
编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:20:59

What better way to kick off your summer than building something to dazzle your neighbors with a symphony of booms, zaps, thumps, and other assorted better-call-the-ambulance noises? Read on as we highlight 10 geeky and dangerous projects.

有什么比在建筑物上架起一架轰鸣,轰鸣,重击以及其他各种叫救护车的嘈杂声音使邻居眼花?乱的更好的方式来开始您的夏天? 继续阅读,我们将重点介绍10个令人讨厌的危险项目。

While geeky projects of all stripes are fun there’s just something about projects that require safety goggles, protective clothing, and potentially a blast shelter, that make us pine for a youth spent with chemistry sets and willing neighbors as test subjects. If you’re looking for some living-on-the-edge geek fun for your Memorial Day activities list, look no further.

尽管各种条纹的怪异项目都很有趣,但有些项目需要安全护目镜,防护服以及可能的防爆棚,这使我们成为了一个年轻人,他们渴望在化学环境中度过美好时光,并愿意将邻居当作测试对象。 如果您想在阵亡将士纪念日活动列表中找到最前沿的极客乐趣,那就别无所求。

The following projects range from “Don’t forget to wear your safety glasses!” to “Wear a helmet and update your Will!”—consider yourself suitably forewarned and don’t do anything Chuck Yeager wouldn’t do.

以下项目包括“别忘了戴安全眼镜!” 以“戴上头盔并更新您的意志!”-考虑一下自己是否已被预先警告,不要做任何事情,查克·耶格尔不会做。

建立一个1W蓝色激光炬 (Build a 1W Blue Laser Torch)

What’s more fun than shining a laser on things? Shining a laser on things and lighting them on fire. This build is not for a beginner both from a technical stand point and from a safety standpoint. If you can handle the build, however, we’d hope you’d have enough common sense to buy laser safety goggles.

有什么比用激光照射事物更有趣? 用激光照射物体并着火 。 从技术角度和安全角度来看,此版本都不适合初学者。 但是,如果您能够处理此构建,我们希望您有足够的常识来购买激光安全护目镜。

用雅各布的阶梯完成您的实验室装饰 (Complete Your Laboratory Décor with a Jacob’s Ladder)

Many of the things in this roundup are dangerous in the sense that you could accidently light yourself on fire or shine a laser into your eye. Building a Jacob’s ladder is a totally different kind of dangerous and well into the “if you screw this up you will short circuit your heart and die” realm. It’s an absolutely awesome project if you’re into playing with electricity but it’s definitely not for beginners. Read more about building a Jacob’s Ladder here.

在此综述中,许多事情都是危险的,因为您可能会意外地将自己点燃或将激光照射到眼睛中。 建造雅各布的梯子是完全不同的一种危险,它进入了“如果您拧紧它,将会短路心死”的境界。 如果您喜欢玩电,这绝对是一个了不起的项目,但绝对不适合初学者。 在此处阅读有关构建雅各的阶梯的更多信息。

建立史诗般的比例的头骨破碎滑梯 (Build a Skull Crushing Slip ‘n Slide of Epic Proportions)

They just don’t make Slip ‘n Slides like they used to. Armed with a few rolls of heavy polymil painter’s tarps, a hose,  and, for the adventurous, some soap or lubricant to really enhance the speed, you can recreate the daring of your childhood Slip ‘n Slide adventures on a much more teeth shattering scale. If the simple plastic sheet and a hose isn’t enough for your geeking-out tastes, check out this guide to a self-watering slip and slide.

他们只是不像以前那样制作Slip'n Slides。 配备几卷沉重的Polymil画家防水布,软管,以及一些冒险的肥皂或润滑剂以真正提高速度,您可以以更大的牙齿破碎度重现童年的Slip'n Slide冒险之旅。 如果简单的塑料板和软管不足以满足您的野蛮口味,请查看本指南,以实现自浇水滑道和滑道 。

用火线将自己变成人类的烟花 (Turn Yourself into a Human Firework with a Fire Wire)

You might associate Firewire with a type of port/cable combination found on Mac computers but it’s also a term used for a flaming ball of steel wool attached to a wire. You read that correctly, steel wool (under the right conditions) is highly flammable and when you spin it generates an amazing show. Watch the above video to see it in action and then hit up this link to learn how to do it.

您可能将Firewire与Mac计算机上发现的一种端口/电缆组合关联起来,但是它也是用于将火焰附着在电线上的钢丝绒球的术语。 您没看错,钢丝绒(在正确的条件下)极易燃,旋转时会产生惊人的表演。 观看上面的视频以观看实际操作,然后单击此链接以了解如何操作 。

创建一个真实的声音可视化器 (Create a Real Life Sound Visualizer)

Want to play with fire but not in a way that might shower your lawn with sparks and set your hair a blaze? Build a Ruben’s Tube. Ruben’s Tubes are a clever way you can use fire to visualize sound waves. It’s a classic physics experiment where in flammable gas is pushed into a tube with dozens of tiny holes drilled in it. The gas is lit and then sound is pumped into the tube. This is where the awesomeness happens.

想要玩火,但又不想让火花洒满草坪并使头发起火吗? 建造一个鲁宾管。 Ruben's Tubes是使用火来可视化声波的一种聪明方法。 这是一个经典的物理实验,其中将可燃气体推入在其中钻有数十个小Kong的试管中。 点燃气体,然后将声音泵入管中。 这是令人敬畏的地方。

Sound occurs when something alters air pressure (thunder, for example, is so amazingly loud because the lighting that causes it quickly and forcefully alters the pressure in a relatively small area). In the case of the Ruben’s tube, thanks to the flames, we get to see the actual pressure changes induced by the sound waves. Science is awesome.

当某些东西改变气压时会发出声音(例如,雷声如此之大,因为导致其快速发光的照明会在相对较小的区域内改变气压)。 在鲁宾管的情况下,由于火焰,我们可以看到声波引起的实际压力变化。 科学真棒。

Build your own Ruben’s Tube with this tutorial.

通过本教程构建自己的Ruben's Tube。

回收自己的DIY草坪Dart (Recycle Your Way to DIY Lawn Darts)

In 1988 Lawn Darts were banned by the Consumer Product Safety Commission for being what amounted to a giant finned dart throwing game marketed as a fun backyard activity. If you’re hankering for a you’ll-put-your-eye-out long weekend moment, you just have to turn to the DIY crowd. You’ll find some simple bottle-based darts—seen in the photo above—here or, for the more adventurous that want to build a superior dart, you can get more advanced plans here.

1988年,草坪草坪Dart被消费者产品安全委员会禁止,因为草坪Dart是一种作为娱乐性的后院活动而销售的大型带鳍Dart投掷游戏。 如果您渴望一个漫长的周末时光,那么您只需转向DIY人群。 您可以在此处找到一些简单的瓶式Dart(如上图所示),或者,对于想要建造高级Dart的冒险活动,可以在此处获得更高级的计划 。

建立一个高速矛投掷器 (Build a High Speed Spear Thrower)

What’s that you say? Lawn darts seem fun but too tame for your projectile interests? Fair enough. Skip the homemade lawn darts and jump right into the big leagues of pointy-injuries-waiting-to-happen by building an Atlatl, an ancient spear throwing tool that increases the force of a human throw so much that a spear/dart can be thrown up to a hundred miles per hour. Watch the video above to see how it’s done or hit up this link for detailed instructions.

你说什么 草坪Dart似乎很有趣,但对您的投射物兴趣太驯服了吗? 很公平。 跳过自制的草坪Dart,然后通过建造Atlatl(一种古老的长矛投掷工具,可以大大增加人类投掷的力量,从而可以掷出矛/Dart)来跳入尖锐的伤害等待发生的大联盟每小时高达一百英里。 观看上面的视频以了解操作方式,或点击此链接以获取详细说明 。

建立果酱罐喷气机 (Build a Jam Jar Jet)

Jam Jar Jets are the DIY mad scientist version of valveless pulse jets. It’s the simplest jet design around and doesn’t require forward motion to sustain combustion. If you’re interested in the raw science of it, hit up this Wikipedia link. If you’re interested in building one in order to earn the bragging rights of “I once built a jet engine in my garage”, watch the above video to see how and then read more at this link.

果酱罐喷射器是无阀脉冲喷射器的DIY疯狂科学家版本。 它是最简单的喷嘴设计,不需要向前运动即可维持燃烧。 如果您对原始科学感兴趣,请点击Wikipedia链接 。 如果您有兴趣建造一个这样的飞机,以获得“我曾经在我的车库里建造过喷气发动机”的吹牛权利,请观看上面的视频以了解操作方法,然后在此链接上阅读更多内容 。

用投石机向周边地区围攻 (Lay Siege to the Neighborhood with a Trebuchet)

Trebuchets were a medieval siege weapon of amazing power. A full size trebuchet is easily capable of throwing a grand piano hundreds of feet. While it’s unlikely you’ll build a full size replica—as seen in the NOVA video above—you can easily build a small working model capable of the kind of destruction you’d better have a big back yard to contain. Check out these plans here to get started. If you’d like to keep things on a scale that won’t destroy your neighbor’s car, check out this mini Altoid Tin model.

投石机是具有强大力量的中世纪攻城武器。 全尺寸的投石机很容易将三角钢琴投掷数百英尺。 如上面的NOVA视频所示,虽然您不太可能构建完整尺寸的副本,但您可以轻松构建一个小型的工作模型,该模型能够进行销毁,最好能容纳一个大后院。 在这里查看这些计划以开始使用 。 如果您希望将东西保持在不会破坏邻居汽车的规模上,请查看此迷你Altoid Tin模型 。

用高尔夫球枪从僵尸中保卫您的实验室 (Defend Your Lab from Zombies with a Golf Ball Gun)

Spud guns are a dime a dozen. Golf ball guns are where the real zombie defense—and head injury—potential is at. Where can you find the plans to turn a bunch of PVC, an air compressor, a box of golf balls and a can of Axe body spray into a skull-crushing projectile launcher? Right here.

短枪是一角钱。 高尔夫球枪才是真正的僵尸防御和头部受伤潜力所在。 您在哪里可以找到将一堆PVC,一台空气压缩机,一盒高尔夫球和一罐Axe身体喷雾变成可碎头骨的发射器的计划? 就在这里 。

Work your way through this project list and you’ll end up with epic tales of mad scientist glory to share with your grand children or, at minimum, a plate in your head to tap on as you warn then sternly about the importance of helmets. Have a fun (and dubiously safe) project to share? Let’s hear about it in the comments.

逐步浏览该项目清单,您将得到疯狂的科学家荣耀的史诗故事,可以与您的大孩子分享,或者至少当您警告然后严厉地谈论头盔的重要性时,请摸一下脑袋。 有一个有趣(且安全可靠)的项目可以分享吗? 让我们在评论中听到它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/64945/top-10-geek-projects-to-earn-yourself-a-memorial-day-er-visit/



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