
编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-17 18:06:13


If you’ve ever wished you could see your Android phone’s screen on your desktop or remote control it using your mouse and keyboard we’ll show you how in this simple guide to gaining remote access to your Android device.


Why would you want to gain access? When you’re done with this tutorial you’ll be able to view your phone’s screen on your computer monitor which is great for: putting your Android notifications right along side other notification boxes on your monitor, using it like an on-monitor caller ID, and taking screenshots and screencasts. Also if your phone is rooted (and it should be! rooting unlocks so many great features) you’ll gain the ability to use your computer’s keyboard and mouse to control your Android phone. Remote keyboard/mouse control is great for inputting data on the tiny screen without needing to peck at the on-screen keyboard.

您为什么要获得访问权限? 完成本教程的学习后,您将可以在计算机监视器上查看手机的屏幕,非常适合:将Android通知与监视器上其他通知框并排放置,将其用作监视器上的来电显示,并截图和截屏。 同样,如果您的手机已扎根(应该扎根!扎根解锁了许多出色的功能),您将能够使用计算机的键盘和鼠标来控制Android手机。 远程键盘/鼠标控制非常适合在小屏幕上输入数据,而无需啄屏键盘。

Convinced? Great! Let’s get started.

说服了吗大! 让我们开始吧。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

For this trick you’ll need a few things, all of them free (sans your not-free-as-in-beer Android device). Gather up the following items:

对于这个技巧,您需要一些东西,所有这些都是免费的(不带啤酒的Android设备不免费)。 收集以下物品:

  • Your Android device

  • Your USB sync cable

  • Download the Android SDK for your OS here (Windows users should skip the installer and grab the ZIP).

    在此处下载适用于您的OS的Android SDK (Windows用户应跳过安装程序并获取ZIP)。

  • Download Java-based AndroidScreencast here.

    在此处下载基于Java的AndroidScreencast 。

  • Optional: If you don’t have Java installed on your system, download it here.


配置Android SDK (Configuring the Android SDK)

For this tutorial we’ll be using a Windows 7 machine but since there is an SDK pack for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and the secret sauce in our tutorial is a Java app, you should have no problem following along regardless of your OS.

在本教程中,我们将使用Windows 7机器,但是由于有一个适用于Windows,Mac OS X和Linux的SDK包,并且本教程中的秘诀是Java应用程序,因此无论您如何使用,都应该没有问题您的操作系统。

The first thing we need to do is configure the Android SDK. There is a Windows installer, we recommend skipping it. There is no need to install the SDK pack and all the extra stuff it wants you to install unless you’re planning on doing Android development (and if you are, you likely already having it installed anyway).

我们需要做的第一件事是配置Android SDK。 有一个Windows安装程序,我们建议跳过它。 除非您打算进行Android开发(否则您可能已经安装了它),则无需安装SDK包及其想要安装的所有其他东西。

Download the archive and extract the android-sdk-windows folder. Open the folder. Click on the SDK Manager.exe. We have to do a little updating as the new versions of the SDK pack don’t come with some of the auxiliary apps we need. When you run the SDK Manager several windows will open rapidly and look like this:

下载档案并解压缩android-sdk-windows文件夹。 打开文件夹。 单击SDK Manager.exe 。 我们必须进行一些更新,因为新版本的SDK包未包含我们需要的一些辅助应用程序。 当您运行SDK Manager时,几个窗口将Swift打开,如下所示:

Take a moment to uncheck everything but the top entry, Android SDK Platform-Tools. We need the tools but we don’t need any of the other SDK development packs (failing to uncheck them means you’ll have to sit through a lengthy download and waste disk space with development images you won’t need). Once the download is complete you can close the SDK Manager.

花点时间取消选中除顶部条目Android SDK Platform-Tools之外的所有内容。 我们需要这些工具,但是我们不需要任何其他SDK开发包(如果不取消选中它们,则意味着您将不得不漫长的下载时间,并浪费了磁盘空间以及不需要的开发映像)。 下载完成后,您可以关闭SDK Manager。

检查PC和Android设备之间的连接 (Checking the Connection Between Your PC and Android Device)

At this point you’ll want to connect your Android device via the USB sync cable. Double check your android-sdk-windows directory and make sure you see a folder labeled platform-tools (if you do not, run the SDK manager again and double check that the Android SDK Platform-tools downloaded properly).

此时,您需要通过USB同步电缆连接Android设备。 仔细检查您的android-sdk-windows目录,并确保您看到标有platform-tools的文件夹(如果没有,请再次运行SDK管理器,并再次检查Android SDK Platform-tools是否已正确下载)。

Open the directory, inside should be an application named adb.exe. Open a command prompt and drag and drop adb.exe onto it. Type devices as a command switch after the adb.exe, as seen in the screen shot below:

打开目录,其中应有一个名为adb.exe的应用程序。 打开命令提示符并将adb.exe拖放到其上。 在adb.exe之后键入设备作为命令开关,如以下屏幕快照所示:

One of two things will happen: one, you’ll get a list of attached devices (as seen above) or two, adb will search for and connect any Android devices it finds. 99% of the errors you’ll run into when linking your device to your computer can be resolved by simply running adb.exe devices when the device is properly connected.

将发生两件事之一:一,您将获得连接设备的列表(如上所示),二,adb将搜索并连接找到的所有Android设备。 正确连接设备后,只需运行adb.exe设备,即可解决将设备链接到计算机时遇到的99%的错误。

通过Android链接您的PC和Android设备 (Linking Your PC  and Android Device via AndroidScreencast)

Grab that copy of androidscreencast.jnlp you saved earlier and copy it to your android-sdk-windows folder. It doesn’t have to be in the same directory but you might as well keep things tidy. Double click on the file and you’ll see a Java loading screen like the one in the screenshot above. The first run usually takes longer than usual so be patient, also if you run into any errors go back and double check that adb.exe devices actually shows your Android device on the device list. Once it is done loading you should see your Android’s screen:

拿起您之前保存的androidscreencast.jnlp副本,并将其复制到android-sdk-windows文件夹中。 它并不一定要在同一个目录,但你还不如保持整洁。 双击该文件,您将看到一个Java加载屏幕,如上面的屏幕截图所示。 第一次运行通常需要的时间比平时长,因此请耐心等待,如果遇到任何错误,请返回并再次检查adb.exe设备是否在设备列表中实际显示了Android设备。 加载完成后,您应该会看到Android屏幕:

At this point non-rooted phones can see the screen, snap a screenshot using third party tools (there is, sadly, no built in screenshot tool) or can record video of the screen using the built-in screencasting tools. If you have a rooted device not only can you see the screen but you can also interact with it both by clicking directly on the screen and by clicking the function buttons along the bottom of the viewer (home, menu, back, and so on). Both rooted and non-rooted users can use the basic file browser to but for most purposes it is fairly limited and doesn’t add any value to the whole remote view/control mission.

此时,非root用户的手机可以看到屏幕,使用第三方工具(很遗憾,没有内置的截图工具)来抓取屏幕截图,或者可以使用内置的屏幕广播工具录制屏幕视频。 如果您拥有植根设备,则不仅可以查看屏幕,还可以通过直接单击屏幕以及单击查看器底部的功能按钮(主页,菜单,后退等)来与之交互。 。 具有root用户和非root用户的用户都可以使用基本文件浏览器,但是对于大多数用途而言,它是相当有限的,并且不会为整个远程视图/控制任务增加任何价值。

Anytime you want to remotely view or control your device in the future, simply tether it with the USB cable and run androidscreencast.jnlp.


Have an Android hack to share? Let’s hear about it in the comments. Want to know how to do something on your Android phone? We want to hear about that too.

有要分享的Android hack吗? 让我们在评论中听到它。 想知道如何在您的Android手机上执行操作吗? 我们也想听听。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/42491/how-to-remote-view-and-control-your-android-phone/




本文发布于:2023-04-14 02:37:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
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