海康威视启用码流加密_如何在Windows 10上启用全盘加密

编程知识 更新时间:2023-05-02 17:07:17


Windows 10 sometimes uses encryption by default, and sometimes doesn’t—it’s complicated. Here’s how to check if your Windows 10 PC’s storage is encrypted and how to encrypt it if it isn’t. Encryption isn’t just about stopping the NSA—it’s about protecting your sensitive data in case you ever lose your PC, which is something everyone needs.

Windows 10默认情况下有时使用加密,有时不使用加密,这很复杂。 这是检查Windows 10 PC的存储是否已加密的方法,以及加密未加密的存储方法。 加密不仅仅是停止NSA,还在于保护敏感数据,以防万一您丢失PC,这是每个人都需要的。

Unlike all other modern consumer operating systems—macOS, Chrome OS, iOS, and Android—Windows 10 still doesn’t offer integrated encryption tools to everyone. You may have to pay for the Professional edition of Windows 10 or use a third-party encryption solution.

与其他所有现代消费者操作系统(macOS,Chrome OS,iOS和Android)不同,Windows 10仍未向所有人提供集成的加密工具。 您可能需要付费购买Windows 10专业版或使用第三方加密解决方案。

如果您的计算机支持它:Windows设备加密 (If Your Computer Supports It: Windows Device Encryption)

Many new PCs that ship with Windows 10 will automatically have “Device Encryption” enabled. This feature was first introduced in Windows 8.1, and there are specific hardware requirements for this. Not every PC will have this feature, but some will.

Windows 10附带的许多新PC将自动启用“设备加密”。 此功能最初是Windows 8.1中引入的,对此有特定的硬件要求。 并非每台PC都会具有此功能,但有些会。

There’s another limitation, too—it only actually encrypts your drive if you sign into Windows with a Microsoft account. Your recovery key is then uploaded to Microsoft’s servers. This will help you recover your files if you ever can’t log into your PC. (This is also why the FBI likely isn’t too worried about this feature, but we’re just recommending encryption as a means to protect your data from laptop thieves here. If you’re worried about the NSA, you may want to use a different encryption solution.)

还有另一个限制-仅当您使用Microsoft帐户登录Windows时,它实际上才对驱动器进行加密。 然后,您的恢复密钥将上传到Microsoft的服务器 。 如果您无法登录PC,这将帮助您恢复文件。 ( 这也是FBI可能不太担心此功能的原因 ,但是我们建议您在此处使用加密作为保护您的数据免遭笔记本电脑小偷的一种手段。如果您担心NSA,则可能要使用不同的加密解决方案。)

Device Encryption will also be enabled if you sign into an organization’s domain. For example, you might sign into a domain owned by your employer or school. Your recovery key would then be uploaded to your organization’s domain servers. However, this doesn’t apply to the average person’s PC—only PCs joined to domains.

如果您登录组织的域,还将启用设备加密。 例如,您可能登录到由您的雇主或学校拥有的域。 然后,您的恢复密钥将被上传到组织的域服务器。 但是,这不适用于普通人的PC,仅适用于加入域的PC。

To check if Device Encryption is enabled, open the Settings app, navigate to System > About, and look for a “Device encryption” setting at the bottom of the About pane. If you don’t see anything about Device Encryption here, your PC doesn’t support Device Encryption and it’s not enabled. If Device Encryption is enabled—or if you can enable it by signing in with a Microsoft account—you’ll see a message saying so here.

要检查是否启用了设备加密,请打开“设置”应用程序,导航至“系统”>“关于”,然后在“关于”窗格底部查找“设备加密”设置。 如果您在此处看不到任何有关设备加密的信息,则您的PC不支持设备加密,因此未启用。 如果启用了设备加密(或者如果您可以通过使用Microsoft帐户登录来启用它),则将在此处看到一条消息,提示您这样做。

对于Windows Pro用户:BitLocker (For Windows Pro Users: BitLocker)

If Device Encryption isn’t enabled—or if you want a more powerful encryption solution that can also encrypt removable USB drives, for example—you’ll want to use BitLocker. Microsoft’s BitLocker encryption tool has been part of Windows for several versions now, and it’s generally well regarded. However, Microsoft still restricts BitLocker to Professional, Enterprise, and Education editions of Windows 10.

如果未启用设备加密(例如,如果您想要一个功能更强大的加密解决方案,该解决方案还可以加密可移动USB驱动器),则需要使用BitLocker 。 Microsoft的BitLocker加密工具现已成为Windows的多个版本的一部分,并且受到广泛好评。 但是,Microsoft仍然将BitLocker限制为Windows 10的专业版,企业版和教育版。

BitLocker is most secure on a computer that contains Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware, which most modern PCs do. You can quickly check whether your PC has TPM hardware from within Windows, or check with your computer’s manufacturer if you’re not sure. If you built your own PC, you may able to add a TPM chip to it. Search for a TPM chip that’s sold as an add-on module. You’ll need one that supports the exact motherboard inside your PC.

在包含大多数现代PC所包含的受信任的平台模块(TPM)硬件的计算机上,BitLocker最为安全。 您可以从Windows中快速检查您的PC是否具有TPM硬件 ,或者不确定是否可以与计算机制造商联系。 如果您构建了自己的PC,则可以向其中添加TPM芯片。 搜索作为附加模块出售的TPM芯片 。 您需要一个能够支持PC内确切主板的主板。

Windows normally says BitLocker requires a TPM, but there’s a hidden option that allows you to enable BitLocker without a TPM. You’ll have to use a USB flash drive as a “startup key” that must be present every boot if you enable this option.

Windows通常会说BitLocker需要TPM,但是有一个隐藏选项可让您启用不带TPM的BitLocker 。 如果启用此选项,则必须将USB闪存驱动器用作“启动密钥”,每次启动时都必须使用该USB闪存驱动器。

If you already have a Professional edition of Windows 10 installed on your PC, you can search for “BitLocker” in the Start menu and use the BitLocker control panel to enable it. If you upgraded for free from Windows 7 Professional or Windows 8.1 Professional, you should have Windows 10 Professional.

如果您的PC上已经安装了Windows 10专业版,则可以在“开始”菜单中搜索“ BitLocker”,然后使用BitLocker控制面板启用它。 如果您是从Windows 7专业版或Windows 8.1专业版免费升级的,则应该安装Windows 10专业版。

If you don’t have a Professional edition of Windows 10, you can pay $99 to upgrade your Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Professional. Just open the Settings app, navigate to Update & security > Activation, and click the “Go to Store” button. You’ll gain access to BitLocker and the other features that Windows 10 Professional includes.

如果您没有Windows 10专业版,则可以支付99美元将Windows 10 Home升级到Windows 10 Professional。 只需打开“设置”应用,导航至“更新和安全性”>“激活”,然后单击“转到存储”按钮。 您将可以访问BitLocker和Windows 10 Professional包括的其他功能 。

Security expert Bruce Schneier also likes a proprietary full-disk encryption tool for Windows named BestCrypt. It’s fully functional on Windows 10 with modern hardware. However, this tool costs $99—the same price as an upgrade to Windows 10 Professional—so upgrading Windows to take advantage of BitLocker may be a better choice.

安全专家Bruce Schneier也喜欢Windows专有的全盘加密工具BestCrypt 。 它在具有现代硬件的Windows 10上具有完整功能。 但是,此工具的价格为99美元(与升级到Windows 10 Professional的价格相同),因此升级Windows以利用BitLocker可能是更好的选择。

对于其他所有人:VeraCrypt (For Everyone Else: VeraCrypt)

Spending another $99 just to encrypt your hard drive for some additional security can be a tough sell when modern Windows PCs often only cost a few hundred bucks in the first place. You don’t have to pay the extra money for encryption, because BitLocker isn’t the only option. BitLocker is the most integrated, well-supported option—but there are other encryption tools you can use.

当现代Windows PC通常只花费几百美元的时候,再花99美元只是为了加密硬盘驱动器以获得更多的安全性就很难了。 您不必为加密付出额外的费用,因为BitLocker并不是唯一的选择。 BitLocker是最集成,最受支持的选项-但是您可以使用其他加密工具。

The venerable TrueCrypt, an open-source full-disk encryption tool that is no longer being developed, has some issues with Windows 10 PCs. It can’t encrypt GPT system partitions and boot them using UEFI, a configuration most Windows 10 PCs use. However, VeraCrypt—an open-source full-disk encryption tool based on the TrueCrypt source code—does support EFI system partition encryption as of versions 1.18a and 1.19.

久负盛名的TrueCrypt是一种不再开发的开源全盘加密工具 ,它在Windows 10 PC上存在一些问题。 它无法加密GPT系统分区并无法使用UEFI(大多数Windows 10 PC使用的配置)启动它们。 但是, VeraCrypt(基于TrueCrypt源代码的开源全盘加密工具)从1.18a和1.19版本开始支持EFI系统分区加密。

In other words, VeraCrypt should allow you to encrypt your Windows 10 PC’s system partition for free.

换句话说,VeraCrypt应该允许您免费加密Windows 10 PC的系统分区。

TrueCrypt’s developers did famously shut down development and declare TrueCrypt vulnerable and unsafe to use, but the jury is still out on whether this is true. Much of the discussion around this centers on whether the NSA and other security agencies have a way to crack this open-source encryption. If you’re just encrypting your hard drive so thieves can’t access your personal files if they steal your laptop, you don’t have to worry about this. TrueCrypt should be more than secure enough. The VeraCrypt project has also made security improvements, and should potentially be more secure than TrueCrypt. Whether you’re encrypting just a few files or your entire system partition, it’s what we recommend.

TrueCrypt的开发人员确实关闭了开发,并宣布TrueCrypt易受攻击且使用不安全,但目前尚无定论。 关于此的许多讨论都围绕NSA和其他安全机构是否有办法破解这种开源加密。 如果您只是对硬盘驱动器进行加密,那么即使盗贼窃取了您的笔记本电脑,他们也无法访问您的个人文件,您不必为此担心。 TrueCrypt应该足够安全。 VeraCrypt项目也进行了安全性改进,因此可能比TrueCrypt更安全。 无论您是只加密几个文件还是整个系统分区,我们都建议这样做。

We’d like to see Microsoft give more Windows 10 users access to BitLocker—or at least extend Device Encryption so it can be enabled on more PCs. Modern Windows computers should have built-in encryption tools, just like all other modern consumer operating systems do. Windows 10 users shouldn’t have to pay extra or hunt down third-party software to protect their important data if their laptops are ever misplaced or stolen.

我们希望看到Microsoft为更多Windows 10用户提供访问BitLocker的权限,或者至少扩展设备加密,以便可以在更多PC上启用它。 就像所有其他现代消费者操作系统一样,现代Windows计算机应该具有内置的加密工具。 如果笔记本电脑放错地方或被盗,Windows 10用户不必支付额外费用或寻找第三方软件来保护自己的重要数据。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/234826/how-to-enable-full-disk-encryption-on-windows-10/



海康威视启用码流加密_如何在Windows 10上启用全盘加密

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