
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-24 18:23:19

无人驾驶13:PID<a href=https://www.elefans.com/category/jswz/34/1771349.html style=控制器"/>





PID控制器是指P(Proportion 比例)、I(Integral 积分),D(Derivative 微分) ,这三项如何使用误差来产生控制指令。

1. P控制


偏离航迹误差(Cross Track Error, CTE):就是车辆到参考线的距离,用CTE作为误差度量,即转向角与CTE成比例;

s t e r r i n g a n g l e = K p ∗ e ( t ) sterring angle = K_p *e(t) sterringangle=Kp​∗e(t)


在P控制器中,系数 K p K_p Kp​会直接影响实际控制效果,在合理范围内, K p K_p Kp​越大,控制效果越好。


def run(robot, tau, n=100, speed=1.0):x_trajectory = []y_trajectory = []for i in range(n):cte = robot.ysteer = -tau * cterobot.move(steer, speed)x_trajectory.append(robot.x)y_trajectory.append(robot.y)return x_trajectory, y_trajectory



2. PD控制


s t e e r i n g a n g l e = K p ∗ e ( t ) + K d d e ( t ) d t steering angle = K_p*e(t) + K_d\frac{de(t)}{dt} steeringangle=Kp​∗e(t)+Kd​dtde(t)​


对于P偏大,D偏小的系统,称为“欠阻尼系统(underdamped)”, 这种情况无人车将沿参考线震荡前行;




def run(robot, tau_p, tau_d, n=100, speed=1.0):x_trajectory = []y_trajectory = []prev_cte = robot.yfor i in range(n):cte = robot.ydiff_cte = cte - prev_cteprev_cte = ctesteer = -tau_p * cte - tau_d * diff_cterobot.move(steer, speed)x_trajectory.append(robot.x)y_trajectory.append(robot.y)return x_trajectory, y_trajectory





3 PID控制器


s t e e r i n g a n g l e = K p ∗ e ( t ) + K d d e ( t ) d t + k i ∫ 0 t e ( t ) d t steering angle = K_p*e(t) + K_d\frac{de(t)}{dt} + k_i\int_0^te(t)dt steeringangle=Kp​∗e(t)+Kd​dtde(t)​+ki​∫0t​e(t)dt

K i K_i Ki​积分项,本质上是车的实际路线和参考线的图形面积,加入积分项后,控制器会使车辆路线的积分尽可能小,从而避免稳态误差情况。


def run(robot, tau_p, tau_d, tau_i, n=100, speed=1.0):x_trajectory = []y_trajectory = []prev_cte = robot.yint_cte = 0for i in range(n):cte = robot.ydiff_cte = cte - prev_cteprev_cte = cteint_cte += ctesteer = -tau_p * cte - tau_d * diff_cte - tau_i * int_cterobot.move(steer, speed)x_trajectory.append(robot.x)y_trajectory.append(robot.y)return x_trajectory, y_trajectory

积分向系数的大小也会影响整个控制系统的稳定性, K i K_i Ki​过大,会使系统“震荡”运行, K i K_i Ki​过小又会需要较长时间才能修正车辆稳态误差。

PID控制器,就是由 K p , K i , K d K_p, K_i, K_d Kp​,Ki​,Kd​三项共同决定的,其实现非常简单,但是这三个系数的选择缺很难。


# -----------
# User Instructions
# Implement a P controller by running 100 iterations
# of robot motion. The steering angle should be set
# by the parameter tau so that:
# steering = -tau_p * CTE - tau_d * diff_CTE - tau_i * int_CTE
# where the integrated crosstrack error (int_CTE) is
# the sum of all the previous crosstrack errors.
# This term works to cancel out steering drift.
# Only modify code at the bottom! Look for the TODO.
# ------------import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt# ------------------------------------------------
# this is the Robot class
#class Robot(object):def __init__(self, length=20.0):"""Creates robot and initializes location/orientation to 0, 0, 0."""self.x = 0.0self.y = 0.0self.orientation = 0.0self.length = lengthself.steering_noise = 0.0self.distance_noise = 0.0self.steering_drift = 0.0def set(self, x, y, orientation):"""Sets a robot coordinate."""self.x = xself.y = yself.orientation = orientation % (2.0 * np.pi)def set_noise(self, steering_noise, distance_noise):"""Sets the noise parameters."""# makes it possible to change the noise parameters# this is often useful in particle filtersself.steering_noise = steering_noiseself.distance_noise = distance_noisedef set_steering_drift(self, drift):"""Sets the systematical steering drift parameter"""self.steering_drift = driftdef move(self, steering, distance, tolerance=0.001, max_steering_angle=np.pi / 4.0):"""steering = front wheel steering angle, limited by max_steering_angledistance = total distance driven, most be non-negative"""if steering > max_steering_angle:steering = max_steering_angleif steering < -max_steering_angle:steering = -max_steering_angleif distance < 0.0:distance = 0.0# apply noisesteering2 = random.gauss(steering, self.steering_noise)distance2 = random.gauss(distance, self.distance_noise)# apply steering driftsteering2 += self.steering_drift# Execute motionturn = np.tan(steering2) * distance2 / self.lengthif abs(turn) < tolerance:# approximate by straight line motionself.x += distance2 * np.cos(self.orientation)self.y += distance2 * np.sin(self.orientation)self.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * np.pi)else:# approximate bicycle model for motionradius = distance2 / turncx = self.x - (np.sin(self.orientation) * radius)cy = self.y + (np.cos(self.orientation) * radius)self.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * np.pi)self.x = cx + (np.sin(self.orientation) * radius)self.y = cy - (np.cos(self.orientation) * radius)def __repr__(self):return '[x=%.5f y=%.5f orient=%.5f]' % (self.x, self.y, self.orientation)
############# ADD / MODIFY CODE BELOW ####################
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# run - does a single control runrobot = Robot()
robot.set(0, 1, 0)def run(robot, tau_p, tau_d, tau_i, n=100, speed=1.0):x_trajectory = []y_trajectory = []prev_cte = robot.yint_cte = 0for i in range(n):cte = robot.ydiff_cte = cte - prev_cteprev_cte = cteint_cte += ctesteer = -tau_p * cte - tau_d * diff_cte - tau_i * int_cterobot.move(steer, speed)x_trajectory.append(robot.x)y_trajectory.append(robot.y)return x_trajectory, y_trajectoryx_trajectory, y_trajectory = run(robot, 0.2, 3.0, 0.001)
n = len(x_trajectory)plt.plot(x_trajectory, y_trajectory, 'b', label='PID controller')
plt.plot(x_trajectory, np.zeros(n), 'r', label='reference')




设立一组初始值, 比如系数初值p=[0, 0, 0]; 系数调整范围初值dp=[1,1,1]


首先调大p[i]值,p[i] += dp[i]


若无改善,调小p[i], p[i] -= 2*dp[i] ;


若无效,p[i]保留原值,缩小dp[i]范围 dp[i]*=1.1;




def twiddle(tol=0.2): p = [0, 0, 0]dp = [1, 1, 1]robot = make_robot()x_trajectory, y_trajectory, best_err = run(robot, p)it = 0while sum(dp) > tol:print("Iteration {}, best error = {}".format(it, best_err))for i in range(len(p)):p[i] += dp[i]robot = make_robot()x_trajectory, y_trajectory, err = run(robot, p)if err < best_err:best_err = errdp[i] *= 1.1else:p[i] -= 2 * dp[i]robot = make_robot()x_trajectory, y_trajectory, err = run(robot, p)if err < best_err:best_err = errdp[i] *= 1.1else:p[i] += dp[i]dp[i] *= 0.9it += 1return p

2. 实践调试方法



Additional Resources on Control

Model Predictive Control (MPC)

Vision-Based High Speed Driving with a Deep Dynamic Observer by P. Drews, et. al.

Abstract: In this paper we present a framework for combining deep learning-based road detection, particle filters, and Model Predictive Control (MPC) to drive aggressively using only a monocular camera, IMU, and wheel speed sensors. This framework uses deep convolutional neural networks combined with LSTMs to learn a local cost map representation of the track in front of the vehicle. A particle filter uses this dynamic observation model to localize in a schematic map, and MPC is used to drive aggressively using this particle filter based state estimate. We show extensive real world testing results, and demonstrate reliable operation of the vehicle at the friction limits on a complex dirt track. We reach speeds above 27 mph (12 m/s) on a dirt track with a 105 foot (32m) long straight using our 1:5 scale test vehicle. […]

Reinforcement Learning-based

Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning based Lateral Control for Autonomous Driving by D. Li, et. al.

Abstract: This paper investigates the vision-based autonomous driving with deep learning and reinforcement learning methods. Different from the end-to-end learning method, our method breaks the vision-based lateral control system down into a perception module and a control module. The perception module which is based on a multi-task learning neural network first takes a driver-view image as its input and predicts the track features. The control module which is based on reinforcement learning then makes a control decision based on these features. In order to improve the data efficiency, we propose visual TORCS (VTORCS), a deep reinforcement learning environment which is based on the open racing car simulator (TORCS). By means of the provided functions, one can train an agent with the input of an image or various physical sensor measurement, or evaluate the perception algorithm on this simulator. The trained reinforcement learning controller outperforms the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controller and model predictive control (MPC) controller on different tracks. The experiments demonstrate that the perception module shows promising performance and the controller is capable of controlling the vehicle drive well along the track center with visual input.

Behavioral Cloning

The below paper shows one of the techniques Waymo has researched using imitation learning (aka behavioral cloning) to drive a car.

ChauffeurNet: Learning to Drive by Imitating the Best and Synthesizing the Worst by M. Bansal, A. Krizhevsky and A. Ogale

Abstract: Our goal is to train a policy for autonomous driving via imitation learning that is robust enough to drive a real vehicle. We find that standard behavior cloning is insufficient for handling complex driving scenarios, even when we leverage a perception system for preprocessing the input and a controller for executing the output on the car: 30 million examples are still not enough. We propose exposing the learner to synthesized data in the form of perturbations to the expert’s driving, which creates interesting situations such as collisions and/or going off the road. Rather than purely imitating all data, we augment the imitation loss with additional losses that penalize undesirable events and encourage progress – the perturbations then provide an important signal for these losses and lead to robustness of the learned model. We show that the ChauffeurNet model can handle complex situations in simulation, and present ablation experiments that emphasize the importance of each of our proposed changes and show that the model is responding to the appropriate causal factors. Finally, we demonstrate the model driving a car in the real world.



本文发布于:2023-06-27 08:23:53,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:控制器   无人驾驶   PID


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