
编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:20:08


That's C-sharp, horns. 这里是升C调  小号手

Forgot my sax, Mr. G. 老高 我忘带萨克斯了

Go for it! 秀一段

Way to go! 好样的

he's playing these chords with fourths on it  他用四分音符弹奏着叠和弦

and then with the minor... 然后是小调

You're doing my ears a favor. 你可算拯救了我的耳朵

I wanted to deliver the good news personally. 我想亲自来传达这个好消息

Working man, coming through. 打工人 挺过来了

Maybe you need to have a backup plan, too 也许你也该有个备用计划

A backup plan never hurts. 备用计划永远没坏处

With this job, you'll be able to put that dead-end gigging behind you. 有了这份工作,你就可以把那些没前途的演出抛脑后了

and we're kickin' off our tour with a show at The Half Note tonight. 今天晚上我们会在二分音符乐馆开始巡回演出

Leon skipping town really put us in a bind, man. 里昂没在真的让我们陷入大麻烦了

I'm glad you made it. 很高兴你能来

My boy, Bishop, said he sat in with you on a set last year in Brooklyn. 毕设普说去年他在布鲁克林的一个音乐会和你坐在一起

Said you were great. 说你很棒

Get on up here, Teach, we ain't got all day.  快上来 教书的 我们没时间在你身上耗

I zoned out a little back there. 我刚才一阵儿有点弹得太出神了

Hey, pal, you're gonna get hurt! 嘿 伙计 长点眼

Ah. Must have been sudden for you. 对你来说一定很突然

The Great Beyond. 生之彼岸
As in, as in beyond life? 是生命的彼岸吗

I'm due. 我都安排好了的

Heck, I'm overdue. 不行 我要迟到了

I'm outta here. 我要离开这里

let's give the mentor some room. 让我们给导师一些空间

I am the coming together of all quantized fields of the universe. 我是宇宙间交汇处所有量子化场领域的集合体

H-E-double hockey sticks 天堂的反义词 double hockey sticks 原意是两根棍子 这里指代“hell”中的“ll",委婉的说出 hell 类似汉语中的避讳

It's easy to get turned around. 确实容易让人困惑

the Great Before 生之来处

Oh. We call it the You Seminar now. Rebranding.  哦 我们改名了 现在叫"心灵学院"

Your body's in a holding pattern. 你的身体处于停滞状态

You are in for a treat. 你们会大开眼界的

The count's off. 数目不对

Okay, first stop is the Excitable Pavilion.  好了 第一站是热情练习室  Pavilion  (公共活动或展览用的)临时建筑物; (运动场旁设立的)运动员席,看台; 大型文体馆;

Well, they use the Earth portal. 这得去地球门那里  portal 壮观的大门; 豪华的入口; 门户网站; 入口站点;

You're more than welcome to opt out.  你完全可以现在就选择退出

Actually, on second thought 其实 我仔细想想的话

Head right on over there to Jerry. 直接去那边找杰瑞就行

It's my job to keep track of this stuff, Jerry. 我的工作就是记录追踪这些东西 杰瑞

Looks good from where this guy's standing. 这家伙看起来做得很好

Don't play dumb with me. 别跟我套近乎了

I'm Jerry, a counselor here at the You Seminar. 我是杰瑞 负责培训项目的心灵顾问

I'm an agreeable skeptic who's cautious yet flamboyant. 我是一个讨人喜欢的怀疑论者 谨慎又浮躁

I'm an irritable wallflower who's dangerously curious. 我是一个易怒的腼腆儿 对一切充满好奇

I'm a manipulative megalomaniac who's intensely opportunistic. 我是个善于摆布他人的自大狂 投机取巧我最在行

this one might be a handful. 估计这位可棘手咯

where literally anything on Earth could inspire. 在这儿 地球上的所有都可能激发出他们的灵感

Stop fighting this, 22. 别再反抗了 二十二

22 has been at the You Seminar for quite some time 二十二在这已经是个老灵魂了

It's not gonna work, anyway. 反正都行不通的

Copernicus 哥白尼

The world doesn't revolve around you, 22. 二十二 地球并不是围着你转的

Thanks, but no thanks, Doc. 谢谢 但是不用了 博士

Come on, don't you want to fill out your pass? 别这样 你不想拿到通行证吗 fill out

I float in mist, I do my Sudoku puzzles 我在雾中飘然似神仙 做数独

Carl Jung 卡尔·荣格

Binaca breath spray? Cheap cologne? 口气清新剂 廉价古龙水

Man, who curated this exhibit? 是谁策划了这个展览

Black improvisational music. 黑人即兴音乐

See, the tune is just an excuse to bring out the you. 乐曲只是找到真正自我的入口

Come back when you have something. 等你真有点本事了再来吧




本文发布于:2023-03-29 11:35:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:中不   句子   单词   心灵


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