
编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-13 04:57:33


Multi-monitor setups on desktop machines are pretty straight forward: if you have the ports and the appropriate cables you’re in business. Adding extra screen space to your laptop, however, can be quite a bit trickier. Read on as we show you how to enjoy extra screen real estate on your laptop no matter what your port situation and with a variety of secondary screen possibilities including repurposing old monitors, tablets, or even buying a portable USB-driven display.

台式机上的多显示器设置非常简单:如果您具有端口和适当的电缆,则可以开展业务。 但是,为笔记本电脑增加额外的屏幕空间可能会有些棘手。 继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何在笔记本电脑上享受额外的屏幕空间,无论您的端口状况如何,并具有多种辅助屏幕功能,包括重新配置旧显示器,平板电脑,甚至购买便携式USB驱动的显示器。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

Before we even begin to explain to you why you want extra screen space, we’ll need to clearly declare our bias on the matter: most of the workstations at How-To Geek are sporting two or more monitors (and the station this particular article was written on sports three). While some people prefer the focus of having only one thing open at a time on their single monitor, we really love having room to spread out, place documents side by side, park communication windows on one screen while we work on the other, etc.

在我们甚至开始向您解释为什么想要额外的屏幕空间之前,我们需要明确声明我们对此的偏见:How-To Geek上的大多数工作站都配备了两个或多个显示器(该工作站在本文中也是如此)被写在体育三)。 虽然有些人更喜欢一次只在一个显示器上打开一件事的焦点,但我们真的很喜欢有空间可以散开,并排放置文档,将通讯窗口放在一个屏幕上,而在另一屏幕上工作,等等。

If you’re looking to do the same, to add a little space to your laptop rig to park extra windows, leave notes open, or otherwise enjoy the kind of dual-screen (and bigger) screen space that is  typically reserved for desktop users, this is the tutorial for you. We’re going to start with the cheapest (and, coincidentally, least portable) options and then work our way up to more expensive and significantly more portable solutions.

如果您希望这样做,则可以在笔记本电脑装备中添加少量空间来停放额外的窗口,打开笔记,或者以其他方式享受通常为台式机用户保留的双屏(或更大)屏幕空间,这是适合您的教程。 我们将从最便宜的(巧合的是,最不便携的)选项开始,然后逐步发展到更昂贵,更便携的解决方案。

将标准台式机显示器链接到笔记本电脑 (Linking a Standard Desktop Monitor to Your Laptop)

It would be easy to think that laptops no longer came with external display ports looking at the sleek and narrow bodies of modern laptop and ultrabook-style machines. Throughout the 1990s and well into the 2000s it was common (and expected even) to see a big chunky blue VGA port sticking out the back or side of any laptop you came across.

容易想到,笔记本电脑不再带有外部显示器端口,而是将目光投向了现代笔记本电脑和超极本型机器的光滑而狭窄的机身。 在整个1990年代至2000年代,人们经常(甚至期望)看到一个大块的蓝色VGA端口伸出所遇到的任何笔记本电脑的背面或侧面。

You’d be as hard pressed to find a laptop today with a VGA port as you would to find one with a parallel port: the days of analog peripheral connections are long gone in mobile computing aside from a legacy-oriented build here or there. That doesn’t mean there’s no way to plug in a monitor to your laptop. The new standard on laptops for external displays is the slender and easily overlooked HDMI port. (Seen in the photo below on the left.)

如今,要找到一台具有VGA端口的笔记本电脑就像一头具有并行端口的笔记本电脑一样,都将像是一头难事:除了在这里或那里面向传统的构建之外,移动计算中模拟外设连接的日子早已过去。 这并不意味着无法将显示器插入笔记本电脑。 笔记本电脑用于外部显示器的新标准是纤细且易于忽略的HDMI端口。 (见左下方的照片。)

Laptops with HDMI-out ports can be be easily connected to any external monitor (be it an actual monitor or a HDTV) that accepts HDMI inputs. If you have a computer monitor that doesn’t have an HDMI input port but does have a DVI port you can easily use an inexpensive HDMI to DVI cable adapter to bridge the gap as both the HDMI and DVI signals are fully digital and require no transcoding or the like.

具有HDMI输出端口的笔记本电脑可以轻松地连接到任何接受HDMI输入的外部显示器(无论是实际显示器还是HDTV)。 如果您的计算机显示器没有HDMI输入端口,但有DVI端口,则您可以轻松地使用价格便宜的HDMI到DVI电缆适配器来弥合差距,因为HDMI和DVI信号都是全数字的并且不需要转码等等。

The majority of HDMI-DVI adapter cable product descriptions make it sounds like they’re intended to link DVI sources to HDMI screens (such as a DVI output on a video card to an HDMI-enabled monitor or HDTV) but don’t worry they’re bidirectional just like a regular old HDMI cable. Similar adapters exist (and at a similar price range) to convert DisplayPort (another digital video port format) to HDMI or DisplayPort to DVI if that’s the video port available on your laptop.

大多数HDMI-DVI适配器电缆产品说明听起来都像是要将DVI源链接到HDMI屏幕(例如将视频卡上的DVI输出连接到启用了HDMI的显示器或HDTV),但请不要担心它们就像普通的旧HDMI电缆一样,是双向的。 存在类似的适配器(并且价格范围相近),可以将DisplayPort(另一种数字视频端口格式)转换为HDMI,或者将DisplayPort转换为DVI(如果这是笔记本电脑上可用的视频端口)。

In the above photograph we have the laptop hooked up to an ASUS desktop monitor (for the curious: it’s the VN248-P, a great value that can be found on sale for around $130 practically every other month) with the laptop screen displaying our Beginner’s Guide to Minecraft series and the desktop monitor displaying Minecraft. We used Minecraft to test every external monitor setup in this series as a way to track movement and frames per second when it really matters (e.g. playing a game) as oppose to simply loading a static web page (which even the cruddiest monitor setup would have no problem with). Playing Minecraft on the second monitor was a smooth experience with no drop in FPS.

在上面的照片中,我们将笔记本电脑连接到了ASUS台式机显示器上(出于好奇:它是VN248-P,几乎可以每隔一个月以约130美元的价格出售),笔记本电脑的屏幕上显示了我们的初学者Minecraft系列指南和显示Minecraft的桌面显示器。 我们使用Minecraft来测试本系列中的每个外部显示器设置,以在真正重要的时候(例如玩游戏)跟踪每秒的运动和帧,而不是简单地加载静态网页(即使是最糟糕的显示器设置也要这样做)没问题)。 在第二台显示器上玩Minecraft是一种流畅的体验,而FPS却没有下降。

When you plug in the monitor most operating systems and laptop hardware will automatically detect it (and, at minimum, start mirroring your laptop screen to the secondary screen). Mirroring is typically the default for laptops as this way they’re ready to go when hooked up to a projector for a presentation. Use the Fn keys on your laptop (usually Fn + F3) to switch between view modes or use the display panel for your OS to make the adjustments once the HDMI cable is connected.

插入显示器时,大多数操作系统和笔记本电脑硬件将自动检测到它(并且至少开始将笔记本电脑的屏幕镜像到辅助屏幕)。 镜像通常是笔记本电脑的默认设置,因为当挂接到投影仪进行演示时,便可以使用这种方式。 连接HDMI电缆后,使用笔记本电脑上的Fn键(通常为Fn + F3)在查看模式之间切换,或使用操作系统的显示面板进行调整。

If you have a rare laptop that is so slimmed down it doesn’t even have an HDMI port, that doesn’t rule out the ability to use a traditional monitor. You’ll simply need to pick up a USB-to-HDMI adapter. These adapters typically run around $50 (this basic USB 3.0-to-HDMI unit from Cable Matters is $48 and includes a HDMI-to-DVI adapter). You can find adapters that will shift from a digital HDMI signal to a VGA signal, but loss of signal quality in the shift from digital to analog (by the very nature of the process and by no fault of the adapter manufacturer) is pretty unbearable. Stick to a fully digital signal wherever and whenever possible.

如果您有一台稀薄的便携式笔记本电脑,甚至没有HDMI端口,那也不排除使用传统显示器的能力。 您只需要选择一个USB到HDMI适配器即可。 这些适配器的价格通常在50美元左右( 来自Cable Matters的基本USB 3.0到HDMI装置价格为48美元,包括一个HDMI到DVI适配器)。 您可以找到将从数字HDMI信号转换为VGA信号的适配器,但是从数字转换为模拟的信号质量损失(由于过程的本质,并且没有适配器制造商的过错)是很难忍受的。 无论何时何地,都应坚持使用全数字信号。

Note: If you’re shopping for a USB adapter we strongly recommend really poring over the reviews and comments for the model you’re looking at. Many highly ranked adapters, for example, have poor driver support for the latest OS releases. A three year old adapter with hundreds of 4 star reviews left by Windows 7 users isn’t much good to you on Windows 8.1 if the manufacturer hasn’t updated the drivers.

注意:如果您要购买USB适配器,我们强烈建议您仔细研究一下您所寻找型号的评论和注释。 例如,许多排名靠前的适配器对最新OS版本的驱动程序支持不佳。 如果制造商尚未更新驱动程序,则Windows 7用户留下的具有三年历史的适配器(具有数百个4星级评论)对Windows 8.1而言对您来说不是很好。

The obvious primary downside of the setup outlined above (whether or not you have to shell out for a new cable or adapter) is the portability issue. Adding a nice desktop monitor to your laptop will generally double (or even triple) your screen real estate but only when you’re sitting at your home or office desk. Packing up even a slim desktop monitor and taking it on the road for business or to the library is rather impractical.

上面概述的设置的主要缺点(无论是否必须购买新的电缆或适配器)都是可移植性问题。 在笔记本电脑上添加精美的台式机显示器通常会使您的屏幕空间增加一倍(甚至三倍),但只有当您坐在家里或办公室时才可以。 甚至收拾一台纤巧的台式机显示器,将其带到商务或图书馆的路上,也是不切实际的。

将USB显示器链接到笔记本电脑 (Linking a USB Monitor to your Laptop)

If you want the screen space of a traditional monitor mated with the kind of portability you can slip into your laptop’s carrying case, there’s a whole sub-class of monitors designed just for you. These products exist in a sort of limbo between full-size monitors and tablet screens in terms of screen size, resolution, and contrast.

如果您希望传统显示器的屏幕空间与便携性相匹配,那么您可以将其放入笔记本电脑的手提箱中,这里有专门为您设计的整个显示器子类。 就屏幕尺寸,分辨率和对比度而言,这些产品存在于全尺寸显示器和平板电脑屏幕之间的一种混乱状态。

For the last few months we’ve been palling around with an AOC e1659wu, a highly rated entry in the USB-monitor genre. Because the AOC does what it does so well, we’ll use it to highlight exactly what you need to look for in a USB monitor.

在过去的几个月中,我们一直在研究AOC e1659wu ,它是USB监视器类型中的高评价条目。 因为AOC可以做得很好,所以我们将使用它来突出显示您需要在USB显示器中查找的内容。

While the AOC isn’t plug ‘n play, it is pretty easy to install. You’ll need to pull the drivers off the included CD-ROM or if your laptop doesn’t have a CD-ROM drive (and not many do these days) you can visit AOC’s support site to grab the drivers. The driver installation package installs DisplayLink drivers and then you simply need to plug in the monitor.

虽然AOC并非即插即用,但安装起来却很容易。 您需要将驱动程序从随附的CD-ROM中拉出,或者如果您的笔记本电脑没有CD-ROM驱动器(并且目前没有很多),您可以访问AOC的支持网站来获取驱动程序。 驱动程序安装包将安装DisplayLink驱动程序,然后您只需要插入监视器即可。

The AOC offers a 16″ spread (15.6″ viewable) and a max resolution of 1366×768. It weighs about as much as our ultrabook (2.6 pounds) but unlike our ultrabook requires no additional power brick (thank goodness for that). It draws all its power via two USB ports (on port for the data and the extra port for extra power). While it’s no fun to lose two USB ports in one swoop it’s a lot less fun to pack an extra power brick so we’re not complaining.

AOC提供了16英寸的展宽(可视为15.6英寸),最大分辨率为1366×768。 它的重量大约是我们的超级本(2.6磅),但是与我们的超级本不同,它不需要额外的电源砖(非常感谢)。 它通过两个USB端口(用于数据的端口和用于额外电源的额外端口)消耗所有电源。 一口气丢失两个USB端口虽然没什么好玩的,但是打包额外的电源砖却没那么有趣,所以我们没有抱怨。

The USB component of the AOC design is important: USB 3.0 offers a significant increase in available bandwidth over a USB 2.0 setup. You can actually pickup the older version of this very monitor in USB 2.0 (and save $40 in the process) but if you’re planning on using it for video or even a casual video game, we’d strongly recommend skipping the USB 2.0 model and picking up the USB 3.0 model. Not only is the newer model improved in a variety of small ways (it has more resolution options, a nicer stand, and a VESA mount if you wanted to attach the second monitor to an articulating arm, stand, or such) but the upgrade to USB 3.0 radically improves response time. Unless you only  intend to use your secondary monitor for very low-bandwidth applications like a chat window, USB 3.0 is a must.

AOC设计的USB组件很重要:与USB 2.0设置相比,USB 3.0显着增加了可用带宽。 您实际上可以在USB 2.0中使用此显示器的旧版本(并节省40美元),但是如果您打算将其用于视频甚至休闲视频游戏,我们强烈建议您跳过USB 2.0型号并选择USB 3.0型号。 较新的型号不仅以多种方式进行了改进(如果您想将第二个显示器连接到铰接臂,支架等,它还具有更多的分辨率选项,更好的支架和VESA支架),还可以升级到USB 3.0从根本上改善了响应时间。 除非您仅打算将辅助监视器用于诸如聊天窗口之类的带宽非常低的应用程序,否则必须使用USB 3.0。

If the primary concern with a USB monitor is available bandwidth (all the excellent styling in the world can’t make up for a laggy screen) then the screen brightness, contrast, and the overall styling of the unit are second in line. You can easily adjust the brightness and contrast from the Windows System Tray by selecting the AOC icon and using the settings menu. We have two minor complaints about this process: one, there’s no reason not to make this a hardware-based process via buttons on the case (there are no buttons to speak of on the AOC monitor) and two, we wish we could make it just a little brighter. The first complain is a pretty valid one and the second, we understand, is more difficult to fix if the engineers want to keep the monitor running off USB power.

如果USB监视器的主要关注点是可用带宽(世界上所有出色的样式都无法弥补屏幕的延迟),那么屏幕亮度,对比度和设备的整体样式将排在第二位。 通过选择AOC图标并使用设置菜单,您可以从Windows系统托盘轻松调整亮度和对比度。 关于此过程,我们有两个小问题:一个,没有理由不通过外壳上的按钮(在AOC监视器上没有按钮可言)使它成为基于硬件的过程;第二,我们希望我们能够做到这一点只是稍微亮一点。 我们知道,第一个抱怨是很合理的,而第二个抱怨是,如果工程师想让显示器保持USB电源供电,则更难解决。

Although the glossy screen made it difficult to photograph (and we don’t care much for glossy screens in general) the screen on the AOC was sharp and the glare when actually using the monitor was minimal.


The stand worked great; you could adjust it anywhere between closed and fully open and the mechanism stayed firmly where you left it. You can see the VESA mounts in the photo above which are, in our opinion, a nice little option to include. Most people won’t use them but if you end up wanting to mount your portable monitor to a swing arm or other mount point it’s nice to have them there.

架子很好用; 您可以在关闭和完全打开之间的任何位置进行调整,并且机构牢固地固定在离开位置。 您可以在上面的照片中看到VESA支架,我们认为这是一个不错的选择。 大多数人不会使用它们,但是如果您最终想将便携式显示器安装到摆臂或其他安装点上,那么将它们放在那里是很好的。

The final noteworthy design feature is that you can easily rotate the monitor (and it even senses the rotation and changes accordingly). Laptop screens are almost universally widescreen now but there are still so many things we look at that are portrait in orientation (like most web pages, documents, etc.). It’s handy to flip your AOC monitor around and use the space more efficiently.

最后值得一提的设计功能是您可以轻松旋转显示器(它甚至可以感应到旋转并进行相应的更改)。 笔记本电脑的屏幕现在几乎全都是宽屏的,但是我们仍然看到很多东西都是纵向的(例如大多数网页,文档等)。 方便地翻转AOC显示器,并更有效地利用空间。

We’ll admit that we didn’t expect a whole lot from a USB-driven monitor, but the AOC really delivers what it promises: low-fuss and very portable screen real estate for laptop users.


将平板电脑链接到笔记本电脑 (Linking a Tablet to Your Laptop)

If you read over the last section and thought, “That sort of looks like a giant tablet sitting there,” you’re on to something. It’s not particularly economical to go out and buy a tablet just to serve as a secondary monitor but if you already have a tablet like an iPad or larger Android tablet you wish to repurpose (even on just an as-needed-basis) as a second monitor, there are a variety of ways you can do so.

如果您阅读了上一节的内容并想到“那看起来像是坐在那里的巨大平板电脑”,那么您就可以继续进行下去。 外出购买平板电脑作为辅助显示器并不是特别经济,但是如果您已经拥有iPad或更大的Android平板电脑这样的平板电脑,那么您希望将其用作第二用途(即使只是在需要的基础上)监视器,您可以通过多种方式进行操作。

Several of the most popular applications on the market for both iOS and Android, such as Air Display and iDisplay, rely on the tablet and your laptop (or any host computer) sharing the same Wi-Fi network. This is an irritating design choice for a variety of reasons. First, the setup is completely wrecked by routers with AP isolation turned on (a feature many coffee shops, libraries, hotels, etc. use on their Wi-Fi networks to ensure that every client can talk to the router and the greater internet but not to each other); so the places you’re most likely to use the feature are the places most likely to break the feature. Second, it introduces a lot of unnecessary lag. Third, it introduces a potential security risk; why send all your screen data over the local Wi-Fi node? We get that it’s no-cables convenient but it’s prone to failure, slower, and has a built-in security risk.

市场上适用于iOS和Android的几种最流行的应用程序(例如Air Display和iDisplay )都依赖于平板电脑和笔记本电脑(或任何主机)共享相同的Wi-Fi网络。 由于多种原因,这是令人烦恼的设计选择。 首先,启用AP隔离的路由器完全破坏了设置(许多咖啡店,图书馆,酒店等都在其Wi-Fi网络上使用该功能,以确保每个客户端都可以与路由器和更大的Internet通信,但不能对彼此); 因此,您最有可能使用该功能的地方就是最有可能破坏该功能的地方。 其次,它引入了许多不必要的滞后。 第三,它带来了潜在的安全风险。 为什么要通过本地Wi-Fi节点发送所有屏幕数据? 我们得到的是,没有电缆很方便,但是它容易出现故障,速度较慢,并且具有内置的安全风险。

Instead, a better way to approach the problem is the same way we approach hooking up a plain old monitor: with a physical cable. To that end, we’re rather fond of an app called Duet Display. It costs as much as the other options on the market ($19), but it uses USB and is butter smooth.

取而代之的是,解决该问题的更好方法与我们连接普通的旧显示器的方法相同:使用物理电缆。 为此,我们非常喜欢名为Duet Display的应用程序。 它的价格与市场上其他选择的价格相同(19美元),但它使用USB且黄油光滑。

All you need to get the whole system working is the Duet Display app on your computer, the companion computer app (it will prompt you to download it when you launch the app on your tablet), and an appropriate tether cable. You can check out our full guide to setting it up here.

要使整个系统正常工作,您需要做的是计算机上的Duet Display应用程序,配套的计算机应用程序(在平板电脑上启动该应用程序时,系统会提示您下载该应用程序)以及一根合适的系缆。 您可以在此处查看我们的完整指南以进行设置 。

Although it’s easy to think you’re stuck with a single laptop screen there are plenty of options available. Assess your needs, your budget, and how portable you want your second screen to be and select the best fit from our tradition monitor, USB monitor, and tablet-as-second-screen configurations.

尽管很容易认为您只能使用一个笔记本电脑的屏幕,但仍有许多可用的选项。 评估您的需求,预算以及您想要第二个屏幕的便携性,然后从我们的传统显示器,USB显示器和平板电脑秒屏配置中选择最合适的显示器。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/194319/the-htg-guide-to-adding-an-extra-monitor-to-your-laptop/




本文发布于:2023-04-11 07:05:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:笔记本电脑   显示器   如何在


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