
编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:20:05

★名词性从句(主语, 宾语, 表语, 同位语从句):



The movie is encouraging.


I appreciate his mother.


Gump is a real man.


I enjoy the part,the end.

同位语就是用来解释一个名词的成分, 可以在名词后加上另一个名词作为他的同位语, 但前后需要用逗号隔开

English, a worldwide language, is playing a key role in out communication with others

  • 污染越来越严重了

Pollution, a universal issue throughout the world, become increasingly serious.

  • 我们应该支持国货

We, Chinese customers, should support our domestic products.

★用一个名词解释另一个名词, 记住这里是同位语不是同位语从句


连接词 + 分句(连接词/关系词/从属连词 + 主语 + 谓语)



  1. What I saw repeatedly is encouraging. 主语从句

  2. I appreciate what his mother said. 宾语从句

  3. Gump is who we should learn from. 表语从句

  4. I enjoy the part that a feather is flying in the sky. 同位语从句

名词在句子中能够充当什么成分, 从句在句子中就也能充当什么成分, 这就是名词性从句, 名词性从句一共包括4种: 1. 主语从句; 2. 宾语从句; 3. 表语从句; 4. 同位语从句

从句 = 连接词 + 句子

名词性从句可以看成名词, 名词能做什么, 名词性从句也能做什么



  1. 连接

  2. 连接 + 代词

  3. 连接 + 副词

连接词:that,whether,if,as if,as though (不充当成分)

连接代词:who,whom,what,which,whose (充当:主宾表定)








I know you buy yesterday what


I know what you buy yesterday.


  1. 陈述句


  2. 一般疑问句


  3. 特殊疑问句


名词性的连接词是按照从句的类型分的类, 一共把连接词分为三类

  1. ★**当从句是陈述句时, 可以使用 that , 并且 that 没有任何意思**

  2. ★**whether 当从句是一般疑问句时, 补充当任何成分, 但意思是 "是否"**

  3. ★**所有的特殊疑问句: 开头的那个词就是连接词**

  4. ★**并且英语中所有从句一定都是陈述句, 也就是 [连接词 + 主语 + 谓语] 的形式**

如果一般疑问句修饰的是宾语, 则可以用 if , 其他时候不能用, 如果结尾由 or not 也不能用 if,有介词也不能用 if


  • 我想知道人为什么生活在地球上

I wonder why human beings live on the earth (宾语从句)

  • 她成功的找到了个朋友, 这使我很开心

That she succeeded in finding a friend makes me happy(主语从句)

  • 有一天你会发现, 事业, 亲情, 友情都比爱情重要

Someday, you will find that careers, kinship and friendship are more important than love itself.(宾语从句)

  • 他们离开家乡去西藏的原因是一个谜团.

    That they left their hometown for Tibet is a mystery.(主语从句)

  • 我正在思考我是否和女朋友分手

I am reflecting whether I should separate with my girlfriend.(宾语从句)

  • 昨天是一个历史, 明天是一个谜, 但是今天是一个礼物, 这就是为什么它叫做"present"

Yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. but today is gift. That is why it's called the present. (表语从句)

★主语从句经常被改成 It is 形式, It makes me happy that she succeeded in finding a friend.


That ladies tend to be right is common knowledge.


That reading is to purify our minds is beyond dispute.

★ 主语从句常见表达 一一 it方式改造主语从句

It is common knowledge that... 显而易见, 众所周知
It is my belief that... 我认为
It is self-evident that... 显而易见, 众所周知
It has been found that... 显而易见, 众所周知
It is beyond dispute that... ... 显而易见, 众所周知
It is universally acknowledged that... 显而易见, 众所周知
It has been widely accepted that... 显而易见, 众所周知
It is generally agreed that... 显而易见, 众所周知



It is common knowledge that a positive attitude plays a key role in our success.

plays a key role in + sth 在什么中扮演重要角色


It is my belief that the issue about raising pets should be brought into the limelight under modern conditions.




★**只要见到有连接词放在句首, 并且从句之后没有被逗号隔开, 就一定是主语从句, 主语从句从句首开始到主句的谓语动词之前结束, 除此以外见到 it ... that 通常也是主语从句, 主语从句从that开始到句末结束, it 做了形式主语**


★强调句型也是 it ... that , 但是后续会学到识别强调句型的方式


That the plates are moving is now beyond dispute. 板块正在移动是毋庸置疑的

单词怎么翻译, 必须要有语境, 否则上面的 plates单纯按照意思可能被翻译成盘子正在移动

Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.

找谓语depends on

前面的一段全都算是主语(除了 often)


How well the predications will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.

  1. ★找到一句话中的所有成分
  2. ★**翻译各个成分**
  3. ★**用中国人的方式组合翻译出来**

找到谓语depends upon翻译成取决于, 所以前面的句子都看作是主语"How well the predications will be validated by later performance"

翻译成 ==> 预言将会被以后的表现多好的验证出来 ==> A

A 这取决于所使用消息的数量, 可靠性和适当性 and 解释它的技巧和智慧

翻译能力还是不够啊, 上面的句子中, 最后的 which it is interpreted 是什么语? 我判断错误了, 以为是状语从句(还是对知识点运用不太熟悉).

这里具体分析下上面的那句话的成分, 既然前面是个并列句and, 那么至少保证前面的句子是完整的, 说明主干是完整的, 那么只能在同位语从句, 定语从句和状语从句中选择

同位语从句的话一般是以that 做连接词, 但这里不是, 而且在连接词中同位语的连接词其实不重要, 可以删除掉, 不影响同位语自己(不过这里其实也不影响)

状语从句, 暂且不谈

定语从句的话, 这里可以是定语从句, 定语从句的关系词是连接词的引用(指针), 在从句中做主句的某些成分, 这里的with which明显在从句中做状语成分, it is interpreted with which, 说得通, 那么他的先行词是the skill and wisdom, 就变成了it is interpreted with the skill and wisdom, “使用技巧和指挥解释它的”

上面的 it is interpreted还有个坑, 就是 it, 它有个原则就是往前面找, 找到符合他的名词(因为他是代词), 第一个找到的是the skill and wisdom但明显不是, which已经指向它, 做it is interpreted with the skill and wisdom整个欲绝中的状语了, 所以还得往前找, 最终找到the information, 所以整句的翻译变成"使用技巧和智慧来解释消息"


找省略了啥? [介词 + 名词 + 定语] 在前面找找

``How well the predications will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used`

找到了 upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used

这里有三个名词, 明显不对, 变成一个所以是 [介词 + 名词 + 定语]

省略了 谓语 depends, 所以翻译自然就出来了

How well the predications will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and depends on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.

在以后的表现中将会多么准确的验证出预言这取决于被使用消息的数量, 可靠性和适当性, 并且还取决于对消息理解的技巧和智慧

These libraries are optional on most of the systems and if the feature they add is desired, corresponding libraries need to be installed before running configure

找到谓语: are , 主语: These libraries, 表语是optional 的主系表结构

on most of the systems 在多数的系统上

and if the feature they add is desired, corresponding libraries need to be installed before running configure


add is need

add的话, 前面的是they 后面是另一个动词, 说明是从句, 这里大概率是定语从句, 用于修饰先行词 the feature


is 也是个谓语, 看句子分析还是从句的, 前面是另一个从句, 这里我觉得是 定语从句 , 把前面的 that 也放这一句中了, 变成了 that is

从句的谓语是 : need , 主语就是 the feature, 宾语是to be installed这里是动词不定式做宾语(非谓语动词的被动形态)


if the feature need to be installed before running configure

如果这些特性需要被安装, 这在这之前需要运行configure

that is desired, corresponding libraries 这句话应该是同位语

用于解释 the feature, 译为: “需要并且符合的库”

They add 做状语

It is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is one who can grasp ideas readily, make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical symbols in solving problems.

  1. is 谓语
  2. 这是一个 it 做形式作于的 从 that 开始到结尾的主语从句结构
  3. 从句内部的 谓语 是 is, 主语是 a person , 表语是 one 主系表结构
  4. 从句内部有几个部分 grasp ideas readily, make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical symbols in solving problems

众所周知的, 一个高智商的人是一个能够轻易抓住灵感的, 能够分辨事物, 能够判断逻辑的和能够用语言和数学符号解决问题的人

For example, it has long been known that total sleep deprivation is 100 percent fatal to rats, yet, upon examination of the dead bodies, the animals look completely normal.

  1. 找谓语
  2. has long been know , it 引导的主语从句, 表示很长时间已经知道
  3. is, 从句的系动词, 表示百分百剥夺睡眠, 完全剥夺睡眠对于老鼠来说非常致命
  4. look, 系动词, 动物看起来完全正常

整体翻译下: 比如说, 很长时间前我们就知道, 完全剥夺睡眠对于老鼠来说是非常致命的, 然而根据尸体的检查, 这些动物看起来完全正常

It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb through their phone directories.

  1. 找谓语
  2. called , 但不是, 因为后面还有个 has, 一个句子中绝对不能有两个动词, 所以 called 应该还有别的翻译, 这里只能是过去分词, 翻译成 称作
  3. has, 有, has只有一个词性, 就是动词, 而 has 前面除了 that 就没有连接词了, 所以对于从句来说 has 是谓语
  4. thumb through, 翻阅

周所周知, 当用户滑动手机通讯录的时候, 一家出租车公司名字叫AAAA的车比名字叫Zodiac的车的拥有巨大的优势.

Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds.

  1. 谓语
  2. is, 主系表结构, 表示显而易见
  3. is, 从句的谓语, 从句左边是"一个国家的经济实力", 右边是"直接绑定他的农业和工业的效率"
  4. rests upon, 依赖于 谓语, 这反过来 为 主语

此外, 显而易见的, 一个国家的经济实力直接绑定于农业和工业的效率, 而反过来依赖于全体科学家和技术专家的努力.


只要实义动词的后面有个连接词, 就暂定为宾语从句(还有可能是状语从句哦)

that 的引导宾语从句中 that 可以省略, 但是你最好不要省略, 因为省略通常在不正式的场合

if 只能引导宾语从句, 翻译成 “是否”, 但whether可以引导所有的从句, 别的时候都翻译成"如果"


This and other similar cases raise the question of whether there is still a line between the court and politics.

这里的谓语是 raise , 而后面 of 引导是一个介宾结构, 做短语

介宾结构一般是 介词 + 名词 做介词短语形式, 而上面是 介词 + 宾语从句


在主系表后面添加宾语结构的形式, 这种有人说是在前面的形容词后面有一个介词, 当时被省略了

he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics


tell sb sth 明显的主谓双宾结构

前面一个是人, 后面一个是物

users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed.



You might even be tempted to assume that humanity has little future to look forward to.

to assume + 宾语从句

it 形式宾语

That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court's decisions will be accepted as impartial judgments.


其实根本没必要举例宾语从句能够做什么, 只要知道宾语能放在那个地方或者充当类似宾语的成分的名词都可以放, 没什么区别的, 宾语从句就是一个句子充当了名词, 作为了宾语

★如果区别动词+ed 是过去式还是过去分词做定语?

只需要判断这个疑似动词的词和前面的主语是什么关系? 如果是被动关系, 则是过去分词, 如果是主动关系则是动词

当然还有在谓语前面加上 be, 判定主语和谓语之间是不是被动语态, 如果是被动语态, 又有没有be 补充成为完整的 谓语, 那么就是过去分词, 如果不是 被动语态, 则是谓语

I bought a dog. 明显是主动买, 所以是谓语动词

a dog bought ... . 明显是被动, 这只狗不可能发出买这个动作, 所以是过去分词

This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in. A fact underlined by statistics shows that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.

主干: This alone demonstrates that ... 主谓宾

从句: the television business is ... 主系表

主干: A fact underlined by statistics shows ... 主谓宾

从句: out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took ... 主谓宾

这单独证明了电视行业不是一个容易生存的世界, 据统计的事实显示, 在1989年, 80个欧洲电视网络不少于百分之50的电视台都在亏损

He believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.


一个从句做了宾语, 如果主干的谓语是实义动词, 而且此刻主干刚好缺少宾语的部分, 那么该从句很可能是宾语从句


系动词有一个连接词, 通常都是表语从句

A report consistently brought(过去分词做定语) back by visitors to the US is how friendly, courteous, and helpful most Americans were to them.

Galileo’s greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth.

Women are much too preoccupied by family. Once the marriage begins to disintegrate, they are lost. That is where their unhappiness spring from and that is why most divorced mothers regard themselves as victims.




(状语, 前面有个主语忽略了 Whorf )Being interested in the relationship of language and thought, Whorf developed the idea (名词之后同位语从句)that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society.

whorf 对语言和思维的联系感兴趣,他产生了一种语言方式决定了在一个社会惯性思维方式的想法

A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears.

But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.

Evidence came up that specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.

同位语从句的连接词好像可以去掉, 不在同位语从句中做任何成分, 但定语从句不行, 定语从句的连接词做从句的成分


名词 + 连接词 + 句子 ==> 同位语从句


如果句子中有抽象名词, 应该第一时间想到同位语从句, 比如 idea, fact, belief, problem, information, conclusion, decision, news, though, explainationAn idea came to her that she could solve the problem in another way.


The matter makes his families rejoiced.

★**同位语从句的话, 就把对某个名词的解释放在名词之后**

The matter that he has found a girlfriend makes his families rejoiced.

★**但同时同位语可以放在句末, 但不推荐**

The matter makes his families rejoiced that he has found a girlfriend.

没有人会无缘无故就变得优秀, 这个事实总是被很多人忽略.

The truth is ignored by a sea of individuals.

The truth that nobody can become remarkable without endeavors is ignored by a sea of individuals.

The truth is ignored by a sea of individuals that nobody can become remarkable without endeavors.


The truth that she is getting old can't covered up. (被动?)

Nothing can hide the fact that she is getting old.

科学家已经得出结论: 地球上的温度将会越来越高

The scientists have come to a conclusion that the temperature on the earth will(has) become higher and higher.

这里需要注意, 不用 came , 因为前面的 have 表示已经完成, 一般都是 have done 使用过去分词, have 后面的动词一般都是过去分词, 而 come 的过去式 是 came 过去分词是 come , 和原型一样

穿自己的鞋不仅方便, 而且确保了一点, 不用去管别人的感受

Wearing my own shoes is not only convenient but also ensures a point that feelings of others can be ignored.



  1. 判断修饰的名词是不是抽象名词

  2. 判断连接词删除后是否还是完整的句子

    一般定语从句使用 that 修饰的话, 他会在从句中充当成分

同位语从句通常使用 that 做连接词, 此时如果是定语从句的 that 一般都会指向一个人或者物, 做从句的主语或者宾语成分, 删除掉 that 对于同位语来说从句一般不会有任何问题, 但是如果是定语从句的that被删除, 从句就会缺少分成


任何句子, 不论是从句还是主干, 都会有一个属于自己的谓语, 而从句的开始一般是连接词, 但如果是宾语从句连接词 that 可能被省略了, 而一个句子的谓语是句子的核心, 一般情况下, 都是主谓宾结构, 所以我们要判断从句的开头和起始位置其实很简单

我们可以根据两个谓语之间的位置判断出具体哪些是主干, 哪些是从句

  1. 如果从句介于主语谓语之间

    比如: 主 连接词主谓宾 谓宾或者主连接词主系表谓宾 我们都能找到介于两个谓语之间的部分, 一般都是从句的部分

  2. 如果从句在主干谓语之后

    比如做宾语的情况 主谓(连接词)主谓宾, 这种情况可能省略了连接词, 但我们还是能够找到两个谓语

    如果是主谓宾 连接词 主谓宾这种情况, 就能找到连接词

  3. 如果从句作为主语的话

    从句作为主语连接词 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 谓语 + 宾语 这种情况更加好识别了

总结: 就是看连接词, 一般是从句起始位置(如果没有也没关系, 看到两个谓语自然就知道有连接词被省略了), 看两个谓语的位置, 在根据具体主语是谁进行判断就能找到两个从句在哪开始在哪结束




  • 陈述句 ==> [that] + [陈述句]
  • 一般疑问句 ==> [if/whether 如果是 宾语从句可用 if , 结尾右 or not 不能用 if] + [改成陈述句]
  • 特殊疑问句 ==> [特殊疑问词(疑问句的疑问词)] + [改成陈述句]


  • it 做形式主语的主语从句

  • 同位语从句


连接词 + 从句 + 谓语 + 其他成分 连接词在第一个位置 ==> 主语从句

it … that … ==> 主语从句


实义动词 + 连接词 + 句子 ==> 宾语从句(但也可能是状语从句)


系动词 + 连接词 + 句子 ==> 表语从句


  1. 修饰的先行词是不是抽象名词

    如果是抽象名词, 一般认为是同位语从句

  2. 判断连接词是否做从句成分

    一般定语从句的that连接词做从句的成分, 而同位语的连接词不做成分

  3. 同位语从句一般是解释, 而定语从句一般是修饰

    一个是同级, 另一个是限定




经过很多天的思考,我得出一个结论,成功是一件相关的事情,因为它会给你带来很多的亲戚。 (同位语从句)

因此,根据我的分析,我强烈反对那些认为老师应该为学生的学习负全责的看法。 (同位语从句)



本文发布于:2023-03-29 10:20:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:词性   从句   英语语法   笔记


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