【Splay|Treap】poj3580 SuperMemo && bzoj1503 [noi2004]郁闷的出纳员

编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:20:02

splay真的是一种十分耐吃的植物。啃了三四天终于啃熟了 orz 

当然现在还仅限于模板题T T 很多东西还是要努力啊!!!

debug的过程真的是十分的艰辛orz 找了毕克大魔王他说叫我再想想QAQ。。。。。。。。。


然后两道题都写了treap版 = = 都比splay慢不知道为什么。。。


Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 10493 Accepted: 3332
Case Time Limit: 2000MS


Your friend, Jackson is invited to a TV show called SuperMemo in which the participant is told to play a memorizing game. At first, the host tells the participant a sequence of numbers, {A1, A2, ... An}. Then the host performs a series of operations and queries on the sequence which consists:

ADD x y D: Add D to each number in sub-sequence {Ax ... Ay}. For example, performing "ADD 2 4 1" on {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} results in {1, 3, 4, 5, 5}
REVERSE x y: reverse the sub-sequence {Ax ... Ay}. For example, performing "REVERSE 2 4" on {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} results in {1, 4, 3, 2, 5}
REVOLVE x y T: rotate sub-sequence {Ax ... Ay} T times. For example, performing "REVOLVE 2 4 2" on {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} results in {1, 3, 4, 2, 5}
INSERT x P: insert P after Ax. For example, performing "INSERT 2 4" on {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} results in {1, 2, 4, 3, 4, 5}
DELETE x: delete Ax. For example, performing "DELETE 2" on {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} results in {1, 3, 4, 5}
MIN x y: query the participant what is the minimum number in sub-sequence {Ax ... Ay}. For example, the correct answer to "MIN 2 4" on {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is 2
To make the show more interesting, the participant is granted a chance to turn to someone else that means when Jackson feels difficult in answering a query he may call you for help. You task is to watch the TV show and write a program giving the correct answer to each query in order to assist Jackson whenever he calls.


The first line contains n (n ≤ 100000).

The following n lines describe the sequence.

Then follows M (M ≤ 100000), the numbers of operations and queries.

The following M lines describe the operations and queries.


For each "MIN" query, output the correct answer.

Sample Input


ADD 2 4 1
MIN 4 5

Sample Output



第一次作死大面积用指针。。(果然是调了很久。。)最开始写的时候没有封装在结构体里。。然后zsl tsy说封进去可以树套树想用几棵用几棵 原来splay这种东西还是单子叶植物丛生或蔓生啊!!! = =哈哈哈 代码还是拖得比较长写了230行不过我写的松啊233333

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#define lc c[0]
#define rc c[1]

const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int Nmax = 201000;

int readint()
	char c;int sign = 1, n = 0; c = getchar();
	while(c > '9' || c < '0'){ if(c == '-')sign = -1; c = getchar(); }
	while(c <= '9' && c >= '0'){ n = n*10 + c-'0'; c = getchar();}
	return n*sign;

int N, M;
int a[Nmax];
int cnt;

struct Splay{
	struct node{
		node *c[2], *f;
		int w, s, minn;
		int add, rev;
		inline bool right() { return this == f -> rc; }
		inline void setch(node *temp, bool r) { c[r] = temp; temp -> f = this; }
		inline void flip(){ rev ^= 1; swap(lc, rc); }
		inline void Add(int x){add += x; w += x; minn += x;}
	}t[Nmax], *root, *null;
	void pushup(node *p)
		p -> s = 1; p -> minn = p -> w;
		if(p -> lc != null)
			p -> s += p -> lc -> s;
			if(p -> minn > p -> lc -> minn) p -> minn = p -> lc -> minn;
		if(p -> rc != null)
			p -> s += p -> rc -> s;
			if(p -> minn > p -> rc -> minn) p -> minn = p -> rc -> minn;
	void pushdown(node *p)
		if(p -> add)
			if(p -> lc != null) p -> lc -> Add(p -> add); 
			if(p -> rc != null) p -> rc -> Add(p -> add);
			p -> add = 0;
		if(p -> rev)
			if(p -> lc != null) p -> lc -> flip();
			if(p -> rc != null) p -> rc -> flip();
			p -> rev = 0;
	node *NewNode(int x = 0)
		t[cnt].lc = t[cnt].rc = t[cnt].f = null;
		t[cnt].w = t[cnt].minn = x; t[cnt].s = 1; 
		t[cnt].add = t[cnt].rev = 0;
		return &t[cnt++];
	void build(node *p, int l, int r, int rank)
		p -> w = p -> minn = a[rank];
		if(l ^ rank)
			node *lch = NewNode();
			p -> setch(lch, 0);
			build(lch, l, rank - 1, l+rank-1 >> 1);
		if(r ^ rank)
			node *rch = NewNode();
			p -> setch(rch, 1);
			build(rch, rank + 1, r, rank+1+r >> 1);
	void init()
		null = NewNode(); null -> s = 0;
		root = NewNode(); build(root, 1, N, 1+N >> 1);
	void rotate(node *p)
		node *fa = p -> f; bool r = p -> right();
		fa -> f -> setch(p, fa -> right());
		fa -> setch(p -> c[r ^ 1], r);
		p -> setch(fa, r ^ 1);
	void splay(node *p, node *father)
		while(p -> f != father)
			if(p -> f -> f == father) rotate(p);
			else if(p -> right() == p -> f -> right())
				rotate(p -> f);
		if(p -> f == null) root = p;
	node *find(int rank)
		for(node *p = root; ; )
			int ls = p -> lc -> s;
			if(rank <= ls) p = p -> lc;
			else if(ls + 1 == rank) return p;
				rank -= ls + 1;
				p = p -> rc;
	node *getrange(int l, int r)
		--l; ++r;
		splay(find(l), null); splay(find(r), root);
		return root -> rc -> lc;
	void add()
		int l = readint() + 1, r = readint() + 1, x = readint();
		node *temp = getrange(l, r);
		temp -> Add(x);
	void insert()
		int last = readint() + 1, x = readint();
		node *temp = getrange(last + 1, last);
		temp = NewNode(x);
		root -> rc -> setch(temp, 0);
		pushup(root -> rc); pushup(root);
	void del()
		int rank = readint() + 1;
		node *temp = getrange(rank, rank);
		root -> rc -> lc = null;
		pushup(root -> rc); pushup(root);
	void getmin()
		int l = readint() + 1, r = readint() + 1;
		node *temp = getrange(l, r);
		printf("%d\n", temp -> minn);
	void reverse()
		int l = readint() + 1, r = readint() + 1;
		node *temp = getrange(l, r);
		temp -> flip();
	void revolve()
		int l = readint() + 1, r = readint() + 1, k = readint();
		k %= (r-l+1);
		if(!k) return;
		node *temp = getrange(r-k+1, r);
		root -> rc -> lc = null;
		pushup(root -> rc); pushup(root);
		node *p = getrange(l, l-1);
		root -> rc -> setch(temp, 0);
		pushup(root -> rc); pushup(root);

int main()
	N = readint();
	for(int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) 
		a[i+1] = readint();
	N += 2; a[1] = a[N] = inf;
	for(M = readint(); M--; )
		char st[10]; scanf("%s", st);
		if(st[0] == 'A') s.add();
		else if(st[0] == 'I') s.insert();
		else if(st[0] == 'D') s.del();
		else if(st[0] == 'M') s.getmin();
		else if(st[3] == 'E') s.reverse();
		else s.revolve();
	return 0;


神奇的treap加强版 = =。。带拆分与合并的

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int readint()
    char c;int sign = 1, n = 0; c = getchar();
    while(c > '9' || c < '0'){ if(c == '-')sign = -1; c = getchar(); }
    while(c <= '9' && c >= '0'){ n = n*10 + c-'0'; c = getchar();}
    return n*sign;

const int Nmax = 201000;
int N, M;

int cnt;
struct Treap{
    struct node{
        node *lc, *rc;
        int w, r, s, minn;
        int add, rev;
        void Add(int x) { w += x; minn += x; add += x;}
        void flip() { rev ^= 1; swap(lc, rc);}
    }T[Nmax], *root, *null;
    node *NewNode(int x = 0)
        T[cnt].lc = T[cnt].rc = null;
        T[cnt].w = T[cnt].minn = x; T[cnt].r = rand();
        T[cnt].s = 1; T[cnt].add = T[cnt].rev;
        return &T[cnt++];
    void init()
        null = NewNode(); null -> s = null -> r = 0;
        null -> lc = null -> rc = null;
        root = null;
    void pushup(node *p)
        p -> minn = p -> w; p -> s = 1;
        if(p -> lc != null)
            p -> s += p -> lc -> s;
            if(p -> minn > p -> lc -> minn) p -> minn = p -> lc -> minn;
        if(p -> rc != null)
            p -> s += p -> rc -> s;
            if(p -> minn > p -> rc -> minn) p -> minn = p -> rc -> minn;
    void pushdown(node *p)
        if(p -> lc != null)
            if(p -> add) p -> lc -> Add(p -> add);
            if(p -> rev) p -> lc -> flip();
        if(p -> rc != null)
            if(p -> add) p -> rc -> Add(p -> add);
            if(p -> rev) p -> rc -> flip();
        p -> add = p -> rev = 0;
    void r_rotate(node *&p)
        node *temp = p -> lc;
        p -> lc = temp -> rc;
        temp -> rc = p;
        p = temp;
    void l_rotate(node *&p)
        node *temp = p -> rc;
        p -> rc = temp -> lc;
        temp -> lc = p;
        p = temp;
    void cut(node *an, node *&p, node *&q, int num)
        if(num == 0)
            p = null; q = an;
        if(num == an -> s)
            p = an; q = null;
        pushdown(an); int lsize = an -> lc -> s;
        if(num <= lsize)
            q = an; cut(an -> lc, p, q -> lc, num);
        } else {
            p = an; cut(an -> rc, p -> rc, q, num - lsize - 1);
    void merge(node *&ne,node *p,node *q)
        if(p == null || q == null)
            ne = p == null ? q : p;
        if(p -> r > q -> r)
            pushdown(p); ne = p;
            merge(ne -> rc, p -> rc, q);
        } else {
            pushdown(q); ne = q;
            merge(ne -> lc, p, q -> lc);
    void add(node *&p, int l, int r, int x)
        node *L, *M, *R;
        cut(root, L, M, l - 1); cut(M, M, R, r - l + 1);
        M -> Add(x);
        merge(L, L, M); merge(root, L, R);
    void insert(node *&p, int x, int k)
        if(p == null)
            p = NewNode(x);
        int lsize = p -> lc -> s;
        if(k <= lsize)
            insert(p -> lc, x, k);
            if(p -> lc -> r > p -> r) r_rotate(p);
        } else {
            insert(p -> rc, x, k - lsize - 1);
            if(p -> rc -> r > p -> r) l_rotate(p);
    void del(int k)
        node *last, *th, *next;
        cut(root, last, th, k-1); cut(th, th, next, 1);
        merge(root, last, next);
    void getmin(int l, int r)
        node *L, *M, *R;
        cut(root, L, M, l - 1); cut(M, M, R, r - l + 1);
        printf("%d\n", M -> minn);
        merge(L, L, M); merge(root, L, R);
    void reverse(int l, int r)
        node *L, *M, *R;
        cut(root, L, M, l - 1); cut(M, M, R, r - l + 1);
        M -> flip();
        merge(L, L, M); merge(root, L, R);
    void revolve(int l, int r, int k)
        k %= (r - l + 1); if(!k) return;
        node *L, *MM, *M, *R;
        cut(root, L, MM, l - 1);
        cut(MM, MM, M, r - l + 1 - k);
        cut(M, M, R, k);
        merge(L, L, M);
        merge(L, L, MM);
        merge(root, L, R);

int main()
    srand(233); t.init();
    N = readint(); int x;
    for (int i  = 1; i <= N; ++i)
    	x = readint();
    	t.insert(t.root, x, i);
    for(M = readint(); M--; )
        char s[10]; scanf("%s", s);
        if (s[0] == 'A'){
            int l, r, x; scanf("%d%d%d", &l, &r, &x);
            t.add(t.root, l, r, x);
        } else if (s[0] == 'I') {
            int pos, x; scanf("%d%d", &pos, &x);
            t.insert(t.root, x, pos);
        } else if (s[0] == 'D'){
            int pos; scanf("%d", &pos);
        } else if (s[0] == 'M'){
            int l, r; scanf("%d%d", &l, &r);
            t.getmin(l, r);
        } else if (s[3] == 'E'){
            int l, r; scanf("%d%d", &l, &r);
            t.reverse(l, r);
        } else {
            int l, r, k; scanf("%d%d%d", &l, &r, &k);
            t.revolve(l, r, k);
    return 0;

1503: [NOI2004]郁闷的出纳员

Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MB
Submit: 6841  Solved: 2395





Sample Input

9 10

I 60

I 70

S 50

F 2

I 30

S 15

A 5

F 1

F 2

Sample Output






I命令的条数不超过100000 A命令和S命令的总条数不超过100 F命令的条数不超过100000 每次工资调整的调整量不超过1000 新员工的工资不超过100000


#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>

#define lc c[0]
#define rc c[1]

using namespace std;

const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int N = 100000 + 10;

int readint()
	char c;int sign = 1, n = 0; c = getchar();
	while(c > '9' || c < '0'){ if(c == '-')sign = -1; c = getchar(); }
	while(c <= '9' && c >= '0'){ n = n*10 + c-'0'; c = getchar();}
	return n*sign;

int M, lim, delta;
int leave, cnt;

struct Splay{
	struct node{
		node *c[2], *f;
		int w, s, num;
		inline bool right(){ return this == f -> c[1]; }
		inline void setch(node *temp, bool r){ c[r] = temp; temp -> f = this;}
		inline void maintain(){ s = lc -> s + rc -> s + num;}
	}T[N], *root, *null;
	inline node *NewNode(int x = 0)
		T[cnt].lc = T[cnt].rc = T[cnt].f = null;
		T[cnt].w = x; T[cnt].s = T[cnt].num = 1;
		return &T[cnt++];
	inline void init()
		null = NewNode(); 
		null -> s = null -> num = 0;
		root = null;
	void rotate(node *p)
		node *fa = p -> f;
		bool r = p -> right();
		fa -> f -> setch(p, fa -> right());
		fa -> setch(p -> c[r ^ 1], r);
		p -> setch(fa, r ^ 1);
		fa -> maintain();
	void splay(node *temp, node *father)
		while(temp -> f != father)
			if(temp -> f -> f == father) rotate(temp);
			else if(temp -> right() == temp -> f -> right())
				rotate(temp -> f);
		temp -> maintain();
		if(temp -> f == null) root = temp;
	void insert(int x, int n = 1)
		if(root == null)
			root = NewNode(x);
			root -> num = n;
		node *p;
		for(p = root; p -> c[p -> w < x] != null; )
			if(p -> w == x)
				p -> num += n;
				splay(p, null);
			p = p -> c[p -> w < x];
		node *temp = NewNode(x); temp -> num = n;
		p -> setch(temp, p -> w < x);
		splay(temp, null); 
	void del(int limit)
		insert(limit); int c = root -> num - 1;
		leave += root -> lc -> s - 1;
		root = root -> rc; root -> f = null;
		insert(-inf); if(c) insert(limit, c);
	int kth(int k)
		for(node *p = root; ; )
			int lsize = p -> lc -> s;
			if(k <= lsize) p = p -> lc;
			else if(k > lsize && k <= p -> num + lsize) return p -> w;
				k -= lsize + p -> num;
				p = p -> rc;

int main()
	s.init(); s.insert(-inf); s.insert(inf);
	for(M = readint(), lim = readint(); M--; )
		char c; int x;
		scanf(" %c%d", &c, &x);
			case 'I' : if(x >= lim) s.insert(x - delta); break;
			case 'A' : delta += x; break;
			case 'S' : delta -= x; s.del(lim - delta); break;
			case 'F' : int size = s.root -> s;
					if(size - 2 < x) puts("-1");
					else printf("%d\n", s.kth(size - x) + delta);
	printf("%d\n", leave);
	return 0;

Code (treap)

重写的treap版。。。orz我不懂为什么会比splay还慢 = = 另外bzoj不能用time啊。。。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

const int N = 201000;

int M, lim, delta;
int cnt, leave;

struct Treap{
    struct node{
        node *lc, *rc;
        int  s, w, r;
    }T[N], *root, *null;
    node *NewNode(int x = 0)
        T[cnt].lc = T[cnt].rc = null;
        T[cnt].s = 1; T[cnt].w = x; T[cnt].r = rand();
        return &T[cnt++];
    void init()
        null = NewNode(); null -> s = 0; null -> r = -1;
        root = null;
    inline void pushup(node *&p)
        p -> s = p -> lc -> s + p -> rc -> s + 1;
    inline void r_rotate(node *&p)
        node *temp = p -> lc;
        p -> lc = temp -> rc; pushup(p);
        temp -> rc = p; pushup(temp);
        p = temp;
    inline void l_rotate(node *&p)
        node *temp = p -> rc;
        p -> rc = temp -> lc; pushup(p);
        temp -> lc = p; pushup(temp);
        p = temp;
    inline void maintain(node *&p)
        if(p -> r < p -> lc -> r) r_rotate(p);
        else if(p -> r < p -> rc -> r) l_rotate(p);
    void insert(node *&p, int x)
        if(p == null)
            p = NewNode(x);
        if(p -> w > x) insert(p -> lc, x);
        else insert(p -> rc, x);
        pushup(p); maintain(p);
    void del(node *&p, int x)
        if(p == null) return;
        if(p -> w < x)
        	leave += p -> lc -> s + 1;
            p = p -> rc;
            del(p, x);
        } else {
            del(p -> lc, x);
    int kth(node *&p, int k)
    	int rank = p -> lc -> s + 1;
    	if(rank == k) return p -> w;
    	if(rank < k) return kth(p -> rc, k - rank);
    	return kth(p -> lc, k);

int main()
    srand(233); t.init();
    for(scanf("%d%d", &M, &lim); M--; )
        char c; int x;
        scanf(" %c%d", &c, &x);
        switch (c)
            case 'I':
                if (x >= lim) t.insert(t.root, x - delta);
            case 'A':
                delta += x;
            case 'S':
                delta -= x;
                t.del(t.root, lim - delta);
            case 'F':
                int size = t.root -> s;
                if(size < x) puts("-1");
                else printf("%d\n", t.kth(t.root, size - x + 1) + delta);
    printf("%d\n", leave);
    return 0;


【Splay|Treap】poj3580 SuperMemo && bzoj1503 [noi2004]郁闷的出纳员

本文发布于:2023-03-29 09:50:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:出纳员   郁闷   Treap   Splay   SuperMemo


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