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遥感道路提取的补充C-UNet: Complement UNet for Remote Sensing Road Extraction
Abstract: Roads are important mode of transportation, which are very convenient for people’s daily work and life. However, it is challenging to accuratly extract road information from a high-resolution remote sensing image. This paper presents a road extraction method for remote sensing images with a complement UNet (C-UNet). C-UNet contains four modules. Firstly, the standard UNet is used to roughly extract road information from remote sensing images, getting the first segmentation result; secondly, a fixed threshold is utilized to erase partial extracted information; thirdly, a multi-scale dense dilated convolution UNet (MD-UNet) is introduced to discover the complement road areas in the erased masks, obtaining the second segmentation result; and, finally, we fuse the extraction results of the first and the third modules, getting the final segmentation results. Experimental results on the Massachusetts Road dataset indicate that our C-UNet gets the higher results than the state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating its effectiveness
2.1. Introduction
3.Road, as a vital special feature in remote sensing images, includes highways, urbanrural roads, byway, and so on. Road extraction has important significance in many fields,such as automatic road navigation, disaster relief, urban planning, and geographic information update [1]. However, it is a challenging task because of the noise, occlusions, and complexity of the strcture of roads in remote sensing image [2].There are mainly two types of images, i.e., aerial infrared thermography and remote sensing images, used to road segmentation. The aerial infrared thermography can be monitored 24 h a day, without being affected by strong light. However, the contrast of infrared images is low, lacking of image details. This disadvantages make it difficult to extract road segmentation [3]. Remote sensing images are less limited by ground conditions,real time transmission, and its detection range is large. All these advantages make it more suitable to extract roads. Scholars have studied the road extraction of remote sensing image and put forward a variety of methods. These methods can be roughly divided into four types: data-based method, graph cut method, semi-automatic method, and automatic method [4]. Databased method generally extracts roads from remote sensing images with the information of data. For example, Wegner et al. [5] suggested to get the road segmentation results with conditional random fields. They significantly improved both the per-pixel accuracy and the topological correctness of the extracted roads on two different datasets. Maurya et al. [6] proposed a clustering method to do road segmentation. The method extracts roads very rapidly and give satisfactory results with small number of simple images. Mattyus et al. [7] utilized Markov random fields to finish road segmentation. They demonstrated their approach outperforming the state-of-the-art in the two datasets they collected. These
methods have certain limitations, such as poor generalization ability for different types of
roads, and cannot handle multi-scale roads.
Graph cut method belongs to the unsupervised learning. It relies on the color features
to extract roads information. For example, Cheng et al. [8] proposed a graph cut based
probability propagation approach to extract road from complex remote sensing images.
They achieved better performance both in qualitative and quantitative comparisons in the
two datasets they collected. Cheng et al. [9] introduced a graph cut method with multiple
features. They got better performance than other methods on 25 images. Yuan et al. [10]
presented a novel graph cut method and obtained higher results than other methods.
Although these methods alleviate the traditional data-based problems to a certain extent,
they cannot achieve better results for images with multiple colors on the road [4].
The semi-automatic road extraction, man-machine interaction is used in the process of
road feature extraction and recognition [11]. The main idea is as follows: firstly, the initial
seed point of the road is set manually, and initial direction is set if necessary; then judgment
and recognition is conducted by the computer according to the corresponding rules, and
at the same time man-machine interaction is appropriately used to ensure the accuracy
of recognition. Commonly-used methods include dynamic programming [12,13], models
based on snakes [14,15] or active contour [16,17], models based on active testing [18], template matching [19,20], etc. Constant manual intervention is needed in the semi-automatic
road extraction, increasing the workload of remote sensing image interpreters [21]. Additionally, artificial auxiliary information is required in the formation and repair of road
segments and in the continuous stage of road segments [22]. The semi-automatic road extraction objectively improves accuracy rate, while reducing the work efficiency. Therefore,
it is not conducive to promotion.

As for automatic road feature extraction method, roads are automatically interpreted
and recognized by extracting and understanding road image features [23]. Specifically, the
features of the roads in the image are firstly analyzed, and then the roads are automatically identified by pattern recognition methods [24]. Among them, convolutional neural
networks (CNNs) based methods are the most representative [25–28]. Zhong et al. [29]
proposed a CNN model that combines low-level fine-grained features and high-level semantic features to extract road and building targets in satellite images. Alshehhi et al. [30]
proposed a patch-based CNN model for extracting road and building parts simultaneously
from remote sensing imagery. Subsequently, a road extraction method based on the fully
convolutional network (FCN) model appeared. Varia et al. [31] applied a deep learning
technique FCN-32 for extracting road parts from extremely high-resolution Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery. Kestur et al. [32] presented U-shaped FCN based on the FCN
to extract roads from UAV images. Panboonyuen et al. [33] presented a technique based
on landscape metrics and the exponential linear unit function to extract road objects from
remote sensing imagery. Hong et al. [34] applied a block based on richer convolutional features for road segmentation from high-resolution remote sensing imagery. Cheng et al. [35]
proposed the cascaded end-to-end CNN model based extracting road centerlines from
remote sensing imagery. CNN-based models can automatically explore road characteristics by using strong generalization ability, the arbitrary function fitting ability and high
stability, then predict the probability value of pixel-level road images through discriminant
function [36,37]. They achieved better performance than the other three types of methods.
However, they rely heavily on abundant images, and the number of remote sensing images
is generally limited
Panboonyuen et al. [33] presented a technique based on landscape metrics and the exponential linear unit function to extract road objects from remote sensing imagery. Hong et al. [34] applied a block based on richer convolutional features for road segmentation from high-resolution remote sensing imagery. Cheng et al. [35] proposed the cascaded end-to-end CNN model based extracting road centerlines from remote sensing imagery. CNN-based models can automatically explore road characteristics by using strong generalization ability, the arbitrary function fitting ability and high stability, then predict the probability value of pixel-level road images through discriminant function [36,37]. They achieved better performance than the other three types of methods. However, they rely heavily on abundant images, and the number of remote sensing images is generally limited…
To segment roads with limited remote sensing images, Ronneberger et al. proposed
the UNet based on FCN by deepening the number of network layers and adding cross layer
connections between corresponding layers [38]. UNet obtained the highest mean crossover ratio and the smallest warping error, respectively, in the International Symposium
on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) Cell Tracking Challenge [39] and Electron Microscopy (EM)
Segmentation Challenge [40] in 2014 and 2015, respectively
At present, most of the mainstream remote sensing image road extraction models
are based on UNet. For example, by adding residual module [41] to the original UNet
network, Zhengxin et al. got a deep ResUNet which obtained the highest recall rate at
the Massachusetts dataset [42]. Furthermore, Oktay et al. added the Attention Gate to
the decoder of UNet, and proposed an attention UNet model, which highlighted the
segmented targets by suppressing the characteristic responses of unrelated background
regions without introducing many model parameters [37]. Zhou et al. proposed the
DinkNet34 model [43]. Based on the UNet model, it expanded the receptive field while
maintaining the resolution by simultaneously using dilated convolution module [44], and
won the championship of the DeepGlobe 2018 Challenge [42].
All of the above models conduct remote sensing image road extraction by means
of a single network. However, a single network limits the performance of road network
extraction because it cannot handle the roads of various shapes, lengths and widths.
Therefore, a method of remote sensing image road extraction based on complement UNet
(C-UNet) was proposed in this paper. The model has two characteristics: one the one hand,
it sets a fixed threshold to erase the pixels in the first segmentation result; on the other
hand, it introduces the multi-scale dilated convolution UNet (MD-UNet) to extract more
difficult road information.
There are mainly two differences between UNet and C-UNet. Firstly, UNet segments
the roads from remote sensing images with a single network, without considering the
diversity of road width and length, while C-UNet utilized two UNet variations, i.e., UNet
and MD-UNet, to successively segment the roads. The former is used to extract easier road
information, and the latter is forbidden to extract complement and more difficult road
information. Secondly, UNet cannot obtain larger receptive fields, while C-UNet armed
with the dilated convolution operation to obtain larger receptive fields, making it more
suitable for high-resolution remote sensing images.
本研究的主要贡献如下: (1)为了提高遥感道路图像提取的精度,我们提出了一种补充的UNet模型C-UNet,用于高分辨率遥感道路图像提取。该模型采用标准的UNet和MD-UNet依次提取遥感图像中的道路信息,然后对分割结果进行融合,得到最终的分割结果,优于现有的分割方法。(2)提出了一种针对固定显著性面积的擦除方法。通过使用固定的阈值,去除标准UNet提取的遥感图像中的部分道路区域,使网络能够第二次提取更细、更弱的道路区域。(3)通过将我们的模型与近年来提出的UNet系列模型进行比较,实验结果表明,我们的模型比之前先进的先进模型取得了更好的效果,验证了我们的模型的有效性。此外,还建立了一些消融研究来验证其整体结构和主要模块。研究其余部分的主要内容如下: UNet是简要介绍
The main contributions of the study were summarized as follows:
(1) To improve the accuracy of remote sensing image road extraction, we propose a complement UNet model, called C-UNet, for high-resolution remote sensing image road
extraction. The model used standard UNet and MD-UNet to extract road information
in remote sensing image successively, then fused the results of segmentations, and,
lastly, obtained the final segmentation result, which was better than the state-of-theart methods.
(2) A kind of erasing method for fixed significant area was proposed. By using a fixed
threshold, it erased part of the road area in the remote sensing image extracted by
standard UNet, so that the network could extract finer and weaker road area for the
second time.
(3) By comparing our model with the UNet SERIES models proposed in recent years,
the experimental results showed our model achieved better results than the previous
state-of-the-art models, verifying the effectiveness of our model. In addition, some
ablation studies were established to verify the overall structure and major modules.
The major contents of the rest part of the study are as follows: UNet is briefly introduced in Section 2. The model is introduced in detail in Section 3. The experimental results
are shown in Section 4. Discussion is showed in Section 5. Summary and conclusion are
given in Section 6.
2.UNet UNet是一种改进的全卷积网络模型,其结构类似于U [38]形状。UNet的详细架构如图1所示。与其他卷积神经网络相比,UNet需要更少的训练集,并具有更高的分割精度。从图1可以看出,它由编码器和解码器组成,它们与中间层的对称轴对称。该编码器通过卷积层的降采样(也称为池化)层来提取图像特征。通过比较,解码器对特征图像进行上采样
2. UNet
UNet is an improved fully convolutional network model, and its structure is similar
to shape U [38]. The detailed architecture of UNet is shown in Figure 1. Compared with
other convolutional neural networks, UNet requires less training sets and has higher
segmentation accuracy. As seen from the Figure 1, it is composed of encoder and decoder,
which are symmetrical with the symmetry axis of the intermediate layer. The encoder
extracts image features through convolutional layers down-sampling (also known as
pooling) layers. By comparison, the decoder conducts up-sampling of feature images, and
there are cross-layer connections between the corresponding encoder and decoder layers,
which can help the up-sampling layer to recover the details of the image
Specifically, the image feature information that the encoder extracts through convolutional layer is composed of 3 × 3 convolutional layer, ReLU function and 2 × 2 max-pooling
layer. Four times of down-sampling are conducted. The size of the feature images decreases and the number of channels doubles after each pooling operation. The decoder
performs up-sampling by 2 × 2 deconvolution layer (or transposing convolution) and
gradually recovers the image information. Corresponding to the encoder part, the decoder
part completes up-sampling for four times. The size of the feature images increases and
the number of channels reduces by half after each up-sampling. The detailed location
information that can be more effectively saved with shallow network assists segmentation
through concatenation of the corresponding feature pattern of encoder and decoder. The
UNet contains a total of 23 convolutional layers.
3. C-UNet
In this section, we first introduce the overall architecture of C-UNet. Then, we describe
the erasing module, multi-scale dilated convolution UNet, and the fusion module, in turn.
Finally, the loss function that trained our model was given.
3.1.为了提高从高分辨率遥感图像中提取道路的性能,我们提出了带有四个模块的C-UNet。首先,将遥感图像输入标准UNet进行道路提取,得到第一个分割结果。其次,设置一个固定的阈值来擦除超过阈值的像素,得到擦除后的分割结果。然后,将擦除后的分割结果输入到多尺度扩张卷积UNet中,在第三个模块中进行道路分割。最后,对第一个模块和第三个模块的分割结果进行融合,得到最终的分割结果。由于其优势,该模型通过标准的UNet和多尺度扩张卷积UNet依次完成了道路分割。前者用于提取易于分割的道路信息,后者用于提取前者未提取的道路信息,即较难分割的道路信息。C-UNet的流程图和总体架构是 而后者则用于提取前者未提取的道路信息,即更难以分割的道路信息。C-UNet的流程图和总体架构分别如图2和图3所示。
3.1. Overall Network Architecture
To impove the performance of road extraction from high-resolution remote sensing
images, we propose C-UNet with four modules. First of all, remote sensing images were
input into standard UNet for road extraction in the first module and the first segmentation
results were obtained. Secondly, a fixed threshold value was set to erase the pixels that
exceeded the threshold value and the segmentation result after erasing was obtained. Then,
the segmentation results after erasing were input into the multi-scale dilated convolution
UNet for road segmentation in the third module. Lastly, the segmentation results of the
first module and the third module were fused, obtaining the final segmentation results. As
for the advantage, the model completed road segmentation sequentially through standard
UNet and multi-scale dilated convolution UNet. The former was used to extract road
information that was simpler to be segmented, while the latter was used to extract the
road information that was not extracted by the former, namely the road information that
was more difficult to be segmented. The flowchart and overall architecture of C-UNet are
shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively.
具体来说,让XH×W×C表示遥感图像,Funet表示标准UNet的输出,这个过程可以用下式表示:Funet=UNet(XH×W×C)。(1)第一个分割结果Pre1可以将Funet放入s型函数并应用二进制运算,可以表示形式如下: Preunet = σ(Funet),(2) Pre1 =二值化(Preunet),
To be specific, let XH×W×C denote a remote sensing image and Funet denote the output
by the standard UNet, the process could be expressed with the following equation:
Funet = UNet(XH×W×C). (1)
The first segmentation result Pre1 could be obtained by putting Funet into the sigmoid
function and applied a binary operation, and it could be expressed in the following form:
Preunet = σ(Funet), (2) Pre1 = binarized(Preunet),
where σ(·) denotes the sigmoid function, and binarized(·) is the binary operation.
Secondly, a fixed threshold was set to erase the pixels in the feature pattern Funet that
were larger than the threshold δ, and the erased feature pattern was obtained, which could
be expressed in the following way:
图2。补体UNet的流程图(C-UNet)。F0统一了= E(Funet,δ),(4),其中E(·)代表擦除操作。然后,将擦除的特征模式输入MD-UNet,得到第二次分割结果。该过程可以用如下式表示:Premd=Fmd−(−0),(5) Pre2 =二值化(Premd−et),(6)Pre2表示第三个模块的分割结果,二值化(·)表示二进制操作。
Figure 2. The flowchart of complement UNet (C-UNet).F0unet = E(Funet, δ), (4) where E(·) stands for the erasing operation. Later on, the erased feature pattern was input into the MD-UNet, and the second segmentation result was obtained. The process could be expressed as with the following equation: Premd−unet = Fmd−unet(F0unet), (5) Pre2 = binarized(Premd−unet), (6) where Pre2 stands for the segmentation results of the third module, and binarized(·) denotes the binary operation
Finally, the segmentation results of the first module and the third module were fused
and the fused result Pre f inal was obtained, as the final segmentation results. It could be
expressed as follows:
Pre f inal = Fusion(Pre1, Pre2).
Figure 3. The architecture of C-UNet.
3.2. Erasing Methods
The partial road areas that had already been segmented by the standard UNet were
erased by using threshold erasing method, so that the model, namely multi-scale dilated
convolution UNet in the third module could segment the road areas that were difficult to
be segmented. Specifically, let δ denote the threshold value, Funet(i, j) represent the value of the row i and column j of the output feature images of the standard UNet, F0i,j indicate the value of the row i and column j of the feature images after erasing. The threshold erasing could be
expressed as follows:
3.3. Multi-Scale Dilated Convolution UNet
Dilated convolution is frequently applied in semantic segmentation [45,46], target
detection, and other fields [47,48]. It can enlarge the receptive field and capture multi-scale
context information. Considering the roads of remote sensing image have different shapes,
width and length, multi-scale information is quite crucial in remote sensing image network
extraction. The dilation rate, as one parameter of dilated convolution, refers to the number
of dilation filled in the standard convolution kernel. Dilated convolution, by means of
the parameter, expands the receptive field without introducing additional parameters. In
order to access to more abundant multi-scale features, the multi-scale dilated convolution
module with different dilation rates was used, with the specific structure shown in Figure 4.
As a multi-scale dilated convolution module, dilated block can enlarge the receptive field
of feature images and obtain more detailed local information. The architecture of the
multi-scale dilated convolution UNet is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. The architecture of multi-scale dilated convolution UNet.
3.4. Fusion Process
The road information extracted in the first module by standard UNet was relatively
easy to extract, while road information extracted in the third module by multi-scale dilated
convolution UNet was relatively thin and weak. The results of the two modules were
complementary to each other. In order to obtain complete and accurate segmentation
results, it was necessary to fuse the two segmentation results after obtaining the results
of UNet and multi-scale dilated convolution UNet. The fusion process is shown in the
following formula.
融合(Pre1、Pre2)= (0,如果Pre1(i、j)= Pre2(i、j)= 0 1,否则,(9)其中Pre1和Pre2表示要融合的两个分割图像,Pre1(i、j)和Pre2(i、j)表示要融合位置(i、j)的两个特征图像的像素值。从上式可以看出,在第一模块和第三模块的两个分割结果中,对未分割区域进行互补融合后,可以获得更完整、更准确的道路信息,进一步提高分割性能。
Fusion(Pre1, Pre2) = ( 0, if Pre1(i, j) = Pre2(i, j) = 0
1, otherwise
, (9)
where Pre1 and Pre2 represent the two segmentation images to be fused, and Pre1(i, j) and
Pre2(i, j) represent the pixel values of the two feature images to be fused at the position (i, j).
As seen from the above formula, after complementary fusing of the unsegmented regions
in the two segmentation results of the first and the third module, we could achieve more
complete and accurate road information, further improving the segmentation performance.
3.5.本研究以损失函数和二值交叉熵作为目标函数。让Prep f表示模型预测的第p幅图像,GTp表示图像的p的地面真实值,Gtip、j表示位置(i、j)的像素值,preip、j表示模型预测的图像位置(i、j)的像素值,N表示训练样本数,W和H分别表示图像的宽度和高度。然后,二进制交叉熵损失可以表示为以下形式:Lbce=BCE损失(准备最终,=最终)=−N∑p=1W∑i=1H∑j=1[(×,j×日志,j)+(1−gtip,j)×日志(1−准备,j))。

3.5. Loss Function
Binary cross-entropy was used as the target function in the study. Let Prep
f inal represent the p-th image predicted by the model, GTp denote the ground truth of the image p, gtip,j be the pixel values of ground truth at position (i, j), preip,j indicate the pixel values of the image predicted by the model at the position (i, j), N express the number of training samples, and W and H suggest the width and height of the image, respectively. Then, the binary
cross-entropy loss could be expressed in the following form:
Lbce = BCELoss(Prep f inal, GTp
f inal) = − N∑p=1 W∑i=1 H∑j=1 [(gtip,j × log preip,j
) + (1 − gtip,j) × log(1 − preip,j )]
4.实验结果在本节中,我们首先介绍实验中使用的公共数据集,即马萨诸塞州路数据集[42]。然后,我们给出了实现细节和评价指标。接下来,我们进行了消融研究,以验证该模型及其子模块的有效性。最后,我们将我们的模型与最先进的模型进行了比较,以证明该方法的优越性。所有实验均采用Pypoush(1.3.0版本)框架实现,并在英伟达特斯拉K40c GPU服务器上进行,内存大小为11 GB,CPU为英特尔XeonE5-2643CPU,Windows 7操作系统。
4. Experimental Results
In this section, we first introduce the public dataset used in the experiment, Massachusetts Road dataset [42]. Then, we give the implementation details and evaluation indexes. Next, we perform the ablation studies to verify the effectiveness of the model and its submodules. Finally, we compare our model with the state-of-the-art models to prove the superiority of our method. All the experiments were realized with the Pytorch (version of 1.3.0) framework and were conducted on Nvidia Tesla K40c GPU server, with the memory size of 11 GB, the CPU of Intel Xeon E5-2643, and the operating system of Windows 7.
4.1. Dataset
Massachusetts Road dataset is usually used for road extraction of remote sensing images [42]. It contains 1171 images, with the resolution of 1500 × 1500, and binary segmentation label (black represents non-road area, and white represents road area). It covers a wide range of areas, involving more than 2600 km2 of urban, suburban and rural areas in the United States. Figure 6 displayes the Geo-referenced Map of Massachusetts.
Figure 6. The geo-referenced map of Massachusetts.
Due to the limited video memory of the server used in the experiment, remote sensing
images with the resolution of 1500 × 1500 could not be directly used for training. Thus,
the images in the dataset were pretreated by dividing each image with the resolution
of 1500 × 1500 and its corresponding ground truth image into 9 with the resolution of
512 × 512. The specific dividation steps were as follows: first, a 512 × 512 bounding box
template was taken and slid on the 1500 × 1500 image (base image); the images on the
four corners and the most middle were cut out; the images in the middle of each adjacent
two templates in the four bounding boxes on the four corners were taken, in turn. The
specific dividing method is shown in Figure 7. The regions of the 9 images overlapped
each other. Furthermore, based on analysis, it was found that the ground truth of some
images was wrongly marked, so such images were excluded. In the end, 8960 images with
the resolution of 512 × 512 were obtained. According to the division of the training set,
verification set and test set of the original data set, 8361 training images, 126 verification
images, and 433 test images were obtained, respectively. Figure 8 shows an example of the
image in the Massachusetts road dataset and its corresponding ground truth.
Figure 7. The dividing method. For the left image, we divide the image with five with five boxes, as denoted in the image with red boxes and the green box, getting 5 different sub-images. For the right image, we divide the image with another five boxes, as denoted in the image with red boxes, the blue boxes, and the green box, achieving another 5 sub-images.
Figure 8. Examples of images in the Massachusetts dataset.
4.2. Implementation Details and Evaluation Indicators
4.2.1. Implementation Details
We use mini-batch stochastic gradient descent to optimize the parameters of our model. During training, the parameters of our model were optimized through Adam method in all experiments of the study. The number of training iterations was 15, and the initial learning rate was set as 2 × 10−4 . After 8 training, the learning rate became 2 × 10−5. The size of the input image was 512 × 512, and the size of the mini-batch was set as 1.
.4.2.2. Evaluation Indicators
Two evaluation indexes, namely the Mean Intersection over Union (mIOU) [49] and
Mean Dice coefficient (mDC) [50], were used in the experiment to assist the evaluation of
the quality of different models.
mIOU refers to the overlap rate of the generated candidate boxes and the original
marker boxes, that is, the ratio between the intersection and the union. A greater mIOU

means a better segmentation result. Let pii denote the number of correct elements predicted,
pij represent the number of ones with the true values of i and the predicted value of j, pji
be the number of ones with the true values of j and the predicted value of i, and k mean
the number of categories to be classified. Then, the mIOU could be expressed as follows:
mIOU = 1 k + 1 k∑i=0 pii ∑kj=0 pij + ∑kj=0 pji − pii . (11) As a measurement function of set similarity, the Dice coefficient can be used to calculate the similarity between the segmentation images and ground truth. A larger mDC stands for a better segmentation result. Let Prep f inal represent the segmentation result of image p, GTp final denote the ground truth of image p, and N represent the number of training samples. Then, the mDC could be expressed in the following form: mDC = Dice(Prep f inal, GTp f inal) = ∑Np=1 |Prep f inal ∩ GTp| ∑Np=1(|Prep
f inal| + |GTp|) mIOU = 1 k + 1 k∑i=0 pii ∑kj=0 pij + ∑kj=0 pji − pii .(11)利用骰子系数作为集合相似度的测量函数,可以用来计算分割图像与地面真实值之间的相似度。分割的mDC越大,分割效果越好。设Prep f inal表示图像p的分割结果,GTp f分别表示图像p的地面真实值,N表示训练样本的数量。然后,mDC可以以以下形式表达: mDC =骰子(准备最终,GTp最终)=∑Np=1|准备最终∩GTp|∑Np=1(|准备f inal| + |GTp|)

4.3. Ablation Study
In this subsection, we first explore the effect of different erasing methods and erasing
thresholds on network performance. Then, we verify the effectiveness of multi-scale dilated
convolution UNet and the fusion process. Finally, we compare our model with the previous
state-of-the-art models to demonstrate the superiority of our model.
4.3.1. Ablation Study on the Method of Erasing
Firstly, we discuss the influence and the necessary the erasing method on the performance of C-UNet. We use two erasing methods after the first module of UNet to obtain
the first segmentation result. The first one was threshold erasing, represented as C-UNetthreshold (i.e., C-UNet). In this method, we set the threshold with 0.7 in advance, and then
erase the pixels in the segmentation result that greater the threshold to get the segmentation
results after erasing. The other one was random bounding box block erasing [51], expressed
as C-UNet-random. In this method, we use a rectangular box with random size and all
pixels of 0 to randomly block a certain region in the segmentation result, so as to achieve
the purpose of erasing. Besides, we omit the erasing method after the first module and
represented the model as C-UNet_no_erase. The specific experimental results of these
three methods are shown in Table 1, Figures 9 and 10.
table 1. Results of different erasing methods.

Figure 9. Line chart of C-UNet with different erasing methods
Figure 10. The segmentation results of three different methods.
From Table 1, Figures 9 and 10, we can find that:
(1) The values of mIOU and mDC obtained by C-UNet-random were 0.613 and 0.739,
while the values of mIOU and mDC obtained by C-UNet-threshold were 0.635 and
0.758, respectively. Comparing to the result of C-UNet-random, the results of C-UNetthreshold were improved by 0.021 and 0.017, respectively. It is possibly because the
more obvious segmentation regions in the segmentation results of the first module
were erased by threshold erasing method, making the UNet in the third module, i.e.,
the multi-scale dilated convolution UNet, pay more attention to those targeted regions
that were difficult to be segmented.
(2) The rectangular box random erasing method used different rectangular boxes to
randomly erase the segmentation results in the first module. At this time, the erasing
area layout was not targeted, directly making the UNet segmentation in the third
module be purposeless. Therefore, fixed erasing could help improve the segmentation
performance of C-UNet.
(3) The values of mIOU and mDC obtained by C-UNet were, respectively, 0.635 and 0.758,
which were improved by 0.006 to the result of C-UNet_no_erase (0.629 and 0.752 for
mIOU and mDC, respectively). It was indicated that better segmentation results were
obtained in C-UNet with erasing process than C-UNet without erasing process, i.e.,
the erasing process was necessary to improve the performance of C-UNet.
4.3.2. Ablation Study on the Threshold of Erasing
Secondly, we explore the influence of different erasing thresholds on the segmentation
performance of C-UNet. The erasing thresholds of 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 were selected, in turn, and the corresponding segmentation results of C-UNet were obtained. The specific experimental results are shown in Table 2, Figures 11 and 12. Table 2. Performance of C-UNet with different erasing thresholds
Table 2. Performance of C-UNet with different erasing thresholds.
Figure 11. Line chart of C-UNet with different erasing thresholds
Based on Table 2, Figures 11 and 12, under the thresholds of 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9, the mIOU
obtained by C-UNet were 0.632, 0.635, and 0.636, respectively, and the mDC obtained by
C-UNet were 0.755, 0.758, and 0.756, respectively. With the threshold of 0.7, the mIOU and
mDC obtained by C-UNet were 0.635 and 0.758, respectively, higher than the results when
the threshold was 0.5. Relatively to the results under threshold of 0.9, mIOU decreased by
0.001, while mDC increased by 0.02. Therefore, the threshold of 0.7 was finally selected as
the erasing threshold in the study after comprehensive consideration of the results.

图12。具有不同消除阈值的C-UNet的最终结果。4.3.3.随后,我们对MD-UNet的有效性进行了讨论。对于第三个模块中的UNet的选择,我们使用了UNet [38]、非本地Block [52]、FCN [29]和MD-UNet [43]进行实验。因此,我们得到了四种不同的模型,分别表示为UNet_UNet、UNet_Non-local、UNet_FCN和UNet_MD-UNet(即C-UNet)。表3,图13和图14显示了它们的结果。表3.在第三个模块中,具有不同模型的C-UNet的分割结果。
Figure 12. The final results of C-UNet with different erasing thresholds.
4.3.3. Ablation Study on Dilated UNet
Later on, we argue about the effectiveness of MD-UNet. For the selection of UNet
in the third module, UNet [38], Non-local Block [52], FCN [29], and MD-UNet [43] were
used for experiments. Therefore, we got four different models represented as UNet_UNet,
UNet_Non-local, UNet_FCN, and UNet_MD-UNet (i.e., C-UNet), respectively. Table 3,
Figures 13 and 14 show their results.
Table 3. Segmentation results of C-UNet with different models in the third module.

As shown in Table 3, Figures 13 and 14, the values of mIOU obtained by UNet_UNet,
UNet_Non-local, UNet_FCN, and UNet_MD-UNet(C-UNet) was 0.622, 0.615, 0.606, and
0.635, respectively, and the results of mDC obtained by them was 0.744, 0.739, 0.730, and
0.758, in turn. UNet_MD-UNet(C-UNet) obtained the highest mIOU and mDC, respectively,
possibly because multi-scale dilated convolution could fuse feature images from different
scales and obtain more detailed segmentation results in the decoder.

Figure 13. Bar graph of segmentation results of C-UNet with different models in the second stage

Figure 14. The final results of C-UNet with different models in the second stage.
4.3.4. Ablation Study on the Fusion
Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness of fusion module of C-UNet. We compare the
segmentation results of the first module (i.e., UNet) of C-UNet, the third module (i.e.,
MD-UNet) of C-UNet, and the segmentation results after fusing the results of the two
modules. Table 4, Figures 15 and 16 show the corresponding results.
Table 4. Comparison of results before and after fusion

As seen from Table 4, Figures 15 and 16, the values of mIOU and mDC corresponding
to the UNet in the first module were 0.614 and 0.738, respectively, and those corresponding
to the MD-UNet in the third module were 0.618 and 0.743, respectively. Besides, finally, the
fusion module got mIOU and mDC of 0.635 and 0.758, 2.1% higher than that of UNet and
1.7% higher than that of MD-UNet. This indicates that it is necessary to fuse the results of
two different modules.

Figure 15. Line chart of results before and after fusion.
4.4. Comparison of C-UNet with Other Models in Remote Sensing Image Road Extraction
In this subsection, we verify the effectiveness of the C-UNet method by comparing
it with existing models. The state-of-the-art models in the previous remote sensing road
segmentation task, namely UNet [38], ResUNet [36], AttUNet [37], and DinkNet34 [43]
were selected for comparison. The corresponding results are shown in Table 5, and the
corresponding segmentation examples are listed in Figures 17 and 18.
As seen from Table 5 and Figures 17 and 18, the values of mIOU obtained by UNet [38],
ResUNet [36], AttUNet [37], DinkNet34 [43], and C-UNet were 0.599, 0.600, 0.616, 0.607,
and 0.635, respectively, and the corresponding value of mDC was 0.725, 0.721, 0.740,
0.733, and 0.758, respectively. C-UNet obtained the highest mIOU and mDC, respectively.
Compared with the results of the other 4 models, the mIOU obtained by C-UNet was
improved by 0.036, 0.035, 0.019, and 0.028, respectively, and mDC was improved by 0.033,
0.037, 0.018, and 0.025, respectively. Meanwhile, C-UNet obviously got better segmentation
results than the other four model, especially for small roads. Therefore, C-UNet obtained
better results than other models and achieved state-of-the-art results.
4.3.在本小节中,我们通过对C-UNet方法与现有模型的比较,验证了C-UNet方法的有效性。我们选择了之前的遥感道路分割任务中最先进的模型,即UNet [38]、ResUNet [36]、AttUNet [37]和DinkNet34 [43]进行比较。对应的结果如表5所示,对应的分割示例如图17、图18所示。从表5和图17和图18可以看出,UNet [38]、ResUNet [36]、AttUNet [37]、DinkNet34 [43]和C-UNet得到的mIOU值分别为0.599、0.600、0、0.616、0.607和0.635,mDC值分别为0.725、0.721、0.740、0.733和0.758。C-UNet分别获得了最高的mIOU和mDC。与其他4个模型相比,C-UNet得到的mIOU分别提高了0.036、0.035、0.019和0.028,mDC分别提高了0.033、0.037、0.018和0.025。同时,C-UNet明显得到了比其他四种模型更好的分割结果,尤其是在小型道路上。因此,C-UNet
Table 5. Performance of different models

Figure 16. Image of results before and after fusion
Figure 17. Line chart of different model performance

Figure 18. Segmentation results of different models.
5. Discussion
This section first identifies the simulation of our work and the organization of this paper, then discusses the open research lines generated by this work, establishing a roadmap
图18。不同模型的分割结果。 5.本节首先确定了我们工作的模拟和本文的组织,然后讨论了由本工作产生的开放研究线,建立了一个路线图
for future works and improvements. These can be concluded in four aspects: simulation of
our work, the structure of this paper, further research and application of our work.
5.1. Simulation of Our Work
In order to implement the model, we use Python and the open source neural network
library Pytorch.
For the image processing, we first split a remote sensing image into 9 subimages,
which saves memory space while training the model; then, we shuffle the images to finish
the image processing.
For building the model C-UNet, we first employ the UNet model to get the first
segmentation result. Secondly, we use the fixed threshold erasing method to erase the
obvious segmentation regions. Thirdly, we construct the MD-UNet to do the second
segmentation. Finally, we fusion the results of the first and the second segmentation.
For the loss function, we use the traditional binary cross-entropy loss, the road part in
the segmentation results is 1, and the non-road part is 0. For the parameter part of C-UNet,
we use the Adam optimizer to optimize, the learning rate is set to 0.0002, the epoch is set to
15, and the learning rate in the 9th stage becomes 10 times of the original. Our code runs on
Tesla K40. In order to visualize the results (after the network was trained and tested), we
use the matplotlib library. For the obtained segmentation feature map, we reset the image
larger than 0.5 to 255, and we reset the other parts to 0 for visualization.
5.2. The Structure of this Paper
This paper includes six parts. They are Introduction, UNet, C-UNet, Experimental
Results, Discussion, and Conclusions, respectively.
Specifically, in the Introduction section, we first explained the significance of road
extraction and pointed out the challenge of road extraction. Then, we analyzed the methods proposed for road extraction from remote sensing images, summarized the existing
problems, and presented our method.
Secondly, in the UNet section, we briefly introduced the overall architecture of UNet,
and then gave the specific parameter values of UNet. This is the basis of our model.
第四,Thirdly, in the C-UNet section, we first gave an overall depiction of C-UNet, including
第五,its flowchart, the model framework, and mathematical description. Later on, we described
第六,the four modules successively in detail. Finally, we introduced the loss function in the
第七,training process.
第八,Fourthly, in the Experimental results section, we first described the public dataset
第九,used in our experiments. Then, we specified the implementation details and the evaluation
第十,indicators. Later on, we conducted a series of ablation studies to evaluate the effectiveness
第十一,of each module of our model. Finally, we compared it with other four state-of-the-art
第十二,methods on road segmentation from remote sensing images.
第十三,Fifthly, in the Discussion section, we explained the simulation of our model and point
out the future research, as well as showed the applications of our model.
Finally, in the Conclusion section, we give a conclusion of our work, analyzed the
第十四,reason of its better performance, and pointed out the future research direction.
5.3. Further Research
In the future, we will take C-UNet as a more general model and further improve
its performance from two aspects. One is to combine with the attention scheme to select
important features to segment the roads. Attention is the main means of the brain nervous
system to solve the problem of information overload. It is a resource allocation scheme
in the case of limited computing power, which allocates computing resources to more
important information. With the help of attention scheme, we can guide C-UNet to pay
more attention on roads, while ignoring other objects, such as buildings, rivers, cars, etc.
The other is to simplify its parameters with the light-weight methods, with the purpose
of real-time segmentation. To improve the representation ability of C-UNet, we need to
build a deep enough architecture and design a complex enough network structure. This
means a long model training cycle and more machine memory. Therefore, it is a problem
worthy of further study to build a lightweight model and to speed up the convergence of
the model.
5.4. Application of C-UNet
This work has many applications. First, it is often difficult to acquire ground information in disaster relief if the ground object targets in the natural disasters (such as
earthquakes, landslides, and torrential rain) are seriously damaged. This work can help to
analyze the disaster situation quickly and conveniently. Secondly, roads play an important
role in urban development, and this work can assist the government in road planning.
Last but not least, considering the high similarity between roads and retinas, this work
can be directly employed to extract retinas from medical images, helping doctors to better
diagnose and treat diseases.

6.6. Conclusions
7.In this paper, we proposed a new model for road extraction in remote sensing images.
8.Our proposed model includes four modules to extract the road information successively,
9.which is demonstrated to be more suitable for extracting road information from highresolution remote sensing images. With the help of complementary learning, a standard
10.UNet is utilized to extract relatively obvious roads, and then the MD-UNet is introduced
11.to extract complement and finer road information. Utilizing the multi-scale dilated convolution, MD-UNet can increase the receptive field without reducing the resolution of
12.the feature map. This makes it better cope with different width, length, and shapes of
13.roads. Ablation studies indicated that the proposed model and its submodules were effective. Comparative experiments showed that the proposed model outperformed the
14.state-of-the-art methods.
15.In the future, we will extend the proposed C-UNet to segment different types of roads,
16.such as forest and gravel roads. Besides, we will take it as a more general model to combine
17.with attention-based methods and light-weight methods to make its performance better.
Author Contributions: Software, Writing—original draft, Y.H.; Writing—review, editing, Z.L.;
Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing—review, editing, T.Z.; Supervision, Y.L. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61876010,
61806013, 61906005), and Scientific and Technology Program Municipal Education Commission
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank the editors and reviewers for their valuable advise.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.



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