
编程知识 更新时间:2023-05-01 15:11:55

Photoshop is a powerful, but complex, graphics program that can be difficult to learn and frustrating to use. We have published many articles about tips and tricks for using Photoshop and how to fix annoying issues you may encounter.

Photoshop是一个功能强大但复杂的图形程序,可能很难学习且使用起来令人沮丧。 我们已经发表了许多有关使用Photoshop的技巧和窍门以及如何解决您可能遇到的烦人问题的文章。

This article compiles 30 of the best tips and tricks we have documented to help you get the most out of Photoshop.


10个常见的Photoshop挫折感(以及如何在五分钟内修复它们) (10 Common Photoshop Frustrations (and How to Fix Them in Five Minutes))

Do your cursor or panels in Photoshop keep disappearing? Are your important image files no longer associated with Photoshop? Have you lost control over the automatic “Smart Quotes?” You may have encounter these frustrating issues and can’t figure out how to fix them. The following article lists 10 of the most common Photoshop frustrations and simple solutions to fix them.

您的光标或Photoshop中的面板是否一直消失? 您的重要图像文件不再与Photoshop关联吗? 您对自动“智能报价”失去控制了吗? 您可能会遇到这些令人沮丧的问题,无法解决该问题。 以下文章列出了10种最常见的Photoshop挫败感以及解决这些问题的简单解决方案。

10 Common Photoshop Frustrations (and How to Fix Them in Five Minutes)


使用免费的Photoshop操作自动删除背景 (Remove Backgrounds Automatically with a Free Photoshop Action)

Photoshop actions are recordable programs you can create and save without any knowledge of programming. There are many ways to isolate an object in an image or remove a background in Photoshop. The following article shows you a very easy, one-button method using an action file you can download.

Photoshop动作是可记录的程序,您无需编写任何程序即可创建和保存它们。 在Photoshop中,有很多方法可以隔离图像中的对象或删除背景。 下一篇文章向您展示了一种非常简单的一键式方法,该方法使用可以下载的操作文件。

Remove Backgrounds Automatically with a Free Photoshop Action


如何使用Photoshop Action在几秒钟内完成数百个复杂的照片编辑 (How to Make Hundreds of Complex Photo Edits in Seconds With Photoshop Actions)

The previous tip provided you with a ready-made, downloadable Action file for removing backgrounds automatically. You can create Photoshop Actions to perform just about any task very quickly and easily. Do you need to make tweaks to a large number of images? The following article shows you to use Photoshop Actions to perform some complicated tweaks to many images at one time automatically.

上一个技巧为您提供了一个现成的,可下载的Action文件,用于自动删除背景。 您可以创建Photoshop Actions以非常快速,轻松地执行几乎任何任务。 您需要对大量图像进行调整吗? 下一篇文章向您展示如何使用Photoshop Actions一次自动对许多图像进行一些复杂的调整。

How To Make Hundreds of Complex Photo Edits in Seconds With Photoshop Actions


如何保存,共享,下载和安装自定义Photoshop操作 (How to Save, Share, Download, and Install Custom Photoshop Actions)

We’ve shown you how to tweak many images at once using Photoshop Actions and provided you with a downloadable Action file for removing backgrounds automatically. You can export Actions you create to share or archive, and even download actions you find on the internet. However, exporting, sharing, and installing downloaded actions can be confusing. The following article provides simple instructions on how to do all three.

我们向您展示了如何使用Photoshop Actions一次调整许多图像,并为您提供了可下载的Action文件,用于自动删除背景。 您可以导出创建的操作以共享或存档,甚至可以下载在Internet上找到的操作。 但是,导出,共享和安装下载的操作可能会造成混淆。 下面的文章提供了有关如何执行全部三个操作的简单说明。

How To Save, Share, Download, and Install Custom Photoshop Actions


在Photoshop中删除图像背景的50多种工具和技术 (50+ Tools & Techniques to Remove Image Backgrounds in Photoshop)

We showed you earlier in this article how to remove image backgrounds easily using an action. However, there are many other ways to remove backgrounds and isolate objects in Photoshop. The following three-part article shows you more than 50 ways backgrounds can be deleted, erased, masked, hidden, and removed.

我们在本文前面向您展示了如何使用操作轻松删除图像背景。 但是,还有许多其他方法可以在Photoshop中删除背景并隔离对象。 下面的三部分文章向您展示了50种以上的背景删除,擦除,遮罩,隐藏和删除方式。

50+ Tools & Techniques to Remove Image Backgrounds in Photoshop, pt 1


50+ Tools & Techniques to Remove Image Backgrounds in Photoshop, pt 2


50+ Tools & Techniques to Remove Image Backgrounds in Photoshop, pt 3


如何在Photoshop中使用图层蒙版和矢量蒙版删除复杂的背景 (How to Use Layer Masks and Vector Masks to Remove Complex Backgrounds in Photoshop)

Layer Masks and Vector Masks were discussed briefly in the article about 50+ ways to remove image backgrounds in Photoshop. You can use these tools to remove a background and allow yourself to use parts of the removed background later, if you decide. The following article explains what a Layer Mask is and shows you two methods to use them that works in almost any version of Photoshop. One method is a simpler example for less experienced Photoshop users, and the other is for users with more experience and who are comfortable using the Pen tool and vectors.

有关在Photoshop中删除图像背景的50多种方法的文章中简要讨论了“图层蒙版”和“矢量蒙版”。 您可以根据需要使用这些工具删除背景,并允许自己稍后使用部分已删除的背景。 下面的文章解释了什么是图层蒙版,并向您展示了两种可以在几乎所有版本的Photoshop中都可以使用的方法。 对于缺乏经验的Photoshop用户,一种方法是一个简单的示例,对于经验丰富且对使用Pen工具和矢量感到满意的用户,另一种方法是。

How To Use Layer Masks and Vector Masks to Remove Complex Backgrounds in Photoshop


3个简单的技巧来消除背景时,丑陋的边缘 (3 Easy Tips to Fix Ugly Edges When Removing Backgrounds)

We’ve shown you many ways to remove backgrounds. However, what do you do when you’ve removed the background or cut out objects from photographs and end up with some rough, ugly looking edges? The following article shows you three different scenarios for fixing the ugly edges and make your image look great on any background.

我们为您展示了多种删除背景的方法。 但是,当您删除背景或从照片中切出物体并最终出现一些粗糙,难看的边缘时,您该怎么办? 下一篇文章向您展示三种不同的解决方案,用于修复丑陋的边缘并使图像在任何背景下看起来都很好。

3 Easy Tips to Fix Ugly Edges When Removing Backgrounds


了解如何通过简单的技巧在Photoshop或GIMP中制作HDR图像 (Learn How to Make HDR Images in Photoshop or GIMP With a Simple Trick)

High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a post-processing method of drawing out a lot of details from a series of exposures of an image, using many techniques to create images you could not obtain from normal cameras. The following article shows you how to apply your image editing skills and some manual settings in Photoshop to create some amazing HDR photographs.

高动态范围(HDR)是一种后处理方法,可以使用一系列技术从一系列图像曝光中提取出许多细节,并使用许多技术来创建普通相机无法获得的图像。 下一篇文章向您展示如何在Photoshop中应用图像编辑技巧和一些手动设置来创建出色的HDR照片。

Learn How to Make HDR Images in Photoshop or GIMP With a Simple Trick


如何用程式化的阴影和细节制作人造HDR照片 (How to Make Faux HDR Photos With Stylized Shadows and Details)

Now, that you’ve learned how to make HDR images in Photoshop, we’ll show you how to get an effect on your photos similar to the heavy, stylized shadows of HDR photography. The following article shows a beginner method using Photoshop and a more advanced method using a freeware program called Raw Therapee to use stylized shadows and details to make faux HDR photos.

现在,您已经学习了如何在Photoshop中制作HDR图像,我们将向您展示如何像HDR摄影的沉重,程式化的阴影一样对照片产生效果。 下一篇文章显示了使用Photoshop的初学者方法,以及使用名为Raw Therapee的免费软件使用程式化的阴影和细节制作人造HDR照片的更高级的方法。

How to Make Faux HDR Photos With Stylized Shadows and Details


我的照片在互联网上看起来不一样! 我该如何解决? (My Photos Look Different on the Internet! How Can I Fix Them?)

It’s very frustrating to spend a long time getting a photo to look just right, only to find it looks completely different in your browser once you’ve uploaded it to your site. You may have thought it was just the way the browser displays photos and it couldn’t be fixed. We explain why this happens in the following article and how you can easily fix the problem.

花很长时间使照片看起来恰到好处,却发现将照片上传到网站后,在浏览器中看起来完全不同,这是非常令人沮丧的。 您可能以为这只是浏览器显示照片的方式,因此无法修复。 我们将在以下文章中解释为什么会发生这种情况,以及如何轻松解决问题。

My Photos Look Different on the Internet! How Can I Fix Them?

我的照片在互联网上看起来不一样! 我该如何解决?

如何修复破坏大照片的Undertow (How to Fix the Dark Shadows that Ruin Great Photos)

If you’ve taken a photo that turned out great, except for those annoying shadows that ruin it, we can help you salvage that photo. The following article shows you how to use Photoshop and GIMP to quickly turn those photos from “almost perfect” to great, bringing the detail back out of the shadows.

如果您拍摄的照片效果很棒,除了那些令人讨厌的阴影破坏了照片之外,我们可以帮助您挽救该照片。 下一篇文章向您展示如何使用Photoshop和GIMP快速将那些照片从“几乎完美”变为出色,从而使细节脱离阴影。

How To Fix the Dark Shadows that Ruin Great Photos


如何用任何图像制作经典的红色/青色3D照片 (How to Make Classic Red/Cyan 3D Photos Out of Any Image)

Have you ever thought it would be fun to create your own 3D photos, you can easily do so using Photoshop. The following article shows you how to create classic Red/Cyan 3D photos from any image using simple trick image editing. There’s a simple method for beginner users of Photoshop, and an optional second part that adds a “little more oomph” to your photos.

您是否曾经想过创建自己的3D照片会很有趣,所以可以使用Photoshop轻松地做到这一点。 下一篇文章向您展示如何使用简单的技巧图像编辑从任何图像创建经典的Red / Cyan 3D照片。 对于Photoshop的初学者来说,有一种简单的方法,还有一个可选的第二部分,可以为您的照片增加“一点点的柔和感”。

How To Make Classic Red/Cyan 3D Photos Out of Any Image


什么是直方图,如何使用它来改善照片? (What is a Histogram, and How Can I Use it to Improve My Photos?)

A Histogram is an important and powerful tool in the digital imagemaker’s toolbox. An in-camera histogram can help improve your photographs as you take them. However, you can also use histograms in Photoshop to improve camera raw photos. The following article shows you how to correctly read a histogram and teaches you a few simple rules that can make you a better image editor and also allow you to shoot better photographs in the first place.

直方图是数字成像仪工具箱中重要且功能强大的工具。 相机内的直方图可以帮助您在拍摄时改善照片。 但是,您也可以在Photoshop中使用直方图来改善相机原始照片。 下一篇文章向您展示如何正确地读取直方图,并教给您一些简单的规则,这些规则可以使您成为更好的图像编辑器,并且也可以让您首先拍摄出更好的照片。

What is a Histogram, and How Can I Use it to Improve My Photos?


使用GIMP或Photoshop创建Instagram风格的照片效果 (Create Instagram Style Photo Effects with GIMP or Photoshop)

Have you ever wanted to create your own vintage photo effects? There are special programs that help you create vintage effects, like Instagram. However, these effects can easily be replicated in Photoshop, or even GIMP. The following article shows you how to easily approximate or reverse engineer vintage effects like those generated by Instagram.

您是否曾经想过创建自己的老式照片效果? 有一些特殊的程序可以帮助您创建复古效果,例如Instagram。 但是,这些效果可以在Photoshop甚至GIMP中轻松复制。 下一篇文章向您展示如何轻松地近似或逆向工程复古效果,例如Instagram产生的效果。

Create Instagram Style Photo Effects with GIMP or Photoshop


一次免费下载即可获得最佳HTG Photoshop效果:动作包#1 (The Best HTG Photoshop Effects in One Free Download: Action Pack #1)

Now, that you’ve learned how to apply some fun Photoshop effects manually, you can also apply them quickly and automatically using Actions. We explained Actions earlier in this article as recordable programs you can create and save without any knowledge of programming. We have created the free How-To Geek Photoshop Action Pack to allow you to easily apply great effects to your images with the touch of a button. The following article provides the link to the download and lists the effects available in the pack. The “How to Save, Share, Download, and Install Custom Photoshop Actions” tip earlier in this article describes how to install downloaded Actions.

现在,您已经了解了如何手动应用一些有趣的Photoshop效果,还可以使用动作快速,自动地应用它们。 在本文前面,我们将Actions解释为可记录的程序,您可以在不了解任何编程知识的情况下创建和保存这些程序。 我们创建了免费的How-To Geek Photoshop Action Pack,使您可以通过触摸按钮轻松地将出色的效果应用于图像。 下面的文章提供了下载链接,并列出了软件包中可用的效果。 本文前面的“如何保存,共享,下载和安装自定义Photoshop Actions”技巧介绍了如何安装下载的Actions。

The Best HTG Photoshop Effects in One Free Download: Action Pack #1

一次免费下载即可获得最佳HTG Photoshop效果:动作包#1

HTG讲解:相机,镜头和摄影原理 (HTG Explains: Cameras, Lenses, and How Photography Works)

Have you bought a digital SLR (single-lens reflex) camera and gotten totally confused once you started to try to learn the photography jargon and how to use the different features of the camera? The following article explains photography basics and how your camera works. Learning the basics can help you take better pictures whether you are using a digital SLR camera or a cell phone camera.

您是否已经购买了数码SLR(单镜头反光)相机,并且一旦开始尝试学习摄影术语以及如何使用相机的不同功能时就完全困惑了? 以下文章介绍了摄影基础知识以及相机的工作原理。 无论您使用数码单反相机还是手机相机,学习基础知识都可以帮助您拍摄更好的照片。

HTG Explains: Cameras, Lenses, and How Photography Works


RGB? CMYK? Α? 什么是图像通道,它们是什么意思? (RGB? CMYK? Alpha? What Are Image Channels and What Do They Mean?)

Have you ever wondered what image channels are? And what about RGB and CMYK? The channels panel in Photoshop is one of the least used and misunderstood features of the program. But, all images have image channels, whether you are using Photoshop or another image editor. The following article explains what color channels are, what RGB and CMYK are, and teaches you how image files work. The more you understand about image files, the better image editor you’ll become.

您是否想知道什么是图像通道? RGB和CMYK呢? Photoshop中的“通道”面板是该程序中最少使用和误解的功能之一。 但是,无论您使用的是Photoshop还是其他图像编辑器,所有图像都具有图像通道。 下面的文章解释了什么颜色通道,什么是RGB和CMYK,并教您图像文件如何工作。 您对图像文件了解的越多,您将成为更好的图像编辑器。

RGB? CMYK? Alpha? What Are Image Channels and What Do They Mean?

RGB? CMYK? Α? 什么是图像通道,它们是什么意思?

如何在Photoshop中使用剪贴蒙版(而非图层蒙版) (How to Use Clipping Masks (And Not Layer Masks) in Photoshop)

Earlier in this article we talked about using Layer Masks to remove complex backgrounds. The following article shows you how to use Clipping Masks to dynamically transform text, brush strokes, vectors, or any sort of layer with ease and explains the difference between Layer Masks and Clipping Masks. The article also provides a video tutorial about using Clipping Masks.

在本文的前面,我们讨论了使用“图层蒙版”删除复杂的背景。 下一篇文章向您展示如何使用“剪贴蒙版”轻松地动态转换文本,笔触,矢量或任何种类的图层,并说明“图层蒙版”和“剪贴蒙版”之间的区别。 本文还提供了有关使用剪贴蒙版的视频教程。

How To Use Clipping Masks (And Not Layer Masks) in Photoshop


如何在Photoshop或GIMP中创建简单的像素艺术头像 (How to Create an Easy Pixel Art Avatar in Photoshop or GIMP)

Do you like pixel art? Do you want to create a pixel art avatar for yourself? You can do so easily using a few simple filters in Photoshop or GIMP. We have covered different methods of creating pixel art from ordinary images, but this method uses a different technique. The following article shows you two examples of turning ordinary photographs into pixel art using both Photoshop and GIMP.

你喜欢像素艺术吗? 您想为自己创建一个像素艺术头像吗? 您可以使用Photoshop或GIMP中的一些简单滤镜轻松地做到这一点。 我们已经介绍了从普通图像创建像素画的不同方法,但是这种方法使用了不同的技术。 以下文章向您展示了两个同时使用Photoshop和GIMP将普通照片转换为像素艺术的示例。

How to Create an Easy Pixel Art Avatar in Photoshop or GIMP


如何从任何图像创建自己的自定义ASCII艺术 (How to Create Your Own Custom ASCII Art from Any Image)

This may be a useless task, but creating pictures from monospaced ASCII characters can be fun. They’re used sometimes in text-based FAQs and monospaced email signatures. If you’ve wondered how they were made, the following article shows you how to do it using a free tool you can download.

这可能是没有用的任务,但是从等宽的ASCII字符创建图片可能很有趣。 有时在基于文本的FAQ和等宽电子邮件签名中使用它们。 如果您想知道它们是如何制成的,下面的文章将向您展示如何使用免费的工具进行下载。

How To Create Your Own Custom ASCII Art from Any Image – How-To Geek

如何从任何图像创建自己的自定义ASCII艺术作品-How-To Geek

如何从Photoshop,GIMP和Paint.NET中的照片中获得惊人的色彩 (How to Get Amazing Color from Photos in Photoshop, GIMP, and Paint.NET)

If the color in some of your digital photos didn’t turn out the way you wanted, Photoshop and GIMP (and even Paint.NET) have excellent color correction tools. These tools allow you to change color problems in your photos that may have been caused by the environment, lighting, or maybe settings on the camera when you took the picture. The following article shows you the tools that can help you adjust the color in your images for each of the three programs listed.

如果某些数码照片中的颜色没有达到您想要的方式,则Photoshop和GIMP(甚至Paint.NET)将提供出色的颜色校正工具。 使用这些工具,您可以更改照片中的颜色问题,这些问题可能是由环境,光线或在拍摄照片时相机上的设置引起的。 下面的文章为您展示了可以为列出的三个程序中的每个调整图像颜色的工具。

How to Get Amazing Color from Photos in Photoshop, GIMP, and Paint.NET


超级马里奥可以向我们传授哪些图形技术? (What Can Super Mario Teach Us About Graphics Technology?)

You may think that Super Mario Brothers or Mario Galaxy are only games played for fun. However, they can teach you lessons about graphics and the concepts behind them. The following article will help you learn from Mario about pixels, polygons, computers, and math.

您可能会认为“超级马里奥兄弟”或“马里奥银河”只是娱乐性游戏。 但是,他们可以教您有关图形及其背后概念的课程。 以下文章将帮助您向Mario学习有关像素,多边形,计算机和数学的知识。

What Can Super Mario Teach Us About Graphics Technology?


通过这些热闹的怪胎情人节激发怪胎之爱 (Inspire Geek Love with These Hilarious Geek Valentines)

It may only be Thanksgiving next week, but Valentine’s Day is not that far away. How would you like to send people the old elementary school-style, but geeky, valentines? The following article shows you how to make your own custom Valentine’s Day cards and provides a link to download the How-To Geek ready-made, geeky Valentine’s Day cards.

下周可能只是感恩节,但情人节离我们不远。 您想如何向人们发送老式的小学风格但又令人讨厌的情人节礼物? 以下文章向您展示如何制作自己的自定义情人节贺卡,并提供一个链接,以下载How-To Geek现成的,令人讨厌的情人节贺卡。

Inspire Geek Love with These Hilarious Geek Valentines


如何在Photoshop中为黑白复古照片着色 (How to Colorize Black and White Vintage Photographs in Photoshop)

Have you scanned in old black and white vintage photographs and wished you could add color to them. The following article shows you how easy it is to use Photoshop to quickly add color to any black and white photograph.

您是否扫描过旧的黑白老式照片并希望为它们添加颜色。 下面的文章向您展示了使用Photoshop快速为任何黑白照片添加颜色是多么容易。

How To Colorize Black and White Vintage Photographs in Photoshop


如何在不支付Adobe Photoshop费用的情况下处理Camera Raw (How to Process Camera Raw Without Paying for Adobe Photoshop)

If you need to process Camera RAW, or what can be thought of a digital negative, you may think you need an expensive program like Photoshop, or even a more modestly priced program like Lightroom. However, there is a freeware option that can help you achieve professional results without the prohibitive costs. The following article shows you a great freeware option, called Raw Therapee, and how to use it properly.

如果您需要处理Camera RAW,或者需要处理数码负片,您可能会认为您需要昂贵的程序(如Photoshop)或价格更适中的程序(如Lightroom)。 但是,有一个免费软件选项可以帮助您获得专业的结果,而无需支付高昂的费用。 以下文章向您展示了一个不错的免费软件选项,称为Raw Therapee,以及如何正确使用它。

How To Process Camera Raw Without Paying for Adobe Photoshop

如何在不支付Adobe Photoshop费用的情况下处理Camera Raw

如何在Photoshop中使用和掌握非常困难的钢笔工具 (How to Use and Master the Notoriously Difficult Pen Tool in Photoshop)

If you’ve been scared off by the notorious Pen Tool in Photoshop, don’t give up hope yet. It may seem intimidating, but you can master it. The following article provides tips and videos to help you learn to use the complex, but easy, Pen Tool.

如果您因Photoshop中臭名昭著的Pen Tool感到害怕,请不要放弃希望。 这似乎令人生畏,但您可以掌握它。 下面的文章提供了提示和视频,以帮助您学习使用复杂但简单的钢笔工具。

How to Use and Master the Notoriously Difficult Pen Tool in Photoshop


HTG项目:使用喷墨打印机创建波普艺术科幻海报 (HTG Projects: Create a Pop Art Sci-Fi Poster with an Inkjet Printer)

Would you like to create your own cool artwork to decorate your house? You can easily create a Pop Art style poster in minutes using some Sci-Fi pictures and simple tools. The following article shows how to use a simple process called “posterization” to easily create a cool poster on your inkjet printer.

您想创建自己的炫酷艺术品来装饰房屋吗? 您可以使用一些科幻图片和简单的工具在几分钟内轻松创建波普艺术风格的海报。 以下文章显示了如何使用称为“海报化”的简单过程轻松地在喷墨打印机上创建漂亮的海报。

HTG Projects: Create a Pop Art Sci-Fi Poster with an Inkjet Printer


如何在约一分钟的时间内使照片看起来像铅笔素描 (How to Make Photos Look Like Pencil Drawings in About One Minute)

Have you ever watched someone at a mall photobooth create a “pencil drawing” from a photo and wished you could do that? The following article shows you some smart adjustments and an easy technique suitable for beginners that will allow you to turn your favorite photos into tonal, pencil art style images.

您是否曾经在购物中心的照相亭看到有人用照片创建“铅笔图”,并希望您可以这样做? 下一篇文章向您展示一些智能调整和一种适用于初学者的简便技术,使您可以将自己喜欢的照片转换为色调,铅笔艺术风格的图像。

How to Make Photos Look Like Pencil Drawings in About One Minute


如何将YouTube视频制作成GIF动画 (How to Make a YouTube Video Into an Animated GIF)

Animated GIFs may not be very useful, but they can be fun to make and turn out funny. The following article shows you how to quickly turn your favorite YouTube videos into animated GIFs using Photoshop.

动画GIF可能不是很有用,但制作起来有趣又有趣。 下一篇文章向您展示如何使用Photoshop将喜爱的YouTube视频快速转换为GIF动画。

How To Make a YouTube Video Into an Animated GIF


如何在Photoshop中从照片中删除人和物体 (How to Remove People and Objects From Photographs in Photoshop)

Earlier in this article we discussed removing backgrounds from photographs. Photoshop also makes it easy to remove people and objects from your photographs. If you have some photographs where one person in the photo managed to ruin an otherwise good photo, the following article shows you how you can easily remove that person from the photo.

在本文的前面,我们讨论了从照片中删除背景。 Photoshop还可以轻松删除照片中的人物和物体。 如果您有一些照片中照片中的一个人设法破坏了原本不错的照片,则下面的文章向您展示如何轻松地将该人从照片中删除。

How To Remove People and Objects From Photographs In Photoshop


These tips and tricks should help you to create some awesome images and not be so intimidated by Photoshop. But, wait! We’re not done yet. Here is a bonus that will save you time when using the Photoshop tools we’ve discussed here and more.

这些技巧将帮助您创建一些很棒的图像,而不会被Photoshop吓到。 可是等等! 我们还没有完成。 这是一项奖金,可以节省您在使用我们在这里和其他地方讨论过的Photoshop工具时的时间。

Download the How-To Geek Photoshop CS5 Cheat Sheet

下载How-To Geek Photoshop CS5备忘单

Have Fun!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/98103/30-of-the-best-photoshop-tips-and-tricks/



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