解析类似 SQL 的语法、设计模式

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 07:31:07
本文介绍了解析类似 SQL 的语法、设计模式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我正在尝试模拟 sql 语法来构建一个简单的类似于 sql 的键值存储接口.这些值本质上是 POJO

I am trying mock sql syntax to build a simple sql like interface to a key-value storage. The values are essentially POJOs


select A.B.C from OBJ_POOL where A.B.X = 45 AND A.B.Y > '88' AND A.B.Z != 'abc';

OBJ_POOL 只是同一类 POJO 的列表.在这个例子中,A 是基类.

OBJ_POOL is just a list of POJOs of the same class. In this example A would be the base class.

Class A
    Class B
        String C
        Integer X
        String Y
        String Z

现在 A.B.C 等价于 A.getB().getC()

Now A.B.C is equivalent A.getB().getC()

我使用 Antlr 解析上面的语句得到一个 AST,然后 hoping 使用 Apache BeanUtils 反射地获取/设置字段名称.

I am using Antlr to parse the above statement to get an AST, and then hoping to use Apache BeanUtils to reflectively get/set the field names.

我编写了构建 AST 的语法现在我面临两个问题

I wrote the grammar thats builds an AST Now I am facing two problems

应该如何为 where 子句实现访问者?A.B.X = 45 意味着所有对象的字段 X 为 45,应该如何进行过滤,有什么好的方法可以做到这一点?有没有什么方法可以遍历生成的 AST,而不会用自定义逻辑(存储访问、属性 getter/setter 等)弄乱访问者代码.


The second problem is more worrying since there might be many things that the statement might do.

简而言之,如果有任何建议/链接/设计模式可以很好地解析 sql select 语句的一小部分,我们将不胜感激

In a nutshell any suggestions/links/design-patterns to nicely parse a small subset of the sql select statment would be greatly appreciated



你可以像我在 我的博客文章(因为我知道你读过这些,所以我不会详细介绍).在这种情况下唯一的区别是您的每一行数据都有自己的范围.传递此范围的一种简单方法是将其作为参数提供给 eval(...) 方法.

You can do this much like how I demonstrated in my blog posts (and since I know you read those, I won't go in much detail). The only difference in this case is that each of your rows of data has its own scope. An easy way to pass this scope along is by providing it as a parameter to the eval(...) method.

下面是如何实现这一点的快速演示.请注意,我根据我的博客文章迅速将其合并:并非所有功能都可用(请参阅许多 TODO,并且其中也可能存在(小)错误.自行使用风险!).

Below is a quick demo of how this could be implemented. Note that I quickly hacked this together based on my blog posts: not all functionality is available (see the many TODO's, and there are likely (small) bugs in it as well. Use at your own risk!).

除了 ANTLR v3.3,您还需要以下 3 个文件用于此演示:

Besides ANTLR v3.3, you need the following 3 files for this demo:

grammar Select;

options {

tokens {
  // imaginary tokens

  // literal tokens
  Eq     = '=';
  NEq    = '!=';
  LT     = '<';
  LTEq   = '<=';
  GT     = '>';
  GTEq   = '>=';
  Minus  = '-';
  Not    = '!';
  Select = 'select';
  From   = 'from';
  Where  = 'where';
  And    = 'AND';
  Or     = 'OR';

 : select_stat EOF -> ^(ROOT select_stat)

 : Select attr_list From Id where_stat ';' -> ^(Select attr_list Id where_stat)

 : Id (',' Id)* -> ^(ATTR_LIST Id+)

 : Where expr -> expr
 |            -> ^(Eq Int["1"] Int["1"]) 
                 // no 'where', insert '1=1' which is always true

 : or_expr

 : and_expr (Or^ and_expr)*

 : eq_expr (And^ eq_expr)*

 : rel_expr ((Eq | NEq)^ rel_expr)*

 : unary_expr ((LT | LTEq | GT | GTEq)^ unary_expr)?

 : Minus atom -> ^(UNARY_MINUS atom)
 | Not atom   -> ^(Not atom)
 | atom

 : Str
 | Int
 | Id
 | '(' expr ')' -> expr

Id    : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_') ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | Digit)*;
Str   : '\'' ('\'\'' | ~('\'' | '\r' | '\n'))* '\'' 
         // strip the surrounding quotes and replace '' with '
         setText($text.substring(1, $text.length() - 1).replace("''", "'"));
Int   : Digit+;
Space : (' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n') {skip();};

fragment Digit : '0'..'9';


tree grammar SelectWalker;

options {

@header {
  import java.util.List;
  import java.util.Map;
  import java.util.Set;

@members {

  private Map<String, List<B>> dataPool;

  public SelectWalker(CommonTreeNodeStream nodes, Map<String, List<B>> data) {
    dataPool = data;

query returns [List<List<Object>> result]
 : ^(ROOT select_stat) {$result = (List<List<Object>>)$select_stat.node.eval(null);}

select_stat returns [Node node]
 : ^(Select attr_list Id expr) 
    {$node = new SelectNode($attr_list.attributes, dataPool.get($Id.text), $expr.node);}

attr_list returns [List<String> attributes]
@init{$attributes = new ArrayList<String>();}
 : ^(ATTR_LIST (Id {$attributes.add($Id.text);})+)

expr returns [Node node]
 : ^(Or a=expr b=expr)   {$node = null; /* TODO */}
 | ^(And a=expr b=expr)  {$node = new AndNode($a.node, $b.node);}
 | ^(Eq a=expr b=expr)   {$node = new EqNode($a.node, $b.node);}
 | ^(NEq a=expr b=expr)  {$node = new NEqNode($a.node, $b.node);}
 | ^(LT a=expr b=expr)   {$node = null; /* TODO */}
 | ^(LTEq a=expr b=expr) {$node = null; /* TODO */}
 | ^(GT a=expr b=expr)   {$node = new GTNode($a.node, $b.node);}
 | ^(GTEq a=expr b=expr) {$node = null; /* TODO */}
 | ^(UNARY_MINUS a=expr) {$node = null; /* TODO */}
 | ^(Not a=expr)         {$node = null; /* TODO */}
 | Str                   {$node = new AtomNode($Str.text);}
 | Int                   {$node = new AtomNode(Integer.valueOf($Int.text));}
 | Id                    {$node = new IdNode($Id.text);}


(是的,将所有这些 Java 类放在同一个文件中:Main.java)

import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.*;
import org.antlr.stringtemplate.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Main {

  static Map<String, List<B>> getData() {
    Map<String, List<B>> map = new HashMap<String, List<B>>();
    List<B> data = new ArrayList<B>();
    data.add(new B("id_1", 345, "89", "abd"));
    data.add(new B("id_2", 45, "89", "abd"));
    data.add(new B("id_3", 1, "89", "abd"));
    data.add(new B("id_4", 45, "8", "abd"));
    data.add(new B("id_5", 45, "89", "abc"));
    data.add(new B("id_6", 45, "99", "abC"));
    map.put("poolX", data);
    return map;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String src = "select C, Y from poolX where X = 45 AND Y > '88' AND Z != 'abc';";
    SelectLexer lexer = new SelectLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(src));
    SelectParser parser = new SelectParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
    CommonTree tree = (CommonTree)parser.parse().getTree();  
    SelectWalker walker = new SelectWalker(new CommonTreeNodeStream(tree), getData());  
    List<List<Object>> result = walker.query();
    for(List<Object> row : result) {

class B {

  String C;
  Integer X;
  String Y;
  String Z;

  B(String c, Integer x, String y, String z) {
    C = c;
    X = x;
    Y = y;
    Z = z;

  Object getAttribute(String attribute) {
    if(attribute.equals("C")) return C;
    if(attribute.equals("X")) return X;
    if(attribute.equals("Y")) return Y;
    if(attribute.equals("Z")) return Z;
    throw new RuntimeException("Unknown attribute: B." + attribute);
    // or use your Apache Bean-util API, or even reflection here instead of the above...

interface Node {
  Object eval(B b);

class AtomNode implements Node {

  final Object value;

  AtomNode(Object v) {
    value = v;

  public Object eval(B b) {
    return value;

abstract class BinNode implements Node {

  final Node left;
  final Node right;

  BinNode(Node l, Node r) {
    left = l;
    right = r;

  public abstract Object eval(B b);

class AndNode extends BinNode {

  AndNode(Node l, Node r) {
    super(l, r);

  public Object eval(B b) {
    return (Boolean)super.left.eval(b) && (Boolean)super.right.eval(b);

class EqNode extends BinNode {

  EqNode(Node l, Node r) {
    super(l, r);

  public Object eval(B b) {
    return super.left.eval(b).equals(super.right.eval(b));

class NEqNode extends BinNode {

  NEqNode(Node l, Node r) {
    super(l, r);

  public Object eval(B b) {
    return !super.left.eval(b).equals(super.right.eval(b));

class GTNode extends BinNode {

  GTNode(Node l, Node r) {
    super(l, r);

  public Object eval(B b) {
    return ((Comparable)super.left.eval(b))pareTo((Comparable)super.right.eval(b)) > 0;

class IdNode implements Node {

  final String id;

  IdNode(String i) {
    id = i;

  public Object eval(B b) {
    return b.getAttribute(id);

class SelectNode implements Node {

  final List<String> attributes;
  final List<B> data;
  final Node expression;

  SelectNode(List<String> a, List<B> d, Node e) {
    attributes = a;
    data = d;
    expression = e;

  public Object eval(B ignored) {
    List<List<Object>> result = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
    for(B b : data) {
      if((Boolean)expression.eval(b)) {
        // 'b' passed, check which attributes to include
        List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>();
        for(String attr : attributes) {
    return result;

如果您现在生成词法分析器、解析器和树遍历器并运行 Main 类:

If you now generate the lexer, parser and tree walker and run the Main class:

java -cp antlr-3.3.jar org.antlr.Tool Select.g 
java -cp antlr-3.3.jar org.antlr.Tool SelectWalker.g 
javac -cp antlr-3.3.jar *.java
java -cp .:antlr-3.3.jar Main


select C, Y from poolX where X = 45 AND Y > '88' AND Z != 'abc';


C           X       Y       Z
"id_1"      345     "89"    "abd"
"id_2"      45      "89"    "abd"
"id_3"      1       "89"    "abd"
"id_4       45      "8"     "abd"
"id_5"      45      "89"    "abc"
"id_6"      45      "99"    "abC"


[id_2, 89]
[id_6, 99]

并注意如果省略where语句,表达式1 = 1会自动插入,导致查询:

And note that if the where statement is omitted, the expression 1 = 1 is automatically inserted, causing the query:

select C, Y from poolX;


[id_1, 89]
[id_2, 89]
[id_3, 89]
[id_4, 8]
[id_5, 89]
[id_6, 99]

这篇关于解析类似 SQL 的语法、设计模式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持IT屋!



本文发布于:2023-04-20 08:17:34,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:语法   类似   模式   SQL


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