现代大学英语精读第二版(第三册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——13B - Maslow‘s Hierarchy of Needs(马斯洛的需求层次理论)

编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-29 04:54:58

Unit 13B - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Joseph T. Straub and Raymond F. Attner

A tool managers can apply to understand human needs was developed by Abraham H. Maslow in his book Motivation and Personality. Maslow developed a five-level sequence, or hierarchy, of human needs, which is shown in Figure 6-1. A major point of this hierarchy is that each need level must be generally satisfied before the person attempts to fill those needs on the next level. The first two needs are considered primary, or lower-order needs; the remaining three are secondary, or higher-order needs. Let's discuss each of these levels.

Physiological need is the fundamental need for food, clothing, and shelter. People must be able to satisfy this need before they acknowledge any of the higher ones. Someone who faces death by starvation or exposure may resort to murder or cannibalism to meet fundamental, life-sustaining needs, despite what society might think. Work satisfies these needs if an employer pays wages or salaries that allow employees to buy the simple necessities.

The safety and security need is the need to avoid bodily harm and uncertainty about one's well-being. People become conscious of this need after they fulfill the first one. This kind of need satisfaction would come from tenure for a college professor, a union contract defining policies and procedures for layoff for a steelworker, or insurance and retirement programs for employees.

Social need is the need to be accepted by people whose opinions and companionship you value. On the job pleasant relations with coworkers help people meet these needs. The traditional office conversation at the water cooler reflects employees' needs to interact socially as well as in their official business roles. The groups employees form at lunchtime are also a result of their need to be social. In other areas of life, involvement in religious, civic, and professional organizations and activities with family and friends satisfy them.

Esteem need is the need to feel important, admired, and worthwhile. Like the previous level of need, this one is fulfilled by a combination of activities on and off the job. Although work can fulfill this need by giving out prestigious promotions, a high salary, and organizational status symbols, some employees disregard job-related fulfillment, choosing instead to pursue an outside activity that brings them praise and respect from others. Perhaps you have worked with someone who, although not a spectacular employee, was a recognized expert on rare coins, an authority on boating safety, or the local baseball commissioner.

Self-actualization or self-realization need is the need to get the maximum reward from one's life experience; to maximize one's skills, abilities, and potential. The capstone in Maslow's hierarchy, it is reaching your potential. A characteristic of people who are self-fulfilled through their work is rising to the top of an organization, a trait shown by many top executives of large corporations. The possibility of attaining self-fulfillment in work attracts many entrepreneurs to start their own businesses. Self-actualization also can be achieved by pursuing a variety of activities: a multimillionaire business owner who takes flying lessons and teaches lifesaving techniques at the local Red Cross or a registered nurse who lobbies for environmental issues and restores furniture both combine work and hobbies to achieve self-fulfillment.

Maslow's view of motivation challenges and assists managers to identify the needs of each worker—an often difficult task. By analyzing comments, attitudes, quality and quantity of work, and personal circumstances, the manager can identify the particular level of need that each one is trying to satisfy. Then the manager can try to build into each job the opportunity to satisfy those needs. Every supervisor is a catalyst to motivation. If the work experience is improved, thus satisfying certain needs more fully, employees will be motivated and the manager will harvest the benefits along with them.











Key Words:

acknowledge [ək'nɔlidʒ]      

vt. 承认,公认,告知收到,表示感谢,注意到

shelter    ['ʃeltə]    

n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护

v. 庇护,保护,

starvation      [stɑ:'veiʃən]   

n. 饿死,饥饿

primary  ['praiməri]     

adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

hierarchy ['haiərɑ:ki]     

n. 等级制度,层级[计],统治集团

insurance       [in'ʃuərəns]    

n. 保险,保险费,安全措施

security   [si'kju:riti]      

n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

conscious      ['kɔnʃəs] 

adj. 神志清醒的,意识到的,自觉的,有意的

fundamental  [.fʌndə'mentl]

adj. 基本的,根本的,重要的

n. 基本原

exposure [iks'pəuʒə]     

n. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光

baseball  ['beis.bɔ:l]      

n. 棒球

involvement   [in'vɔlvmənt] 

n. 包含,缠绕,混乱,复杂的情况

symbols  ['simbəls]

n. 符号;象征;标志;符号表(symbol的复数)

previous ['pri:vjəs]

adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

rare [rɛə]

adj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的ad

employee      [.emplɔi'i:]     

n. 雇员

conversation  [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]

n. 会话,谈话

fulfillment      [ful'filmənt]    

n. 满足,完成,履行

spectacular    [spek'tækjulə]

adj. 壮观的,令人惊叹的

n. 惊人之举,

disregard       [.disri'gɑ:d]    

n. 不理会,漠视

characteristic  [.kæriktə'ristik]      

adj. 特有的,典型的

n. 特性,特征,特

identify   [ai'dentifai]    

vt. 识别,认明,鉴定

vi. 认同,感同身

hierarchy ['haiərɑ:ki]     

n. 等级制度,层级[计],统治集团

motivated      ['məutiveitid] 

adj. 有动机的;有积极性的 v. 使产生动机;激发…

quality    ['kwɔliti] 

n. 品质,特质,才能

adj. 高品质的

catalyst   ['kætəlist]      

n. 催化剂,刺激因素

opportunity   [.ɔpə'tju:niti]   

n. 机会,时机

maximize       ['mæksimaiz]

v. 取 ... 最大值,最佳化,对 ... 极为重视

potential [pə'tenʃəl]      

adj. 可能的,潜在的

n. 潜力,潜能

quantity  ['kwɔntiti]      

n. 量,数量,大量


  1. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第三册:U13B Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs(1)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  2. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第三册:U13B Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs(2)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语

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现代大学英语精读第二版(第三册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——13B - Maslow‘s Hierarchy of Needs(马斯洛的需求层次理论)

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