GUI will workwith Oculus VR. If you want to stick with Unity GUI, you can do whatOVRMainMenu.cs does and render to a RenderTexture that's visible in world space(e.g., on a quad in front of the camera).





CutsceneSequences & Delivering Dialogue Lines

Why isthere a two second delay at the beginning of the conversation?

Everyconversation starts with dialogue entry titled START. This entry has a Sequencejust like all other entries. If the Sequence is blank, it uses the defaultsequence, which includes a 2+ second delay. To immediate progress past theSTART entry, set its Sequence to "None()". Since version 1.1.3, thedialogue database editor now sets the START entry's Sequence to"None()" for new conversations by default.





每个会话开始对话条目标题开始。这项都有一个序列,就像其他所有的条目。如果序列为空,它使用默认的序列,其中包括一个2 +秒的延迟。立即进步过去开始输入,设置其序列”none()”。自从版本1.1.3,对话数据库编辑器现在将开始进入的序列”默认情况下新的对话none()”。

Whyaren't Camera() commands working?

If thecamera moves into the specified position then immediately swings back to"gameplay mode," your gameplay camera controller is probably takingcontrol of the camera. For the solution, see How do I stop gameplay activityduring conversations?.


If thecamera doesn't move to the specified camera angle at all, make sure the cameraangle is defined in the Camera Angles object/prefab assigned to your displaysettings. The angle might be missing the angle or you could have a typo. (SeeSequencer Camera & Angles)






How doI prevent the Dialogue System from controlling the camera?

On theDialogue Manager object, change Display Settings > Camera Settings >Default Sequence to Delay({{end}}) to make each line delay before proceeding,or None() to show the line and proceed immediately to the next line or responsemenu.



在对话管理器对象,改变显示设置>相机设置>默认序列的延迟({ { } }结束)继续前让每一行延迟,或none()显示线和立即进行下一行或响应菜单。

Whydoes the screen immediately immediately visible right after Fade(out) finishes?

Fadingworks by covering the screen with a GUITexture (black by default). Fade(in)changes the alpha value from 1 (opaque) to 0 (invisible). Fade(out) does theopposite. At the end of the command, the GUITexture is destroyed as asafeguard. Otherwise you could leave the player with a black screen. If youneed to do a set change, try to fade out and back in during the same sequence,starting the fade-in just before fade-out is done. If this isn't possible, thencreate a black GUITexture in the scene. Leave it inactive. In the firstsequence, use SetActive() to activate it. In the second sequence, useSetActive() to deactivate it. However, in this case, you really need to be surethat the second sequence runs; otherwise you'll be stuck with a black screen.




How doI set a different default sequence for a conversation?

Normally,conversations use the Dialogue Manager's Default Sequence. To specify adifferent default sequence for a specific conversation, add an Override DisplaySettings component to the conversant.




My gameuses an orthographic camera. How do I do cutscenes?

If youwant to use a perspective camera for cutscenes, set it up and assign it to theDialogue Manager's Sequencer Camera property. For more information, seeSequencer Camera & Angles.




Whatruns first -- a dialogue entry's user script or sequence?

Theuser script runs first. This way, your user script can set up variables thatyour sequence might need to reference.




How doI add voice acting?

TheDialogue System was originally developed for a voice-acted RPG, so support forvoice acting is a core design feature. The Dialogue System doesn't analyzeaudio or generate lip sync animation. Use a tool such as FaceFX, iClone, orMixamo's FacePlus for that. In the Dialogue System, you can associate acutscene sequence with every line of dialogue. (If you're using localization,you can associate sequences for each language, too.)


Ifyou're using FaceFX's XML curves, just use the FaceFX() command.


Ifyou're using FacePlus, iClone, or another tool to generate FBX animations, howyou use them in cutscene sequences depends on how you set up your avatar. Somedevelopers set up a Humanoid Mecanim rig for the body and leave the face underLegacy animation control. In this case, use the Voice() sequencer command,which plays a legacy animation clip in conjunction with an audio (voiceover)file. Other developers put the face under Mecanim control, too, in which caseyou'll have an animation layer for the head. Simply use one of the many Mecanimsequencer commands, such as AnimatorPlay() or AnimatorTrigger(), to start thefacial animation, and Audio() to start the voiceover audio.


Formore details, see How to Set Up Lip Sync.





如果你使用FaceFX XML曲线,只使用facefx()命令。





It'stoo much work to edit the Sequence field for each entry! How can I automatethis?

Use theentrytag keyword in your default sequence. See Using entrytag To SimplifySequences for more details.





Isthere any easy way to set up NPC conversation/bark triggers?

Yes!Use the NPC Setup Wizard (Window > Dialogue System > Tools > Wizards> NPC Setup Wizard).


How canI use the Selector component to trigger a conversation with a mouse click?





是的!使用安装向导(NPC对话窗口>系统>工具>巫师> NPC安装向导)。



By default,the Selector component raycasts from the center of the screen to target usableobject. To use the mouse position (or a custom position using similar steps):


1.ChangeSelect At to MousePosition.

2.ChangeUse Button to "Fire1" (left button) or "Fire2" (rightbutton).

3.Setthe Layer Mask to include the NPC's layer.

4.Ifusing an orthographic camera:

◦SetMax Selection Distance far enough that raycasts from the camera's position willhit objects in the scene.

◦ChangeDistance to GameObject.

5.Makesure the NPC has a collider and a Usable component.

6.Setthe NPC's Conversation Trigger to OnUse.

TheSelector draws a targeting reticle in the center of the screen if Use DefaultGUI is ticked. If you want to handle the drawing yourself, for example to highlightthe targeted NPC or change the mouse cursor image, you can untick this and hookinto the SelectedUsableObject and DeselectedUsableObject events.




















Whyisn't the Proximity Selector working correctly in my 2D project?

Makesure you're not moving 2D rigidbodies manually (e.g., changingtransform.position). This breaks Unity's collision detection. Use AddForce orvelocity instead.




Makesure you're not moving 2D rigidbodies manually (e.g., changingtransform.position). This breaks Unity's collision detection. Use AddForce orvelocity instead.


How doI stop gameplay activity during conversations?

You maywant to disable certain gameplay activity during conversations, such as playercontrol and gameplay camera control. To do this, use a dedicated camera forcutscene sequences or disable your gameplay camera controller and/or othercontrollers during conversations. You can use the Set Enabled On Dialogue Eventcomponent to disable these components when On Conversation is triggered andre-enable it when the conversation is done. See Set Enabled On Dialogue Eventin Other Triggers and on the Player object in the Feature Demo.


Alternatively,you can use Send Message On Dialogue Event to send messages to objects thatshould exhibit some kind of alternate behaviour during conversations.


See theGameplay Integration page for more details and examples.










How canI ensure actors idle at the start of conversations?

If youractors are running when a conversation starts, you may want them to idle. Hereare some options:


1.Setthe actors' animation states in the START entry's sequence – for example, useAnimation() or AnimatorPlay() or AnimatorFloat(Speed,0).

2.Usean Animation On Dialogue Event (for Legacy) or Animator State On Dialogue Event(for Mecanim) component set to "On Conversation Start".

3.Add aStart Sequence On Dialogue Event component set to "On ConversationStart" and use a sequence such as AnimatorFloat(Speed, 0).










Isthere a callback, or a way I can find out when a conversation has ended?

Yes.Both participants in the conversation get OnConversationStart messages when theconversation starts and OnConversationEnd messages when the conversation ends.You can also use the "Set Enabled On Dialogue Event" trigger to hidethe button during conversations. The Feature Demo uses this trigger to hide theselector and disable player movement during conversations.




Can Itrigger another conversation at the end of a conversation?

Yes.Add a Start Conversation On Dialogue Event to one of the participants in theoriginal conversation, and set the trigger to OnConversationEnd. You can't putit on the new participant(s) since only the original participants will receivethe OnConversationEnd message.




How canI run arbitrary code during a conversation?

Youhave several options:


•Use an existing sequencer command such asSendMessage(), SetActive(), or SetEnabled() – or even use Animation() to changea public property using a legacy animation curve.

•Write your own sequencer command using thetemplate in Scripts/Templates.

•Outside of the sequencer system, you can alsolisten for OnConversationLine messages. (See Notification Messages)











How doI make quests spawn killables and make other changes in the game world?

TheDialogue System doesn't provide a built-in spawning system for quests becauseevery game has different needs. It does provide some help, however. Please readthe Quests and the Game World section for more information.






Why arethere two quest log prefabs for some themes?

TheDialogue System originally shipped with a Unity GUI-based quest log windowsystem. A GUI-independent quest log window system was introduced later. Prefabsbuilt from the new GUI-independent base class end with "Unity<b>GUI</b> Quest Log Window", while the older Unity GUI-onlyprefabs end with "Unity Quest Log Window".




对话系统最初发运与基于任务日志窗口GUI系统的统一。一个独立的任务日志窗口GUI系统介绍后。建立新的GUI独立基类结束“统一<b> GUI </b>任务日志窗口”的问题,而老年人统一的GUI预设结束“统一的任务日志窗口”。


Saving& Loading

Can Iadd custom data to PersistentDataManager's saved-game data?

Yes.Assign a delegate method to PersistentDataManager.GetCustomSaveData. The methodshould return a string containing Lua code to run when reloading the game. Seethe Saving Custom Data (Inventory Table) recipe for a detailed example withcode.






How doI save and load using Moodkie's Easy Save 2?

Theruntime state of the Dialogue System is stored in Lua tables. To retrieve it asa string, call PersistentDataManager.GetSaveData(). To apply the string backinto the Lua tables, call PersistentDataManager.ApplySaveData().


To saveusing Easy Save 2: (replace key "myFile.txt?tag=dialogueSystem" withyour own)



对话系统的运行状态存储在Lua表。把它作为一个字符串,调用persistentdatamanager getsavedata()。将字符串返回到调用Lua表,persistentdatamanagerapplysavedata()。


节约使用易保存2:(代替钥匙”的内容?标签= dialoguesystem”与你自己的)


How canI debug my Lua scripts?

On theDialogue Manager, set the Debug level to Info. This will log Lua commands tothe console.


You canalso add a Lua Console to your project, for example to the Dialogue Managerobject. Select Window > Dialogue System > Component > Lua Console.During play, press ~ + L (tilde plus the "L" key) to bring up the Luaconsole. Then enter the Lua command to see what result you get. The consolewill display the result of the Lua command, but it does not trap standardoutput – so use the command return Actor['Player'].Name instead of printActor['Player'].Name.








您还可以添加一个Lua安慰到你的项目中,例如在对话管理器对象。选择“窗口>对话系统>组件> Lua控制台。在玩的过程中,按~+ L(波浪线加“L”键)带来了Lua控制台。然后进入Lua命令看看你得到的结果。控制台将显示Lua命令的结果,但它没有陷阱标准输出–所以使用命令返回的演员[ 'player’]。而不是打印演员['player ]的名称。名称。

Why aremy Lua conditions reporting errors?

Whenwriting Lua conditions, keep these notes in mind:


•The double equals sign ("==") testsfor equality.

•Logical conditions use and and or, not"&&" and "||".

•In Lua for the variable name, replace blankspace characters and hyphens with underscores, since this is a rule that ChatMapper enforces. The Dialogue System attempts to automatically recognize andreplace blank spaces in as many circumstances as possible, but sometimes itcan't when the result would be ambiguous, so try to always manually useunderscores in your code: Variable["Menu_Choice"] == "ChoiceA"

•Make sure your variable name matches exactly(except for blank spaces/hyphens/underscores as mentioned above). This includescase, since Lua is case-sensitive. That is, "Menu_Choice" is adifferent variable from "menu_choice".





?双等号(“= =”)测试平等。


?逻辑的条件下使用,或者,不是“&”和“| |”。


?在Lua中的变量名,代替空格字符和字符和下划线,因为这是一个规律,强制聊天器。对话系统尝试自动识别并替换空格在尽可能多的情况下,但有时也不能当结果不明确,所以总是尽量手动使用下划线在你的代码中变量[“menu_choice”] = =“选择”



Why isLua code near the start of the game raising exception errors?

TheDialogue System delays loading of the master dialogue database until the datais needed by a conversation, bark, sequence, or quest. This avoids potentiallylong delays during Start() if you have a very large initial database. If youwant to run Lua commands that reference the contents of the dialogue databasebefore the Dialogue System has loaded it, first callDialogueManager.PreloadMasterDatabase() to load it into the Lua environment.




How canI get to the code that raised the Lua exception in my Condition or User Script?

Bydefault, the Dialogue System catches any exceptions raised by Lua code inConditions and Script and simply logs that an exception occurred. If you'recalling an external C# function in Lua, you may find it useful to allow theexception to filter up to aid in debugging. To do this, setDialogueManager.AllowLuaExceptions = true.



默认情况下,对话系统捕获的条件和剧本由Lua代码提出任何例外和简单的日志时发生例外。如果你在Lua中调用外部C #功能,您可能会发现它允许例外过滤来帮助调试很有用。为此,建立dialoguemanager.allowluaexceptions=真实。

Ispossible to access items from a script?

Tocheck if an item is defined in the Dialogue System, useDialogueLua.DoesTableElementExist(). Example:



如果要检查一个项目是在对话系统,定义了使用dialoguelua doestableelementexist()。的例子:


Whatnotification messages can my scripts listen for?

Yourscripts can listen for conversation, sequence, and bark events as detailed inthe Notification Messages section.


Ispossible to call a C# script function from a conversation?

Yes. Tocall C# in a sequence, add Custom Sequencer Commands. To call C# in a dialogueentry's Condition or User Script field, register the C# function with Lua. Forexample, DialogueLua registers this C# function: static public voidSetStatus(LuaTable asset1, LuaTable asset2, string status) { ... } using thismethod: Lua.RegisterFunction("SetStatus", null,typeof(DialogueLua).GetMethod("SetStatus"));







可以从一个会话调用一个C #脚本函数?


是的。调用C #序列中,添加自定义序列的命令。调用C #在对话输入的条件或用户脚本的领域,用Lua寄存器C #功能。例如,dialoguelua寄存器C #功能:静态publicvoid SetStatus(luatable asset1,luatable asset2,字符串状态){…}使用这种方法:lua。registerfunction(“SetStatus”,空,typeof(dialoguelua)。getMethod(“SetStatus”));

How doI unpack the source code?

TheDialogue System comes with complete C# source code in Scripts/SourceCode.unitypackage. See Unpacking the Source Code (Optional) for instructions onunpacking it.






Can Iuse iOS Pro stripping?

Yes!For users of Unity iOS Advanced License/Pro, the Dialogue System includes alink.xml file in the Prefabs/iOS folder that allows you to build DialogueSystem projects with Stripping Level set to Strip assemblies or Strip ByteCode.The Dialogue System uses the System DLLs, so it is not compatible with Usemicro mscorlib.






是的!团结的iOS高级许可证/专业用户,对话系统包括link.xml文件在预设/ iOS文件夹,允许你建立对话系统项目的剥离水平集或条带组件的字节码。对话系统采用系统DLL,所以它是不使用micro mscorlib兼容。


Doesthe Dialogue System support multiplayer games?

Yes,several multiplayer solutions are supported for player-NPC conversations. (Forplayer-player interaction, use a chat client instead.). Which solutions you usedepend on the design of your game. You can use different dialogue databases fordifferent players, or dynamically assign roles in a shared dialogue database atruntime, or conditionally run different dialogue trees (or different branchesof the same tree) based on a variety of conditions including quest states, gameobjects and tags, and even complex Lua expressions. Although this may soundcomplicated at first because the Dialogue System supports many differentmethods, each one is actually very simple to use. And you're always welcome tocontact us for support if any questions come up.








How canI debug what's going on in the Dialogue System?

First,set the Dialogue Manager's Debug Level to Info. This will log almost everythingthat's happening under the hood.


Second,add a Lua Console component to your Dialogue Manager: Window > DialogueSystem > Components > Lua Console. During gameplay, press ~ + L (tildeplus the "L" key) to open the Lua Console. Then enter any Luacommands to set or retrieve values from the Lua environment.







第二,添加一个Lua控制台组成你的对话管理器:窗口>对话系统>组件> Lua控制台。在游戏中,按~ +L(波浪线加“L”键)打开Lua控制台。然后进入任何Lua命令来设置或检索值从Lua环境。

Whycan't I see subtitles?

First,make sure the appropriate subtitles checkbox (NPCSubtitles During Line,NPCSubtitles During Response, or PC Subtitles During Line) is ticked in yourDialogue Manager's Display Settings.


If thisis correct, then on your UI prefab make sure the subtitle GUI controls areassigned properly to the DialogueUI component, and that the controls arepositioned to be visible on the screen. If you're using the Unity Dialogue UIsystem, verify that the Scaled Rect is set the way you want; the dimensionshave different meanings depending on whether you're using Pixel or Normalizedscale.






Whenusing multiple databases, why do conversations use entries from anotherconversation?

Conversationsin two databases probably have the same ID number. Use the Unique ID Tool tomake IDs unique.







Whenimporting new versions of the Dialogue System, please also re-importsub-packages in Third Party Support as these will often contain updates.



We planto add these features, but cannot guarantee when or if they will be added:


•Show active dialogue entry and variable valuesin Dialogue Editor at runtime

•Master Audio integration

•Platformer Action-RPG integration

•ORK Framework integration

•Camera Path Animator integration

•Twine importer

•Hack-n-Slash integration

•uScript support

























◦Added:Voiceover Script exporter.

◦Added:CSV importer & exporter.

◦Added:Template for writing custom converters.

•Cutscene Sequences:

◦Improved:Support for non-Camera objects (e.g., Oculus OVRCameraController) for thesequencer camera.

◦Added:entrytag keyword (unique for each dialogue entry), more-automated process foradding voiceover.

◦Added:Keyword 'default' for Camera() command, plus Default Camera Angle component foractors.

◦Changed:Default Sequence is now Camera(default); requiredCamera(default,listener){end}}

◦Added:SwitchCamera() command.

◦Fixed:AnimatorTrigger() sequencer command now finds Animator in children like otherAnimatorXXX() sequencer commands. Misc:

◦Added:SelectorFollowTarget (see Topdown Demo for example).

◦Added:Raycast All checkbox in Selector.

◦Fixed:UnityTextField now handles any enter or return key (to address Mac webplayerissue).

◦Changed:BarkTrigger.OnTriggerEnter[2D] uses target if assigned, otherwise triggeringobject.

◦Changed:PersistentPositionData no longer needs GameObject to be predefined in Actortable.

◦Added:PersistentDestructible component, GameSaver.ResetGame(),PersistentDataManager.LevelWillBeUnloaded()


◦Added:QuestLogWindow now plays "Abandon Sequence" (if it exists) when abandoningquests.

◦Fixed:QuestLogWindow was setting QuestInfo.abandonable & trackable when showingcompleted quests, which incorrectly showed Track/Abandon buttons for them.

•Third-Party Support:


■Added: DualSubtitleNGUIDialogueUI and example.

■Added:NGUIResponseButton.SetButtonColor/SetLabelColor checkboxes, madeNGUIResponseButton.SetColor virtual

■Changed: NGUITextFieldUI's Text Field propertynow accepts a UIInput, not a UILabel. If you use TextFields, you must reassignthe property.

◦(PlayMaker)Added FSMEvent() sequencer command, GetQuestAbandonSequence action.

◦(plyGame)Added GetQuestAbandonSequence block; Dialogue System plyEvents are now saved tolocal variables instead of temp variables.

◦(RPGKit) Updated to support RPG Kit 2.1.

◦(UFPS)Added support for Mobile-Addon; Enables/disables crosshair component instead ofchanging texture.

◦(UFPSAI-Addon) Suspended support.




















?改变默认顺序是:现在的相机(默认);所需的相机(默认,听者){ } }结束












?改变:barktrigger。ontriggerenter [2D]使用目标如果指定,否则触发对象。






























?(UFPs AI插件)悬浮支承。


•Dialogue Editor improvements:

◦Added:Ability to sort assets by name or ID.

◦Added:Ability to sync assets from other databases.

◦Added:Checkboxes in Merge utility to merge only specific types (actors, items, etc.).

•Added: Sequencer syntaxcommand(...)->Message(X) to send sequencer messages when a command finishes.

•Added: Sequencer commandSetPortrait(actorName, pic=x) syntax to use an actor's built-in portraits.

•Added: DialogueManager.SetPortrait() method.

•Fixed: SetPortrait() sequencer command wasn'tapplying to subsequent dialogue entries in current conversation.

•Fixed: Couldn't delete portrait textures inDialogue Editor.

•Fixed: Bug where items/quests weren't beingadded to master database in AddDatabase().

•Improved: Range Trigger now supports 2D.

•(NGUI) Added Always Keep Focus checkbox onNGUITextFieldUI.

•(PlayMaker): Added Set Portrait action

•(plyGame): Added Set Portrait block














?补充:音序器命令setportrait(actorname,PIC = x)语法使用演员的内置的肖像。


?补充:dialoguemanager setportrait()方法。
















•NOTE: The underlying Lua implementationchanged to support Windows Store & Windows Phone. After updating, you candelete the Dialogue System/KopiLua folder. iOS developers should use the newlink.xml in Prefabs/iOS.

•Added: Dialogue Manager > Include SimStatus checkbox. IMPORTANT: If you use SimStatus, you must tick this because itnow defaults to unticked!

•Added: Dialogue Manager > Subtitle Settings> Allow PC Subtitle Reminder checkbox.

•Added: Dialogue Manager > Camera Settings> Disable Internal Sequencer Commands checkbox.

•Added: DialogueManager.UpdateResponses()method to refresh menu choices if conditions have changed during menu.

•Added: Support for Animated Images - animateactor portraits and other GUIImages and GUILabels.

•Added: PersistentDataManager event hook forsaving custom data (see How To Save Additional Data).

•Improved: Dialogue Editor interfaceimprovements.

•Improved: Set Component Enabled On DialogueEvent trigger now also works for Animation, Animator, and MonoBehaviours.

•Fixed: In -, links betweenconversation nodes couldn't be selected in the Dialogue Editor.

•Fixed: When creating aDialogueSystemController by script, displaySettings were not automaticallyinitialized.



?注:底层的Lua实现改为支持Windows和Windows手机店。更新后,您可以删除对话系统/ kopilua文件夹。iOS开发者应该预设/ iOS使用新的link.xml。





















•(articy:draft) Added Encoding dropdown toarticy:draft Converter for special characters.

•(Adventure Creator) Updated to handleAdventure Creator v1.34 changes.

•(Behavior Designer) Updated to supportBehavior Designer v1.3 changes.

•(KGFMapSystem): Icon changes now take effecteven if the map is hidden.

•(plyGame): Added Update Responses block.

•(PlayMaker) Additions and fixes:

◦Updatedto handle Unity 4.5 / PlayMaker Tooltip attribute conflict.

◦Added:Every Frame checkbox to Get Variable & Get Lua Field.

◦Added:Update Responses action.

•(UFPS) Additions and fixes:

◦Added:Record Position checkbox in FPPersistentPlayerData.

◦Added:Force Wield checkbox in FPPersistentPlayerData.

◦Added:Dont Apply Lua Next Load Level checkbox to new FPSyncLuaPlayerOnLevelLoadcomponent.

◦Fixed:Now saves & loads accurately, including currently-equipped weapon.













?更新处理统一4.5 /组织者工具提示属性冲突。
















•Added: DialogueManager.PreloadDialogueUI().

•Improved: Sequencer now handles scenes thatlack a main camera.

•Improved: Added quest entries to Conditions& Script wizards.

•Fixed: Conditions & Script wizards weren'tapplying quest states correctly.

•(Adventure Creator) Improved: Bridge now has achoice for conversation camera control: Never, Always, IfPlayerInvolved.

•(Realistic FPS Prefab) Improved: Example scenenow saves and loads game.

•(UFPS) Improved: Now syncs amount of ammoloaded in weapons.




?补充:dialoguemanager preloaddialogueui()。















•Unity 4.3.4f1 is the new required minimumversion.

•Dialogue Editor improvements:

◦Improved:Dialogue entry Conditions and Script fields now have wizards to build Lua codevisually.

◦Fixed:When switching databases or between edit and play modes, the conversation nodecanvas sometimes failed to update.

◦Fixed:Multiselect and lassoing bugs.

◦Fixed:Adding new quest entries numbered them from zero; now correctly numbers fromone.

•Improved: Added button name field to Unity GUINavigation. You can now select responses with a gamepad button.

•Fixed: When there was no Dialogue Managerobject in the scene, the Dialogue Manager wizard would sometimes generateerrors.

•(UFPS) Fixed: Removing unit banks (such asfirearms) works correctly now.





















•Added: Abandoned state to quests.

•Added: RandomElement() Lua function.

•Added: DialogueManager.LastConversationStartedproperty.

•Improved: Minor performance increase toconversation startups.

•Changed: Double quotes in dialogue databaseare now retained (escaped) in the Lua environment, not converted to singlequotes.

•Changed: SetPortrait() now occurs immediately(Unity GUI, NGUI, & DF-GUI).

•Changed: IsDialogueEntryValid now takes immediateeffect, not next conversation.

•Changed: OnConversationLine is now alsobroadcast to Dialogue Manager.





?补充:randomelement() Lua函数。








?改变:setportrait()现在立即发生(Unity GUI,深入,与df-gui)。





UIs& Cutscenes

•Added: TextlessBarkUI (useful for playing barkcutscene sequences without text).

•Added: New Bark UI option to raycast forvisibility to player (Unity, NGUI, RPG Kit, & DF-GUI).

•Added: Added special keyword 'original' toCamera() sequence command.

•Improved: Audio/AudioWait/Voice() sequencercommands: If subject is null, audio is played on the Dialogue Manager object.

•Unity GUI system:

◦Added:Text Style Color (for outline/shadow) for GUI Label, Unity Bark UI, &Selector.

◦Improved:Typewriter effect now handles rich text.

◦Improved:Fade Effect now works on GUI Image.

◦Fixed:GUIScrollView threw an exception if vertical slider in GUI skin didn't havetexture assigned.

◦Fixed:Wheel1a prefab UI (had nested slide effects that weren't working).









?改进:音频/ audiowait / voice()音序器命令:如果主题是空的,音频播放的是对话管理器对象。














•Adventure Creator support:

◦Updatedto support Adventure Creator 1.33b.

◦Bridgenow also turns off Adventure Creator camera control during conversations so youcan use Dialogue System sequences.

◦Conversation& Bark actions now sync before conversations start, so conditions on theSTART node work.

•Core GameKit support: Updated example scenefor new default LevelSettings values.

•plyGame support: Updated to support plyGame2.1.4d.













?plygame支持:更新支持plygame 2.1.4d。



Editors& Converters

•Dialogue Editor improvements:

◦Added:Multiselect and drag or delete multiple nodes.

◦Added:Menu option to duplicate a dialogue entry.

◦Added:Import & export templates.

◦Added:Apply Template button added to dialogue entry All Fields section.

◦Added:Copy & paste dialogue entry fields.

◦Improved:When duplicating a node, the template is automatically applied to add anymissing fields.

◦Improved:Clicking on stacked nodes selects the top one now.

◦Fixed:When creating a child node, the actor dropdowns now update to the new entry inthe inspector.

UIs& Cutscenes

•Added: Configurable sounds for Unity GUIcontrols (e.g., button hover/clicked, typewriting effect).



























•(Game Logger) Added: Integration supportintroduced in this version.

•(UFPS) Updated: For UFPS 1.4.7 and UFPSAI-Addon 1.4.7.

•(plyGame): Updated: Now synchronizes Factions,Attributes, Skills, and Items to Lua.

•(RPG Kit 2.0):

◦Added:Actor[].Class to Lua synchronization.

◦Added:Count parameter to Add/RemoveItem(itemName, count) sequencer commands.

◦Added:RPGKitOpenShop(), RPGKitOpenQuest() sequencer commands.

◦Added:ShopConversationAware drop-in replacement for Shop script.

•(Adventure Creator):

◦Updated:For changes in Adventure Creator v1.32, including support for global &local variables.

◦Updated:Example scene now includes a very simple quest.

◦Added:New "Run Lua" action.











?补充:演员[ ]类Lua同步。
















Editors& Converters

•Improved: Can now add additional actorportraits in the Dialogue Editor.

•Fixed: When adding new dialogue entry nodes,inspector popup for actors wasn't updating.

•Improved: Aurora converter now records questentry IDs.


•New: Dialogue markup tags [pic=#], [pica=#],and [picc=#] are now supported. See Supported Dialogue Markup Tags.

•Improved: You can now changeDialogueManager.DebugLevel on the fly; takes effect in the next conversation.

•Improved: Source dialogue entry is nowincluded in Subtitle object.

•Improved: Cache Barked Lines checkbox on barktriggers for mobile optimization. See About Caching Bark Lines.

•Improved: AddedDialogueManager.AllowLuaExceptions to allow Lua exceptions to filter up beyondconversations.

•Improved:PersistentDataManager.includeAllItemData checkbox.

•Changed: Default value ofPersistentDataManager.includeSimStatus is now false.

•Fixed: QuestLog.GetQuestDescription() failedon localized descriptions.













?新:对话标记[ PIC = # ],[派卡= # ],和[ PICC = # ]现在支持。看到支持对话标记。














?固定:questlog getquestdescription()失败的局部描述。

UIs& Cutscenes

•Changed: If audio source of Audio*() sequencercommands has volume 0, sets it to volume 1.

•New: Zoom2D() sequencer command fororthographic 2D cameras.

•Improved: Proximity Selector now supports touchcontrols.


•(Behaviour Designer) New: Integration supportintroduced in this version.

•(RPG Kit 2.0) New: Integration supportintroduced in this version.

•(2D Action RPG Starter Kit) Integrationsupport introduced in this version.

•(NGUI) New: Checkbox Deactivate UIRoot WhenHidden (default is true). Set false if you use the same UIRoot for other GUIs.

•(UFPS) New: UFPS AI-Addon support package.

•(UFPS) Improved: Loading game applies saveddata correctly now even when UFPS resets it at load time.

•(KGFMapSystem) Improved: Added to examplescene: Trackable quests; moved quest tracker to upper left; hides KGFMapSystemduring conversations.
















?(2D动作RPG Starter Kit)集成支持了这个版本。










Editors& Converters

•New: Visual node-based conversation editor.

•Improved: Can reorder dialogue entry links.

•Improved: Tooltips added to the DialogueEditor.

•Improved: Double-clicking a dialogue databaseopens the Dialogue Editor.

•Changed: When merging databases, if Actors,Items, or Locations exist in both, only the original will be kept.

•Fixed: Bug that prevented adding fields to thedialogue database template.

•(Chat Mapper) Can now convert Chat Mapper dataat runtime; fixed bug converting some Chat Mapper projects with text containingpipes (|).

•(articy:draft) Fixed an issue with jumptargets in the articy:draft converter.

•(Aurora NWN) Can now process all dlg.xml filesto add missing actor tags.























•New: Added a delegate hook to support extrachecking on dialogue entries.

•Improved: AddedDialogueDatabase.GetItem(string), GetLocation(string).

•Changed: At end of conversations, Luaobservers update before Alert variable is checked and cleared. (Important ifyou're observing Variable["Alert"].)


•New: Optional Continue (Close) button forAlerts

•Unity GUI updates:

◦Improved:Auto-Size grows in the direction specified by Alignment instead of growingequally in all directions.

◦Fixed:Panels are now positioned correctly when Clip Children is unticked.

◦Fixed:Rich text codes use lowercase hex characters, since Unity GUI doesn't handleuppercase characters well.

◦Fixed:Slide & Timer effects and gameplay alerts weren't timing properly withDialogueTime.Mode set to Realtime when Time.timeScale changed.













?Unity GUI更新:






?固定:丰富的文本代码使用小写的十六进制字符,因为Unity GUI处理不好的大写字母。




•(Adventure Creator) New: Gameplay Integrationwith Adventure Creator

•(plyGame) Added support for new interactsystem; updated to accommodate changes in latest beta.








•New: LoadLevel() sequencer command.

•New: Bark Dialogue UI to run conversations usingactors' bark UIs.

•Improved: Dialogue Editor sort button forquest fields, multi-line text areas for quest entries.

•Improved: Lines assigned to the Player can nowbe used for barks.

•Changed: Dialogue Manager keeps originalemphasis settings when adding new databases.

•Changed: Added Trackable field to Quest/Itemtable.

•Changed: (Internal change) bark subtitleobjects now use speaker instead of listener; no effect to end user.

•Fixed: When configured as a singleton,Dialogue Manager now won't create a ghost copy when referenced whileapplication is quitting.

•Fixed: DialogueLua.SetXXXField &SetVariable now allow setting to null.

•Fixed: Actor/Item/Quest text fields with linebreaks weren't being handled properly by Lua.

•(Chat Mapper) New: Export to Chat Mapper XMLfeature.

•(uSequencer) Updated support package foruSequencer 1.3.5's new namespace.

•Save/Load System improvements:

◦New:Level Manager Component to load player's saved level when loading saved games.

◦Improved:PersistentPositionData added option to track current level inPersistentPositionData.

◦Improved:PersistentDataManager added includeSimStatus property. Now also records questentry states.

•Aurora Toolset (Neverwinter Nights) Converterimprovements:

◦New:Clear buttons to Dlg and Jrl sections.

◦Improved:Can convert Jrl files by themselves now.

◦Improved:Journal entries now include the "End" tag from Jrl files.

◦Fixed:Conditions on replies weren't being added.


























?(usequencer)更新usequencer 1.3.5新命名空间支持包。





















•New: KGFMapSystem integration, KGFMapIcon()sequencer command.

•New: Increment On Destroy script (useful forkill/gather quests).

•Improved: Added Unity Dialogue UI ContinueButton Fast Forward.

•Improved: Bark triggers now record currentbark index in Lua (for sequential barkers).

•Improved: Added property to override positionof NPC barks in Unity GUI & NGUI (DFGUI & TK2D already do this).

•Changed: Bark index for sequential barks nowwraps to zero at end of list of lines.

•Fixed: DialogueManager > Allow Only OneInstance now destroys duplicates immediately so they can't affect the Luaenvironment.

•Fixed: Custom sequencer cameras weren't destroyingthemselves properly.

•Fixed: Gamepad navigation bug.

•(plyGame) Updated plyGame support package tohandle changes in plyGame 2.0.9 beta.版














?固定:dialoguemanager >只允许一个实例重复现在破坏立即使他们无法影响Lua环境。








•New: Unique ID Tool to guarantee unique IDsacross dialogue databases.

•New: Quest Tracker HUD component.

•Improved: Added demonstrations of text inputand quest tracking to the feature demo scene.

•Improved: The {{end}} tag is now supported inany dialogue entry sequence.

•Improved: Sequence subjects can use"/" to access child objects (e.g., Animation(Character/Model, Idle)).Note: SetActive(parent/child) doesn't find inactive children.

•Improved: Added Dialogue Manager DisplaySetting "Inform Sequence Start And End".

•Improved: DialogueLua.IncRelationship()/DecRelationship()on an undefined relationship value initializes the value to zero first.

•Changed: SetPortrait() now sets a Lua fieldrather than modifying the dialogue database.

•Fixed:DialogueLua.SetVariable()/SetItemField() handled non-string values incorrectly.

•Fixed: Bug in display of Dialogue Editordrop-down fields when there were gaps in IDs.

•Fixed: Unity GUI & NGUI barks were showingeven if camera was facing 180 degrees away.

•(plyGame) Updated plyGame support package tohandle changes to plyGame.

•(2D Toolkit) Implemented ITextFieldUI.









?改进:{ { } }的结束标签现在支持任何对话进入序列。






?改进:dialoguelua。increlationship() /decrelationship()对一个未定义的关系价值将其关联的值初始化为零的第一。




?固定:dialoguelua。setvariable() / setitemfield()处理非字符串值不正确。











•New: GUI system-independent quest log windowsystem, with built-in implementations for Unity GUI, NGUI, and Daikon ForgeGUI.

•New: General-purpose Localization Tables.

•New: Override Actor Name component. Also, ifUsable or Persistent Data name overrides are blank, Override Actor Name will beused if defined.

•New: Set Animator State On Dialogue Event andSet Animation On Dialogue Event components.

•New: (QuestLog) AddedIsQuestTrackingEnabled(), SetQuestTracking(), IsQuestAbandonable(). New optionsreflected in Dialogue Editor.

•New: (Unity GUI): Can now change keyboardnavigation click key from Unity's default Space.

•New: (Unity GUI): When keyboard/gamepadnavigation is enabled, mouse wheel scrolls through choices.

•New: (PlayMaker): SetQuestTracking,IsQuestTrackingEnabled, and IsQuestAbandonable actions.

•New: (plyGame): SetQuestTracking,IsQuestTrackingEnabled, and IsQuestAbandonable blocks.

•Improved: Sequence & Lua Triggerinspectors now have multiline text areas.

•Improved: If a "Notes" field isdefined in a dialogue entry, the editor shows it. Also added a foldout for AllFields.

•Fixed: Unity GUI controls weren't auto-fittingcorrectly in some cases.














?新:(Unity GUI):现在可以改变键盘导航键点击从统一的默认空间。


?新:(Unity GUI):当键盘/键盘导航功能,鼠标滚轮滚动选择。












•New: [var=VarName] dialogue text tag(introduced in Chat Mapper 1.7).

•New: AudioWWW() sequencer command.

•Improved: When splitting a dialogue entry withpipes, items in the Audio Files field are now split into each new entry.

•Improved: [pic=#], [pica=#], and [picc=#] tagsare now recorded in FormattedText, but the Dialogue System still doesn't doanything with them by default.

•Changed: Barks now also look on the barker'schildren for a Bark UI component.

•Fixed: Bug in ProximitySelector that wasn'tregistering 2D triggers.版


?新:[ var = varname ]对话文本标签(介绍聊天映射1.7)。






?改进:[ PIC = # ],[派卡= # ],和[ PICC = # ]标签现在记录在formattedtext,但对话系统仍然不做任何与他们默认。




?固定:错误,不proximityselector 2d触发器。


•Improved: Added PC Name & Image propertiesto response menu in dialogue UIs.

•Improved: Dialogue database merging now hasoption to assign unique IDs to prevent conflicts.

•Changed: Replaced Dialogue Manager's Wait ForContinue Button with multiple new options.

•Changed: Removed obsolete Raw|Edit bar indialogue database inspector.

•Fixed: Removed superficial error in consolewhen creating a new database in Dialogue Manager Setup Wizard.

•(NGUI) Changed: NGUIDialogueUI converted touse AbstractDialogueUI base.版














•New: Added plyGame Support.

•New: Added Prefabs/iOS/link.xml file tosupport iOS Pro code stripping.

•New: Added right-click context menu in Projectview to open Dialogue Editor or Chat Mapper, and to create dialogue databases.

•New: Added Response Menu Sequence (pluslocalized versions) for sequences that can play during the response menu.

•New: Added WaitForMessage() sequencer command.

•New: Added command(...)@Message(X) syntax toallow sequence commands to wait for a message.

•New: Added Sequencer.Message() static methodto send messages to sequence commands that are waiting for messages.

•Improved: Dialogue Editor now helps prevent anauthor from being able to corrupt or delete a conversation's start entry.

•Improved: AddedDialogueManager.ConversationHasValidEntry() function to check if a conversationis currently valid; added Skip If No Valid Entries checkbox on ConversationTrigger and Start Conversation On Dialogue Event trigger.

•Improved: Proximity Selector now also workswith 2D trigger colliders.

•Improved: Added access to the underlyingLuaInterface virtual machine via the Lua.VM property.

•Changed: OnConversationLine is now broadcastto the target's children, not sent just to the target.

•Changed: Replaced default parameters withoverloaded methods to assist UnityScript users in these classes: Lua, QuestLog,PersistentDataManager.

•Fixed: Conversion of emphasis tags to richtext had blue and green values switched.

•Fixed: If speaker and listener are the sameobject, it will now only receive one OnBarkEnd/OnConversationEnd/OnSequenceEndmessage.

•Fixed: NullReferenceException if aBark/Conversation/SequenceTrigger was set up in code at runtime instead ofthrough inspector.

•Fixed: Bug in QuestLog.AddQuest that preventedthe quest from displaying in the quest window.

•Fixed: Bug in UnityQuestLogWindow thatprevented quest entries from displaying properly.

•(DFGUI) Added DFGUI example that demonstrateskeyboard bindings to response buttons.

•(PlayMaker) Improved: Actions with returnvalues now have events to make branching easier.

•(PlayMaker) Improved: Added Get/Set actionsfor Lua tables, variables, and quest entries; added Does Conversation HaveValid Entries action.

•(PlayMaker) Fixed: Get/SetQuestState nowensures quest state strings are lowercase to conform with Lua values.





?新:添加预设/ iOS / link.xml文件支持iOS支持代码剥离。






















?改变:替换默认参数的重载的方法来帮助用户在这类:UnityScript Lua,questlog,persistentdatamanager。




?固定:如果说话人和听话人是同一个对象,它仅能收到一onbarkend / onconversationend /onsequenceend消息。














?(中场)固定:获取/ setqueststate现在保证任务的状态字符串是小写的符合的Lua值。


•New: New Dialogue Editor window replaces thecustom inspector, is significantly faster, and includes new features such astext search.

•New: Added Easy-Access DialogueLua Methods toget/set Lua data.

•Improved: Added Reconvert button to dialoguedatabase inspector to make it quicker to reimport from third-party authoringtools.

•Improved: (Chat Mapper) Converter now splitspipes (|) into separate dialogue entries.

•Improved: Added Include Name and Wait UntilSequence Ends checkboxes to bark UIs.

•Improved: Added Skip Continue On Response Menucheckbox to Dialogue Manager.

•Fixed: When DialogueTime is set to Gameplayand timeScale to 0, sequencer commands will now wait until time is unpaused.

•Fixed: SetActive() sequencer command now findsin-scene objects first, including inactive objects but only if the inactiveobjects have a root parent that's active.

•Fixed: LookAt(listener,X) sequencer commandwasn't finding the right subject; also changed LookAt() without arguments tomake the speaker and listener look at each other.

•Fixed: (Chat Mapper) Implemented a workaroundfor a Chat Mapper XML bug that identified Booleans as Numbers.

•Fixed: (Aurora NWN Converter) Now handlesCDATA correctly; only adds jrl.xml or dlg.xml files as appropriate instead ofall XML files.

•(Killer Waves/Core GameKit) Killer Wavesintegration is now Core GameKit integration due to the product's name change.

•(DFGUI) DaikonForgeDialogueUIs can now usedfRichTextLabels for subtitles.






























Note:The Dialogue System for Unity now requires Unity 4.3.0+.



•New: Dialogue Manager Setup Wizard.

•Improved: Added examples using multipledialogue databases, text input during conversations.


•Improved: All converters now mark dialoguedatabases as dirty when overwriting so Asset Server will pick them up.

•Improved: (Aurora NWN Toolset) Now convertsjournals; new button to add an entire folder of source files; encoding optionsfor non-default languages; new script-handling options.

•Improved: (Chat Mapper) Now handles ChatMapper pre-1.3 older outgoing links format.



注:团结的对话系统,现在需要团结4.3.0 +。
















•New: Quests can now have sub-entries.

•New: Added global Lua user script to dialoguedatabase (also imported from Chat Mapper projects).

•Improved: Added import feature to dialoguedatabase editor (doesn't resolve conflicting ID numbers yet).

•Improved: If a conversation starts with noactor or conversant GameObjects, the Lua variables Variable['Actor'] andVariable['Conversant'] are now set to the defaults defined in the conversation.

•Fixed: Conversations now follow nested groupsand groups mixed with non-group entries.

•Fixed: In multiple-NPC conversations, thesequencer now finds alternate NPC speakers correctly.

•Fixed: Language localization of questdescriptions is now recognized.


•New: Added Stop Conversation If Too Farcomponent.

•Improved: Added a checkbox to allowConversation Trigger to stop the conversation if the other participant leavesthe trigger area.

•Improved:Bark/Conversation/Quest/SequenceTriggers set to OnTriggerEnter now also respondto OnTriggerEnter2D.

•Improved: Selector & ProximitySelector nowhave a checkbox to choose between SendMessage or BroadcastMessage when sendingOnUse to the target.









?改进:如果一开始谈话没有演员或熟悉的物体,Lua变量[ 'actor ]和[的] 'conversant可变现设置会话中定义的缺省值。














?改进:皮/会话/追求/ sequencetriggers设置ontriggerenter现在也回应ontriggerenter2d。




•New: Added sequencer commands AnimatorPlay(),ShowAlert()

•Improved: Animation() sequencer command cannow play any number of animations in sequence.

•Fixed: Bug in MoveTo() sequencer command thatleft the subject facing wrong direction.

User Interfaces

•New: Added text input capability toconversations: sequencer command TextInput(), Text Field UI, and Unity GUIcontrol GUITextField.

•Improved: If a QTE is triggered in aconversation, the conversation immediately goes to the next entry instead ofwaiting for the end of the current entry.

•Improved: (Unity GUI) Keyboard/controllernavigation; auto-size now works on all controls including response menubuttons.

•Improved: (DFGUI) ExposedDaikonForgeResponseButton.dfButton as a public property.

•Changed: Pipes ("|") in text are nowtreated as newlines.

•Fixed: Bug in DFGUI integration that preventedQTE indicators from showing.


•New: Dialogue Manager now has CurrentActor andCurrentConversant properties (valid during conversations).

•Improved: Updated to KopiLuaInterface v1.2.

•Changed: OnConversationEnd is now sent toparticipants after the dialogue UI is closed. This allowsStartConversationOnDialogueEvent(OnConversationEnd) to properly reopen the UI.
















?改进:(Unity GUI)控制器/键盘导航;自动大小现在可以在所有的控制包括响应菜单按钮。












?改进:更新kopiluainterface v1.2。




•Improved: Added an example using multipledialogue databases.

•Improved: Chat Mapper Converter now handlespre-1.3 outgoing links format.

•Fixed: Conversations now follow nested groupsand groups mixed with non-group entries.版







Version1.1.4.1a (Patch)

Pleaseimport this patch on top of your existing Dialogue System folder.


•New: Added Stop Conversation If Too Farcomponent.

•New: Added sequencer command ShowAlert()

•New: Dialogue Manager now has CurrentActor andCurrentConversant properties (valid during conversations).

•Improved: Animation() sequencer command cannow play any number of animations in sequence.

•Improved: Selector & ProximitySelector nowhave a checkbox to choose between SendMessage or BroadcastMessage when sendingOnUse to the target.

•Improved: Added a checkbox to allowConversation Trigger to stop the conversation if the other participant leavestrigger area.

•Changed: OnConversationEnd is now sent toparticipants after the dialogue UI is closed. This allowsStartConversationOnDialogueEvent (OnConversationEnd) to properly reopen the UI.

•Fixed: Bug in MoveTo() sequencer command thatleft the subject facing wrong direction.





















•New: Added support package for NGUI HUD TextBark UI Component (requires NGUI HUD Text).

•New: Added sequencer commandsAnimatorTrigger(), AudioWait(), Voice().

•Improved: Added optional finalClip parameterto Animation() sequencer command.

•Improved: Added Allow During Conversationscheckbox to Bark Trigger.

•Improved: Added more examples scenes: UnityGUI Continue button, Menu Text + Dialogue Text, Three NPC bark sequence.

•Improved: Added Don't Destroy Root checkbox toNGUI and DF-GUI Bark Roots.

•Improved/Fixed: (NGUI/DFGUI) If an NPC with aNGUI or DFGUI bark UI is destroyed, its UI bark label is now also destroyed.

•Fixed: Bug in NPC wizard script that preventedadding bark UIs.

•Changed: In dialogue editor, lines withconditions now have literal string "[condition]" instead of the actualLua condition. Multi-line conditions were causing overlapped text.版


?新:添加NGUI HUD文本树皮UI组件支持包(需要深入的HUD文本)。












?改进/固定:(NGUI / dfgui)如果一个NGUI或dfgui树皮UI NPC被摧毁了,它的UI树皮标签现在还摧毁了。






•New: Wizards to simplify configuration ofNPCs, PCs, and gameplay integration.

•New: Separate dialogue database editor window.(Editing in inspector is also still available.)

•New: BioWare Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2Aurora Toolset importer.

•New: Killer Waves integration.

•New: Added Rich Text Emphases checkbox todisplay settings to use rich text codes for emphasis tags.

•New: (PlayMaker) Added new actions:PreloadMasterDatabase, PreloadDialogueUI, SetStatus, GetStatus,SetRelationship, GetRelationship, IncRelationship, DecRelationship.

•Improved: Interface enhancements to thedialogue database editor and Chat Mapper importer.

•Improved: (UFPS, Realistic FPS Prefab): Addedmenu items for integration components.

•Changed: Moved scripts in Examples/Scripts toScripts/Supplemental/Utility.

•Changed: The Always Force Response Menudisplay setting is now ticked by default.








?新:BioWare无冬之夜1 & 2极光工具进口商。
















•New: (DFGUI, TK2D) Typewriter effect for DFGUIand TK2D labels.

•Changed: Additional menu items in Window >Dialogue System > Help.

•Changed: If a conversation's first dialogueentry ("START") has an empty Sequence, it skips the sequence insteadof playing the default sequence.

•Changed: The OnConversationLine message is nowsent before showing the subtitle, allowing listeners to modify the subtitlebefore showing.

•Changed: When opening a Unity GUI conversationUI, the screen rects of controls are now always recalculated in case screenresolution has changed.

•Fixed: Bug with UI prefabs that preventedfirst subtitle from displaying if a dialogue panel was assigned.版















•New: OnConversationStart and OnConversationEndmessages are now also broadcast to the Dialogue Manager object.

•New: Added OnConversationLineCancelled andOnConversationCancelled messages (see Notification Messages).

•New: Added optional Subtitle Continue Button.

•New: Added dialogue event trigger OnEnable.

•New: Added "Is Item" field to theItem (quest) table. If using the quest system, you can now set "IsItem" true on any actual items (i.e., non-quests) to exclude them from thequest system. To use this with existing databases, you'll need to add the fieldmanually.

•New: AddedDialogueManager.PreloadMasterDatabase() method.

•New: Added ProximitySelector component thatcan trigger OnUse messages based on proximity to usable objects. Also supportstarget selection callback delegates. (See Top Down Demo for an example.)

•New: (NGUI) Added the ability to set uptemplates for NGUI barks.

•Improved: Dialogue Manager now lazy-loads theUI. If you assign a new UI any time before the first conversation or alertmessage, the default UI will no longer be uselessly loaded.

•Improved: Unity GUI subsystem's GUIScrollViewnow includes child controls in the scrollview.

•Improved: Selector component now supportscustom positions in addition to camera center and mouse position.

•Improved: Selector component now supportstarget selection callback delegates.

•Improved: (PlayMaker) Run Lua action can nowsave return values to Bool, Int, Float, or String variables.

•Improved: (PlayMaker) Additional errorreporting in PlayMaker actions.

•Improved: (PlayMaker) The example scene nowdemonstrates many more actions.

•Improved: Expanded documentation on triggers.

•Improved: Usability improvements to thedialogue database editor.

•Changed: (DFGUI) Changed DaikonForgeBarkUI touse dfFontBase to allow selection of bitmapped or dynamic fonts.

•Fixed: (DFGUI) Bug in DaikonForgeFollowObjectthat caused bark text to pop when facing 180-degrees from barker.













?新:添加dialoguemanager preloadmasterdatabase()方法。





























•New: Added Range Trigger to enable objects& components in range (e.g., only bark when player is near).

•New: Added StartConversation(title) forconversations in which neither actor nor conversant has a transform.

•New: Added Quest[] as alias for Lua tableItem[].

•New: Added articy:draft Feature Demo example.

•Improved: Lua Console prints more info abouttable return values, now has a close button and scrollable output.

•Improved: Dialogue database editor visualenhancements in Item/Quest foldout.

•Updated: NGUI integration updated to supportNGUI 3's new dynamic fonts; NGUI 2.x support is still provided but will nolonger be actively developed.

•Fixed: (Daikon Forge GUI) When the firstdialogue entry of the first conversation was a group node, the subtitle colorwas set to (0,0,0,0).

•Fixed: (2D Toolkit UI) When the first dialogueentry of the first conversation was a group node, the subtitle color was set to(0,0,0,0).

•Fixed: Bark Triggers weren't working onthird-party objects, only if the trigger was on the barking character.







?新:添加任务[ ]作为Lua表项[ ]别名。








?更新:深入整合更新支持NGUI 3的新的动态字体;深入2。x的支持仍然提供但不再积极开发。









•New: articy:draft Converter.

•New: Added ability to set watches on Luaexpressions and quest states (see Setting Lua Observers, Setting Quest StateObservers).

•New: Added notification of conversation linesand response menu timeouts (see Notification Messages).

•New: Added Dialogue Manager Display Settingscheckbox Always Force Response Menu.

•New: Added Dialogue Manager Display Settingspop-up to specify default action on response menu timeout.

•New: Added Set Component Enabled On DialogueEvent trigger (see Other Triggers).

•New: FaceFX support and FaceFX() sequencercommand.

•Improved: Several enhancements to the dialoguedatabase editor interface.

•Changed: Daikon Forge UI code was refactoredto use the new common abstract base. If you have a custom DF-GUI UI, you mayneed to reassign its controls. Daikon Forge UI now also shows and hidescontrols using dfControl.Show/Hide instead of deactivating game objects.

•Fixed: Group nodes now show subtitle remindersproperly.

•Fixed: Bug where NPC subtitle reminder wasstill shown even when display setting was unticked.

•Fixed: (Realistic FPS Prefab) In Happy Robotexample conversation, now only shows option to give katana if player has one.



















?改变:萝卜伪造的UI代码被重构为使用新的共同的抽象基类。如果你有一个自定义的df-gui UI,你可能需要重新分配控制。萝卜伪造用户界面现在也显示和隐藏控件使用dfcontrol.show/hide不灭的游戏对象。









•New: Added Quest Trigger and Set Quest StateOn Dialogue Event (see Triggers).

•New: Added Allow Only One Instance checkbox toDialogue Manager settings; if checked, it enforces singleton behavior.

•New: Added Allow Alerts During Conversationscheckbox to Dialogue Manager display settings.

•Fixed: Lua.Run().AsInt/Float can now alsoconvert string values if they represent valid numbers.

•Fixed: Automatic monitoring ofVariable["Alert"] was disabled; now re-enabled.

•Fixed: Improved the display of multiple alertsshown in rapid succession before the previous has fully faded.

•Fixed: Parsing bug in dialogue entriescontaining multiple [lua()] tags.


(Re-importthird party support packages.)


•New: Added Unity Dialogue UI"Circle".

•New: Added Unity Dialogue UI"Sci-fi" and accompanying quest log window.

•New: (2D Toolkit) Added 2D Toolkit UI supportfor dialogue UIS and bark UIs.

•New: (Daikon Forge) Added bark UIimplementation for Daikon Forge GUI.

•New: (Daikon Forge) Added Daikon Forge GUIDialogue UI "Fantasy".

•New: Added option to auto-size Unity GUIlabels and buttons to exactly fix their content.

•Change: Refactored common code in dialogue UIsystems into an abstract class. Updated Unity Dialogue UI system to use this;if you have a custom UI, you may need to relink the control properties on yourUnity Dialogue UI component. The NGUI and Daikon Forge UI systems will beupdated in the next release.











?固定:lua。run()。asint /浮现在也可以将字符串值是否代表有效数字。






?固定:解析错误对话条目包含多个[ lua() ]标签。




















(Re-importthird party support packages.)


•New: (Realistic FPS Integration) AddedLuaOnDestroy to facilitate kill counts/quests.

•Change: (Realistic FPS Integration) ReplacedRemoveWeaponHandler with more flexible FPSLuaBridge, also tracks hit points,hunger, thirst, and weapons.

•Change: (Realistic FPS Integration) Updatedexample scene with additional quests and conversations.

•Change: (UFPS Integration)FPSyncLuaPlayerOnConversation replaces FPSyncLuaInventoryOnConversation, alsotracks health, handles inventory more robustly.

•Change: (UFPS Integration)FPPersistentPlayerData replaces FPPersistentPositionData, also saves and loadshealth and inventory.
















•New: Localization support.

•New: Daikon Forge Dialogue UI support.

•New: Added Show Cursor On Conversationcomponent.

•New: Added sequence command Fade().

•New: Added Once property to triggers forone-time triggers.

•New: Added integration support for AzulineStudios' Realistic FPS Prefab.

•New: Added integration support forVisionPunk's Ultimate FPS (UFPS).

•Improvement: In Chat Mapper Converter,overwriting retains references, so you don't need to reassign the database inDialogue Manager.

•Improvement: Minor visual improvements to someof the Unity GUI dialogue UIs.

•Improvement: Additional documentation ondialogue UIs.

•Improvement: Improved error handling forimproperly configured Unity Quest Log Windows.

•Fixed: Bug in Lua conversion of malformed intsand floats.




























•New: Added Unity Dialogue UI "Nuke".

•Improvement: Assets > Create > DialogueDatabase now creates a database with Player actor and Alert variable.

•Improvement: General improvements to dialoguedatabase editor.









•Fixed: Bug in the conversion of group nodes inChat Mapper 1.6 projects that raised ArgumentNullException.





•New: Added NGUI 3.x support.

•New: Added Chat Mapper 1.6.x support.

•New: Added sequence commandsAnimatorController(), AnimatorLayer(), AnimatorInt(), AnimatorFloat().

•Note: Cutscene sequences now use a customDialogue Entry field named Sequence, not Video File.



?新:添加NGUI 3 x的支持。


?新:添加聊天映射1.6 x的支持。







•If dialogue text contains emphasis tags([em#]), the first tag is applied to the entire text. This was a designdecision but may change if customers request it.

•To reduce savegame size, PersistentDataManagerdoesn't save all table fields. See the script reference for details on what'ssaved.


•Support was written for NGUI 2.x. Whenimporting NGUI, use the NGUI 2.7.0 version. Support for NGUI 3.x will be in thenext release.

•KopiLua only recognizes lowercase true andfalse as Boolean values; it throws exceptions on True and False. The DialogueSystem attempts to recognize and convert Booleans to lowercase as much aspossible, but try to use lowercase.

•Conversation Triggers that listen forOnTriggerEnter can in rare cases trigger multiple times.





?如果对话文本中包含的重点标签([电磁# ]),第一个标签应用到整个文本。这是一个设计决定,但可能会改变,如果客户要求。






?为了支持NGUI 2写的。X。当进口NGUI,使用NGUI 2.7.0版本。为深入3的支持。X将在下一个版本。







Dialogue System for Unity文档中英对照版(简雨原创翻译)第六篇(音序器相关,语音同步)

本文发布于:2023-04-28 17:14:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:音序   第六篇   语音   中英对照   文档


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