
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-14 00:31:05

章节<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1770001.html style=专题2021"/>


1、 [单选] 从前任项目经理那里接管项目后,项目经理发现团队成员经常在未经正式批准的情况下进行变更。新项目经理应该做什么?
After taking over the project from a former project manager, the project manager finds that team members often make changes without formal approval. What should the new project manager do?
● A:确保团队成员遵循变更管理计划
Ensure that team members follow the change management plan
● B:咨询前任项目经理以确定原因
Consult the former project manager to determine causes
● C:创建一份配置管理计划并获得批准
Create a configuration management plan and get approval
● D:要求职能经理替换团队成员
Request the functional manager to replace the team members
正确答案:A 你的答案:B

2、 [单选] 项目经理受聘负责一个新项目。鉴于不可预见的公司需求,管理层坚持要求必须在最初分配的一半时间内完成工作。项目经理首先应该做什么?
The project manager is hired to take charge of a new project. Given the unforeseen needs of the company, management insists the work be completed by half the time originally allocated. What should the project manager do first?
● A:向供应商征求建议邀请书(RFP),以便达到压缩后的进度计划
Request a Request For Proposal (RFP) from the vendors in order to achieve a compressed schedule
● B:以书面形式记录变更请求,并将之提交给变更控制委员会(CCB)
Document the change request in writing and submit it to the Change Control Board (CCB)
● C:生成新的工作分解结构(WBS),以便提供确定的完成时间结果
Generate a new work breakdown structure (WBS) in order to provide a definite completion time result
● D:将该请求上报给项目组合经理,因为声誉受损的风险很高
Escalate the request to the portfolio manager for the high risk of reputation damage
正确答案:B 你的答案:B
3、 [单选] 客户直接与团队成员接洽,提出偏离项目范围的变更请求。项目经理应该做什么?
The customer engages directly with team members and proposes change requests outside the project scope of. What should the project manager do?
● A:重新定义项目范围,以包含这些变更
Redefine the project scope to include these changes
● B:寻求项目发起人的批准
Ask approval from the project sponsor
● C:审查项目预算
Review the project budget
● D:向客户解释变更请求过程
Explain the change request process to the customer
正确答案:D 你的答案:D

4、 [单选] 相关方审核并批准了项目管理计划。在测试和确认阶段,其中一位关键相关方对某项需求提出顾虑,辩称需要进行一项变更,但该变更与项目范围不符。项目经理应该做什么?
The stakeholder reviews and approves the project management plan. During the testing and validation phase, one of the key stakeholders raised concerns about a certain requirement, arguing that a change was needed that did not match the project scope.What should a project manager do?
● A:提出变更请求
Make a change request
● B:审查变更管理问题日志
Review the change management issue log
● C:从紧急情况预算中划拨资金
Allocate funds from the contingency budget
● D:将该变更告知指导委员
Inform the Steering Committee of this change
正确答案:A 你的答案:B

5、 [单选] 一些关键相关方不能参加预定的项目开工大会,项目负责人要求项目经理继续举行会议,因为他们还要参加其他会议。项目经理应该做什么确保顺利召开项目开工大会,以便能够开始执行项目?
Some key stakeholders cannot participate in the scheduled project kick-off meeting, and the project leader asks the project manager to continue the meeting because these stakeholders have to attend other meetings. What should the project manager do to make sure the project kick-off meeting is held successfully to start execution of the project?
● A:在没有太多项目相关方参与的情况下继续召开会议
Continue holding the meeting without the involvement of too many project stakeholders
● B:取消会议,并单独跟进各个相关方
Cancel the meeting and follow up with all stakeholders individually
● C:推迟会议,直到所有相关方和项目负责人都可以参加Postpone the meeting until all stakeholders and project leaders are available for it
● D:重新安排会议,以便除项目负责人以外的所有相关方都可以参加Reschedule the meeting so that all stakeholders, except for the project leaders, can participate in the meeting
正确答案:C 你的答案:C

6、 [单选] 项目经理正在帮助公司推出一件新产品,该产品与将于未来几年推出的一系列新产品很相似。在关闭当前项目时,项目经理应该做什么来帮助未来的项目?
The project manager is helping the company launch a new product that is similar to a series of new products to be launched in the coming years. What should the project manager do to help future projects when closing the current project?
● A:向新项目经理提供项目绩效报告
Provide a project performance report to the new project manager
● B:记录项目相关方提供的经验教训
Document the lessons learned by project stakeholders in providing relevant information
● C:与项目相关方一起审查最后更新的问题日志
Review the last updated issue log together with project stakeholders
● D:确保风险登记册处于最新状态,并让项目相关方参与进来
Ensure that the risk register is up-to-date, and involve the project stakeholders
正确答案:B 你的答案:B

7、 [单选] 一场重要会议结束后,团队收到客户的负面反馈,原因在获得需求规范时所使用的方法上,团队才意识到这一点。项目经理应该做什么?
After an important meeting, the team receives negative feedback from the customer. The team attributes this issue to the approach used to obtain requirement specifications. What should the project manager do?
● A:检查相关方参与计划
Check the stakeholder engagement plan
● B:提供经验教训知识库
Provide a lessons learned repository
● C:更新范围管理计划
Update the scope management plan
● D:与团队一起核实验收标准
Verify the acceptance criteria with the team
正确答案:B 你的答案:D

8、 [单选] 某大型项目的项目经理两周前举行了开工会议。会议邀请未发送给其中一位关键相关方,造成了一些误解。项目经理该做什么来应对这种情况?
The project manager of some large project started an kick-off meeting two weeks ago. The invitation to the meeting was not sent to one of the key stakeholders, creating some misunderstandings. What should the project manager do to deal with this scenario?
● A:将启动会议演示文稿和摘要发送给相关方
Send the launch meeting presentation and summary to the stakeholder
● B:请项目发起人与相关方会面,确定他们对项目的目标及期望
Invite the project sponsor to meet with the stakeholder to determine its objectives and expectations for the project
● C:与未受邀参加启动会议的相关方举行审查会议
Hold a review meeting with stakeholders who were not invited to the kick-off meeting
● D:让相关方相信这是错误,但了解项目的目标非常重要
Convince the stakeholder that this is a mistake, but it is also important to understand the objectives of the project
正确答案:C 你的答案:B

9、 [单选] 项目经理正在一个资源匮乏的组织中领导一个复杂的项目。预计所有团队成员将在项目结束后立即回到常规角色。若要编制经验教训,项目经理应该做什么?
The project manager is leading a complex project in a resource-poor organization. It is expected that all team members will return to their regular roles immediately after the project. What should the project manager do to gain lessons learned?
● A:在整个项目中定期收集经验教训
Execute Lessons learned on a regular basis throughout the project
● B:使用书面调查收集经验教训,节省团队成员的时间
Use written surveys to collect lessons learned, to save time for team members
● C:仅从代表每个职能领域的关键团队成员收集经验教训
Collect lessons learned only from key team members representing each functional area
● D:要求发起人强制要求在项目结束时收集经验教训
Request the sponsor to enforce lessons learned at the end of the project
正确答案:A 你的答案:A

10、 [单选] 在第一次回顾期间,项目经理识别并记录了几个问题。在第二次回顾期间,这些问题依然存在。项目经理在第一次回顾期间本应采取什么措施?
During the first review, the project manager identifies and documents several issues. During the second review, these issues remains. What should the project manager have done during the first review?
● A:与团队分享问题日志
Share the issue log with the team
● B:根据所记录的问题制定行动计划
Develop an action plan based on the issues documented
● C:请求团队跟进所有问题
Request the team to follow up with all the issues
● D:用行动项目清晰定义问题日志中的问题
Use action projects to define issues in the issue log clearly
正确答案:B 你的答案:B

11、 [单选] 在一个项目期间识别到的技术问题得到了有效解决,项目经理希望正式采用该解决方案的方法,并在整个组织中利用该方法。项目经理能够如何完成这项工作?
The technical issues identified during a project have been effectively resolved, and the project manager hopes to formally adopt the solution method and use it throughout the organization. How can the project manager accomplish this work?
● A:在项目管理计划中存档该决定
Archive the decision in the project management plan
● B:将问题日志分发给整个公司
Distribute the issue log throughout the company
● C:将该解决方案更新到经验教训登记册中
Update the solution to the Lessons Learned Register
● D:要求技术团队记录该解决方案
Request the technical team to document the solution
正确答案:C 你的答案:C

12、 [单选] 项目关键路径上的任务所需的设备交付延迟了两个星期。项目经理应该做什么?
The delivery of equipment required for tasks on the critical path of the project was delayed by two weeks. What should the project manager do?
● A:在风险登记册中登记该事件,并立即通知项目发起人
Register the event in the risk register and notify the project sponsor immediately
● B:在问题日志中解决该事件,并在下次项目状态会议上讨论
Resolve the event in the issue log and discuss it in the next project status meeting
● C:在问题日志中记录该事件,并立即通知相关方
Document the event in the issue log and notify the stakeholder immediately
● D:在风险登记册中记录该事件,并在下次项目状态会议上讨论
Document the event in the risk register and discuss it in the next project status meeting
正确答案:B 你的答案:A

13、 [单选] 在指派项目经理前,公司营销团队批准了新项目的项目章程。当发送项目章程给项目经理审查时,项目经理发现了几个问题,包括缺失和不正确的假设。项目经理接下来该做什么?
The company’s marketing team approved a new project charter before assigning the project manager. When the project charter was sent to the project manager for review, the project manager identified several issues, including missing and incorrect assumptions. What should the project manager do next?
● A:将观察结果记录在假设日志,问题日志和风险登记册中
Document the observations in the assumption log, issue log, and risk register
● B:将观察结果上报给项目发起人,并请求安排时间审查和修改项目章程
Escalate the observation results to the project sponsor and request time to review and modify the project charter
● C:联系客户,并请求时间审查和修改项目章程
Contact the customer and request time to review and modify the project charter
● D:参照项目章程中的假设,继续推进规划阶段
Refer to the assumptions in the project charter and continue with the planning phase
正确答案:B 你的答案:A

14、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段进行状态审查期间,项目经理意识到没有可用的预算来解决一个项目可交付成果的偏差,若要解决这项偏差并将其与原始项目基准保持一致,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
During the status review in the project execution phase, the project manager realized that there were no available budgets to address a variance in the deliverables of a project. What should the project manager do next to address this variance and bring it into line with the original project baseline?
● A:执行变更管理程序并更新变更日志
Implement the change management procedure and update the change log
● B:审查偏差,并更新项目管理计划
Review variances and update the project management plan
● C:确认过程并在问题日志中记录该偏差
Confirm the process and document the variance in the issue log
● D:更新决策树以反映该偏差
Update the decision tree to reflect this variance
正确答案:A 你的答案:C

15、 [单选] 在起草项目章程时,项目经理意识到有两个关键相关方的项目利益存在冲突,若要确保项目章程获得批准,项目经理应该做什么?
When drafting the project charter, the project manager was aware that there was a conflict of interest between the project interests of two key stakeholders. What should the project manager do to ensure that the project charter is approved?
● A:请求发起人决定哪个相关方的利益最符合项目方向
Request the sponsor to decide which stakeholder’s interests are best in the direction of the project
● B:要求管理层从项目中去除其中一个相关方
Ask management to remove one of the stakeholders from the project
● C:关注这些相关方的共同利益
Focus on the common interests of these stakeholders
● D:确定哪个相关方的利益对项目更有利
Determine which stakeholder’s interests benefit the project more
正确答案:C 你的答案:C

16、 [单选] 在设计阶段进行的一项分析表明,项目可能在财务方面不可行。项目经理应该审查什么?
An analysis carried out during the design phase indicated that the project might not be financially possible. What should the project manager review?
● A:项目前五年的运营成本
Operating costs for the first five years of the project
● B:基于预算线的非营运性投资成本
Non-operating investment cost based on the budget line
● C:商业论证中的社会和业务目标效益
Social and business objective benefits in business case
● D:基于之前类似投资的预期回报效益
Expected returns based on previous similar investments
正确答案:C 你的答案:C

17、 [单选] 在项目执行结束时,项目经理保留了一些团队成员。在这个时间点,团队应该主要关注什么?
At the end of the project execution, the project manager retains some team members. What should the team focus on at this point in time?
● A:协商清理、现场恢复、调试和人员培训
Follow-up clean-up, on-site recovery, commissioning and personnel training
● B:根据公司政策支持项目的行政收尾程序
Administrative closing procedures to support projects in accordance with company policy
● C:运营新建成的设施,直到负责人完全有能力运营为止
Operation of the newly built facilities until then they are fully capable of operating
● D:提供支持,作为与移交相关的保修期的组成部分
Supply of support as part of the warranty period associated with the transfer
正确答案:B 你的答案:B

18、 [单选] 一个项目处于危险之中,该项目落后于进度计划,并且资源有限,项目经理是在项目执行阶段刚刚任命的。项目经理首先应该采取什么措施?
A project is at risk, the project is behind schedule and has limited resources, and the project manager was just appointed during the project execution phase. What should the project manager do first?
● A:召开项目团队会议
Hold a project team meeting
● B:要求管理层提供额外资源
Seek resources from management
● C:修订项目管理计划
Revise the project management plan
● D:审查工作绩效报告
Review the work performance reports
正确答案:D 你的答案:D

19、 [单选] 在项目审查会议期间,相关方A指出已更新一项可交付成果来反映来自相关方B的新需求。但是,相关方A未获告知并且不同意这一变更。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
During the project review session, Skateholder A indicated that it had updated a deliverable to reflect new requirements from Stakeholder B. However, Skateholder A was not informed and did not agree to the change. What should the project manager do next?
● A:检查变更日志以确认相关方A的主张
Check the change log to validate the claim of stakeholder A
● B:从项目中删除新需求
Remove new requirements from the project
● C:要求相关方A和B之间召开会议以解决冲突
Request a meeting between stakeholders A and B to resolve the conflict
● D:将新需求升级上报给项目发起人
Escalate new requirements to the project sponsor
正确答案:A 你的答案:C

20、 [单选] 在完成一个项目的规划阶段之后,但在执行之前,项目经理需要沟通并获得对项目目标的承诺。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
After completing the planning phase of a project, but before it can be implemented, the project manager needs to communicate and gain commitment to the project objectives. What should the project manager do next?
● A:与所有相关方一起举行开工会议
Hold an kick-off meeting with all stakeholders
● B:通过电子邮件将项目管理计划发送给所有相关方
E-mail the project management plan to all stakeholders
● C:与每个相关方通话,以解释他们的角色与职责
Call each stakeholder to explain their roles and responsibilities
● D:要求项目发起人与所有相关方沟通该计划
Request the project sponsor to communicate the plan to all stakeholders
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:PMBOK 86 制定项目管理计划—工具与技术—会议。题目关键“规划后,执行前,获得相关方承诺“,开工会议(kick-off/start up) "旨在传达项目目标,获得团队对项目的承诺以及阐明相关方的角色和职责“,选A

21、 [单选] 在项目开工会议上,客户对项目管理计划中包含的项目结束日期不予认同,项目经理该怎么做?
At the project kick-off meeting, the customer does not agree with the project end date included in the project management plan. What should the project manager do?
● A:说明项目结束日期是如何确定的
Explains how the project end date is determined
● B:根据客户需求修改项目结束日期
Modify the project end date based on customer needs
● C:让客户接受项目结束日期
Have the customer accept the project end date
● D:讨论并解决与项目结束日期相关的分歧
Discuss and resolve variations related to the project end date
正确答案:D 你的答案:D
解析:PMBOK 86 制定项目管理计划—工具与技术—会议。题目关键“开工会议”,开工会议是在规划阶段到执行阶段前,旨在达成相关方的共识,获得其承诺。而题目中针对结束日期不认同的分歧需要解决,以达成共识因此选D。

22、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,几位关键项目成员辞职离开项目团队,项目经理该如何应对这种情况?
During the execution of the project, several key project members resigned and left the project team. How should the project manager deal with this situation?
● A:提出项目问题,分析影响,并制定缓解计划
Raise project issues, analyze impacts and develop mitigation plans
● B:提出项目风险,分析影响,并将情况上报给项目发起人
Raise project risks, analyze impacts, and escalate to project sponsors
● C:使用项目的应急储备安排相关人员代替辞职的成员
Use the project’s contingency reserve to arrange personnel to replace resigned members
● D:为辞职的成员加薪,将其挽留住
Raise salary for resigned members and urge them to stay
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:PMBOK P96 问题日志。关键词“辞职离开项目团队”已经发生,属于问题,而非风险(B错误)。对于问题,先分析影响,再安排应措施。选A

23、 [单选] 执行六个月后,项目在完成前就被终止了,项目经理该做什么?
After six months of execution, the project is terminated before it is even completed. What should the project manager do?
● A:实施定量分析
Implement quantitative analysis
● B:启动项目收尾工作
Initiate project closure
● C:让所有相关方参与进来
Involve all stakeholders
● D:实施变更请求
Implement change requests
正确答案:B 你的答案:B
解析:PMBOK 6 P127 结束项目和阶段。关键词“项目被终止”,结束项目时,属于收尾阶段,需要进行项目收尾工作。

24、 [单选] 在项目启动阶段,项目经理发现,事业环境因素中最近的变更已对预算产生影响,导致团队完成全部工作范围的事项变得不切实际。项目经理应如何缓解这种情况?
During the project initiation phase, the project manager finds that recent changes of the enterprise environmental factors have had an impact on the budget, making it impractical for the team to complete the full scope of work. How should the project manager deal with this situation?
● A:根据纠正后的预算制定项目管理计划
Develop the project management plan according to the corrected budget
● B:联系项目发起人,更正项目章程并寻求其重新予以批准
Contact the project sponsor to correct the project charter and seek re-approval
● C:找机会缩小项目范围,使之与获批的预算一致
Look for opportunities to narrow the project scope to align with the approved budget
● D:将范围方面的顾虑列为一种风险,并制定应急计划
Identify concerns on project scope as a risk and develop contingency plans
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
解析:PMBOK P81 项目章程。关键词“启动阶段“,事业环境因素变更影响了工作范围,因为在启动阶段,只有项目章程,含有高层级的需求等信息,章程由发起人负责,因此选B,对项目章程更新并再次获得批准。此阶段不存在项目管理计划、范围,ACD错

25、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个项目,其供应商负责采购最终组装所需的一种重要材料,但在进入组装阶段时却发现这种重要材料的交货跟踪记录不翼而飞,而且这种材料尚未装运。如果这种材料未按估算的交货时间运达,这可能会导致整个进度计划发生延迟。为解决该问题,项目经理接下来该做什么?
The project manager was managing a project. The vendor was responsible for purchasing an important material required for final assembly, but it was discovered that the delivery track record of this important material was missing, and this material had not yet been shipped during the assembly phase. If this material does not arrive on estimated delivery time, it may cause a delay in the overall schedule. What should the project manager do next to solve this issue?
● A:记录该情况的所有详细信息,并更新问题日志
Document all the details of the situation and update the issue log
● B:将该情况报告给项目发起人,并查明延长项目时限将会产生什么样的影响
Report the situation to the project sponsor and identify what the impact of a time extension will be
● C:转向先前实施的评估过程中发现的次优的合格采购供应商
Move to sub-optimal qualified procurement vendors identified in the previously implemented evaluation process
● D:与采购团队一起评估该情况,并探索加快交货的所有可能的解决方案
Work with the procurement team to assess the situation and explore all possible solutions to expedite delivery
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:PMBOK P96 问题日志。根据题意,材料跟踪记录丢失,已经发生了,属于问题,首先应该记入问题日志,其次分析影响等具体行动。因此选A。

26、 [单选] 一个建设项目已经完成并收尾。一个月后,出现一个缺陷。 谁将负责纠正这个缺陷?
A construction project has been completed and closed. A month later, a defect appeared. Who would be responsible for correcting this defect?
● A:项目经理
The project manager
● B:项目发起人
The project sponsor
● C:运营部门
The Operation department
● D:项目团队
The project team
正确答案:C 你的答案:C
解析:PMBOK-6 P127 结束项目和阶段。“项目已经完成并收尾”,项目移交已经完成,移交之后由运营部门负责。选C。

27、 [单选] 在向相关方提交项目管理计划时,项目经理被要求在项目管理计划内记录现有效益管理计划中已确定的项目效益。项目经理该做什么?
When submitting a project management plan to the stakeholder, the project manager is required to document the project benefits identified in the existing benefits management plan within the project management plan. What should the project manager do?
● A:确认已识别的项目效益会成为规划的一部分
Validate that identified project benefits will be part of the plan
● B:确认在执行阶段会制定效益管理计划
Validate that a benefits management plan will be developed during the execution phase
● C:确认已识别的项目效益会受到适当监督
Validate that identified project benefits will be properly monitored
● D:确认在项目收尾阶段会制定效益管理计划
Validate that a benefits management plan will be developed at the closure phase of the project
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P86-项目管理计划。 题干关键词“向相关方提交项目管理计划时”。 项目管理计划提交相关方批准时,基准尚未被批准,此时可以对项目管理计划进行多次更新,并无需遵循正式流程,故选A; BCD在规划阶段之后的执行、监控、收尾阶段,再对项目管理计划变更,需要遵循整体变更控制流程。

28、 [单选] 在发出新项目的虚拟启动会议邀请后,公司的几位资源指出提议的会议时间与进度计划发生冲突。项目经理应该做什么?
After sending out invitations for virtual launch meetings for new projects, several of the company’s resources indicated that the proposed meeting schedule conflicted with the schedule. What should the project manager do?
● A:修改会议议程,以便这些资源能够参会
Modify the meeting agenda so that these resources can engage
● B:将该问题上报给资源经理解决
Escalate the issue to the resource manager for resolution
● C:取消会议,重新安排不同的时间
Cancel the meeting and reschedule for a different time
● D:如期举行启动会议
The launch meeting was held as scheduled
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P86-会议。 题干关键词“虚拟启动会议”、“与进度计划冲突”。 只需要重新调整会议时间就能解决题干所述的问题,故选C; 选项A错误,会议议程不等同于会议召开的时间; 选项B错误,项目经理可以解决的问题无需上报; 选项D错误,没有重要资源参与的启动会议就算如期召开也没有意义。

29、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,一位技术专家必须暂时休假。在其暂时休假期间,必须开发一项重要的可交付成果。项目经理没有执行这个活动的备用资源。若要在未来的项目中预防这种情况,项目经理应该做什么?
During the execution of the project, a technical specialist must be on leave for the duration of the project. During his sabbatical, he must develop an important deliverable. The project manager does not have the spare resources to execute this activity. What should the project manager do to prevent this in future projects?
● A:将该问题记录在风险登记册中并对其进行优先级排序
Document the issue in the risk register and prioritize it
● B:修订可交付成果的截止日期
Revise the deadline for deliverables
● C:更新经验教训知识库
Update the lessons learned repository
● D:在项目进度计划中包含缓冲时间
Include buffer time in the project schedule
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P104-经验教训登记册。 题干关键词“在未来项目中预防这种情况”。 为了给未来项目提供经验教训,项目经理应该把相关信息归入经验教训知识库,成为组织资产的一部分,故选C。 选项ABD都没有直接点出知识库的更新,错误。

30、 [单选] 某公司的设施经理负责组织的一场年度会议必须于每年八月在公司总部召开,在该年度会议期间,总部不得进行任何施工作业,今年项目经理安排全年在总部开展施工工作。7月。设施经理要求项目经理停工,以便为年度会议准备会议室。项目经理本应在项目早期阶段采取什么措施来避免发生这种情况?
An annual meeting organized by a company’s facility manager must be held at the company’s headquarters in August of each year, during which no construction work shall be carried out at headquarters, and this year the project manager has arranged for construction work to be carried out at headquarters throughout the year. In July, the facility manager asks the project manager to stop work in order to prepare the meeting room for the annual meeting. What should the project manager have done early in the project to prevent this from happening?
● A:让设施经理另寻备选会议地点
Ask the facility manager to find an alternative meeting location
● B:让设施经理重新安排今年的开会日期
Have the facility manager reschedule this year’s meeting date
● C:请求某些相关方支持全年进行施工作业
Request that certain stakeholders support construction operations throughout the year
● D:将项目管理计划告知所有相关方
Inform all stakeholders of the project management plan
正确答案:D 你的答案:A



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