gre issue 句套

编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-03 19:21:00

There is no doubt that

There is no doubt that modern people have become increasingly dependent on advanced technologies to solve many problems in different fields.

There is no doubt that, to understand a society, we need to look into how technologies are used among the people.

There is no doubt that major cities are important sites for preserving, generating and celebrating cultural traditions.

While there is no doubt that a nation where people enjoy high quality of life is admirable, the general welfare of the people cannot serve as a reliable indicator of the greatness of a nation.

There is no doubt that science has offered plausible explanations to many phenomena and events which used to confuse and intimidated people in the past.

There is no doubt that science has offered plausible explanations to many phenomena and events which used to confuse and intimidated people in the past.

For just laws like this, everyone should obey them and there is no doubt about it.

There is no doubt that students studying certain subjects will benefit tremendously from the overseas experiences.

While there is no doubt that competition is also essential for any organization, most young people learn how to compete through formal schooling.

There is no doubt that praising positive actions or behaviors is the best way to teach students, children and employees as the positive reinforcement will lead to repetition of more desirable behaviors.

There is no doubt that major cities are important sites for preserving, generating and celebrating cultural traditions.

There is no doubt that modern people have become increasingly dependent on advanced technologies to solve many problems in different fields.

There is no doubt that, to understand a society, we need to look into how technologies are used among the people.

There is no doubt that major cities are important sites for preserving, generating and celebrating cultural traditions.

Whether or not

Whether or not our abilities to think independently would deteriorate over time depends on the specific roles we play in the modern society.

But the majority of American people seem to find it more interesting to talk about whether or not President Clinton had sex with Monica Lewinsky.

But the real issue that should capture public attention is whether or not the President had lied and still deserved the trust of American people.

In other words, we should trust the scientific community itself to make sound decisions on whether or not a particular project should be supported or not.

If this criterion were adopted as part of the policy, the government agencies and the scientists would have a hard time to decide whether or not the potential extinction of certain species is due to human activities or not.

Whether or not the proposed test of an argument is the most useful depends on which aspects of the argument that the opponents challenge.

The debate remains unresolved as to whether or not competition for good grades from the exams promotes or harms quality of learning.

In conclusion, given the importance of the rule of law to the social order, everyone should have the responsibility to obey all the laws whether or not they are considered as just or unjust.

But whether or not people will have and enjoy more leisure time depends on the roles different people play in the society and the goals they have in their life.

Whether or not such innovations may distract students from real learning depends on the specific technology and how they are used for learning.

The nature of corporation as an organization that maximizes its profits means that the managers have the responsibility to make decisions based on whether or not the shareholders’ interests could be promoted


The preservation program would be neither sensible nor feasible in least developed countries where people suffer from poverty and other related social problems.

Even for more developed countries, a conservation policy focusing on sustainability is more reasonable and politically sensible for the legislators.

Rather, the more sensible approach is through the analysis of big data that is increasingly available through the social media.


Consider the scientists and engineers who are responsible for developing the theoretical and practical aspects of the new technologies.

If students take into consideration the advice from the schools to pursue a major that matches their talent and interest, they will become more successful in achieving good academic performance and develop skills that are useful in their future careers.

Consider the student interested in studying computer science again.

Without the ability to make reliable prediction, any attempts of persuasion would be considered unethical and may lead to waste of talents.

For one thing, the schools can always review the students’ past academic records and consider their performance in related academic subjects, e.g. the performance in math of students interested in computer science.

Consider the leadership in business world first. With the separation of ownership and management in modern corporations, it is important for the stockholders to trust the managers of the businesses.

I’ll first discuss this issue by considering two important aspects in academic researches: PhD supervision and literature review.

Consider the opportunity costs of implementing such a policy.

The democratically elected government officials have to consider the consequences of introducing a massively unpopular policy.

Again, such a policy would not receive public support and the government officials and the legislators have to consider the public opinions when making decisions on this issue.

Even for nations that do not have problems of poverty or housing shortage, the governments should probably consider a conservation program rather than the proposed preservation program.

To assess the proposed policy, we also need to consider its effects on the overall government budget.

In conclusion, I believe that the government should not pay tuition fees for students who cannot afford university education after considering the consequences of the proposal for the university, the students and the society in general.

While it is also helpful for their future career development, this concern should not be the only consideration when we make decisions.

Therefore, local governments should also consider addressing immediate problems as their priorities.

Consider the famous case of Riggs v. Palmer during which a grandson murdered his rich grandfather, but according to the law and the will of his grandfather, was entitled to inherit a large sum of money.

Consider the laws about speeding.

As illustrated in this example, the enforcement of law should be flexible by considering the specific situations that may warrant a different treatment.

Some people may argue that the proposed approach is the best considering its cost-effectiveness.

Consider the case of Lei Feng who was handpicked by Chairman Mao as an exemplary role model for the people in China to serve the people and the party altruistically.

I will first discuss why the governments should not place restrictions on research activities by considering the nature of the government and its threat to academic freedom.

Consider a single mother of three children living in a poor neighborhood in the inner city.

I would consider a nation great if it has made positive impact to the development of the contemporary world.

Meanwhile, the US is also considered a great nation as it has produced a significant number of leading scientists who had been awarded Nobel prizes.

But nations with outstanding rulers, artists and scientists were still considered great as the achievements of the elites were important for the historical development of the world.

If their salaries are subject to the performance that they could not fully control, they may consider other careers in other fields

Consider a researcher in applied linguistics who concludes that learning vocabulary by memorizing word lists is an effective method based on a single case study of a Chinese student preparing for GRE tests.

Consider a conversation between an atheist and a devout Christian.

Let’s first consider the argument that gays and lesbians should have the right to get married.

Finally, the conclusion that gay and lesbians couples should be allowed to marry can be reached by considering the evidence and the premise.

Consider the story of Eva Vertes, who became interested in research on cancer as a 10-year-old when reading a book on the topic.

Students’ interests in different topics and contents are an important issue that course planners need to consider.

Therefore, the topic has to be treated at a considerable length despite the lack of interests of the students.

I agree that it is no longer possible to consider celebrities in the fields of entertainment and sports as heroes because they are often young and rich facing temptations in their private lives.

Consider the case of Tiger Woods, the heroic figure in professional golf.

Some people may challenge my argument by pointing out that older celebrities in these fields may be regarded as heroes considering their lifelong achievements.

Figures like Robin Williams and Woody Allen, for example, may be considered heroes in the movie industry in the light of their numerous accomplishments throughout their lives.

Consider the well-known fact that any numbers that are divisible by 3 would have the sum of their digits divisible by 3 as well.

When we pursue worthy goals, we have to consider whether the means conforms to the relevant rules, costs less than the value of the goal and any unintended long-term consequences of using the means.

At societal level, we need to consider the possible long-term consequences of using certain means to achieve short-term goals.

Consider the story in the movie Saving Private Ryan.

Consider the latest landmark ruling of the US Supreme Court on same-sex marriage.

Consider the (in)famous Milgram experiment.

Our ancestors considered such social order as natural and acceptable.

Despite his considerable contribution to building a new China, Mao Zedong had caused a great deal of suffering to the Chinese people and led to many tragic events in modern Chinese history due to his unrealistic political ideals.

Considering the consequences, people should take measures to manage the risk.

When the laws are considered just by the entire society, the individuals should obey the laws for the sake of their own interests and the benefits of the entire society.

Let’s first consider why everyone should be responsible for obeying just laws.

Consider next the laws that some people may consider as unjust.

In conclusion, given the importance of the rule of law to the social order, everyone should have the responsibility to obey all the laws whether or not they are considered as just or unjust.

Consider the professors in philosophy and literature for example.

It will also somehow reflect the parents’ attitudes as they ultimately foot the bills another approach is to consider what they have to say about what they bought when interacting with others (the talk about the products makes the stories that can reflect the culture).

The argument that funding for arts is not justifiable given the problems of hunger and unemployment is not reasonable when we consider the contribution of the funding to job creation, the little difference the funding could make to solve the problems and the long-term social benefits of arts.

The one child policy in China hurt certain families such as those who lost their only children and those who are forced to abort their babies but may be justified considering the long-term development of the national economy.

In wartime, leaders are considered effective if they could lead the nations to win the war despite the great casualty and loss.

Consider Green-Tao theorem.

Consider the design of iPhone.

Consider the study of how seatbelt laws affect drivers’ behaviors.

有了这个law 能减少事故

Urban planners should consider building satellite cities around the old city.

People can set virtually any goals for themselves; but only those that are beneficial for the society are considered worthy and accomplishments of such are true success.

Consider the case of September 11 attacks.

But nobody in the civilized world would consider killing innocent people as true success.

Rather, such acts are considered shameful and cowardly.

Finally, we have to consider the cost of the “success” when measuring it.                   

So true success has to be measured by considering not just the goals but the cost of achieving such goals.

Consider the leadership in business world first.

Consider how the digital revolution and the advent of the internet has allowed for an unprecedented exchange of ideas.

Consider how the late 20th century witnessed the complete elimination of smallpox.


gre issue 句套

本文发布于:2023-04-03 19:21:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
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