“即使没有这些应用程序,我什至都无法考虑换手机。” Windows Phone 7,诺基亚Lumia 800和Essential Apps

编程知识 更新时间:2023-05-01 18:13:16

I'm still using my iPhone 4s mostly but a Nokia Lumia 800 showed up in the mail last week. I'm looking forward to the Nokia Lumia 900 as well. Turns out that Nokia was giving away new Lumias to folks that had written Windows Phone 7 applications in the month of January as a part of their "WPNewYear" promotion. Since I wrote Lost Phone Screen - The customizable Windows Phone 7 lock-screen I qualified for a free phone. Now I've got a Samsung Focus and a Lumia 800. This isn't a review of the Lumia 800 (I'll do that later) but I will say initially that this is a nice piece of hardware. It's got heft, it's got a crazy bright screen, good glass, 8 meg camera, glass lens, it's fast. It feels right. Better than the Focus. The Lumia 800 can stand up against the iPhone for most users. It's only major lacking is a front facing camera.

我仍然主要使用iPhone 4s,但上周邮件中出现了诺基亚Lumia 800。 我也很期待诺基亚Lumia 900。 事实证明,诺基亚向在1月份编写Windows Phone 7应用程序的人们赠送了新的Lumias,作为其“ WPNewYear”促销活动的一部分。 自从我写了《失落的手机屏幕》-可自定义的Windows Phone 7锁定屏幕以来,我就有资格获得免费电话。 现在,我有了Samsung FocusLumia800。这不是对Lumia 800的评论(我稍后再介绍),但我会先说这是一个不错的硬件。 它很笨重,它有疯狂的明亮屏幕,优质玻璃,8兆摄像头,玻璃镜头,速度很快。 感觉不错。 比专注更好。 Lumia 800对于大多数用户而言可以与iPhone对抗。 唯一缺少的是前置摄像头。

The thing that keeps me from switching over to some other phone always comes down to apps. Apps apps apps. Everyone's got that app or apps that they just "can't live without." The general belief is that Windows Phone doesn't have the essential apps with the big name services.

阻止我切换到其他手机的原因总是归结为应用程序。 应用程序应用程序应用程序。 每个人都拥有他们“无法没有的生活”。 人们普遍认为,Windows Phone没有带有大牌服务的基本应用程序。

I took some time and listed out all the apps and social services that I use on my iPhone and found them for my Windows Phone 7. This is the "I can't switch even think about switching phones without these apps" list.

我花了一些时间列出了我在iPhone上使用的所有应用程序和社交服务,并在Windows Phone 7中找到了它们。这是“我什至不能考虑切换没有这些应用程序的电话”列表。

While l realize the irony of being on the "mobile apps update treadmill" and would prefer a world without apps, this is the world we have today so here are the apps to navigate it.


基本 (Basics)

Get these obvious apps first. Facebook, YouTube, Acrobat, XBox Live Extras, and Vimeo. Also NetFlix if you have it.

首先获取这些显而易见的应用。 Facebook,YouTube,Acrobat,XBox Live Extras和Vimeo 。 还有NetFlix(如果有)。


四方 (Foursquare)

There is a standard first-party Foursquare app on Windows Phone, but the BEST app for Foursquare is called 4th & Mayor. It's a gorgeous and meticulously well-designed application that is arguably the best example of an excellent Windows Phone 7 app there is today. If you are writing an app and are wondering how to do something in the UX, just refer to 4th & Mayor. It also takes excellent advantage of the WP7's Live Tile concept. I've pinned a "Check In Now" tile to my home screen which makes Foursquare check-ins just two clicks.

Windows Phone上有一个标准的第一方Foursquare应用程序,但Foursquare的BEST应用程序称为4th&Mayor 。 这是一个华丽而精心设计的应用程序,可以说是当今出色的Windows Phone 7应用程序的最佳示例。 如果您正在编写应用程序,并且想知道如何在UX中执行某些操作,请参阅4th&Mayor。 它还充分利用了WP7的Live Tile概念。 我已经将“立即签入”磁贴固定到主屏幕上,这使Foursquare签入只需单击两次。

Twitter和Facebook (Twitter and Facebook)

Twitter and Facebook sharing and contact management is built into Windows Phone 7's People Hub. You connect accounts together (this happens automatically) so if your friend Bob is on Facebook, Gmail, Outlook, Twitter and LinkedIn, rather than opening separate apps. Rather than app-focused it's people-focused. I use this for Family and Co-workers. It's nice to just see a Person and what's up with them.

Windows Phone 7的人员中心内置了Twitter和Facebook共享以及联系人管理功能。 您可以将帐户连接在一起(这会自动发生),因此,如果您的朋友Bob处于Facebook,Gmail,Outlook,Twitter和LinkedIn上,而不是打开单独的应用程序。 而不是以应用程序为中心,而是以人为本。 我将其用于家庭和同事。 很高兴看到一个人以及他们的状况。

You can see in the screenshot at the right that one person is automatically associated with four services and all their updates are under What's New. Same with pictures, I see their Facebook, etc, all in one place.

您可以在右侧的屏幕截图中看到一个人自动与四个服务相关联,并且所有更新均在“新增功能”下。 与图片相同,我可以在一个地方看到他们的Facebook等。

For power Twitter use though, I use an app. There's an official Twitter app which is fine for regular folks. For the more hardcore tweeters, I recommend Rowi. There's a free ad-supported one and a paid-for version. It has notifications, toast, tile updates, photo uploader and more. I've used the 2.0 beta (coming soon) and the future is bright as Rowi is actively developed.

为了使用Twitter ,我使用了一个应用程序。 有一个官方的Twitter应用程序,适合普通人。 对于更顽固的高音扬声器,我推荐Rowi 。 有一个免费的广告支持版本和一个付费版本。 它具有通知,吐司,瓷砖更新,照片上传器等。 我已经使用了2.0 beta(即将推出),随着Rowi的积极开发,前景一片光明。

天气 (Weather)

The Weather Channel app is excellent, includes an updating animated Live Tile, radar maps, forecast and all the usual stuff - and more - you'd want from a Weather app.

Weather Channel应用程序非常出色,其中包括更新的动画Live Tile,雷达地图,预报以及所有您想从Weather应用程序中获得的常用内容-以及更多。

电影 (Movies)

There are two great movie apps and I move between them, but Flixster is pinned to the home screen. Flixster's LIve Tile is a current movie's poster, which is a nice touch. It supports fast app switching on Mango, has all the showtimes, favorite theatres, but most importantly Rotten Tomatoes movie scores. Fandango is also nice if you want to buy tickets, and they now support Pinning your ticket confirmation for easy access when you get to the theater. Also grab the IMDb application so you can argue a bout who That Guy is in the movie.

有两个很棒的电影应用程序,我在它们之间移动,但是Flixster固定在主屏幕上。 Flixster的《 LIVE Tile》是当前电影的海报,这是一个很好的感觉。 它支持在芒果上快速切换应用程序,具有所有放映时间,最喜欢的剧院,但最重要的是烂番茄的电影配乐。 如果您想购买门票, Fandango也是不错的选择,它们现在支持固定门票确认,以便您在进入剧院时可以轻松访问。 还要获取IMDb应用程序,以便您可以争辩电影中那家伙的身份。

TripIt与我的旅程一起旅行 (TripIt Travel with My Trips)

TripIt is the greatest thing to happen to travel since Expedia. I blogged about it in my 10 Guerilla Airline Travel Tips for the Geek-Minded Person and I still recommend it today. On Windows Phone 7, use My Trips for access to all your travel, ticket, gate and flight status info on the go.

自Expedia以来, TripIt是旅行中最伟大的事情。 我在我的10个游击航空公司针对极客的人的旅行提示中写了关于它的博文,今天我仍然推荐它。 在Windows Phone 7上,使用“我的旅程”可随时随地访问您的所有旅行,机票,登机口和航班状态信息。

新闻 (News)

I've just got room for a few good news apps in my life, so on Windows Phone I go with the same apps I have on my iPhone.

我一生中只为一些好消息应用程序腾出了空间,因此在Windows Phone上我可以使用与iPhone上相同的应用程序。

BBC News Mobile is an excellent 3rd part BBC news reader. Clean, fresh, looks good, supports Mango and has Live Tile support so I can get news headlines pushed to my home screen without launching the app. I also have NBC Nightly News because it includes the full show.

BBC新闻移动是出色的BBC新闻阅读器的第3部分。 干净,新鲜,外观不错,支持Mango并具有Live Tile支持,因此我可以在不启动应用程序的情况下将新闻头条推送到主屏幕。 我也有NBC Nightly News,因为它包括完整的节目。

Engadget, well, is Engadget. It's tech news, gadgets and consumer electronics. Nice Live Tile with pictures pushed to it and fast, good-looking application.

Engadget就是Engadget 。 这是科技新闻,小工具和消费类电子产品。 带有照片的尼斯动态磁贴和快速,美观的应用程序。

I recommend AP Mobile with a caveat. It's a great looking app, one of the first with a Live Tile. It pushes a new daily photo to the tile, which is nice. It's got lots of great AP photography and has worked fine for months. However, in the last few weeks the photo quality has gone down the toilet. The photos are freakishly JPEGed and there's not a peep from AP about it. Something is clearly being proxied and double compressed ,  perhaps in an attempt to save bandwidth. I hope they fix it soon because it was/is a great app.

我建议有警告的AP Mobile 。 这是一款外观精美的应用程序,它是第一个使用Live Tile的应用程序。 它将一张新的每日照片推到拼贴上,这很不错。 它有很多出色的AP摄影作品,并且已经工作了好几个月。 但是,在过去的几周里,照片质量下降了。 这些照片都是JPEG格式,因此AP对此没有任何窥视。 显然正在代理某种东西并对其进行了双重压缩,也许是为了节省带宽。 我希望他们尽快修复它,因为它曾经是一个很棒的应用程序。

新闻阅读器/ RSS阅读器/ Google阅读器 (News Reader/RSS Reader/Google Reader)

Pulse is a lovely aggregating reader that sits somewhere between regular RSS reader, magazine, and News App. Looks great on my Windows Phone as it did on my iPhone.

Pulse是一种可爱的汇总阅读器,位于常规RSS阅读器,杂志和新闻应用程序之间。 在Windows Phone上看起来就像在iPhone上一样。

Wonder Reader synchronizes with my Google Reader account. It's got lots of cool features and uses of LiveTiles and allows you to pin feeds, categories, and favorite blogs. It's also got a nice collection of pre-loaded categories for jump starting. It's not Reeder for iPhone, but it is the best Google Reader client on Windows Phone. Even better, it has Instapaper support!

Wonder Reader会与我的Google Reader帐户同步。 它具有许多有趣的功能和LiveTiles的用法,并允许您固定提要,类别和喜欢的博客。 它还提供了一个不错的预加载类别集合,用于快速启动。 它不是iPhone的Reeder,而是Windows Phone上最好的Google Reader客户端。 更好的是,它具有Instapaper支持!

影印纸 (Instapaper)

I am a heavy Instapaper user and recommend it highly. I've blogged about it in my Two Must-Have Tools for a More Readable Web. I pay Marco at Instapaper happily, and was thrilled when I found Stacks for Instapaper. If you are a hardcore Instapaper person, you'll agree that having Instapaper on your phone is required. This is a "first page app" for my iPhone and an "above the scroll" app for my Windows Phone.

我是Instapaper的重度用户,因此强烈推荐它 我已经在我的两个必备工具中写了一篇有关Web的文章,以便于阅读。 我很高兴在Instapaper向Marco付款,当我找到Stacks for Instapaper时感到非常兴奋。 如果您是Instapaper的核心人物,则表示您同意必须在手机上安装Instapaper。 这是我的iPhone的“首页应用程序”,而我的Windows Phone是“滚动上方”应用程序。

书呆子社交 (Nerd Social)

What is a phone without Reddit? Baconit is a Reddit app for Windows Phone. It supports Live Tile pinning of subreddits and a clean UI.

没有Reddit的手机是什么? Baconit是Windows Phone的Reddit应用程序。 它支持子贴的Live Tile固定和干净的UI。

Perhaps you prefer Hacker News? That's available now too with the Hacker News Reader.

也许您更喜欢Hacker News? Hacker News Reader现在也可以使用。

音乐-Spotify和Vevo (Music - Spotify and Vevo)

Windows Phone 7 has deep integration with Zune and the Zune subscription music service (you pay $9 for all the music you can listen to...you're leasing music rather than buying) but I am a Spotify user. I've got Spotify on four other devices and my PC so I need it on my phone too. Finally, it's here. It plays music in the background and under the lock screen and it integrates with the existing Music Hub so it doesn't feel like a 3rd class citizen.

Windows Phone 7与Zune和Zune订阅音乐服务进行了深度集成(您可以为所有可以听的音乐支付9美元……您是在租赁音乐而不是购买音乐),但我是Spotify用户。 我在其他四台设备和PC上都安装了Spotify,因此我的手机也需要它。 最后,在这里。 它在后台和锁定屏幕下播放音乐,并且与现有的Music Hub集成在一起,因此不会像三级公民。

Vevo is like Hulu or YouTube for Music Videos. When I get tired of Spotify, sometimes I'll just let videos play with Vevo playlists. It also has a nice Live Tile. There is also Last.fm and IHeartRadio.

Vevo就像Hulu或YouTube的音乐视频一样。 当我厌倦了Spotify时,有时我只会让视频与Vevo播放列表一起播放。 它还具有一个不错的Live Tile。 还有Last.fm和IHeartRadio 。

摄影-InstaCam和图片实验室 (Photography - InstaCam and Pictures Lab)

Pictures Lab is a nice effects and editing application (if not THE BEST editing app) for Windows Phone. All the functionality is there and cleanly integrated with the Photos Hub. Crop, Rotate, Effects, etc. It's a must-have if you are doing any photography on your phone.

Pictures Lab是适用于Windows Phone的不错的效果和编辑应用程序(如果不是最好的编辑应用程序)。 所有功能均已存在,并且与Photos Hub完全集成。 裁剪,旋转,效果等。如果您要在手机上进行任何摄影,这是必须具备的条件。

Say what you will about using a supercomputersmartphonewith8megapixels to take crappy Polaroid pictures but I'm a big Instagram fan. It is a fun social network and I use InstaCam on Windows Phone to explore it. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that Instagram (the company) is interested in fostering a 3rd party client application ecosystem because their API is effectively crippled with no upload support. Seems odd. It's also odd that you can visit a photo of mine on Instagram, but can't follow me from there OR see my  other photos!

假设您要使用拥有8百万像素超级计算机的超级手机拍摄破烂的宝丽来照片,但我是Instagram忠实粉丝。 这是一个有趣的社交网络,我使用Windows Phone上的InstaCam进行浏览。 不幸的是,Instagram(该公司)似乎对建立第三方客户端应用程序生态系统没有兴趣,因为它们的API在没有上载支持的情况下被严重破坏了。 似乎很奇怪。 奇怪的是,您可以在Instagram上访问我的照片,但无法从那里关注我或看到我的其他照片!

Also consider Flickr if you use that service.

如果您使用该服务,也请考虑使用Flickr 。

云存储-Dropbox和SkyDrive (Cloud Storage - Dropbox and SkyDrive)

I'm a paying Dropbox user and a big fan. There's a few Dropbox clients on Windows Phone but I use BoxFiles for DropBox and so far it's worked just fine. I can pin Dropbox folders to the start screen and email links to files in my Dropbox.

我是Dropbox的付费用户和忠实粉丝。 Windows Phone上有一些Dropbox客户端,但是我将BoxFiles用于DropBox ,到目前为止,它工作得很好。 我可以将Dropbox文件夹固定到“开始”屏幕,并通过电子邮件链接到Dropbox中的文件。

I've got a few files on SkyDrive including some photos and OneNote files, so there's an official SkyDrive client as well. This app particularly shines when editing Word and Excel documents from the cloud on your phone.

我在SkyDrive上有一些文件,包括一些照片和OneNote文件,因此也有一个正式的SkyDrive客户端。 从手机上的云中编辑Word和Excel文档时,此应用程序特别有用。

通讯-Skype和GroupMe (Communication - Skype and GroupMe)

Yes, Skype, baby. It's beta as of the time of this writng, so you can't search for it, you need to go get Skype for Windows Phone from this link or read their help page on Skype for Windows Phone. I'm less interested in the Video part, although that's cool, and more in the audio calls part. Whenever I'm overseas I always make Skype calls to my family from the hotel Wi-Fi. It's completely cut out international long-distance from my life, and I still get to talk on my same phone.

是的, Skype,宝贝。 在撰写本文时,它是beta版,因此您无法搜索它,您需要从此链接获取Windows Phone的Skype或在Skype for Windows Phone上阅读其帮助页面。 尽管这很酷,但我对视频部分不感兴趣,而对音频通话部分则更感兴趣。 每当我在国外时,我总是通过酒店的Wi-Fi向家人拨打Skype电话。 这完全切断了我一生的国际长途电话,而且我仍然可以在同一个电话上交谈。

GroupMe might not seem obvious or essential at first, but my team uses it all the time. It's a grouped IM service, except it will use the app OR SMS to communicate with the group. That means you can put together a group of family members and start a chat without paying for SMS costs, and everyone can talk to everyone at the time time across platforms. I create GroupMe Rooms for conferences that I attend so my friends/co-workers can have a private backchannel. It's fantastically useful, especially if you want to include non-smartphone-using Dad or Mom on the social.

起初, GroupMe似乎并不明显或必不可少,但是我的团队一直在使用它。 这是一个分组的IM服务,但它将使用应用程序或SMS与该组进行通信。 这意味着您可以将一组家庭成员聚集在一起并开始聊天,而无需支付SMS费用,并且每个人都可以同时跨平台与所有人交谈。 我为参加的会议创建GroupMe会议室,以便我的朋友/同事可以使用私人回传渠道。 这非常有用,特别是如果您想在社交中包括使用非智能手机的爸爸或妈妈。

亚马孙 (Amazon)

Ya, they get their own category. I've got both the Amazon Mobile shopping app (a best-of-breed app on Windows Phone) and the Amazon Kindle app. Both apps are of exceedingly high quality. The Amazon Mobile app has UPC scanning as well as the ability to pin a scanning tile to you rhome screen so you can scan with one click.

是的,他们有自己的类别。 我同时拥有Amazon Mobile购物应用程序(Windows Phone上最好的应用程序)和Amazon Kindle应用程序。 这两个应用程序的质量都非常高。 Amazon Mobile应用程序具有UPC扫描功能,并且能够将扫描图块固定到您的rome屏幕上,因此您只需单击一下即可进行扫描。

The Kindle app is as you'd expect. It has a very nice theme but then turns into a clean reader when you are in the book with options for fonts and colors. Best part, it syncs you pages between all your Kindle devices.

Kindle应用程序符合您的期望。 它具有很好的主题,但是当您在书中时,它就变成了干净的读者,提供了字体和颜色选项。 最棒的是,它可以在所有Kindle设备之间同步页面。

As an honorary mention to the Amazon section, check out Craigslist Mobile. A very attractive and polished app (more than the CL website!) that lets you query and shop on Craigslist.

作为对Amazon部分的荣誉提及,请查看Craigslist Mobile 。 一个非常有吸引力且精致的应用程序(比CL网站还重要!),使您可以在Craigslist上进行查询和购物。

Also  useful because my wife uses it is Groupon. I was impressed they had a native app.

也有用,因为我的妻子使用的是Groupon 。 他们的本地应用给我留下了深刻的印象。

必须具有实用程序 (Must Have Utilities)

There are a couple of Utilities I've discovered for Windows Phone that GREATLY enhance the experience.  They are almost so useful that they should be built into the OS. (That's when I know a utility is work my time...when it just belongs.)

我为Windows Phone发现了几个实用程序,可以极大地增强用户体验。 它们几乎是如此有用,应将其内置到操作系统中。 (那是我知道某个实用程序正在工作的时间……只是属于的时候。 )

Ok, I'll cheat, the first one is mine. It's http://lostphonescreen/ and it's a customized Lockscreen for Windows Phone. I always think it's silly to get a fancy phone with a GPS to track it when it's lost. Why not just put your phone number on the wallpaper?

好吧,我作弊,第一个是我的。 它是http://lostphonescreen/ ,并且是Windows Phone的自定义锁定屏幕。 我一直认为,当一部丢失了的GPS手机花哨时,跟踪它会很愚蠢。 为什么不只将您的电话号码放在墙纸上?

ConnectivityShortcuts gives you Live Tile links to stuff like Airplane mode, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Absolutely essential.

ConnectivityShortcuts使您可以通过Live Tile链接到飞机模式,Wi-Fi和蓝牙等内容。 绝对必要。

Wiztiles Pro is a little hard to understand but if you use the phone for more than a day you'll immediately want what it has to offer. It's essentially a shortcut creation kit. For example, I added custom shortcuts to my browser with a custom downloaded theme icon, added a directly link to Share Status. You can customize anything you like, even break large pictures up into tiles. You can customize the phone's tiles in ways you didn't think possible. It's really amazing.

Wiztiles Pro有点难以理解,但是如果您使用手机超过一天,您将立即想要它提供的功能。 它本质上是一个快捷方式创建工具包。 例如,我使用自定义下载的主题图标向浏览器添加了自定义快捷方式,并直接链接到“共享状态”。 您可以自定义所需的任何内容,甚至可以将大图片分割成小块。 您可以以您认为不可能的方式自定义手机的磁贴。 真的很棒


If you want Recipes, it's all about BigOven and AllRecipes. I use both regularly.

如果您想使用食谱,则全部与BigOven和AllRecipes有关。 我经常使用。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you've considered making an application of your own for the Windows Phone, here's a write-up on how I wrote my first app's first version in about 6 hours. I also have some podcasts you might be interested in:

如果您考虑过为Windows Phone制作自己的应用程序,那么这里有一篇有关如何在大约6个小时内编写第一个应用程序的第一个版本的文章。 我也有一些您可能感兴趣的播客:

  • Monotouch and Mono for Android


  • Your First PhoneGap application


Hope you enjoyed this list. I was pleasantly surprised how many apps that I already use were available. My wishes for the future are, 360Panorama from Occipital, Eye-Fi, Comixology (They already have a DC Comics viewer, so the hard work is done), Mint, and Hulu.

希望你喜欢这个清单。 令我惊讶的是,我已经使用了多少个应用程序。 我对未来的希望是:Occipital的360Panorama,Eye-Fi,Comixology(他们已经拥有DC Comics查看器,因此完成了艰苦的工作),Mint和Hulu。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman/blog/i-cant-even-think-about-switching-phones-without-these-apps-windows-phone-7-a-nokia-lumia-800-and-the-essential-apps


“即使没有这些应用程序,我什至都无法考虑换手机。” Windows Phone 7,诺基亚Lumia 800和Essential Apps

本文发布于:2023-04-23 18:04:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:诺基亚   应用程序   手机   Windows   Phone


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