
编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:20:06


In this second article of our vector graphics series, we’ll take the basics that were covered in part one and make use of them in a fun application of vector graphics programs: Faux 3D Graphics.

在矢量图形系列的第二篇文章中,我们将采用第一部分中介绍的基础知识,并在矢量图形程序(Faux 3D Graphics)的有趣应用中使用它们。

There are plenty of powerful programs that create "true" 3D graphics — graphics that can have lighting and textures applied to their surfaces, and can be rotated in space. In fact, later versions of Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand have 3D capabilities that allow you to "extrude" shapes (e.g. take a 2D rectangle and turn it into a 3D box), rotate them, and apply different lighting. For more information on Illustrator and Freehand’s 3D functions, see the links at the end of this article.

有许多强大的程序可以创建“真实的” 3D图形,这些图形可以在其表面上应用照明和纹理,并且可以在空间中旋转。 实际上,更高版本的Adobe Illustrator和Macromedia Freehand具有3D功能,可让您“拉伸”形状(例如,将2D矩形变成3D框),旋转形状并应用不同的照明。 有关Illustrator和Freehand的3D功能的更多信息,请参见本文结尾处的链接。

So, if even Illustrator and Freehand have 3D graphics capabilities, why would anyone try to make vector graphics that "look" 3D, but aren’t truly 3D?


  • Just for the challenge! There is something quite satisfying about a 3D-looking image that you’ve created yourself in Illustrator or Freehand. But if you don’t have anything to prove, these next reasons might be more compelling…

    只是为了挑战! 您在Illustrator或Freehand中创建的3D外观图像让人有些满意。 但是,如果您没有任何证据可以证明,那么接下来的这些原因可能会更加引人注目……
  • To make fast buttons and other interface elements. Create round bullet-type buttons, beveled rectangular or rounded rectangular buttons, and other 3D-looking objects for your website or graphic user interface. Here’s an example:

    制作快速按钮和其他界面元素。 为您的网站或图形用户界面创建子弹型圆形按钮,斜角矩形或圆形矩形按钮以及其他3D外观的对象。 这是一个例子:
  • To create stylized logos or images. Some illustration or logo projects might require a more stylized look, perhaps involving skewed edges, imperfect perspective, or non-linear lighting. Here’s an example of a "funky shape" that takes less than a minute to create in Illustrator or Freehand:

    创建风格化的徽标或图像。 一些插图或徽标项目可能需要更具风格的外观,可能涉及倾斜的边缘,不完善的透视图或非线性照明。 这是一个用不到一分钟的时间在Illustrator或Freehand中创建的“怪异形状”的示例:
  • To make XP-style icons. This graphic of a computer is an example of a more complex vector graphic that looks 3D, but isn’t "truly" 3D. And it’s a graphic that can be created using a vector graphic program!

    制作XP样式的图标。 计算机的此图形是看起来更复杂的矢量图形的示例,该图形看起来像3D,但不是“真实的” 3D。 这是可以使用矢量图形程序创建的图形!

Are you convinced? Let’s get started! As you follow this tutorial, you’ll hone your skills with the use of gradients, and you might even pick up a few other skills, too.

你说服了吗? 让我们开始吧! 在学习本教程时,您将通过使用渐变来磨练自己的技能,甚至可能还会学到其他一些技能。

Note: I’ll be making my diagrams and commands using Adobe Illustrator 8. I’ll also add a few comments for people who use Macromedia Fireworks to make it easy for you to follow along.

注意:我将使用Adobe Illustrator 8制作图表和命令。我还将为使用Macromedia Fireworks的人员添加一些注释,以使您轻松进行后续操作。

人造3D圆形 (Faux 3D Round Shapes)

Creating imitation 3D round shapes is quite easy.


  1. Start with a round shape using the ellipse tool.

  • Our current shape has no fill and a black stroke. We’ll change this to no stroke (1), then choose the fill square by clicking on it (2) and choose the gradient fill option (3). (You can skip #2 and just click on the gradient fill square if you wish.)

    我们当前的形状没有填充并且没有黑色笔触。 我们将其更改为无笔触(1),然后单击它选择填充正方形(2),然后选择渐变填充选项(3)。 (如果需要,您可以跳过#2并仅单击渐变填充方块。)
  • This fills the shape with a gradient:


  • Now, open the Gradient palette and change the type of fill from Linear to Radial.

  • Choose the Gradient tool from the toolbar, or hit "g" for the keyboard shortcut.

    从工具栏中选择“渐变”工具,或点击“ g”以获取键盘快捷键。
  • To make it look like the light source is coming from above and to the left, click in the upper left of the round shape, hold, and drag down to the bottom left to change the centering of the radial gradient.

  • Easy! Now, remember that these are imitation 3D shapes. The shading and highlights won’t be perfect for round shapes that aren’t perfect circles.

    简单! 现在,请记住,这些是仿3D形状。 阴影和高光不适用于不是完美圆形的圆形。

    人造3D斜面形状 (Faux 3D Beveled Shapes)

    Beveled shapes can be used to make buttons. Here, I’ll demonstrate how to make a round beveled button and a rectangular beveled button.

    斜面形状可用于制作按钮。 在这里,我将演示如何制作圆形斜角按钮和矩形斜角按钮。

    1. Start with two circles (see Create Vector Graphics in Illustrator and Freehand for tips on how to make two circles inside one another).

      从两个圆圈开始(有关如何使两个圆圈彼此重叠的提示,请参见在Illustrator和Freehand中创建矢量图形 )。

  • Select the circles, set the stroke to "none", and the fill to a linear gradient fill.

  • Use the Gradient Tool to set the inner circle’s gradient in one direction and the outer circle’s gradient in the opposite direction. This makes it look as if the inside of the button is indented slightly, with a beveled edge.

    使用“渐变工具”可以设置一个方向上的内圆的渐变,以及设置相反方向上的外圆的渐变。 这使得按钮的内部看起来略微缩进,并且具有斜边。
  • OK, a round beveled button was pretty easy. But the creation of beveled shapes with "hard"-edged objects will take a few extra steps. In this demonstration, I’ll create a basic rectangular beveled shape.

    好的,倒圆角的按钮非常简单。 但是使用“硬”边缘物体创建斜角形状将需要一些额外的步骤。 在此演示中,我将创建一个基本的矩形斜面形状。

    1. Let’s start with two rectangles.

  • Select the inner rectangle and Edit > Copy (Ctrl-C or Command-C). Then go to Edit > Paste In Back (Ctrl-B or Command-B).

    选择内部矩形,然后选择“编辑”>“复制”(Ctrl-C或Command-C)。 然后转到“编辑”>“向后粘贴”(Ctrl-B或Command-B)。
  • With the inner rectangle selected, go to Object > Hide Selection (Ctrl-3 or Command-3). This now-hidden shape will eventually be our top "surface."

    选中内部矩形后,转到“对象”>“隐藏选择”(Ctrl-3或Command-3)。 现在隐藏起来的形状最终将成为我们最重要的“表面”。
  • Freehand side note: If you’re using Freehand, you’ll want to put the duplicate inner rectangle on its own layer, then hide the layer from view.


  • Select the Scissors tool.

  • Freehand side note: You’ll want to select the Knife tool.


  • Use the Scissors tool and click on each corner of the two rectangles.

  • This cuts the shapes into eight individual line segments. It will still look like you have two rectangles until you try to use the black arrow tool; the individual line segments are now independent of each other.

    这会将形状切成八个单独的线段。 除非您尝试使用黑色箭头工具,否则看起来仍然有两个矩形。 现在,各个线段彼此独立。

  • Use the black arrow tool to select the line segments from three sides of the shape. In the diagram below, we’ve marked the line segments to select in orange so that you can see them clearly. The right side of the diagram shows what it looks like in Illustrator.

    使用黑色箭头工具从形状的三个侧面选择线段。 在下图中,我们将线段标记为橙色,以便您可以清楚地看到它们。 该图的右侧显示了它在Illustrator中的外观。
  • Now, go to Object > Lock (Ctrl-2 or Command-2). This fixes the line segments in place so that you don’t select them by accident.

    现在,转到“对象”>“锁定”(Ctrl-2或Command-2)。 这会将线段固定在适当的位置,这样您就不会意外选择它们。
  • Use the white arrow tool to select the top pair of endpoints.

  • Go to Object > Path > Join (Ctrl-J or Command-J).

  • This takes the two open endpoints and connects them with a line segment.


    Freehand note: Sometimes, using the Join command in Freehand doesn’t work as expected. If you’re having more trouble than you think it’s worth, use the Pen tool to connect the line segments together instead!

    写意笔记:有时,在Freehand中使用Join命令无法正常工作。 如果遇到的麻烦超出了您的想象,那么请使用钢笔工具将线段连接在一起!

  • Repeat the same process for the bottom endpoints (select with white arrow tool, then Join command), then set the Stroke to none and the Fill to a gradient. The first beveled edge is complete!

    对底部端点重复相同的过程(使用白色箭头工具选择,然后使用“加入”命令),然后将“笔触”设置为“无”,将“填充”设置为渐变。 第一斜面边缘已完成!
  • We will repeat these steps to create the other beveled edges. First, unlock the other line segments by going to Object > Unlock All (Ctrl-Alt-2 or Command-Option-2).

    我们将重复这些步骤以创建其他斜角边缘。 首先,通过转到对象>全部解锁(Ctrl-Alt-2或Command-Option-2)来解锁其他线段。
  • Now, select everything but the two line segments that you want to work with and lock them (Ctrl-2 or Command-2). Again, I’ve colored the selected objects orange in the diagram below.

    现在,选择除要使用的两个线段以外的所有内容,然后将它们锁定(Ctrl-2或Command-2)。 同样,在下图中,我将选定的对象涂成橙色。
  • Use the white arrow tool to select the endpoints, then Join them.

  • Repeat for the other side. You may then change the stroke and fill colors.

    重复另一面。 然后,您可以更改笔触和填充颜色。
  • Continue the "Unlock > select > Lock > select points > Join > select other points > Join > change stroke and fill" sequence for the other sides. Here’s the result:

    另一侧继续执行“解锁>选择>锁定>选择点>连接>选择其他点>连接>更改笔触和填充”顺序。 结果如下:
  • Now, let’s put the middle part back by selecting Object > Show All (Ctrl-Alt-3 or Command-Alt-3).

  • The middle rectangle will reappear. You may then add a gradient fill to the middle area.

    中间的矩形将重新出现。 然后,您可以在中间区域添加渐变填充。
  • Here’s our final beveled rectangle. I’ve split up the different shapes just for demonstration purposes:

    这是我们最后的斜角矩形。 我将不同的形状分开只是为了演示目的:
  • Feeling good about your imitation 3D shapes so far? Let’s move on to something more complex…

    到目前为止,您对仿制3D形状感觉良好吗? 让我们继续进行更复杂的事情……

    人造3D盒子形状 (Faux 3D Box Shapes)

    Let’s try to create a "funky box shape" that you can use as a base for lots of other types of imitation 3D objects.

    让我们尝试创建一个“ funky box shape”,您可以将其用作许多其他类型的仿制3D对象的基础。

    1. Use the pen tool to create three different shapes that, lined up together, make a box shape.


    Here are the individual shapes, in case you’re wondering what they look like separately:


  • Use the black arrow tool (selection tool) to select all of the shapes. Select the Stroke option in the tools palette, then click the "none" option to remove the black stroke. (You can also use the keyboard shortcut "/" to remove the stroke.) Then, click the gradient option to fill all three shapes with a gradient. (You can use the keyboard shortcut "." or ">" to select the gradient option.)

    使用黑色箭头工具(选择工具)选择所有形状。 在工具面板中选择“笔触”选项,然后单击“无”选项以删除黑色笔触。 (您也可以使用键盘快捷键“ /”来删除笔划。)然后,单击“渐变”选项以渐变填充所有三个形状。 (您可以使用键盘快捷键“。”或““>”来选择渐变选项。)
  • Use the black arrow tool to select the individual shapes, then use the gradient tool to "fix" the coloring.

  • Here’s the result:


    Is this box too boring for you? Let’s look at a couple ways that you can use this "funky box" for other purposes…

    这个盒子对您来说太无聊了吗? 让我们看一下可以使用此“笨重的盒子”作其他用途的几种方法……

    1. Use the pen tool to create a distorted square on the front side of the box (roughly following the lines of that side) and fill it with a grey-white gradient. Can you see where this is going?

      使用钢笔工具在框的正面创建一个扭曲的正方形(大致沿着该边的线条),并用灰白色渐变填充它。 你能看到这是怎么回事吗?
  • Use the gradient tool, if necessary, to fix the direction of the gradient.

  • Finally, use the pen tool to create two long, thin triangles to create a funky TV graphic. Just what you’ve always needed!

    最后,使用钢笔工具创建两个细长的三角形,以创建时髦的电视图形。 正是您一直需要的!
  • In the next example, we’ll take the funky box and lay text over it to use in a retro-style Website catalog as a "no product image available" placeholder.


    1. First, copy and paste the box into Photoshop and create a text layer.

  • Right-click on the text layer and choose Rasterize Layer.

  • Go to Edit > Transform > Distort.

  • Use the cursor to drag on the corners of the text so that it conforms to the same lines as the surface of the object.

  • Double-click inside the text area to commit your changes, then save for Web. Use it in your local retro or fun-and-funky-style Website.

    在文本区域内双击以提交更改,然后保存为Web。 在您的本地复古或趣味风格网站中使用它。
  • Side Note: If you have Illustrator 10+, you may use the Envelope Distort command to fit the text to the object. This tutorial shows you how to use the Envelope Distort command.

    旁注:如果使用Illustrator 10+,则可以使用“信封扭曲”命令使文本适合对象。 本教程向您展示如何使用“信封扭曲”命令 。



    You now know how to create common imitation 3D shapes:


    • round shapes

    • beveled shapes

    • box shapes and variations


    And you’ve also realized that creating these 3D-looking 2D shapes really comes down to fancy use of the gradient tool. So, to use the gradient tool well, you’ll want to spend some time looking at photographs or real-life objects to see how lighting affects the shadows and shading of the object. Below are a few links to resources that might be helpful in understanding light and shadow.

    您还已经意识到,创建这些看起来像3D的2D形状确实归因于渐变工具的花哨使用。 因此,要很好地使用渐变工具,您将需要花费一些时间查看照片或真实对象,以了解光照如何影响对象的阴影和阴影。 以下是一些资源链接,可能有助于理解光影。

    • a nice basic overview of lighting, shapes, and shadows


    • shows how placing a light source at different positions affects shadows


    • scrolling down a little bit gives some helpful basic 3D renderings of objects


    Furthermore, because these imitation 3D graphics simply combine shapes and gradients, you can use the same gradient tool techniques to create quick 3D-like graphics in Photoshop or Fireworks as well (using vector tools or selections!). Just remember that you’ll want to use vector graphics if there’s a chance that you’ll want to be able easily to resize and reuse the graphic later.

    此外,由于这些仿制3D图形仅将形状和渐变组合在一起,因此您也可以使用相同的渐变工具技术在Photoshop或Fireworks中创建类似3D的快速图形(使用矢量工具或选择!)。 请记住,如果您希望以后可以轻松地调整大小和重新使用图形,则可能要使用矢量图形。

    Finally, I mentioned earlier that later versions of Illustrator and Freehand have some 3D rendering capabilities. If you wanted to learn more about that, these links might be helpful:

    最后,我之前提到过,Illustrator和Freehand的更高版本具有某些3D渲染功能。 如果您想了解更多有关这些的信息,这些链接可能会有所帮助:

    • a nice overview of the "2D Drawing Applications’ 3D Capabilities"

      “ 2D绘图应用程序的3D功能”的概述

    • Illustrator CS 3D effect tutorials

      Illustrator CS 3D效果教程
    • Part 1: Extrusion and Bevel Basics


    • Part 2: Custom Bevel Creation


    • Part 3: Creating Symmetrical 3D Objects Using Revolve


    • Part 4: Creating a Glass Effect


    翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/basic-imitation-3d-graphics/




本文发布于:2023-03-29 10:50:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:图形   Illustrator   Freehand


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