
编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-28 04:43:30



The Basic Input-Output System (BIOS) is an essential set of routines in a PC, which is stored on a chip on the motherboard. It acts as an intermediary between a computer’s hardware and its operating system. Without the BIOS, the PC’s operating system would have no way to communicate with, or take control of, the hardware.

基本输入输出系统(BIOS)是PC中必不可少的例程集,存储在主板的芯片上。 它充当计算机硬件与其操作系统之间的中介。 没有BIOS,PC的操作系统将无法与硬件进行通信或控制硬件。

In other words, the BIOS is a crucial component of any computer. If its options are set incorrectly, the BIOS could slow your computer down by as much as 40%. Unfortunately, as new processors and motherboard chipsets are released, BIOS options continue to get even more confusing. As a result, many seasoned technicians are still baffled by the jargon-laced and confusing options available in a modern computer’s BIOS setup program.

换句话说,BIOS是任何计算机的关键组件。 如果选项设置不正确,BIOS可能会使您的计算机速度降低40%。 不幸的是,随着新处理器和主板芯片组的发布,BIOS选项继续变得更加令人困惑。 结果,许多经验丰富的技术人员仍然对现代计算机的BIOS设置程序中可用的术语和混乱的选项感到困惑。

Each motherboard and/or computer manufacturer utilizes a different BIOS, so we’ll cover the steps involved in optimizing the BIOS on an example board, the Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe. I’ve chosen this particular motherboard because so many of ASUS’s boards are modeled after it. Also, the A7N8X-E is one of ASUS’s most popular models; it’s been available for nearly two years . Obviously, whatever motherboard you use will have differences from this model, but you can still get a feel from the examples for the sorts of adjustments that you can make.

每个主板和/或计算机制造商都使用不同的BIOS,因此我们将介绍在示例主板Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe上优化BIOS的步骤。 我之所以选择这种特殊的主板,是因为许多华硕的主板都是以此为蓝本的。 此外,A7N8X-E是ASUS最受欢迎的型号之一。 它已经存在了将近两年。 显然,无论您使用哪种主板,都与该型号有所不同,但是您仍然可以从示例中获得可以进行各种调整的感觉。

Keep in mind that changing a PC’s BIOS settings incorrectly can cause the PC to malfunction. If this happens, a BIOS reset will need to be performed to return to the default (read: unoptimized) “factory settings.” This is usually activated by a jumper on the motherboard, which is easier said then done with many laptops! Nothing discussed here should have a negative affect on any PC, but please follow each step explicitly.

请记住,错误地更改PC的BIOS设置可能会导致PC发生故障。 如果发生这种情况,则需要执行BIOS重置以返回默认(出厂设置为未优化)的“出厂设置”。 这通常是由主板上的跳线激活的,这比许多笔记本电脑更容易做到! 此处讨论的内容都不会对任何PC产生负面影响,但请明确执行每个步骤。

Many large PC manufacturers such as Dell, HP, Gateway and Micron limit the options available to the end-user in the BIOS, in order to reduce ill-advised “tinkering” and the resulting support calls. As a result, you may not be able to take advantage of some of the advanced settings mentioned here on PCs from these major vendors.

许多大型PC制造商(如Dell,HP,Gateway和Micron)都限制了BIOS中最终用户可以使用的选项,以减少不当使用的“修补”和由此产生的支持电话。 因此,您可能无法在这些主要供应商的PC上使用此处提到的某些高级设置。

Most PCs briefly display a message describing how you can enter “setup,” the program where BIOS settings are adjusted. You’re allowed only a few moments to press the required key before your operating system starts to load. To enter your BIOS, turn on the PC and hold down, or press repeatedly, the key required to enter setup. On most PCs this is the DEL key, the F1 key or the F2 key. If your PC will not enter setup using those keys and/or does not display the message described above when first turned on, you will need to refer to your documentation or contact your PC manufacturer for support.

大多数PC短暂显示一条消息,描述您如何进入“设置”程序,该程序用于调整BIOS设置。 在操作系统开始加载之前,只需要片刻时间按所需的键即可。 要进入BIOS,请打开PC并按住,或反复按进入设置所需的键。 在大多数PC上,这是DEL键,F1键或F2键。 如果您的PC在第一次开机时不使用这些键进入设置程序和/或不显示上述消息,则需要参考文档或联系PC制造商以寻求支持。

It is recommended that you reboot after each individual BIOS setting change to ensure that your system functions normally. If you make numerous changes before rebooting, and your system will no longer boot, you won’t know which change is responsible for the failure.

建议您在每个单独的BIOS设置更改后重新启动,以确保系统正常运行。 如果您在重新引导之前进行了许多更改,并且系统将不再引导,您将不知道是哪个更改导致了故障。

BIOS安全是网络安全中被忽略的一部分,但应该进行管理以防止黑客对操作系统执行恶意代码。 安全组织Cylance在2017年展示了现代BIOS安全漏洞如何能够在主板的统一可扩展固件接口内部启用勒索软件程序并利用其他PC BIOS漏洞。 (BIOS security is a somewhat overlooked component of cyber security, but should be managed to prevent hackers from executing malicious code to the OS. Security group Cylance, in 2017, showed how modern BIOS security flaws could enable ransomware programs inside a motherboard’s Unified Extensible Firmware Interface and exploit other PC BIOS vulnerabilities.)

Differences between CMOS and BIOSAs CMOS and BIOS has a close relationship with computer system settings, so they are called CMOS setting and BIOS setting. CMOS is the special RAM chip on the main board. It is for saving system parameter. The system setting program of BIOS is the means to complete parameter settings. So you can say that set the CMOS parameter through BIOS setting program. CMOS setting and BIOS setting are just the simple saying. Actually, BIOS program is saved on the EEPROM Flash chip of main board. CMOS storage is for saving the data after BIOS setting, including hardware configuration and settings of certain parameter, such as traditional BIOS system password and devices starting order and so on.

CMOS和BIOS之间的差异由于CMOS和BIOS与计算机系统设置密切相关,因此它们被称为CMOS设置和BIOS设置。 CMOS是主板上的特殊RAM芯片。 用于保存系统参数。 BIOS的系统设置程序是完成参数设置的方法。 因此可以说是通过BIOS设置程序来设置CMOS参数的。 CMOS设置和BIOS设置只是简单的说法。 实际上,BIOS程序保存在主板的EEPROM闪存芯片上。 CMOS存储用于在BIOS设置后保存数据,包括硬件配置和某些参数的设置,例如传统的BIOS系统密码和设备启动顺序等。

FunctionsSelf-checking and initializing This part is incharge of starting up the computer, including:First part is used for the checking of hardware when plugging in. it is also called Power On Self Test, POST in short.The second part is initializing, including create interrupt vector, set register, initialize and check the external devices.The third part is guiding program, which is for guiding DOS or other operating systems.


Process service Process service is mainly for applications and operating system. Those services are related to input and output devices such as reading disc, transferring files to printer, etc.

流程服务流程服务主要针对应用程序和操作系统。 这些服务与输入和输出设备有关,例如读取光盘,将文件传输到打印机等。

Hardware Interrupt HandlingHardware Interrupts Handling deals with the requirement of PC hardwares. The service function of BIOS is realized by calling intertupt servise routine. These services are devided into many groups and every group has a specialized interrupt. In addition, the improper BIOS settings will damage computer hardware or even burn the main board. It is strongly suggested that do noy modify the settings easily.

硬件中断处理硬件中断处理处理PC硬件的要求。 BIOS的服务功能是通过调用间断服务例程来实现的。 这些服务分为许多组,每个组都有专门的中断。 另外,错误的BIOS设置会损坏计算机硬件,甚至烧毁主板。 强烈建议您不要轻易修改设置。

Setting RecordUsers can change different settings through BIOS settings such as the size of internal storage of onboard display card.


Load Operating systemAll the operating systems of users are delivered to guide sector by BIOS, and to each partition to activate corresponding operating systems.




The popular main board BIOS are Award BIOS, AMI BIOS, and Phonenix BIOS. Award BIOS is developed by Award Software and it is the most widely used. AMI BIOS is developed by AMI Company in the middle of 1980s. The early 286 and 386 mostly use AMI BIOS. It has great adaptability of various software and hardwares and can guarantee the stability of system performance. At the end of 1990s, green energy saving computer has been popularizing, but AMI has not released new versions for market in time. That makes Awars BIOS take the leading role.Phoenix BIOS is developed by Phoenix. Phoenix is a kind of long-life bird of Egypt fairy tale. It has a meaning of perfect. Phoenix BIOS is mainly used at the high level 586 original brand PC and Notebook. The picture of it is simple and easy to operate.

流行的主板BIOS是Award BIOS,AMI BIOS和Phonenix BIOS。 Award BIOS由Award Software开发,并且使用最广泛。 AMI BIOS是AMI公司在1980年代中期开发的。 早期的286和386主要使用AMI BIOS。 它对各种软件和硬件具有很大的适应性,可以保证系统性能的稳定性。 在1990年代末,绿色节能计算机已经普及,但是AMI尚未及时发布新版本投放市场。 这使得Awars BIOS占据主导地位。PhoenixBIOS由Phoenix开发。 凤凰是埃及童话中的一种长寿鸟。 它具有完美的含义。 Phoenix BIOS主要用于高级586原始品牌PC和笔记本电脑。 它的图片简单易用。



编辑简历: (Editing Bios :)



Let’s start with the BIOS Main Options Menu, found by clicking on the “Main” tab in the upper left-hand corner.

让我们从BIOS Main Options Menu开始,该菜单是通过单击左上角的“ Main”选项卡找到的。

Just below where you set the date and time you can define the specifics of your hard drives and other storage devices installed in the PC. Each time the PC boots, it most likely has to auto-detect and determine what storage devices are installed on the system. While this takes only a second or two on most systems, if you define these specifics rather than use auto-detection, your boot-up will be that much quicker.

在设置日期和时间的下面,您可以定义PC中安装的硬盘驱动器和其他存储设备的详细信息。 每次启动PC时,它很可能必须自动检测并确定系统上安装了哪些存储设备。 尽管在大多数系统上只花一两秒钟,但如果您定义这些细节而不是使用自动检测,则启动起来会快得多。

To do this, simply select the drive, usually by highlighting it and pressing Enter. Then write down the numbers currently displayed for the Cylinders, Heads, Sectors, and LBA. On some BIOSes, you’ll also have options for Block Mode as well as 32-Bit Transfer Mode. Change the drive type from AUTO to USER. Then key those numbers and options in exactly as they were displayed. On most modern computers, you will want LBA Mode, Block Mode, and 32-bit Transfer Mode all turned ON for your hard disk drive, even if they weren’t before.

为此,只需选择驱动器,通常将其突出显示并按Enter即可。 然后写下当前显示的气缸,缸盖,扇形和LBA的数字。 在某些BIOS上,您还将具有“块模式”和“ 32位传输模式”选项。 将驱动器类型从AUTO更改为USER。 然后完全按显示的顺序键入这些数字和选项。 在大多数现代计算机上,您都希望硬盘驱动器的LBA模式,块模式和32位传输模式都已打开,即使以前没有打开过。

If there is no device attached to any one of the four possible drive location combinations, select NONE. For example, if you have one hard drive configured as a Primary Master and one CD-RW configured as a Secondary Master, be sure to set both the Primary and Secondary Slave options to NONE. If you leave the AUTO setting where there is no device, the computer will always look to see if a device is plugged in at that location each time the computer boots. By changing this setting to NONE, the computer will boot slightly faster.

如果没有设备连接到四个可能的驱动器位置组合中的任何一个,则选择“无”。 例如,如果您将一个硬盘驱动器配置为主要主机,而将一个CD-RW配置为次要主机,请确保将“主要和次要从属”选项都设置为“无”。 如果将“自动”设置保留在没有设备的位置,则每次启动计算机时,计算机始终会查看该位置是否插入了设备。 通过将此设置更改为NONE,计算机将启动得更快。

高级功能 (Advanced Features)

Next, select the Advanced tab on the top of the screen to show advanced options, which are broken into sub-menus. The first branch is labeled “Advanced BIOS Features.”

接下来,选择屏幕顶部的“高级”选项卡以显示高级选项,这些选项分为多个子菜单。 第一个分支标记为“高级BIOS功能”。

Is it really necessary to thoroughly test your memory and floppy drive every single time you turn on the computer? Unless you suspect a problem with either one, I see no reason to continually test them with BIOS diagnostics. In this part of the BIOS we’ll be able to reduce system start up time by enabling or disabling specific features — such as those just mentioned — to optimize the start-up process. Here are the recommended settings:

每次打开计算机时,是否真的有必要彻底测试您的内存和软盘驱动器? 除非您怀疑任何一个出现问题,否则我没有理由继续使用BIOS诊断程序对其进行测试。 在BIOS的这一部分中,我们将通过启用或禁用特定功能(例如刚刚提到的功能)来优化启动过程,从而减少系统启动时间。 建议的设置如下:

Boot Virus Detection : Enabled. Sometimes this is located under the Standard or Main section of some BIOS. While boot sector viruses are no longer the major threat they once were, enabling this feature will protect your data should you boot from an infected floppy disk or CD-ROM.

引导病毒检测:已启用。 有时,它位于某些BIOS的Standard或Main部分下。 虽然引导扇区病毒不再是曾经的主要威胁,但是如果您从受感染的软盘或CD-ROM引导,启用此功能将保护您的数据。

CPU Level 1 Cache : Enabled.


CPU Level 2 Cache : Enabled.

CPU 2级缓存:已启用。

Quick Power On Self Test : Enabled. This will skip the repetitive memory count that occurs when you turn on your PC; chances are that if you really do have bad memory, this basic test won’t catch it anyway.

快速开机自检:已启用。 这将跳过在打开PC时出现的重复内存计数。 如果您确实确实有不好的记忆力,那么这个基本测试将无法抓住它。

First, Second, or Third Boot Device : Set your boot order, and disable any boot device here that you do not want to boot from.


Boot Other Device : Disabled, unless you are booting from a network or SCSI card.


Boot Up Floppy Seek : Disabled. It’s a waste of time and a noise maker.

引导软盘搜索:已禁用。 这既浪费时间又制造噪音。

Boot Up NumLock Status : Your choice. Some folks like the NumLock on their keyboard activated when Windows starts, while others want it disabled.

启动NumLock状态:您的选择。 有些人喜欢Windows启动时激活其键盘上的NumLock,而另一些人则希望禁用它。

Gate A20 Option : FAST. While this feature is made more or less obsolete by Windows XP, I still recommend you leave it on. Older versions of Windows and OS/2 perform better with this parameter set to FAST. The only reason I can imagine someone would set it to normal would be if they are running DOS.

A20登机口选项:快速。 尽管Windows XP或多或少已使该功能过时,但我仍然建议您保留该功能。 将此参数设置为FAST时,较早版本的Windows和OS / 2的性能更好。 我能想象有人将其设置为正常状态的唯一原因是,如果他们正在运行DOS。

Typematic Rate Setting : Disabled. Your choice, really. This feature determines how long the keyboard waits when holding down a key until it starts repeating it, and how fast that happens.

Typematic Rate Setting:禁用。 确实是您的选择。 此功能确定键盘在按住某个键直到开始重复该键之前要等待多长时间,以及该操作发生的速度。

APIC Mode : Enabled. This is the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller, which is responsible for multi-processor support, more IRQs, and faster interrupt handling.

APIC模式:已启用。 这是高级可编程中断控制器,它负责多处理器支持,更多的IRQ和更快的中断处理。

OS/2 Onboard Memory > 64M : Disabled. This setting only applies to users running the now defunct OS/2 operating system from IBM.

OS / 2板载内存> 64M:已禁用。 此设置仅适用于运行IBM现已废止的OS / 2操作系统的用户。

Full Screen LOGO Show : Your choice. When enabled, the memory count and Power-On Self-Test (POST) are hidden behind a “curtain” — a graphic logo. For example, when you first turn on a Gateway computer, you might see GATEWAY in big letters across the screen. When disabled, the “normal” initiation sequence is displayed on the screen — the way most computers look when you first turn them on before the operating system begins to load. Some people prefer to hide the POST screen, while others prefer to always see it.

全屏LOGO显示:您的选择。 启用后,内存数量和开机自检(POST)将隐藏在“窗帘”(图形徽标)的后面。 例如,当您第一次打开Gateway计算机时,您可能会在屏幕上看到大字体的GATEWAY。 禁用后,“正常”启动顺序将显示在屏幕上-大多数计算机在操作系统开始加载之前首次打开计算机时的外观。 有些人喜欢隐藏POST屏幕,而另一些人则希望始终看到它。

POST Complete Report : Your choice. This setting, when enabled, will display the results of the POST.

POST完整报告:您的选择。 启用此设置后,将显示POST的结果。

Speech POST Reporter : Your choice. This setting, when enabled on a PC with speakers, will “talk” over your speakers at boot time to tell you the status of the POST. The voice quality is a far cry from that of the computers on Star Trek, but some people think it’s cool.

语音POST记者:您的选择。 在带有扬声器的PC上启用此设置后,将在启动时通过扬声器“交谈”以告诉您POST的状态。 语音质量与《星际迷航》中的计算机相差甚远,但有人认为它很酷。

如何使用高级芯片组功能超频 (How To Overclock Using Advanced Chipset Features)

Overclockers are PC enthusiasts who attempt to increase their system’s performance by raising bus speeds and increasing their CPU speed beyond the figure at which it was sold and designed to run. They also quite frequently need to raise the voltage of these devices, since they are pushing them harder, which also generates more heat.

超频者是PC爱好者,他们试图通过提高总线速度和将CPU速度提高到超过销售和设计运行的水平来提高系统性能。 他们还经常需要提高这些设备的电压,因为它们用力推动它们,这也会产生更多的热量。

Overclocking no longer makes the performance difference it used to. It will also void your CPU warranty, could cause complete system failure requiring component replacement, and can cause random system instability. For that reason, many of the frequency and voltage settings offered in this part of the BIOS should be left alone or set to AUTO. But if you do want to adjust them, click on the ADVANCED tab on the BIOS screen.

超频不再像以前那样导致性能差异。 这也将使您的CPU保修失效,可能导致需要更换组件的完整系统故障,并可能导致随机系统不稳定。 因此,BIOS此部分中提供的许多频率和电压设置应单独保留或设置为AUTO。 但是,如果要调整它们,请单击BIOS屏幕上的ADVANCED选项卡。

CPU External Freq. (MHz) : Be sure to set this in accordance with the specifications of your processor.


CPU Frequency Multiple Setting : AUTO.

CPU Frequency Multiple Setting:自动。

CPU Frequency Multiple : Be sure to set this in accordance with the specifications of your processor.

CPU Frequency Multiple:确保根据处理器的规格进行设置。

Asus should have called this the CPU Multiplier. To understand what this means, realize that the CPU processes data at a different speed than the rest of your system. In this example, an AMD Athlon 2600 CPU is used, which runs at 2.133 GHz. It talks to the motherboard at 133.33 MHz, which is referred to as the Front Side Bus (FSB) speed. Therefore, 133.33 MHz (generally referred to as 133 MHz) is the FSB speed, while the CPU processes data at a multiple of 16 x 133.33 for a total of 2,133, or 2.133 GHz. So the multiplier is 16.

华硕应该把它称为CPU倍增器。 要了解这意味着什么,请认识到CPU处理数据的速度与系统其余部分的速度不同。 在此示例中,使用的是AMD Athlon 2600 CPU,其运行频率为2.133 GHz。 它以133.33 MHz的速度与母板通信,这称为前端总线(FSB)速度。 因此,FSB速度为133.33 MHz(通常称为133 MHz),而CPU以16 x 133.33的倍数处理数据,总共2133或2.133 GHz。 因此乘数为16

Through testing, AMD has determined — as have many independent magazines — that their 2.133 GHz CPU runs as fast as (or faster than) an Intel CPU rated at 2.6 GHz. Knowing that most consumers shop looking for large numbers to equate to performance, AMD had to come up with a way to convince consumers that even though their clock speed number was smaller, the processor’s performance was the same or better than an Intel system with larger numbers. This explains why an AMD Athlon 2600 (as used in this example) actually runs at 2.1333 GHz and not the implied 2.6 GHz.

通过测试,与许多独立杂志一样,AMD已经确定其2.133 GHz CPU的运行速度与(或快于)额定2.6 GHz的Intel CPU一样。 AMD知道大多数消费者都在寻找大量等于性能的产品,因此AMD必须想出一种方法说服消费者,即使他们的时钟速度数值较小,但处理器的性能却与具有更大数值的Intel系统相同或更好。 。 这解释了为什么AMD Athlon 2600(在本示例中使用)实际上以2.1333 GHz而不是隐含的2.6 GHz运行。

System Performance : Optimal.


CPU Interface : Optimal.


Memory Frequency : By SPD. Most memory-chip manufacturers include a Serial Presence Detect (SPD) chip, which reports to the computer’s BIOS the size, data width, speed, and voltage of the installed memory. These settings are determined by the manufacturer to ensure maximum performance and reliability, so “By SPD” is considered a safe, recommended setting. By adjusting these settings yourself, you may be able to squeeze more performance out of your system, but if you’re not careful, you might cause your system to constantly crash, not boot properly, or not boot at all.

内存频率:通过SPD。 大多数内存芯片制造商都包括一个串行存在检测(SPD)芯片,该芯片向计算机的BIOS报告已安装内存的大小,数据宽度,速度和电压。 这些设置由制造商确定,以确保最佳性能和可靠性,因此“通过SPD”被认为是安全的建议设置。 通过自己调整这些设置,可以使系统发挥更大的性能,但是,如果不小心,可能会导致系统不断崩溃,无法正常启动或根本无法启动。

内存时序:最佳。 (Memory Timings : Optimal.)

FSB Spread Spectrum : Disabled. This feature helps systems pass European electromagnetic interference (EMI) tests. It accomplishes this by constantly varying, ever so slightly, the frequency of the Front Side Bus (FSB). Be warned that enabling this feature with large values can result in Internet connection disruption, as well as stability problems if you overclock your system.

FSB扩频:禁用。 此功能有助于系统通过欧洲电磁干扰(EMI)测试。 它通过不断稍微改变前端总线(FSB)的频率来实现此目的。 请注意,以较大的值启用此功能可能会导致Internet连接中断,并且如果您对系统进行超频,则会导致稳定性问题。

AGP Spread Spectrum : Disabled. The description above applies here as well, except that this is for modulating the frequency of the Advanced Graphics Port (AGP) interface.

AGP扩展频谱:已禁用。 除了用于调制高级图形端口(AGP)接口的频率之外,上面的描述也适用于此。

CPU VCore Setting : AUTO.


CPU VCore : Be sure to set this in accordance with the core voltage requirements of your processor.

CPU VCore:请确保根据处理器的核心电压要求进行设置。

There are so many processors out there that I don’t know if one example would be better than none. Instead, here is a partial chart, showing the name of the CPU, its actual operating speed, its core voltage requirement, and how hot it can get before failing.

那里有太多的处理器,我不知道一个例子是否总比没有例子好。 取而代之的是,这里有一个局部图表,显示了CPU的名称,其实际运行速度,其核心电压要求以及在出现故障之前温度可以升高的程度。

There are also similar chart for other processors .


Graphics Aperture Size : 64 MB or 128 MB. This feature controls the size of the Graphics Address Relocation Table (GART) and the amount of memory address space used for AGP memory addresses. Regardless of how much on-board memory a system’s video card has, a setting of 64 MB or 128 MB is recommended. This will allow the video card to remain optimized in the event that an application requires more memory for texture storage, while simultaneously limiting the GART to a reasonable size.

图形Kong径大小:64 MB或128 MB。 此功能控制图形地址重定位表(GART)的大小以及用于AGP内存地址的内存地址空间量。 无论系统视频卡有多少板载内存,建议设置为64 MB或128 MB。 如果应用程序需要更多的内存来存储纹理,这将使视频卡保持最佳状态,同时将GART限制在合理的大小。

AGP Frequency : AUTO.


System BIOS Cacheable : Disabled. You might be under the impression that all cache is good, but that’s not true. This feature can cause problems such as system crashes if a program tries to write to the BIOS area being cached. This is a great feature to enable if you’re still using DOS.

系统BIOS可缓存:已禁用。 您可能会觉得所有缓存都不错,但这不是事实。 如果程序尝试写入要缓存的BIOS区域,则此功能可能会导致诸如系统崩溃之类的问题。 如果您仍在使用DOS,则可以启用此功能。

Video RAM Cacheable : Disabled. This option allows the Video RAM to be copied directly to your L2 cache, which is considerably faster to access than ROM. However, Windows is so much more advanced than DOS, Windows rarely ever uses this ROM. Because the L2 cache is quite limited in size, it is recommended you let Windows use the L2 cache for enhancing the efficiency of other tasks.

可缓存视频RAM:已禁用。 此选项允许将视频RAM直接复制到您的L2缓存中,这比ROM存取要快得多。 但是,Windows比DOS先进得多,Windows很少使用此ROM。 由于L2缓存的大小非常有限,因此建议您让Windows使用L2缓存来提高其他任务的效率。

DDR Reference Voltage : 2.6V. This setting controls the voltage of the Double-Data Rate (DDR) memory in your system.

DDR参考电压:2.6V 此设置控制系统中双倍数据速率(DDR)内存的电压。

AGP VDDQ Voltage : 1.5V. VDDQ is an engineering term meaning Voltage between Drain and common for Data Quad-band. In English, this refers to how much voltage should be supplied to the video card.

AGP VDDQ电压:1.5V VDDQ是一个工程术语,表示数据四频带的漏极和公共端之间的电压。 用英语,这是指应向视频卡提供多少电压。

AGP 8X Support : Enable this if the system’s video card supports 8X AGP speeds. You must install the VIA 4-in-1 drivers to take advantage of this feature on VIA-based motherboards.

AGP 8X支持:如果系统的视频卡支持8X AGP速度,请启用此功能。 您必须安装VIA 4合1驱动程序才能在基于VIA的主板上利用此功能。

AGP Fast Write Capability : Enabled is recommended. This feature, when enabled, allows the AGP device to bypass main memory when performing write transactions from the chipset to the AGP device, increasing performance by as much as 10 percent. However, some games and PCI cards may experience problems with this setting enabled. It is recommended that you experiment with this setting to determine what works best for your PC.

AGP快速写入功能:建议启用。 启用此功能后,允许AGP设备在执行从芯片组到AGP设备的写入事务时绕过主内存,从而将性能提高多达10%。 但是,某些游戏和PCI卡在启用此设置后可能会遇到问题。 建议您尝试此设置,以确定最适合您的PC的设置。

集成外设 (Integrated Peripherals)

This section of the BIOS setup program contains settings for built-in peripherals included with the motherboard. This includes serial and parallel ports, as well as audio, LAN, and USB ports. Unused ports that are enabled represent a significant drain on resources and should be disabled.

BIOS设置程序的此部分包含主板随附的内置外围设备的设置。 这包括串行和并行端口,以及音频,LAN和USB端口。 启用的未使用端口会占用大量资源,应将其禁用。

Primary VGA BIOS : This setting is used only when there are two video cards installed in the PC: One AGP (accelerated graphics port) and one PCI (peripheral component interconnect). The system wants to know which card to initialize first and make its “main” card. If you only have one video card, it is most likely AGP. For most people, the default setting is wrong and should be changed to AGP VGA Card . If you have two video cards, select the video card that you want to be the “main” or primary card. The primary video card will show the Windows splash screen and POST results during initial boot-up.

主VGA BIOS:仅当PC中安装了两个视频卡:一个AGP(加速图形端口)和一个PCI(外围设备互连)时,才使用此设置。 系统想知道首先初始化哪个卡并使其成为“主”卡。 如果只有一个视频卡,则很可能是AGP。 对于大多数人而言,默认设置是错误的,应将其更改为AGP VGA卡。 如果您有两个视频卡,请选择要用作“主”或主卡的视频卡。 初始启动期间,主视频卡将显示Windows初始屏幕和POST结果。

USB Controllers : This feature allows you to limit the functionality of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) controllers on your system. You may choose to allow only USB 1.1, USB 1.1 & 2.0, or disable USB altogether. Most people will want to set this to USB 1.1 & 2.0 for maximum versatility.

USB控制器:此功能使您可以限制系统上通用串行总线(USB)控制器的功能。 您可以选择只允许使用USB 1.1,USB 1.1和2.0,或者完全禁用USB。 大多数人会希望将其设置为USB 1.1和2.0以实现最大的多功能性。

USB Legacy Support : This setting must be enabled if the PC has a USB keyboard and the user wants to use this keyboard either in a DOS environment or before the operating system loads (in boot menus, for example). If this setting is disabled, then booting to a floppy disk or CD-ROM will render the keyboard useless. Also, ironically, trying to enter the PC’s BIOS may be impossible if this setting is disabled and a USB keyboard is connected. If the PC has a USB keyboard with a rectangular connector, then set this to Enabled . If it has a PS/2 keyboard (round connector), set this to Disabled . Be aware that enabling this feature may result in problems with the computer waking up from Standby or Hibernate mode, or cause the computer to not shut down properly. In other words, enable this only if you must.

USB Legacy Support:如果PC具有USB键盘并且用户想要在DOS环境中或在加载操作系统之前(例如,在启动菜单中)使用此键盘,则必须启用此设置。 如果禁用此设置,则引导至软盘或CD-ROM将使键盘无用。 同样,具有讽刺意味的是,如果禁用此设置并连接了USB键盘,则尝试进入PC的BIOS可能是不可能的。 如果PC具有带矩形连接器的USB键盘,请将其设置为Enabled。 如果它具有PS / 2键盘(圆形连接器),请将其设置为Disabled。 请注意,启用此功能可能会导致计算机从待机或Hibernate模式唤醒,或导致计算机无法正常关闭。 换句话说,仅在必要时启用此功能。

USB Mouse Support : Same as above. Disabled is the preferred setting.

USB鼠标支持:与上述相同。 首选禁用设置。

Onboard AC97 Audio Controller : If a sound card such as a Soundblaster Audigy has been added to the PC, or the system does not have speakers, be sure to Disable the motherboard’s on-board sound card. This will free up precious resources and prevent potential conflicts. For most systems, however, this feature should be set to Enabled .

板载AC97音频控制器:如果已在PC中添加了诸如Soundblaster Audigy之类的声卡,或者系统没有扬声器,请确保禁用主板的板载声卡。 这将释放宝贵的资源并防止潜在的冲突。 但是,对于大多数系统,此功能应设置为Enabled。

Onboard AC97 Modem Controller : Some motherboards are sold with built-in or proprietary dial-up modems. This is rare on white-box systems, but many tier-one manufacturers utilize these devices. If the system lacks a modem, or if the modem is plugged into a standard PCI slot on the motherboard, then this setting should be Disabled. Otherwise, it should be Enabled.

板载AC97调制解调器控制器:某些主板与内置或专有的拨号调制解调器一起出售。 这在白盒系统上很少见,但是许多一级制造商都在使用这些设备。 如果系统缺少调制解调器,或者调制解调器已插入主板上的标准PCI插槽,则应禁用此设置。 否则,应将其启用。

Onboard LAN (nVidia) : This lets you enable or disable the built-in network interface card (NIC). The options are Auto or Disabled. The ASUS motherboard I used for this article has two built-in network interface cards, which is particularly useful for people who want to use the PC as a router to share their high-speed broadband Internet connection: One NIC plugs into the cable modem, while the other plugs into a hub, switch, or other PC via a crossover cable. If you use only one NIC, disable the one you are not using, to free up valuable resources.

板载LAN(nVidia):这使您可以启用或禁用内置网络接口卡(NIC)。 选项为“自动”或“禁用”。 我在本文中使用的ASUS主板具有两个内置的网络接口卡,这对于希望使用PC作为路由器共享高速宽带Internet连接的人们特别有用:一个NIC插入电缆调制解调器,而另一根则通过交叉电缆插入集线器,交换机或其他PC。 如果仅使用一个NIC,请禁用不使用的NIC,以释放宝贵的资源。

Onboard LAN (3Com) : This is the second built-in network interface card (NIC), as mentioned above.


Integrated Peripherals, ContinuedOnboard 1394 Device (Firewire) : This feature enables or disables the built-in IEEE 1394 (Firewire) port on the PC. If the system does not have any Firewire devices, or if the Firewire connector is not plugged into the motherboard, disable this device to free up valuable resources.

集成外围设备,续板载139​​4设备(火线):此功能启用或禁用PC上的内置IEEE 1394(火线)端口。 如果系统没有任何Firewire设备,或者Firewire连接器未插入主板,请禁用此设备以释放宝贵的资源。

Floppy Disk Access Controller : Most PCs today do not have floppy drives. If that’s the case for your PC, or if you never use your floppy drive and would rather have resources available for other uses, then disable this device. Note: If you have a floppy drive and decide to disable it here, the drive will not function unless you go back in to the BIOS and re-enable it.

软盘访问控制器:当今大多数PC都没有软盘驱动器。 如果您的PC属于这种情况,或者您从未使用过软盘驱动器,而是希望有可用于其他用途的资源,请禁用此设备。 注意:如果您有软盘驱动器并决定在此处将其禁用,则该驱动器将无法运行,除非您返回BIOS并重新启用它。

Onboard Serial Port 1 : Most people no longer use serial ports for connecting external peripherals, as most have been replaced by USB equivalents. If you do not use the system’s serial ports, disable the ports and free up the resources. On the other hand, if you do use the serial port, then this option should be set to 3F8/IRQ4 .

板载串行端口1:大多数人不再使用串行端口连接外部外围设备,因为大多数设备已被等效的USB代替。 如果不使用系统的串行端口,请禁用端口并释放资源。 另一方面,如果您确实使用了串行端口,则应将此选项设置为3F8 / IRQ4。

Onboard Serial Port 2 : Same as above, if you do not use this. If you do use it, then set this to 2F8/IRQ3 .

板载串行端口2:如果不使用此端口,则与上面相同。 如果确实使用它,则将其设置为2F8 / IRQ3。

UART2 Use As : A UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) is a chip that receives and transmits data serially; each serial port you have will use one, though it is possible that several may be integrated onto one chip. Many motherboards offer an infrared device to use in place of Serial Port 2, and this is where you can make that decision. You will need the infrared adapter installed on your motherboard — usually sold separately — to utilize the Infrared feature.

UART2用作:UART(通用异步接收器/发送器)是一种串行接收和发送数据的芯片。 每个串行端口将使用一个,尽管有可能将多个集成到一个芯片上。 许多主板提供了一个红外设备来代替串行端口2,您可以在此做出决定。 您需要在主板上安装红外适配器(通常是单独出售)才能利用红外功能。

Onboard Parallel Port : This setting lets you decide whether to select parallel port mode resources or disable the parallel port completely. If you have nothing plugged into the parallel port, disabling it will free up valuable system resources. But if you use the parallel port, then I recommend you set it to 378/IRQ7 .

板上并行端口:此设置使您可以决定是选择并行端口模式资源还是完全禁用并行端口。 如果您没有任何东西插入并行端口,则禁用它会释放宝贵的系统资源。 但是,如果使用并行端口,则建议将其设置为378 / IRQ7。

Parallel Port Mode : If you have disabled the parallel port, then this setting is irrelevant. However, if the parallel port is enabled, you should configure it to run in EPP (enhanced parallel port) or ECP (enhanced capabilities port) mode. EPP mode is recommended if the system has just one device, such as a printer, plugged into its parallel port. Select ECP if you have daisy-chained more than one device — such as an external Zip drive, scanner, printer, or tape drive — to the system’s parallel port. To take full advantage of these settings, make sure you’re using IEEE-1284-compliant parallel cables.

并行端口模式:如果已禁用并行端口,则此设置无关紧要。 但是,如果启用了并行端口,则应将其配置为以EPP(增强型并行端口)或ECP(增强功能端口)模式运行。 如果系统只有一个设备(例如打印机)插入其并行端口,则建议使用EPP模式。 如果已将多个设备(例如外部Zip驱动器,扫描仪,打印机或磁带驱动器)以菊花链方式链接到系统的并行端口,请选择ECP。 要充分利用这些设置,请确保使用兼容IEEE-1284的并行电缆。

ECP DMA Select : If you select ECP or EPP plus ECP as your parallel port mode above, then this option is made available to you. With it, you can select which DMA (Direct Memory Access) channel you want it to use. I recommend the default setting of 3.

ECP DMA选择:如果您选择ECP或EPP加ECP作为上述并行端口模式,则此选项对您可用。 有了它,您可以选择要使用的DMA(直接内存访问)通道。 我建议默认设置为3。

Onboard Game Port : If you have added a sound card to your system, or if you do not use either MIDI-devices or obsolete joysticks, then this feature should be disabled to free up resources. If, however, you do use the onboard game port, then I recommend the default setting of 201.

板载游戏端口:如果已在系统中添加了声卡,或者未使用MIDI设备或过时的操纵杆,则应禁用此功能以释放资源。 但是,如果您确实使用了板载游戏端口,那么我建议使用默认设置201。

Onboard MIDI I/O : The Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) defines the standard that lets musical instruments, computer hardware, and software communicate. If you do not use your computer for making or playing MIDI music, you can safely disable this device. Otherwise, I recommend the default setting of 330.

板载MIDI I / O:乐器数字接口(MIDI)定义了使乐器,计算机硬件和软件进行通信的标准。 如果您不使用计算机制作或播放MIDI音乐,则可以安全地禁用此设备。 否则,我建议默认设置为330。

Onboard MIDI IRQ : Same as above. If enabled, I recommend the default setting of 10.

板载MIDI IRQ:与上面相同。 如果启用,我建议默认设置为10。

电源管理设置 (Power Management Settings)

This area of the BIOS seems to be the most misunderstood. When these settings are not properly configured, the result can be systems that do not shut down correctly, or that enter or awaken from the Standby or Hibernate modes improperly. Since Windows has built-in power management, you’ll want to disable all power management in the BIOS. Otherwise, the two fight with each other, and neither works properly. Motherboard manufacturers don’t assume that everyone is using Windows, so many of these settings exist for non-Windows users.

BIOS的这一区域似乎是最容易被人误解的地方。 如果未正确配置这些设置,则可能导致系统无法正确关闭,或者系统无法正确进入待机或Hibernate模式或从中唤醒。 由于Windows具有内置的电源管理,因此您将要禁用BIOS中的所有电源管理。 否则,两者会互相打架,并且都无法正常工作。 主板制造商并不认为每个人都在使用Windows,因此对于非Windows用户而言,存在许多此类设置。

ACPI Suspend to RAM : ACPI stands for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface — not to be confused with APIC or IPCA, which some people may find as options in their BIOS setup programs. The Suspend to RAM feature, sometimes referred to as S3/STR, lets the PC save more power when in Standby mode, but all devices within or attached to the computer must be ACPI-compliant. Some BIOS’s offer an S1/POS option for this scenario. If you enable this feature and experience problems with the standby mode, simply go back into the BIOS and disable it.

ACPI挂接到RAM:ACPI代表高级配置和电源接口-不要与APIC或IPCA混淆,某些人可能会在API Setup程序中将其作为选项。 挂载到RAM功能(有时称为S3 / STR)使PC在待机模式下可以节省更多电量,但是计算机内部或连接到计算机的所有设备都必须符合ACPI。 对于这种情况,某些BIOS提供了S1 / POS选项。 如果启用此功能并在待机模式下遇到问题,只需返回BIOS并禁用它即可。

Video Off Method : The DPMS (Display Power Management System) option allows the BIOS to control the video display card if it supports the DPMS feature. The Blank Screen option simply blanks the screen — use this for monitors without either power-management or “green” features. The V/H SYNC Blank option blanks the screen and turns off vertical and horizontal scanning. If your computer and monitor were built within the last four years, I recommend setting this to DPMS.

视频关闭方法:如果DPMS(显示电源管理系统)选项支持DPMS功能,则BIOS可以控制它。 “空白屏幕”选项仅使屏幕空白-将其用于没有电源管理或“绿色”功能的显示器。 “ V / H SYNC空白”选项使屏幕空白,并关闭垂直和水平扫描。 如果您的计算机和显示器是过去四年内制造的,则建议将其设置为DPMS。

HDD Down In Suspend : This feature determines whether the hard-disk drive is automatically shut down when the computer enters Suspend mode. While most power settings of this type are controlled within Windows, if you find the hard drive is not powering down when the computer enters Suspend mode — assuming your computer even allows Suspend and Hibernate modes — then enable this option. Otherwise, the recommended setting is Disabled.

HDD Down Suspend(挂起硬盘):此功能确定计算机进入挂起模式时是否自动关闭硬盘驱动器。 虽然大多数这种类型的电源设置是在Windows中控制的,但是如果您发现计算机进入挂起模式时硬盘驱动器没有断电(假设您的计算机甚至允许挂起和Hibernate模式),请启用此选项。 否则,建议设置为“禁用”。

PWR Button < 4 Secs : By default, all ATX computers will power off after the power button is held for more than four seconds. This setting tells the computer what to do if the power button is held down for less than four seconds. The options are to power off the system or enter Suspend mode. This setting is up to you.

PWR按钮<4秒:默认情况下,按住电源按钮四秒钟以上,所有ATX计算机都将关闭电源。 此设置告诉计算机如果按住电源按钮少于四秒钟该怎么办。 选项是关闭系统电源或进入挂起模式。 此设置由您决定。

Power Up On PCI Device : If you use Wake-On-LAN — typically employed in large office environments to turn on computers for remote administration — you will want this setting Enabled. Otherwise, I recommend you set it to Disabled.

打开PCI设备的电源:如果您使用局域网唤醒(通常在大型办公环境中使用它来打开计算机以进行远程管理),则需要启用此设置。 否则,建议您将其设置为“禁用”。

Wake/Power Up on Ext. Modem : This setting tells the computer to turn itself on when a phone line plugged into its modem rings. Once again, this is used for remote administration. For other environments — in other words, most users — I recommend you set this to Disabled.

在分机上唤醒/开机。 调制解调器:此设置告诉计算机将调制解调器插入电话线振铃时自行开机。 再次,它用于远程管理。 对于其他环境(换句话说,大多数用户),我建议您将此设置为“已禁用”。

Automatic Power Up : This feature, if enabled, lets you designate a specific time each day when the PC will turn itself on. If that’s useful to you, set it to Enabled. Otherwise, I recommend Disabled.

自动开机:启用此功能后,您可以指定每天打开PC的特定时间。 如果这对您有用,请将其设置为“已启用”。 否则,我建议禁用。

Time (hh:mm:ss) of Alarm : This field sets the time for automatic power-up, based on a military/24-hour clock. The Automatic Power Up field must be enabled to use this feature.

警报时间(hh:mm:ss):该字段基于军事/ 24小时制时钟设置自动开机的时间。 必须启用“自动开机”字段才能使用此功能。

AC Power Loss Restart : This option lets you tell the PC what to do when power is restored after an unexpected loss of power. Disabled leaves the system off, while Enabled reboots the system. Previous State sets the system back to the state it was in before the power interruption. I recommend you set this to Disabled.

交流电源丢失重启:此选项可让您告诉PC在意外断电后恢复电源时该怎么办。 禁用将关闭系统,而启用将重新引导系统。 “先前状态”将系统设置回断电之前的状态。 我建议您将此设置为“禁用”。

Power On By PS/2 Mouse : When enabled, this feature allows the use of a PS/2 (not USB) mouse to turn on the system. Disabled is recommended, so you don’t accidentally keep turning on your computer.

通过PS / 2鼠标开机:启用后,此功能允许使用PS / 2(不是USB)鼠标打开系统。 建议您选择“禁用”,这样您就不会意外打开计算机。

Power On By PS/2 Keyboard : When enabled, this feature lets specific keys on a PS/2 keyboard be used to turn on the system. Disabled is recommended, as most people find this of an annoyance when they accidentally press the wrong key.

通过PS / 2键盘开机:启用后,此功能允许使用PS / 2键盘上的特定键打开系统。 建议禁用,因为大多数人在不小心按下错误的键时会感到烦恼。

PnP / PCI配置 (PnP/PCI Configurations)

This area of the BIOS exists primarily for compatibility with old or unusual hardware. Most people will not need to make any changes from the factory default settings.

BIOS的该区域主要用于与旧的或特殊的硬件兼容。 大多数人不需要对出厂默认设置进行任何更改。

Reset Configuration Data : The Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) contains information about non-PnP (plug and play) devices. It also remembers the configuration of the system since the last time it was booted. Enable this feature if you want the system to clear this data during the Power-On-Self-Test (POST). This is typically used when diagnosing a piece of hardware that is not working correctly. Once you’ve Enabled this and exited the BIOS, the data will be cleared, and the setting will automatically be returned to Disabled.

重置配置数据:扩展系统配置数据(ESCD)包含有关非PnP(即插即用)设备的信息。 它还会记住自上次引导以来的系统配置。 如果您希望系统在开机自检(POST)期间清除此数据,请启用此功能。 通常在诊断无法正常工作的硬件时使用。 启用此选项并退出BIOS后,数据将被清除,并且设置将自动返回到Disabled。

Resources Controlled By : This setting tells the computer to either set IRQs automatically or to allow for all devices to be assigned IRQs manually. Manual IRQ selection can be quite challenging and is usually only required when working with older, non-PnP compliant peripherals. The recommended setting is: AUTO(ESCD).

资源控制者:此设置告诉计算机自动设置IRQ或允许手动为所有设备分配IRQ。 手动IRQ选择可能非常具有挑战性,通常仅在使用较旧的,非PnP兼容外围设备时才需要。 推荐的设置为:AUTO(ESCD)。

IRQ Resources : This option allows manual IRQ configuration and will only be available as an option if you selected MANUAL in the previous setting.


PCI/VGA Palette Snoop : This feature is typically used by video add-on cards, such as MPEG encoders. They do not have their own color palette, so they must borrow or “snoop” the palette from the system’s video card. If, like most people, you do not have a secondary video device plugged into the video card, this setting should be set to Disabled.

PCI / VGA Palette Snoop:此功能通常用于视频附加卡,例如MPEG编码器。 它们没有自己的调色板,因此必须从系统的视频卡借用或“窥探”调色板。 如果像大多数人一样,您没有在视频卡中插入辅助视频设备,则应将此设置设置为“已禁用”。

安全选项 (Security Options)

The security section of the BIOS is used to keep unauthorized people from making any changes to the BIOS. Because settings in the BIOS are so critical to proper PC operation, many office IT staff choose to lock out all non-IT personnel by using a password that only IT personnel know.

BIOS的安全性部分用于防止未经授权的人员对BIOS进行任何更改。 由于BIOS中的设置对于PC的正常运行至关重要,因此许多办公室IT人员选择使用仅IT人员知道的密码来锁定所有非IT人员。

Security Option : This feature lets you password-protect the BIOS to prevent unauthorized users from making changes. It can also be set to require a password for the PC to boot up. The options available are Setup or System; this setting controls the options for the parameters below.

安全选项:此功能使您可以对BIOS进行密码保护,以防止未经授权的用户进行更改。 也可以将其设置为要求密码才能启动PC。 可用的选项是安装程序或系统。 此设置控制以下参数的选项。

Set Supervisor Password : If you choose to select a Supervisor Password, a password will be required to enter the BIOS after you choose setup, as described above. If you choose SYSTEM as described above, then a password will be required for cold-booting, too.

设置超级用户密码:如上所述,如果选择超级用户密码,则输入BIOS时需要输入密码。 如果您如上所述选择SYSTEM,那么冷启动也将需要密码。

Set User Password : A different password assigned to users is required to boot the PC, and if a Supervisor Password has also been selected, permits the user to only adjust the date and time in the BIOS.


Note: If these passwords are forgotten or lost, you will have to reset the BIOS back to factory defaults by temporarily moving a jumper on the motherboard.


硬件监视器菜单 (Hardware Monitor Menu)

This part of the BIOS displays and sometimes monitors voltages, fan speeds, and temperatures. The ASUS motherboard used in this article also lets you set the system to automatically control the speeds of its fans depending on the system’s internal temperature. You may also be able set a CPU warning temperature that will sound an alarm if overheating occurs. Another common option is to tell the machine to power down once a pre-set temperature has been exceeded, or if the fan is turning too slowly or not at all. This can prevent the CPU from burning up if a fan fails or other extraordinary condition occurs.

BIOS的此部分显示并有时监视电压,风扇速度和温度。 The ASUS motherboard used in this article also lets you set the system to automatically control the speeds of its fans depending on the system's internal temperature. You may also be able set a CPU warning temperature that will sound an alarm if overheating occurs. Another common option is to tell the machine to power down once a pre-set temperature has been exceeded, or if the fan is turning too slowly or not at all. This can prevent the CPU from burning up if a fan fails or other extraordinary condition occurs.

If the BIOS has these options, you will find them all here, and they should be labeled clearly. Because today’s CPUs run extremely hot, enabling features that monitor and prevent permanent damage to the entire system is just common sense. I recommend you take advantage of them.

If the BIOS has these options, you will find them all here, and they should be labeled clearly. Because today's CPUs run extremely hot, enabling features that monitor and prevent permanent damage to the entire system is just common sense. I recommend you take advantage of them.

Each CPU has its own heat limitations. An example of AMD Athlon CPUs heat thresholds can be found in a table earlier in this article. Generally speaking, if the option to “issue a warning beep” or to “shut down the computer if a specific temperature is reached or exceeded” exists in the BIOS, there will be several pre-set temperatures to choose from. I recommend setting it to the second hottest temperature option offered.

Each CPU has its own heat limitations. An example of AMD Athlon CPUs heat thresholds can be found in a table earlier in this article. Generally speaking, if the option to “issue a warning beep” or to “shut down the computer if a specific temperature is reached or exceeded” exists in the BIOS, there will be several pre-set temperatures to choose from. I recommend setting it to the second hottest temperature option offered.

结论 (Conclusion)

Because there are so many potential different options available in a computer’s BIOS, you may have features and options not covered here. For additional information and answers to many BIOS questions, I recommend these two Web sites: Wim’s BIOS and Adrian’s RojakPot .

Because there are so many potential different options available in a computer's BIOS, you may have features and options not covered here. For additional information and answers to many BIOS questions, I recommend these two Web sites: Wim's BIOS and Adrian's RojakPot .

Good luck with your BIOS optimization!

Good luck with your BIOS optimization!

翻译自: https://medium/swlh/bios-for-beginners-16c1add92de0




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