多个线程访问一个 ArrayList

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-24 04:36:10
本文介绍了多个线程访问一个 ArrayList的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我有一个 ArrayList 用于缓冲数据,以便其他线程可以读取它们

i have an ArrayList that's used to buffer data so that other threads can read them

这个数组不断地有数据添加到它,因为它从一个 udp 源读取,其他线程不断地从那个数组中读取.然后从数组中删除数据.

this array constantly has data added to it since it's reading from a udp source, and the other threads constantly reading from that array.Then the data is removed from the array.


this is not the actual code but a simplified example :

 public class PacketReader implements Runnable{

   pubic static ArrayList<Packet> buffer = new ArrayList() ;
    public void run(){
    //read from udp source and add data to the array

 public class Player implements Runnable(){

 public void run(){

 //read packet from buffer
 //decode packets

 // now for the problem :

 PacketReader.buffer.remove(the packet that's been read);

remove() 方法从数组中移除数据包,然后将所有右侧的数据包向左移动以覆盖空白.

The remove() method removes packets from the array and then shifts all the packets on the right to the left to cover the void.

我担心的是:由于缓冲区不断地被多个线程添加和读取,remove() 方法是否会产生问题,因为它必须将数据包向左移动?

My concern is : since the buffer is constantly being added to and read from by multiple threads , would the remove() method make issues since its gonna have to shift packets to the left?

我的意思是,如果在该数组列表上调用 .add() 或 .get() 方法,同时进行转换会不会有问题?

i mean if .add() or .get() methods get called on that arraylist at the same time that shift is being done would it be a problem ?

我有时确实会得到索引越界异常,它类似于:索引:100 大小 300,这很奇怪,因为索引在大小范围内,所以我想知道这是否可能导致问题,或者我应该寻找其他问题.

i do get index out of bounds exception sometimes and its something like : index : 100 size 300 , which is strange cuz index is within size , so i want to know if this is what may possibly be causing the problem or should i look for other problems .



听起来您真正想要的是 BlockingQueue.ArrayBlockingQueue 可能是个不错的选择.如果你需要一个无界队列并且不关心额外的内存使用(相对于ArrayBlockingQueue),LinkedBlockingQueue 也有效.

It sounds like what you really want is a BlockingQueue. ArrayBlockingQueue is probably a good choice. If you need an unbounded queue and don't care about extra memory utilization (relative to ArrayBlockingQueue), LinkedBlockingQueue also works.

它允许您以线程安全且高效的方式将项目推入和弹出.这些推送和弹出的行为可能不同(当您尝试推送到一个完整队列或从一个空队列弹出时会发生什么?),并且 BlockingQueue 接口的 JavaDocs 有一个表格显示所有这些行为都很好.

It lets you push items in and pop them out, in a thread-safe and efficient way. The behavior of those pushes and pops can differ (what happens when you try to push to a full queue, or pop from an empty one?), and the JavaDocs for the BlockingQueue interface have a table that shows all of these behaviors nicely.

线程安全的List(无论它来自synchronizedList 还是CopyOnWriteArrayList)实际上还不够,因为您的用例使用经典的检查然后行动模式,这本质上是活泼的.考虑这个片段:

A thread-safe List (regardless of whether it comes from synchronizedList or CopyOnWriteArrayList) isn't actually enough, because your use case uses a classic check-then-act pattern, and that's inherently racy. Consider this snippet:

if(!list.isEmpty()) {
    Packet p = list.remove(0); // remove the first item

即使 list 是线程安全的,这种用法也不是!如果 list 在if"检查期间有一个元素,但在你到达 remove(0) 之前另一个线程将其删除怎么办?

Even if list is thread-safe, this usage is not! What if list has one element during the "if" check, but then another thread removes it before you get to remove(0)?


You can get around this by synchronizing around both actions:

Pattern p;
synchronized (list) {
    if (list.isEmpty()) {
        p = null;
    } else {
        p = list.remove(0);
if (p != null) {
    process(p);  // we don't want to call process(..) while still synchronized!

不过,与 BlockingQueue 相比,这效率较低且需要更多代码,因此没有理由这样做.

This is less efficient and takes more code than a BlockingQueue, though, so there's no reason to do it.

这篇关于多个线程访问一个 ArrayList的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持IT屋!



本文发布于:2023-04-16 09:45:36,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:多个   线程   ArrayList


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