android网络的评分机制、连接国内ap wifi不回连问题

编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-26 01:24:20


android下可以有多种网络存在,如:wifi、mobile network、ethernet、bt-pan。而对于上层应用来说,只会看到一个连通的网络,在多个网络同时存在的情况下,android就需要一套评分机制来选择一个当前使用的网络,当那个网络的分值高时,就优先使用那个网络。

Mobile network初始分值为50(;



mNetworkAgent.sendNetworkScore(mLinkUp? NETWORK_SCORE : 0); 

Wifi的分值计算在WifiStateMachine.java的calculateWifiScore函数中进行,初始计算的基础分值为:int score = 56;根据wifi网络的状态,进行小的加减,最后,如果分值大于60(NetworkAgent.WIFI_BASE_SCORE),就把分值设置为60。
    private int getCurrentScore(boolean pretendValidated) {
        // TODO: We may want to refactor this into a NetworkScore class that takes a base score from
        // the NetworkAgent and signals from the NetworkAgent and uses those signals to modify the
        // score.  The NetworkScore class would provide a nice place to centralize score constants
        // so they are not scattered about the transports.
        int score = currentScore;
        if (!everValidated && !pretendValidated) score -= UNVALIDATED_SCORE_PENALTY;
        if (score < 0) score = 0;
        if (networkMisc.explicitlySelected) score = EXPLICITLY_SELECTED_NETWORK_SCORE;
        return score;
如果需要根据网络是否连通internet,就进行if (!everValidated && !pretendValidated) score -= UNVALIDATED_SCORE_PENALTY(40);处理,当网络与internet不通时,分值减去40。如果是用户指定使用的网络,直接返回分值if (networkMisc.explicitlySelected) score = EXPLICITLY_SELECTED_NETWORK_SCORE;(100)。

    mNetworkAgent = new WifiNetworkAgent(getHandler().getLooper(), mContext,
                    "WifiNetworkAgent", mNetworkInfo, mNetworkCapabilitiesFilter,
                    mLinkProperties, 60);
        if (mNetworkAgent != null) {
            mNetworkAgent = null;
创建WifiNetworkAgent时,在WifiNetworkAgent内创建了NetworkMonitor, NetworkMonitor就是一个检测网络的状态机,状态机包含下面状态,初始状态为mDefaultState,检测网络是否与internet连通就是在该状态机中实现。
        addState(mOfflineState, mDefaultState);
        addState(mValidatedState, mDefaultState);
        addState(mMaybeNotifyState, mDefaultState);
            addState(mEvaluatingState, mMaybeNotifyState);
            addState(mCaptivePortalState, mMaybeNotifyState);
        addState(mLingeringState, mDefaultState);


NETWORK_TEST_RESULT_VALID, mNetwork3gTestResultIsFake,

            public boolean processMessage(Message message) {
            if (DBG) log(getName() + message.toString());
            switch (message.what) {
                case CMD_REEVALUATE:
                    if (message.arg1 != mReevaluateToken)
                        return HANDLED;
                    // Don't bother validating networks that don't satisify the default request.
                    // This includes:
                    //  - VPNs which can be considered explicitly desired by the user and the
                    //    user's desire trumps whether the network validates.
                    //  - Networks that don't provide internet access.  It's unclear how to
                    //    validate such networks.
                    //  - Untrusted networks.  It's unsafe to prompt the user to sign-in to
                    //    such networks and the user didn't express interest in connecting to
                    //    such networks (an app did) so the user may be unhappily surprised when
                    //    asked to sign-in to a network they didn't want to connect to in the
                    //    first place.  Validation could be done to adjust the network scores
                    //    however these networks are app-requested and may not be intended for
                    //    general usage, in which case general validation may not be an accurate
                    //    measure of the network's quality.  Only the app knows how to evaluate
                    //    the network so don't bother validating here.  Furthermore sending HTTP
                    //    packets over the network may be undesirable, for example an extremely
                    //    expensive metered network, or unwanted leaking of the User Agent string.
                    if (!mDefaultRequestworkCapabilities.satisfiedByNetworkCapabilities(
                            mNetworkAgentInfoworkCapabilities)) {
                        return HANDLED;
                    // Note: This call to isCaptivePortal() could take up to a minute. Resolving the
                    // server's IP addresses could hit the DNS timeout, and attempting connections
                    // to each of the server's several IP addresses (currently one IPv4 and one
                    // IPv6) could each take SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS.  During this time this StateMachine
                    // will be unresponsive. isCaptivePortal() could be executed on another Thread
                    // if this is found to cause problems.
                    int httpResponseCode = isCaptivePortal();
                    if (httpResponseCode == 204) {
                    } else if (httpResponseCode >= 200 && httpResponseCode <= 399) {
                    } else if (++mAttempt > mMaxAttempts) {
                    } else if (mReevaluateDelayMs >= 0) {
                        Message msg = obtainMessage(CMD_REEVALUATE, ++mReevaluateToken, 0);
                        sendMessageDelayed(msg, mReevaluateDelayMs);
                    return HANDLED;

     * Do a URL fetch on a known server to see if we get the data we expect.
     * Returns HTTP response code.
    private int isCaptivePortal() {
        HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;
        int httpResponseCode = 599;
        try {
            URL url = new URL("http", mServer, "/generate_204");
            // On networks with a PAC instead of fetching a URL that should result in a 204
            // reponse, we instead simply fetch the PAC script.  This is done for a few reasons:
            // 1. At present our PAC code does not yet handle multiple PACs on multiple networks
            //    until something like https://android-review.googlesource/#/c/115180/ lands.
            //    Network.openConnection() will ignore network-specific PACs and instead fetch
            //    using NO_PROXY.  If a PAC is in place, the only fetch we know will succeed with
            //    NO_PROXY is the fetch of the PAC itself.
            // 2. To proxy the generate_204 fetch through a PAC would require a number of things
            //    happen before the fetch can commence, namely:
            //        a) the PAC script be fetched
            //        b) a PAC script resolver service be fired up and resolve mServer
            //    Network validation could be delayed until these prerequisities are satisifed or
            //    could simply be left to race them.  Neither is an optimal solution.
            // 3. PAC scripts are sometimes used to block or restrict Internet access and may in
            //    fact block fetching of the generate_204 URL which would lead to false negative
            //    results for network validation.
            boolean fetchPac = false;
                final ProxyInfo proxyInfo = mNetworkAgentInfo.linkProperties.getHttpProxy();
                if (proxyInfo != null && !Uri.EMPTY.equals(proxyInfo.getPacFileUrl())) {
                    url = new URL(proxyInfo.getPacFileUrl().toString());
                    fetchPac = true;
            if (DBG) {
                log("Checking " + url.toString() + " on " +
            urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) mNetworkAgentInfowork.openConnection(url);

            // Time how long it takes to get a response to our request
            long requestTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();


            // Time how long it takes to get a response to our request
            long responseTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

            httpResponseCode = urlConnection.getResponseCode();
            if (DBG) {
                log("isCaptivePortal: ret=" + httpResponseCode +
                        " headers=" + urlConnection.getHeaderFields());
            // NOTE: We may want to consider an "HTTP/1.0 204" response to be a captive
            // portal.  The only example of this seen so far was a captive portal.  For
            // the time being go with prior behavior of assuming it's not a captive
            // portal.  If it is considered a captive portal, a different sign-in URL
            // is needed (i.e. can't browse a 204).  This could be the result of an HTTP
            // proxy server.

            // Consider 200 response with "Content-length=0" to not be a captive portal.
            // There's no point in considering this a captive portal as the user cannot
            // sign-in to an empty page.  Probably the result of a broken transparent proxy.
            // See http://b/9972012.
            if (httpResponseCode == 200 && urlConnection.getContentLength() == 0) {
                if (DBG) log("Empty 200 response interpreted as 204 response.");
                httpResponseCode = 204;

            if (httpResponseCode == 200 && fetchPac) {
                if (DBG) log("PAC fetch 200 response interpreted as 204 response.");
                httpResponseCode = 204;

            sendNetworkConditionsBroadcast(true /* response received */,
                    httpResponseCode != 204 /* isCaptivePortal */,
                    requestTimestamp, responseTimestamp);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (DBG) log("Probably not a portal: exception " + e);
            if (httpResponseCode == 599) {
                // TODO: Ping gateway and DNS server and log results.
        } finally {
            if (urlConnection != null) {
        return httpResponseCode;

在android中,判断网络是否连接,是通过连接google服务器是否有回应判断的,在isCaptivePortal函数中实现,所以在大陆连接wifi的时候,由于无法与google服务器通信,所以在机子看来网络也是不通的。一个明显的标志是连接大陆wifi,在状态栏的wifi图标旁边有一个“感叹号”,如果连接的wifi能与google服务器通信,wifi图标旁就不会有“感叹号”。Wifi在检测到多次不能连接google服务器后,会在/data/misc/wifi/ networkHistory.txt 中记录:
当VALIDATED_INTERNET_ACCESS为false,numNoInternetAccessReports大于0时,wifi AP名的下面就会出现提示“未检测到任何互联网连接,因此不会自动重新连接”,这就是连接大陆wifi时,会遇到的不会回连ap的情况。


private int isCaptivePortal() {
        /* 增加代码,不配置该属性,默认为1,直接返回检测网络成功 */
        if (SystemProperties.get("ro.isCaptivePortal", ”1”).equals("1")) return 204;


  protected int isCaptivePortal() {
          if (SystemProperties.get("ro.isCaptivePortal", ”1”).equals("1")) {
               /* make fake return */
               int fakehttpResponseCode = 204;
               // Time how long it takes to get a response to our request
               long fakerequestTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

                       catch(Exception e){}

               // Time how long it takes to get a response to our request
               long fakeresponseTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

              sendNetworkConditionsBroadcast(true /* response received */,
                                                       fakehttpResponseCode != 204 /* isCaptivePortal */,
                                                       fakerequestTimestamp, fakeresponseTimestamp);

                       return fakehttpResponseCode;


private int isCaptivePortal() {
        HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;
        int httpResponseCode = 599;
        try {
            URL url = new URL("http", "", "/more/index.html");   /* 确保能成功获取该内容 */
//URL url = new URL("http", "", "/img/baidu_jgylogo3.gif");   /* 确保能成功获取该内容 */
            // On networks with a PAC instead of fetching a URL that should result in a 204
            // reponse, we instead simply fetch the PAC script.  This is done for a few reasons:
            // 1. At present our PAC code does not yet handle multiple PACs on multiple networks
            //    until something like https://android-review.googlesource/#/c/115180/ lands.
            //    Network.openConnection() will ignore network-specific PACs and instead fetch
            //    using NO_PROXY.  If a PAC is in place, the only fetch we know will succeed with
            //    NO_PROXY is the fetch of the PAC itself.
            // 2. To proxy the generate_204 fetch through a PAC would require a number of things
            //    happen before the fetch can commence, namely:
            //        a) the PAC script be fetched
            //        b) a PAC script resolver service be fired up and resolve mServer
            //    Network validation could be delayed until these prerequisities are satisifed or
            //    could simply be left to race them.  Neither is an optimal solution.
            // 3. PAC scripts are sometimes used to block or restrict Internet access and may in
            //    fact block fetching of the generate_204 URL which would lead to false negative
            //    results for network validation.
            boolean fetchPac = false;
                final ProxyInfo proxyInfo = mNetworkAgentInfo.linkProperties.getHttpProxy();
                if (proxyInfo != null && !Uri.EMPTY.equals(proxyInfo.getPacFileUrl())) {
                    url = new URL(proxyInfo.getPacFileUrl().toString());
                    fetchPac = true;
            if (DBG) {
                log("Checking " + url.toString() + " on " +
            urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) mNetworkAgentInfowork.openConnection(url);

            // Time how long it takes to get a response to our request
            long requestTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();


            // Time how long it takes to get a response to our request
            long responseTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

            httpResponseCode = urlConnection.getResponseCode();
            if (DBG) {
                log("isCaptivePortal: ret=" + httpResponseCode +
                        " headers=" + urlConnection.getHeaderFields());
            // NOTE: We may want to consider an "HTTP/1.0 204" response to be a captive
            // portal.  The only example of this seen so far was a captive portal.  For
            // the time being go with prior behavior of assuming it's not a captive
            // portal.  If it is considered a captive portal, a different sign-in URL
            // is needed (i.e. can't browse a 204).  This could be the result of an HTTP
            // proxy server.

            // Consider 200 response with "Content-length=0" to not be a captive portal.
            // There's no point in considering this a captive portal as the user cannot
            // sign-in to an empty page.  Probably the result of a broken transparent proxy.
            // See http://b/9972012.
        if (httpResponseCode == 200) {
                if (DBG) log(" 200 response interpreted as 204 response.");
                httpResponseCode = 204;


android网络的评分机制、连接国内ap wifi不回连问题

本文发布于:2023-04-19 17:19:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:不回   评分   机制   国内   网络


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