
编程知识 更新时间:2023-05-01 17:11:00


There’s something special about a printed photo. Sure, you can share thousands of photos on Facebook, but none of them will ever be as special as the one photo you hang on the wall in your living room.

打印的照片有一些特别之处。 当然,您可以在Facebook上共享数千张照片,但是这些照片都不会像您在客厅的墙上挂着的一张照片那样特别。

Almost every major smartphone comes with a high quality camera, but if you want to print one of those photos, how big can you blow it up? Let’s find out.

几乎每个主要的智能手机都配备了高质量的相机,但是如果您要打印其中一张照片,可以将其炸毁多大? 让我们找出答案。

高质量印刷的含义 (What High Quality Printing Means)

As anyone who’s tried to print an image they’ve downloaded from Facebook has discovered, not every photo will print nicely. What looks good on your screen might look blurry or pixelated when blown up to wall size. The problem here is resolution.

正如任何尝试打印从Facebook下载的图像的人所发现的那样,并不是每张照片都能打印出很好的照片。 当炸毁到墙壁大小时,屏幕上看起来不错的东西可能看起来模糊或像素化。 这里的问题是分辨率。

Every image has a resolution. It’s simply the number of pixels it is wide multiplied by the number of pixels it is tall. The image below is 650 pixels wide and 433 pixels tall; that’s 281,450 pixels in total or 0.28 megapixels (a megapixel is a million pixels).

每个图像都有一个分辨率。 它只是宽的像素数乘以高的像素数。 下面的图像宽650像素,高433像素; 总计281,450像素或0.28兆像素(百万像素为一百万像素)。

While it looks good on screen, if you tried to print a high-res copy, it would be a whopping two inches wide. This is because high-res printing is done at 300 pixels per inch (PPI).

虽然它在屏幕上看起来不错,但是如果您尝试打印高分辨率的副本,那将是惊人的两英寸宽。 这是因为高分辨率打印是以每英寸300像素(PPI)进行的。

如何计算照片的最大高分辨率打印尺寸 (How to Calculate the Maximum High-Res Print Size for a Photo)

To find the maximum high-res print size of the images from your smartphone, divide the horizontal and vertical pixel counts by 300.


So for example, my iPhone 6S Plus has a 12 megapixel camera. That means any photo taken with it, like the one above, will be 4032 px by 3024 px (provided you’re using the original photo and not one that’s been shrunk or “optimized” for a cloud service). Divide those numbers by 300 and you get 13.44 inches wide by 10.08 inches tall. That’s a pretty decent size canvas!

例如,我的iPhone 6S Plus拥有12百万像素的摄像头。 这意味着用它拍摄的任何照片(如上面的照片)将为4032像素x 3024像素(前提是您使用的是原始照片,而不是针对云服务缩小或“优化”的照片)。 将这些数字除以300,即可得到13.44英寸宽乘以10.08英寸高。 那是一块相当不错的画布!

如何打印更大的图像? (What About Printing Bigger Images?)

Now, that rule only applies to smaller photos. Once you get bigger, PPI stops mattering as much.

现在,该规则仅适用于较小的照片。 一旦变大,PPI就不再重要。

As I explained in my guide to buying your first high quality camera, megapixels don’t really matter when it comes to cameras, because once you get above about 10 megapixels, you can comfortably print a billboard.

正如我在购买第一台高质量相机的指南中所解释的那样, 对于相机而言 ,百万像素并不重要,因为一旦超过10百万像素,您就可以舒适地打印广告牌。

At 300 pixels per inch, you can put your nose against a print and it will still look good. For small images, this is really important. People want to get close to see everything. For larger images, however, if you get too close, you can’t see everything. Instead, you need to step back. No one (sane) tries to put their nose against a billboard to see what it says. You can get away with having a much lower PPI.

每英寸300像素时,您可以将鼻子放在打印件上,它看起来仍然不错。 对于小图像,这确实很重要。 人们希望亲近所有事物。 但是,对于较大的图像,如果距离太近, 看不到所有内容。 相反,您需要退后一步。 没有人(理智的)试图将鼻子靠在广告牌上,以查看广告内容。 您可以降低PPI得多。

So if you want to print a bigger image, you have two options: lower the PPI on the print, or artificially increase the image size.


选择一:降低PPI (Option One: Lower the PPI)

Lowering the PPI is the option most printers will take if you ask them to print a large canvas. At 200 PPI, you can print a 12 MP image on a 20.16 inch by 15.12 inch canvas. If you send them a 12 MP photo and ask them to print it on a 20 inch wide canvas, all they will do is print each pixel a little larger.

如果要求打印机打印较大的画布,则降低PPI是大多数打印机的选择。 在200 PPI下,您可以在20.16英寸x 15.12英寸的画布上打印12 MP图像。 如果向他们发送12 MP的照片,并要求他们在20英寸宽的画布上打印,则他们要做的就是将每个像素打印得更大一点。

Everything will look good from a few feet away; you just won’t be able to stand as close.

几英尺外一切都会好起来。 您将无法站立得那么近。

选项二:增加照片的分辨率 (Option Two: Increase the Photo’s Resolution)

While you can just let the printer do their thing, it’s normally better to take matters into your own hands. Why let some stranger make decisions about your images?

虽然您可以让打印机完成任务,但是通常最好将事情交到自己手中。 为什么让一些陌生人对您的图像做出决定?

With Photoshop (or another good image editor), you can increase the size of any image; we’ve looked at how to do it in detail before. Photoshop uses the pixels that are already there to calculate what new pixels should go where. It’s not perfect, but it does a really good job.

使用Photoshop(或其他出色的图像编辑器 ),您可以增加任何图像的大小。 我们之前已经详细研究了如何做 。 Photoshop使用已经存在的像素来计算应该将新像素放置在何处。 它不是完美的,但是做得很好。

Below, I’ve increased the size of the image from earlier 400%. The full file is now 1300×866 px, but I’ve cropped a 650×433 px section of it so you can compare the two images.

下面,我将图像的尺寸从之前的400%增加了。 完整文件现在为1300×866像素,但是我裁剪了650×433像素的部分,以便可以比较两个图像。

Here’s a comparison of the original 20+ MP file resized down to 1300×866 px, with a 650×433 px segment cropped out. The top left and bottom right corners are from the high resolution file that has been sized down while the top right and bottom left corners are from the low resolution file that has been sized up.

这是原始20+ MP文件的比较,该文件的大小缩小到1300×866 px,并切出了650×433 px的段。 左上角和右下角来自减小尺寸的高分辨率文件,而右上角和左下角来自增大尺寸的低分辨率文件。

There’s definitely a small difference, especially in areas of fine detail like the hair, but I think the effect is still really good. I’d sooner print this version at 300 PPI than have the printer do a version at 200 PPI.

肯定存在很小的差异,尤其是在头发等细节方面,但我认为效果仍然非常好。 我将以300 PPI打印此版本,而不是让打印机以200 PPI打印版本。

While there’s no limit to how much bigger you can make an image in theory, Photoshop only has so much data to work with. The further you push things, the worse they’ll look.

虽然理论上可以制作多大图像没有限制,但Photoshop只能处理这么多数据。 推得越远,它们看起来越糟。

I’ve found you can safely double the horizontal and vertical resolution (so quadruple the size of the image) of a good quality file without too much loss of quality. With my iPhone 6S, that gives me prints that are over two feet wide that look good when viewed up close.

我发现您可以安全地将高质量文件的水平和垂直分辨率(图像大小的四倍)加倍,而不会损失太多质量。 使用我的iPhone 6S,可以打印出两英尺宽的照片,近距离观看时看起来不错。

Modern smartphones have great cameras. With no tweaking, you’re normally able to print a high-res images that are over a foot wide. With a bit of Photoshop work, you can easily double that, and if you’re prepared to sacrifice a some quality, there is really no limit as to how big you can make them. That’s why Apple’s “Shot on iPhone” billboards look great.

现代智能手机具有出色的相机。 无需进行任何调整,通常就可以打印一英尺宽的高分辨率图像。 通过一点Photoshop的工作,您可以轻松地将其加倍,并且如果您准备牺牲一些质量,那么实际上可以制造它们的大小是没有限制的。 这就是为什么苹果的“ Shot on iPhone ”广告牌看起来很棒。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/292081/how-big-of-a-photo-can-i-print-from-my-phone-or-camera/




本文发布于:2023-04-23 17:34:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:相机   多大   照片   手机


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